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ESSENTIALS OF SOCIOLOGY ¢ fifth edition Anthony Giddens ( LONDON scHoaL OF ECONOMICS Mitchell Duneier cry UuweRsiry oF NEW York PRINCETON UNIVERSITY Richard P. Appelbaum UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, Deborah Carr RUTGERS UNIVERSITY DT W.W. NORTON & COMPANY hasten indepen liste founding in 823 when ‘Wan Warder Norton as Mary D, Herts Neron Set pian etre elie {Fp Itt he at eduction vis of Nee York ty Cope Union The Srmanen expe ronan beyoo the Inte piching bk elebrate as {emictom Arlen ro By mien the two naj plats of Neto ob Tshing porn trade bok adele exter rm erased 1s Ue 1508, ‘hetero ly transfered ol th eompany tots oye, nd tdy—vith ‘Siafattae ued sd nesmnrbie cue oreo pions ee ‘in ont ear W Norton & Company stand hela and lest publi Inghoe owned aly by itromploeee Corsi © 2015, 2012 201, 2008 by Antony Oden, Mitel Dune Richard ‘Appa, nd Daboeh Cate ‘opprignt ©2006 Antony Gens, Mchsl Dnvk and aha Apenar Allghsteeeed Printed the United State of Ameen ‘Armor Nas Sema Projet Bo Diane Cpa Manning tr, College Meri Scbnaon Manag ator Calle Dil Modi Kin i Prodostion Manager Vince Ntry Matin Hen Conell ‘Aste Mdina Lara Mle Masking ager Julia al Design Diet Hap Mile Goodell Pinto Eatr Stephanielameo Peritan Mnager Mega deckon Infotin Grapes asin Kar Met Ph LC New York Companion. Gre Woe Manufring Carer Kendal ‘Theeatof the bons composed i Seine! withthe dap tn Gotham, brat Cone Catalin Paintin Data ‘ownlle of sclog / Antony Gin Mil Danae, Ricard P Appear, DeieahCaryFithedon Revisn eon sunt foc / Anthony Gens al] the “nls opraphia fencer index. ISBN 970.280 9745-0(gbe all po) 1 Soko. LT “ines os22015, .W.W. Norton Company. tne, 500 Fifth Aten, New Yee. 1010 ‘W.W Norton & Company Li Cnt Toe 79/70 Welle Sia Lanon WAT SOT contents PREFACE XV CHAPTER 1 Sociology: Theory and Method 2 WHAT IS THE “SOCIOLOGICAL IMAGINATION"? 5 tying Sociology 7 «Developing Globsl Perspective 7 + Understanding WHAT THEORIES Do SOCIOLOGISTS USE? ‘Theories and Theoretical Approaches Etly Theor 9» Dil Lil: lying ‘os vr! 10 = Neglected Founders» Neder Theoretical Aporches “lobaliaton bythe Numbers Key Works in Sociology 1 «Theoret Thinking Inseciclogy 19+ Lave of Anais Meroroclogy and Macrovocclogy 20, WHAT KINDS OF QUESTIONS CAN SOCIOLOGISTS ANSWER? 21 WHAT ARE THE SEVEN STEPS OF THE RESEARCH PROCESS? 22 {itrpret tho Reus 24» 7. Reporte Findings 24 WHAT RESEARCH METHODS DO SOCIOLOGISTS USE? 25 [Etnnooraphy 25 «Surveys 27 Experiments 29 Comparative Ressarch 29+ isto nats WHAT ETHICAL DILEMMAS DO SOCIOLOGISTS FACE? 21 NOW DOES THE SOCIOLOGICAL IMAGINATION AFFECT YOUR LIFE? 35, The Big Petre 56 Contents CHAPTER 2 Culture and Society 38 war is cueTuRe? 41 HOW DOES HUMAN CULTURE DEVELOP? 45 Catre: Adapation to Physical Enionment 47» Nate or Nurture? 47 How WHAT HAPPENED TO PREMODERNSOCIETIES? 57 Tho Ears Societies: Hunters nd Gatherer 57 «Pastoral and Agrarian ‘Sovletes = TadioalSocetes or Cizatore 8 HOW HAS INDUSTRIALIZATION SHAPE MODERN SOCIETY? 59 HOW DOES GLOBALIZATION AFFECT CONTEMPORARY CULTURE? 64 ‘es the internt Prom a labs Cuts? 65» clbalzaton bythe urs naret Connectivity 67» Globalization and tes! Cutures 68 + How CHAPTER 3 Socialization, the Life Course, and Aging 72 WOW ARE CHILDREN SOCIALIZED? 75 Theories of Child Development 75» Agents of Sciazation 77» Soil Roles 80+ \WHAT ARE THE FIVE MAJOR STAGES OF THE LIFE COURSE? 85 e106 ae" 88 How Do PEOPLE AGE? 90 Erpanatins 30 + Distal ite Projecting Your Future 92 WHAT ARE THE CHALLENGES OF AGING IN THE UNITED STATES? 94 Heath Problems 95 + Eter Abuse 7» Socal lon $7 «Prejudes 98 CHAPTER 4 Social Interaction and Everyday Life in the Age of the Internet 102 WHAT IS SOCIAL INTERACTION? 104 HOW Do WE MANAGE IMPRESSIONS IN DAILY LIFE? 108, HOW 00 TIME AND SPACE AFFECT OUR INTERACTIONS? 12 HOW D0 THE RULES OF SOCIAL INTERACTION AFFECT YOUR LIFE? 128 CHAPTER 5 Groups, Networks, and Organizations 128 WHAT ARE SOCIAL GROUPS? 150 13. Gows Online 54» Type of Leadership 1 Canormiy 1 HOW D0 WEBENEFIT FROM SOCIALNETWORKS? 138 The tenet 9 Soci Network 1 HOW DO ORGANIZATIONS FUNCTION? 40 IS BUREAUCRACY AN OUTDATED MODEL? 45 Contents Contents CHAPTER 6 Conformity, Deviance, and Crime 156 \WHATIS DEVIANT BEHAVIOR? 159 WHY D0 PEOPLE COMMIT DEVIANT ACTS? 161 ‘Thorls 16 enfrcament Teores 166» Conflt Theory 167 + symbole [WHOSE LIVES ARE AFFECTED BY CRIME? 175, ence and Crime 174 Youth and Crime 175 «Crimes of the Powerful 75 HOW CAN CRIME BE REDUCED? 180 How DO CRIME AND DEVIANCE AFFECT YOUR LIFE? 188 The Big Petre 80 CHAPTER 7 Stratification, Class, and Inequality 192 WHAT IS SOCIAL STRATIFICATION? 195 Sry 15 Caste Stems 196» Cas 17 + Th HOW IS SOCIAL CLASS DEFINED IN THE UNITED STATES? 201 Income 202 Glbolzaton by the Number: Income Inagualty 205 Wealth 204» \WWAT ARE THE CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES OF SOCIAL INEQUALITY INTHE UNITED STATES? "212 HOW DOES POVERTY AFFECTINDIVIDUALS? 216 HOW DOES SOCIAL INEQUALITY AFFECT YOUR LIFE? 226, CHAPTER 8 Global Inequality 230 WHATIS GLOBALINEQUALITY?. 234 Inequality 288 » Middle income Countris 258 Low-Income Countries 237 + WHAT IS DAILY LIFELIKE IN RICH VERSUS POOR COUNTRIES? 258 HOW DO SOCIOLOGICAL THEORIES EXPLAIN GLOBAL INEQUALITY? 243 247 State-Centared theonas 249 Evuting Gaba Thais eau 29" HOW DOES GLOBAL INEQUALITY AFFECT YOURLIFE? 251 The Big Picture 254 CHAPTER 9 Gender inequ: [ARE GENDER DIFFERENCES DUE TO NATURE, NURTURE, OR ROTH? 259 ‘of Gander 261+ Gonder lent in veryny Lite 262 Ping rom Other 256 How Do GENDER INEQUALITIES AFFECT SOCIAL INSTITUTIONS? 265 Eeaeaton 266+ vlomen and he Workolce 268+ Ineguniis at Work 269 “lobaization by he Number: Gender Inoquity 279 = Rape 280 Seat WHAT ARE THE GLOBAL CONSEQUENCES OF GENDER INEQUALITY? 205 Contents Contents CHAPTER 10 Ethnicity and Race 290 WHAT ARE RACE AND ETHNICITY? 298 acm 295+ PeycholoicalInerereations of Proxsice and Dcrminaton 295, How DO ETHNIC GROUPS COEXIST AND COMPETE? 257 ‘Confct 299: Modes of ti tegration 299 + Conf and Economie Power 300 \Wity DO ETHNIC GROUPS MIGRATE? 300 opts So = lobe Disporas S03 HOW 00 ETHNIC MINORITIES EXPERIENCE LIFE INTHE UNED STATES? "S08 Contr 306 Aan Aericane nthe United tates S08 United tater 309 The Azan Connection 3 Educational Atanment 32 Employment ad income 35+ Heath 8+ CHAPTER TI Families and Intimate Relationships 324 HOW D0 SOCIOLOGICAL THEORIES CHARACTERIZE FAMILIES? 328 HOW HAVE FAMILIES CHANGED OVER TIME? 331 \WWAt D0 MARRIAGE AND FAMILY IN THE UNITED STATES LOOK LIKE ‘van american Fanos 829 + Class andthe Ameren Famly $40» Divorce Remorrage ond Stepparentng £45» Snale-Paret Housaholds 345 WHY DOES FAMILY VIOLENCE HAPPEN? 347 Family Violence 367 CHAPTER 12 Education and Religion 356 .WHY ARE EDUCATION AND LITERACY SO IMPORTANT? 389 WHAT IS THE LINKAGE BETWEEN EDUCATION AND INEQUALITY? 362, HOW Do SOCIOLOGISTS THINK ABOUT RELIGION? 378 HOW DOES RELIGION AFFECT LIFE THROUGHOUT THE WORLD? #79, HOW DOES RELIGION AFFECT YOUR LIFEIN THE UNITED STATES? 383 CHAPTER 13 Politics and Economic Life 392 WHAT IS TERRORISH? 409 WHAT IS THE SOCIAL SIGNIFICANCE OF WORK? 4m Contents xi Contents HOW DOES WORK AFFECT EVERYDAY LIFETODAY? 421, ‘ork and Technology 421- Trends inthe Occupation! Struts 425 + {obatzation bythe Numbers Unemployment Rates 425 » Unemployment 26 + CHAPTER 14 The Sociology of the Body: Health, Illness, and Sexuality 430 HOW DOES SOCIAL CONTEXT AFFECT THE HUMAN BODY? 435, HOW DO SOCIOLOGISTS UNDERSTAND HEALTH ANDILLNESS? 438 HOW DO SOCIAL FACTORS AFFECT HEALTH AND ILLNESS? 404 fen 45 GudorBuedinemaornteathag nn [WHAT CAUSES INFECTIOUS DISEASES IN DEVELOPING NATIONS? 448 ‘evlopng Word 44 umen imuneceeny ius CHV) an Aces tmun oeesneySyatne (DS 650 ow DOES SOCIAL CONTEXT SHAPE HUMAN SEXUAL BEHAVIOR? 452 ‘Tha Overs of Human Sevuaty 452 = Globalization by the Numbers: Sex ‘Gib Snapshot #53 + Sexalty in Westy Cute 484» Sem] Bohov: Kinsey Std) 454+ Seal Behavior snca Knee 455» Sexual Orntation 46 + CHAPTER 15 Urbanization, Population, and the Environment 464 How D0 cITIEs DEVELOP AND EVOLVE? 467 {ces in Teadona Societies 467+ Incustilzation and Urbanization 8 + Theories of Urbanism 469 HOW D0 RURAL, SUBURBAN, ANO URBAN LIFE DIFFER IN THE UNITED stares? 473 ‘Th Decne of rl Arrca? 474 Suburbarzalion 47S - UrbonProblams 476+ HOW DOES URBANIZATION AFFECT LIFE ACROSS THE GLOBE? 478 Developing Word 480 « clabalzaton bythe Numbers Urbanaation 48) WHAT ARE THE FORCES BEHIND WORLD POPULATION GROWTH? 483 Population Analyst: Demography 484» pynanics of Population Change 486 + HOW D0 URBANIZATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES AFFECT your rer 401 Enoray 404 » Sustainable Development 424 » Prospects fr Change 438 «Dil CHAPTER 16 Globalization in a ‘Changing World 500 HOW DOES GLOBALIZATION AFFECT SOCIAL CHANGE? $02 ‘Tho Physieal Evonment 505 - Pelties! Organization S05 Cue S05 + WHAT COMES AFTER MODERN INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY? #07 WHAT ARE SOCIAL MOVEMENTS? 509, WHAT FACTORS CONTRIBUTE TO GLOBALIZATION? 516 HOW DOES GLOBALIZATION AFFECT YOURLIFE? 525, The Rise of individual 525 Work Paterns 525» Pookar Culture S26 + bythe Muenbar The Widening Gap 531 GLOSSARY AI BIBLIOGRAPHY Als CREDITS AS INDEX A47 INDEX OF INFOGRAPHICS A59 Contents xi c preface bli tht soil lays an essential role in modern ines ckureand occupies central pce within tho sci acne, We ave med to writen book thst merge clase saciloical theories with to-the-minate soca sues that interest seilgits ty” We soo belive tht fcciolopets mus se rigorous vesearch msthods in onrt sty and understand human behavior. We bihlit ndings fom ethnographic studs to documant he hws and whys osc behavior, alan present cent tts dat todos ‘ment important social trends. We ato present materia in sland tld ‘wy. Although eso th authorshar is or her own petapectivcn scl thei, methods an soil policy, we have worked hued a ensure tht or tvatrnt ised nd nor parian, Westrivetopresntthe mort completpctureatsarnogy poole, Giventhe vast arty oops ena by aeilogy weet wo made Aiticttehoee about whstthemortosentil oiesinsoilagy atta Wehope renders re engaged intrigued, ad cessonally nein bythe ee presented In thisbook ABOUT THE ESSENTIALS EDITION ‘ThePREAitionof seal Sco ibaed onthe Neth Edo four bes: sallng txt, nrodutianta Satlgy We crested the Essentials aon for insta {ocsand students who arelbokngorbrefrbokthat can tins conpeezed ac: ‘smi ached Wo hav reduced the length afte book by ough one-thed end fousthochapterson the core dean ofserislogy, wile stllzetniingthe themes tht yeni the tats oarefl ncn MAJOR THEMES. ‘The books constructed around for basic themes that provide its character. The west the i ppying sociology to everyday if. Sociologia thinking enables Preface x Preface self understanding which n turn cane frase backonan improved understand= ‘ng ofthe oa wo Stiyingocilogy can bealiberating experince expands cour sympathies and imagination opens wp new prepectieson the sourex of our ‘wnthivion an orest anaarenaes of cultural antag diferent om our ow, ‘Sociologia ideas challenge dogs, tech appeeclationofcltral varity. andallow ‘slong noth working soil nations Ata mare rata lve tho txt howehow soilogclconopt ate and oer dy by American workers Making Sociology Werk” bone) how technology alets ur dll experiences pew Distal fe sections. and how scttl tend ary fom place to place "ablation by the Numbers ll pgs nfoaraphice ‘Our secu theme inequalities. Throughout to txt, we highlight that imgor- tan esoutoemater education, health income otal support—are net fat rove tuted inledunln Webiglight the way that endo, oca laa, an shape ily ie inthe United Staten We alo pay keen ttonton {o lbl inequaltin and eeu ow differnees in sconomie and even naturale sores throaghoat the world pawerflynfuene even ery personal experienos— ‘nclainghealth igi, andelatonsips. ‘Athi theme af he bok tht of soil an strc contest. Socklgy Was ‘orn ofthe transformation thst wrenshod the inustrializing soll cedar of the ‘Wort amy from the lifrtyee characters of earlier soci. Tho pace of so- al ange as contined to aoserts, and its peel that we now’ stand onthe ‘hresholi of ranitions a aigulcatas tobe that ocarzed in thea sehen tnd inetoonth centres. Solelogy has the pime report fer charting ho ‘transformations fou aut nd for groping tho malo line of developmen taking lsc td Outuerstanding ofthe past ales contrhutes a our understanding lnateaonein the present an ure "The fourth fundamental tere ofthe book x labalization For fr to ane 90- ‘tnlogy her eos dosnsted bythe view that onatis canbe stu independent tettin Bt oven tho past, eoketes ever eal erste nization, ody wean eo cea saceleration in processes of dba inteation, This obvious fr exam ‘ion the expel of international inde acon the worl Th ephal on Tnliton also canect sly with tho weight given tothe interdependence ofthe indutilined and developing wordt. Despite thse interconnections, howeuws, societies have their own dietintve asibte,traitions and experienoas, Soilog cant be taught sey by unde. “tanding th ineittions of any ove partons rocisty, While we ave slanted out Aiscuason toward the United State, we have lg Dlanced t with rch variety ‘of material dav from otbrregions—eapecaly those ndering rapid social ‘hang sch asthe Mid ast, Ai, Aiea and Eastora Europe, Thbookclsoin- ‘es tch nore matalalon dvlopingonsteies thes har bees ural eedue- “All th haptre Sn the Bok haveoen updated and revised to reflect ho mest recent anal datn Each chapter open witha cntamporry news event orzo {rendringng ftom the toet les andconingly tial ikea youngboy schoiceot Hallowen costume) othe most atl and profound chs thcatastrophiseart ‘quake ond Japon, Thar evens are wed to motivate nd explain tho ky sociloel concept, themes, ad studies that are labora throughout the ext. Other substamie changes ince Chapter 1 Goctology: Theory and Method) opens by vecwunting the recent suiies of middleecoler Devin Brown and fifteen-year-old Adie Pot, bth ‘etn bullying. some of which ao lar online. These tiny atl tagledeths roused to ihstrate kay principles of ecole theory and research methods Data on cllege student onl and valce are revised to refot the mor eet sues. andthe discussion of ballvingfoouses moe anit growing eyber ide The Digital Life box Bullying Goes Viral” peaks to cyberbulying app ike Ualy Mer sod Back OM Bly and thet Gt Bator Chapter (Cultureand Society) boys with discussion ofthe plight of Pussy "lo, the mashed punk rook prover band that his gained an ternational fallow Ing frit condertontion of Russie stance on sua of LGBT and wemen'sights anditchallngesto the Ruston OrthodorChureh Thisseguesintomosingot how the Internet has helped foster such gets of revolution romgted by laser of ul tural atone chapter ala inl petod data on internet ge throu ‘he wold and aio at ole dterninon ew hey tern, he Dig ie box" Tho Socret Power of Cltural Normand Vast abot the hgh op lar PostSecret wobste,which showease secrets ent anonymously on ane ede af star peopo from al wall fli Theinforaphioabou gob Itsaet on tivity has bon designed adits data update, (Chapter (Soclalization, the Life Course, and Aging How iclidea ses somo nee video ome efeton kid an he stryeftwo parents who decided, tothe ange af many not o reveal tht baby sex Iteutline ve besos of ‘adulthood an shows that uch stration fom adlescenoe has teen delayed in recent years and how definitions of "middle-age are changing as Wel New dat inthis chapter involves the spousal tuations fader men and women. Th Digital [Lifebox Projecting Your Future" loks a epplike AgingBoth, Ang Albu, az ‘Ago My Face, which allow see to Se what ld age hain store for them. To bat ‘we compare ie course ranstiansemang dierent oles, the new Globalization ‘the Numbersinfographic compres the mean goof fst sexual experiene, ret ‘areagy nd frat cildbithintan countie, ‘Chaptor4 (Soclal teraction and Everyday sfeinthe Age ofthe Intarnet) demonstrates through tho story ofthe futbllstar Mant Tet sadhiafsked cule gifiend, the ways that soil networking sites have drastically changed ‘sia internton Tho concepts of misroocislgy and agency are examined and the actions ofimpeeion managamen and ye contact are tad more n-th Highly relevant ations to this cater ae new sessions of Wikies and tre haraaomont The DigtalLfs box Dating sn Mating Online dzson on ine dating apps and websites ike Tint and St, the peo al cna there ‘An alnew Globalization by the Murer afegraphic highlights call phon segs seroma the word CChaptar (Geonps, Networks, and Organisations bose ith a soos ‘the lethal hating of drum major Robert Champion by fellow members of the ‘marching band of Florida ARM University, This story itrodvors the eocoog a eoncept of erou.” which the hands ations clearly demnteate, Similar this chapter point atthe groupthink involved in th Pen State sx use cease. The new pails of Yahoo CEO Marisa Mayer ae touched onto show that ‘women in the corporate world are til onthe oad ofthe male stork, and the company culture of Googe ie dserbed to show ts focus on iortin ad teamwork, Stutsties on Internet usage and telecommuting have been updated, Preface wil Preface slong with data of oltzens trast inthe government falling the NSA revel ‘ons of 201. The Digital Life box "Fund-Raising Goes Onlin” detlls the suc- ‘een of erowafunding apps and websites Ike Kiskstarter and Wats. The new ‘nfographe forth chapter highlights nonprofit work end rates of vluntoering ‘anlcted ooutris ‘Chapter 6 (Conformity, Deviance, and Crim opens withthe tao story of ‘he lethal shooting of Teayvon Martin in Febuary 2012 by George Zimmerman. A racially eed event, Martins death and Zimerman subeoqient eld ‘quit quickly became the center of reinvigorated discussion of ace elation the ‘etn your ground slfdfense sttute in Amarin Tie laminates current Ton of read desianes inching what deviant baavior i why peopl com: Iie, sl wnt the seta profi ermine rie vel ol ike Also aed more content about gun ownetshipandhatovimasintho United States, plas a deeper ok atthe ender gp and age range of Aneriean criminals ‘Thehaptar refines its weatmant af the conoepsaf eos and self peexpion. A Alon updsts statitce on mgicanment inthe United Staten and through ut the wor swell asthe rte of viet ert, eine reporting, vietimization, ti death peal zag nthe United State. The wcton on corporate eine no ihe the devastation collapse of Rana Paz. The Digit Life box The New ‘Wiaron rime” tall about eine detection and reporting appethat ean et oer re- ort exis, submit tie to pie o ven determine the ation of rapitared ex ffandere Data for the"Inarcaraton Rates” infgeapie ha alo been dete. Chapter 7 (Stratification, Class, and Inequality) opens ith «discussion ois Murray's autobiography dreaking Night (2010) which reacts how Li want ‘ombing yous homeless gel nthe Bronx tos Harvard-odwoutd graduate st ont, Her story ewido conv the concepts and patterns social mobility inthe Unite State nd elaewhere. This fit edition inewepratos mor attention ti *ieeofinanaltyaamsnifestednthegromingapbstweenAneearich and po, ‘usteted by ratacfollgatedanceand subprime homaloans, the ecupy Wall ‘Stet movement, andthe demorephiosof th middle class and working aoe New ‘ey tendfine haeto expand atadentssoilogel vocabulary ineluds ugk sound proletora cultura apt aoe ean pink lle Othe chap o ‘ures include updated stasis on education, income, oscaptins.andassetsinthe Unite estes (ithanemphastson rail disparities) and poverty rtetougout ‘he wold The Digital Life box CaaePros Vital Solty” drcussn social net ‘working apse The Right Stl snd God Parta'Town hat povideseareh results ‘sed on lass ino and the advantages or disadvantage of uch engines The new ‘Giotnliaton bythe Numbers infgrapiofo thie captrabedelight on income n- ‘equality thoughout the word end within the Unio State. ‘Chapter # (Global Ineaualits besine with» summary of wo devastating ee ‘cont event the earthquake Hat and Japan, Despite the raged of these nat- raldisstory, Haiti eonved fet merecharkabledonations fom Ameriansthdid Jape, lastrating the magnitude and impact of aba inequalities. Alongside ox ‘unples of seating poplin plac like Bangladesh and Zambia, the chapter peo ‘ies the moat urn dta.on economic nequlites througout the wood such at ‘malnorihment nth HIV/AIDS epdamic, 2nd on the impact f tes nequall- ‘efor peopl heslth nd well bng The discussion of te four theories of loa inoqualitybas lz been deepened bere, The Digital Life box"Can App Het Glebe Tnequalitis?™ooks tow smartphones are being traneformednt tots the bt: tle aginet HIV/AIDS in Ain States fr tho infograie on loa neasaity ow reethemost rece nog, ‘Chapter 9 (Gender Inequality opensvithasmmaryoftworesontcoust os sn brought agua the brokerage ft Merril Lynch, eh by thes female former employees who allege they wer tested dfferenty than ther malo colleagues "Thace awit reveal he ways that gander shapes one's expalatee inthe work lace including one's ey status, and interetians with coworkers The ehopter to inches new exanpee of gendered (or nom geet) sce throughout ‘the werd an add diousson oho gender divide in andatercallegs,anexpa don ofthe “he-cesion.“and mer emphasis onthe plasseeling and balancing paid ‘work with the second shift It pays increased attention to hegemoniamacliity, {mtersx infants and sexual hecsement and aru, Staite and lelation on the gender pay gp, work-family strategies, sex segregation is the workplace, ‘ander negates in politic nd outside ofthe Unit Sta, vile sit ‘women, an lta sender iogualies have bean updated. Phe Digital Lite box "hie a Her” Apps” expares the gender divide of app aod web ser, ke male-dominated Red wereusfemale- dominated Pnterea. To highlih gnder mogul cluey throughout the lobe, he inforaphic for thi chapehas been, reedasigedandits date peated. {Chapter 10 Ethnicity and Race) opens with asummatyofaedent Cheerios commercial fetuvingamieed-race family Unt garnered awit aca backlash, ‘head nd the acknowledgment that Americus of multiracial dati ae more populous than ever, roves a springboard for understanding the ways that 908 lssocilly constructed, and the ways that rae shapes voryday experiences uch asin the Naw York stop-and-eak policy, the death of Teayvon Martin, andthe ‘conflict ver education far undocumented immigrants. New key terms include hory of atl formation, scent race, and refgee Additional update in clude now data fom the Pew Research Ceneron aca entity inthe United ‘States and wpdated statistics on eulal differenes ina ange of areas, incl Ing heslth cation income, residential patterns, and politi! wpesentation, ‘TheDigtal Lite box What Are You, Anyway? peaks to tsues involved withthe Guess My Race smarishone app, Tia inograrhi fortis chapter now re-imag ined and made lob inseope, shows the rac and ethnte populations of eeveral diferent counteas. (Chapter 11 (Families and Intimate Relationships) starts with tho story of "Edith Winsorshistrie Spreme Coat ight to repealthe Defense of Marla Act and thisallow same-tex marred couple to haveall he egal and foal fet Denes that heterosexual ones do. Thi opaner laches dacusion ofthe chang {ng ated tuned personal volaonahip, sich at hy ool marin en deption, ingle parent fame, aiorors fet once, ad Cha aed Dolly. The chapter alo nly cutis ive tends rested to mariage in Wester Indutrializad couse in he last hit years. The data er ttstis ke ertlisy ratos and Amerinn family steueture have leo bees updated The Digital ie bos “Divaee—Theresan App for That” details apps ike iDivore and Parenting Apart thatelponse th logit diet afepowsaland parental splits The new Global laationby the Numbers nfgeapie compares maternity lave bani ie to new rmothersin the workplace ineleven diferent contre. Preface Preface Chapter 12 (Bduontion and Religion) begins ly osoantng the beaery of Malla Youn theyexng Pakistan woman who wassbotinths ead at ogeieen for posting the Tell ett on fra ontion. Thi example reves ‘he priaipler and characters ofthe social nattaton ofboth edartion anal ‘ton wich haveprofound fot onndvidual lias throhoat the woe With an ‘sapended dzcussion a Jonatha Korte tay of Arian school othe No Child ‘Left Bind Ao nd ofthe pvaizaton of echool series ae administration, this ‘hapterrsseimpertantqueonsabouthestae of oction nthe United tte. It leo dade sumer aout ligions nationalism being slabally onthe rie whi ‘els partition x simelsneosly declining aca the county ab et row ‘ng ever more vise Ameioan politics. Al statis, uk asthe number of Jews sod Muslin living inthe Unto States heen updated raat tho mest econ ‘echolgy provide ansier accexto aspect rain. ouch as apsthat losers {odowalod arg iv- ream seve, nid preont vital prayer fringe: The ‘nw Globalization bythe Numbers nfzapie compares lvls fedcationl ta. ‘enti ten ferent coon, Chapter 19 (Potitios and Reonomfe Life) cpons th a woountng of the December 2015 striker by fast-food workers aerous the Unite States, Tho protests over ow hourly pay anda lack ot health benefits revel the complex in terpay between goverament and the economy, a8 liltors begin to discuss raising the natin] mnimm wg sad allowing low-wage wacker to unionize “Thechapter ha also been updated to inlude the most ecent date on earnings, cocupatona stricture, voter turnouts andthe demographic composition US, sleeted officals. The consideration of Communism, minority politcal partes, ‘nd Amerioanlsborunionshas bee expanded and new material hasheen added onthe Knowledge Heonon Index and how health erereform woul apply tm- migrants The Digital Life boro Searches Go High Tel detail some ofthe sppsavallbltojob hunters Thenew Globaliationby the Numborsinfographic ‘epiets unemployment levels in leven different counties, with e etalled loa. tunemployment in the United Stats. CChaptor 14 (The Soolology of the Boy: Health, Hiness, and Sexual- ty) introduces the Affordable Care Act signed into law by President Obama that, Snoreages Americans scose to heath eare thug controversial provisions ‘ike the individu mandate and low-income subsidy, The opening sation on ‘Obamacse” proves the funtion fra discussion o the social las praden in oath The roel factor urrouing the ik le, eurtet stigmas of less, tho ‘sous eases ofchangos in moat heat, and homaphabia have al ben detailed Farther New studi exploring thera diferences in mentalhealthand the gender pinlivexpectaney ate alodizsussed Allhealthstaiticsnauding dat lated ‘othe IIV/AIDSendem an sonal expxinoes, have been updated to rtet the ‘ost ene vib ats, The five yar reals of the 2005 Presidents Malaria niatiearoincded a ell TheDigital Life box"Can Your Smartphone Koop You Healy its ath elated appe—Hkemtetonal database and dara, ug formation records and nse ad sleep treckart—that make oope mar aware of ‘hl iy ets being ad thee odor bd bite, The new Globalization bythe "Number inopraphie provides loa pieure of sexual ais Chapter 15 (Urbantzation, Population, and Environment) beens by highithtingte challenges thet China now faces Its arte population threat ning the nates economic und environmental well-being, The case of China leary demonstrates issuos a the ear of population and envzonment. tn this reviolon, more information hasbeen added tothe discussions ofauburbanlastion sd ral Ameria, and the tars esrban coy sin formal ecomomy ein troduced. Theplightof Detroit, thesecent slackening of Chinnsone-shild ply, sna disousion ofthe current trond toward “child quality" vreu zhild quam tity” hasbeen add, The section oncreted environment and estructod space hasalao boon expanded Statistison population growth, irthrates deathrates Urbanization, eubutbenlzation, and global warming have been wpdated. The Digital Life box "What's Your Carton Footpint” talks bout appa that tack ‘ndiiduale carbon ettattons—wheiher ia vehicular usngo or normal daily routines—with an alm toward redeing them though relsed awareness, The ‘chapters Globalization by the Numbersinfographicdepets the quickly growing raterof urbanization in arassll across the lobe, ‘Chapter 16 (@obalizaton in Changing World bovis ydesrbingthe Arb Springprotats andhowsuboaqentpretesteenered powered y youth and aking fullus sein madi fom Yemen to the Urano apolticalhotbdtats focused ‘onhoro) Tho Arsh Speingpotast reveal how labalaation may Fr sna felitata ‘sca change. With ew seferancos to slimes of Americ if ike bo, the ‘LéhmanBrehersbenkropty Hurricane Sandy andthe TeaParty, thichapter helt ‘atthe Unite tates in global prspctve,Aditonaly ttstie on tensnstionsl ‘corporations, Incrot usage, oprgious global vonomiotnequalie, nda farm ‘lida havebeen update, The Digital Lifebow"Online Activism Tends Ua Alsseribs the of socal media st ke Twter nd Facebook in recent protest ‘movements, The Gabalization ytheNuaersnfographio"The Wining Gap beenupdatedtoincudedata om 202 ORGANIZATION “Theva ery litle astrost neu hs ological concpt tthe been- ningof this bok Insteed concepts ae expand when hey ae ntrodoed in Ue relevant cheptrs and we have snug throughout oltre tom by nae of concrete examples, While these ae sully taken fou social reoearch, we hwo elo used material rom othersouoes aschas newrpaperorpopularmnessine arti). We hae tried okogp the writing ste ae simple and dect a possible, ‘hile endeavoring oma the bak ively and fullosurpises, "The chapters follow w soquonce designed to hap achieve e progresive mas- tory ofthe diffrent eld of sctlogy, but we have akan care to encure that the book eam be ed fleet ad ie rasy adage the needa of neem Chapters can bo aipped o studied in diferent order without much lose. Hash Ine been written az a firly autonomous un, with eros-referwocing to ater ‘chapters at relevant points Preface xi Preface STUDY AIDS ‘Inthe Fifth Eaton of Senta of Saison, we have expanded tho pedagogical progam. Each chapter fare ‘+ Now “Digital Life hoxesin every chapter geste thinking ritielly shout how te Internet and smartphones are teanstoeming th way we date, manage crheath and ven practice align, ‘+ Now "Globalization by the Numbers” infogvaphios transform raw na ‘er ino vial intresting pays that pot the United Sats in a labil cont. tractive versions inthe ebook make the data dynamic and include Intratedassignmentsthat ngage stodnts withthe dts + sbiqPieture” Coneopt Mapes tho cndoforery eheptonwhishintgratethe “nigcetons” oy erma, nd "Concept Checkin handy and vial ‘eceting study too serve asta pre-reading gue tothochaptor aswell as sport reading review + *Coneept Chocks? throughout the chapter help students asses their under stapdingof the major tapcein the chapter Hach Concept Chak” hat ast ‘threequestions that range from reading comprehension to mareadvanced crit scalehinknatsil + Learning Goals ars tine atthe start of the chapter and then rear vaughout the chapter in margin] notations atthe beginning ot the evant seetonsto promo active earning "Making Soctlogy Work? features provide students with cenris tom ‘heworkingwerdandakthom oaply soil concepts to rach station. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ‘Many inviduala offered u helpful ements and ave on purtiular chapters ‘nin sm esses lve pats ofthe text Ty held ace eee a dierent Tih, lated sme diout potas an allowed uso tke advantage of hele spe cilist known thir respective fis We nr deepy indebted tothe. Specish, ‘hanks go to daton Phil, who worked asiéuusy to hap us updo data in shapers and coneibted sgnifcntyt ating ax well and Dsity Khodyakow, who wrotethought-provoking Concept Check questions for ech chapter. ‘Wool ik to than the many readers othe eth ve veriten with ca ‘mont ctcons and suggestionsforimprovements,Wehavséoptodmanyotheir ‘ecomimandatinsin this new ein Adler Agu, Univer of Clin Riverside CalleenAvedikisn, University of Maseachucetts Dartmouth Debbie Bishop, Lansing Community College ‘Kim Bracket, Auburn University ith Brotman, Town Univesity Carane Caogoro,Brokale Community College aul Calaro, Hudson Valley Community Collage ‘Karen alamo, Winaoa State University Dain Conley Gloucoster County Cllage ‘Raymona Dennis, Dlgndo Commit Colo Matthew Fyn University of Texas Astin Ncole Hotehise, Washington College Howard House, Broward College Annie Hubbard, Northwest Vista Collage ‘Ones tmoagene, Univesity of Peanyanie yan Kets, Wahlngtn Collage Kalyna Lenya, Palama allege DaniloLevi Delgado Community Calege Keisog Baruch Cale Jayna Mooney Je Jay Calle of Cima utioe Kendra Murphy, UnversityofMompbis Rafvel Narviez, Winona University ‘Carolyn Povey Germanna Comminity Calle ‘Rotor Puen, roy University -Penando vers, Univeral of Central Pia ‘Susan Cady Rydeoval, orga Perimeter College ‘Rachel Stel Cuyahoga Community Cogs {arey Storm GollinCallge Danial tear, Univers of line at Ubana-Chanpaign Richard Senay Modesto Junior Cllage ‘Kris Wiliana Oe State University Annie Yarbe Auburn University ‘We havo many othor to thank a wall Nin Hato di a marvelous b fo roting the new eto, Wo are alo extremely esteful to pojeteitor Diane Cipollone, who managed the countless details invated in ertng the book A sistant etor Thea Goodrich skilfully tracked ll the moviag parts tht go ita publishing this compliested preeet.Prdustion manager Vanson Nott ie resaive workeuiing he bok through prodveton, co that texte en tie and In bertful shape, Wo alco thank een Connell oar emi eto, ant Las Masih, ou aisciate eed eitor, fo developing all ofthe sel explements that nocompay the book Agnieszka Gaopars and the entice oa of deere ‘Kiss Me'mPalish manage to digest hugoamountot deta to create the-Globaliz tionby the Numbers infographle throughout Bente of Selo. Finals, ope [illo Goodelloras oarspcil thanks frecetingt saga deg. ‘Weare als real to our air at Norton-Steve Dann, Mela Seed, Ke elon, and Sutha Levite~who have made important eubstntie and eestive ontriutions tothe bok’ chapters an hav anauze tat re ave referenced the ‘vary ltzt research, We lao would ket regi on thank oa numberof eur nt and former griduatestunts—many of whom ae ow emared praesons at rstislousunvesties—whuee contributions oer the yearshave proved valuable ‘Windy Carter, Arey Devin lle, Neb Gondal, Nel Grow, Black Hal Hancock, aul LePore, Ala MacLean, Ann Mie, Susan Muslresdosh Rosol, Sharm dap. Chiitopher Wileman Davie Yana an athosina ip Anthony Giddens ital Doneler ichard Appelbaum Deborah Cane ESSENTIALS OF SOCIOLOGY fifth edition Sociology: Theory and Method WHAT IS THE "SOCIOLOGICAL IMAGINATION"? Lown what sociology covers a 2 feel anc how everday topics he love and romance are sheped by soclal and historical forces, Recognize that Sociology involves developing a sociological imagination and a global por spective, and understanding soil change WHAT THEORIES Do SOCIOLOGISTS USE? Lean about the development of sociology a a fil. Be able to rame sorne of the leading Sona theorsts and the concepts they contbuted to soda fo. Learn the atfernt theoretical approaches modern sociloaists Brg torte he Be able to describe the diferent types of questions sociolonists adress in ‘het races, WHAT ARE THE SEVEN STEPS OF THE RESEARCH PROCESS? Lean the steps ofthe research process and be able to complete the process your Pinel Ece in wonglo winner oe cy ond eg ig dt 1 at eto at, OOF ot aoe a Pine. We ee SM ale haven" tated oe” i Foe urinate « wna) Meme Ton’ we i evi ty 3) ore on omer" anu uy, suger vill Buys woe In Apt 208, ttean-yar ah schol stuen Aura Pot took ea pone photos of Aude Gomes ltr Are WHAT RESEARCH METHODS DO SOCIOLOGISTS USE? Faron yourself vith the eetheds avalable to sociological researchers ‘and know the scvantages and deadvantages of each See how researchers te mui methods ina eal study WHAT ETHICAL DILEMMAS D0 SOCIOLOGISTS FACE? HOW DOES THE SOCIOLOGICAL IMAGINATION AFFECT YOUR LIFE? Understand how adopting a sociological perspective allows us to develop @ Fieher urdrstanaing of oureehes our significant others, and the Wort oe - ——‘ eri suman iil the tty che indietraloed wer Socolosy cence vile neue anthronloay, aman erry he ens catain ange oscommon ness oncopt, and method personal troubles + outs apherand tha Inmet mie Dube issues + oie or ‘ciotogy tho scl study human sonal ie groups ancien Iisa dzzalingandcompolingomerprig oss subject matters eur own Twhavior a soci bangs The eape of socisogal sty is extremely ide ranging from the analysis aw poole etalsh social eannec- ‘one with ne another in interactions othe evertigaion flab acl process chaste ia eam eda mentale, Sociology teachsusthat what we egardas natural eth god or temay otbosuch and thatthe"givene” four if-inchfing things wesssoie tobe sie ‘cor biokgieal-arstonglyInfuenody historical and sel fret. Understard ‘ngthe subd yt complex and profound ways in which our indvsual ies elt ho ontext far social experience aslo the teil ulock rie exams ‘will provide taste th nature aed bens feochlogy ‘Anjone who has tend mld see hgh sono0 now Cat Maing ‘common doeurene. Through mich of itary, tauhers, rina nares tornedabin yy often bolloving tat boy willbe buy This cavalier tte to ‘wat bullying en elled nto question yetedents, tence and policymakers alike in recont years A recent spats of sleds by tena sujet to mera bullying ase awareness that allyng ino longer iid st” ain ary al states grounds for susponson,explson or even mae serious punishment. vee ‘he past five yar, buying lated tragedies have bon docamented throaghot the Unite States ivoving teenager of ll ackgrounds—male and fle, and hte, Asian and Latino, gy andstrig ich nd poo rral and mbt, ForDevin Brown thbullying gin shortly after hestaredat thse ile ‘Schoo Things escalated ster he repartee student fearing kee a ‘hresening teacher Rather than bang epardedaa hao by he sms, he wae kids nt apd wasregua tsestenedandbeatensp ats In Api 2015, aftermonthsofelentessharassment, Brwnhanged himelfathome in hiecoae ‘Thatsame month, Aeon youre hghecheol student Auden Ptthangedberelt ‘mbar San ee, Calera, home, ight days eat, Pot had been seal assaulted st aclarmates hove party bythe sixteen sel hay She wakeup oid ber ‘othe pulled ofan herbed eoreedin ew makings Thetwumadin eda, ‘hous The boys ok pletures of Pott while she was uasonseios sn shared them ith otherstaderts Just days beers ok eri evant Pat posted sages Postoo thatond, "My fo over a “The wholescoal naw” Brown and Pot are ust wo of andres of eee who ve commited ‘ldo aftor boing bul end latedy thet lenses Today at ballyngwe ‘atin fot ni ofthe fifty United State; Montana inthe onestteyoto pos such legislation Saco ta 201) n 20, Nev ery passed te nations tougher an Dally leelatin, gered in part hy the high profess of Tyler Clon {mn 2010, the eighteen year-old Rutgers Univratyteshman commited sede by sumping ofthe George Washington Brida tv work after started his st sumarterincllege. The uid ame day afer sonal ence wth man ‘ns drm roam was video streamed ove the Interact witht Clement keine Uyhisrommate and allow halla, Socelogy hele us to understand and analyz sentially sca phenomena he ‘lying and suc. American soli , Wright Mls (150 observed that seca iano enabie people to "wanda private rouble eto plc ies” What ils tea i tht iva often believe thatthe problems tht they (and ter) face ra poteonal. ping outing fom peau tral ee decison. Dotan seit ‘ecg tht thee semi "personal trouble, oruring in ater wi, ‘olan nambersfindviuals eect impotant"publotasues,orcoseqiencee of sei strueure, 4 Sociology: Theory and Method or example, Devin Brown, Are Pott, and Tyler Clement allommited su ‘ito shortly ater being tormented by their pours. Some ducers igh think that the sues are a islted probes perhaps the reaction f three aoe who wore depressed or enotionally unstable, Howeve.socnlogs woul lok tthe suclal ‘eontet and ey to undertand fart ow common such events are and to uated ‘wheter somo subgroups are pertclarlvulperabeto such problans. "hey might consult data fram national surveys, ach a the 2011 Paw Inet and Amerian if Projet, which found that on in thre teenager who use the ‘wena sy he otic as been the target of anoyingand potetialy menacisontne activitios Nay fou inten tens who use social netwercng sts sy tha they ve ‘ouneyberbulied, The study slo detectod strong gender diference with ie ie Andie Pt) reporting more olin vitimization than bys 8 percent of gls but ‘nly 28 percent of bye who ute the Internet opr harasment(Loskart 2007) Hoyrverrecontesoareh suggests that the gender gp isnrest mong young ten ‘ean eth af ou teenage ig wel to thirteen), yet 8 percent ‘oF youn snags bye, report unkind ntratons onlin, Aste a, the gender {ny nazrows. By age fourten to seventoes,rughly eal numbers of crag ile (20 porcent) and boys 8 pocon) roprt harassment oF misetment online (Gone, Mitel and Finkle 2012 Lanbartt al 20 Other socnogats have studi bullying ins" and found that gay and aclan ‘ons are far or el thon thar taht pees tobe harassed at tho. One our ‘ey mre han 7 00igh seo dents found hat ony 44 promt gy ale ‘and 40petcetoflesbian tan sil thay had bean bala inthe previous yes, com ped with just 26 and percnt of hetrorexual bps is reepctvly Patan ‘tal 2010) studing sucha thao hlp ue recognize thatthe anguish experienced by ‘Clementi, Pott, and Brown shard an iscletdinidenta instead ret perv vo soral probleme that requirefur-reachingslution Sociology anbelpursnder ‘stand he gration of whet why and how public iaue nd personal ous arse WHAT IS THE “SOCIOLOGICAL IMAGINATION”? ‘When welears to thinks we an alia beter understand the most pe ‘20a aspects of oarown ies. For instance, have you ever ben in ove? Almost cer tainly youbave Most people who aren their teens older what ing novels ik. Love al romance provide somecfthe mast ntensoelingswe over experiance. ‘why do people fallin oe? The anewer may sem obvi Lave expreaee a ma ‘hyson a poreoelatochnen tron tw nda Tne day, ve might call Sink that ote “erever but linge we my agro, iran experience asing from univer hamanemstions.I-ssems nar fer copia inne o wan sl nd sexual flfliment in theirelaioshin,erhap hugh mariage "et thie pater whereby lov dso maiage ent wry onl Romane Joveisnot an experience alpeopleacess the wad have—aal where doe happen. t ‘rarely connected to mariage, The Me ofromatolow di ot enon wldeaprnd nt ail recent inca cok andi hanover even existed in many theca Only in modern times have lw ad sexuality become lossy connete. Inthe Nude Ages and for contre afterward, men and women maid many to ke What Is the “Sociological imagination’ sociological imagination « The roperty inthe has ofthe fan orto ee cle to wook the amy farm ‘or in the cae of oy oss] political alliances, Spouses may have became close ‘companions ferris, bt orb, eone somata had self ot fide marrage, bt thse nepted ew ft emotions we associat ih love od. omantilove was regarded ara weakneasat best and akindof sickness et west. omni lave devezped in courly circles as characteristic extramarital ‘oyu adventure by members ofthe arstcry. Until abut two contri agit weer conned to moh icles and kept separate fom marrage, Relations between hsb and wife amenguristoeratiogtngswereotencaolan ditt. Each rons had hicoe her ownbcdroom and servant may rreyhaveseen each ether ‘Yate Sxl compat was ot conser leant marriage, Aronabath ich ‘pon thedeisin of whos to marry wa made by eo’ immediate ad eta family the nada conoerned ha itor no sytem "Tie rernin tue in many no Western cote te (Sc cents yp cally an Wester cunts as vonaniallyrichnatinsinlngmaatsn Nor ‘Ameria and Burope aswell ae Japan and Australia) For example Aihanitan ‘ner the rue ofthe Tl men wee prokbite rom eposkng?s women hey were ot lata married a and mages ware aerangd by parents fag and bay were ate by authorities oe pesking with each other they woul be wiped od Tet srously inured sf wot dead. The Taliban greenest 29 romantic oe a 80 offensive tnt awed ll one misc a ls Te many in the on ‘Westen wer ho Talbn lieved Afhnitan was beng inundated by Halls wood ‘movieand Americanpop mre ad videos, whichareflldwithsexal mage Nether romantielov, the, nor is assocltion with mariage canbe unerstood ssa natural runner feature of human if. Rather uch loves been shaped by ‘cola andhistrialintuences- Phooo aro the infunosssoaelopsts ty. ony demonstrate th eed fra ch oder vew of ornate and our tons. teaches that whet we gud as “nrtaral”in cur lives i strongly inflaeoed by ie ‘ove apd soil free. Understanding the sul ot pound complex wn in Sceblogial outlook Learning to think soccogicaly means cliatng the aoelologieal imagina- and marcage ike or people who conser the deals of omante ove ta be alien ‘or absurd Selly isnot jt routine prosar of aqsring knowl reir breaking fee fom the immediacy of prsonalezounstanes and potting things ‘na wider contr. regres wht ene C. Wright Mills (50), in fama prac, clledtheseoilgial mansion “The scnogieal mination regres us, show al, to “think reeves away” ‘om ou daly routines in ode ola at them anew. Conde the simple act of Anning cupofoofes, What might he mcoogiea ot of view sllsmiate bout ‘ich soostenti uninteresting besvlo? An enormous amount. Fis. coffee wo ‘ted with culo dining is moch more important than the et tet Two people arrange to eet for eof are probly mare inlerested in geting tgeter ad ‘lating than in what they atuall rink. Dvinking and eating in al cots, a fursocloiel ty. Second cofleecontainecltine nde tht stmt thebrain. In Wentarne- te effor aes aw ot regu as drug user. Like lool cof ea sacaly scoeptable dug. whereat cocaine and opium frinstanee are ot Yetanme societies ° Sociology: Theory end Method tolerate the recreations uss ofopiumarevencecainebt rownoncofee sn sles Sool ae ntreted ny thee contrat est. ‘Thin en nvidnl who drink cup of cote i partiisting ina complicated setofsocia and economireatonships stretching across the world The production andstration fof require continuoustrantatine among poplewho may be ‘ouands of ler away rom te cle dike Studying sch abel transactions ‘san important tas ofsocilogy bcanse many pecs ours arent alate by woekvde sci inuences and communiations. inal tho et of siping cu of coffe presumes a prcas of pat scl and economledevlopnest. Widespread consumation of efee—slang with the nom familiar toms of Westorn dase te, bananas, potatoes, and White saben only inthe ate 18008 undar Westen colonia expansion Virtually llth coe we func ogy comes trom reas South Amaia and Aa) at were elonzed by ‘Buropeansitieinnoseneeanatra!”partoftheWastern dis. STUDYING SOCIOLOGY ‘The social mansion allows ws tse tht many beavis ce fing hat we iow asevateandindiduslizd stale agersocn eins ry spevingts ‘tof utlookto you own if, Conia instance why you nreatending college Flo Youn thnk os work arin ghar or tht you hav decd togetocllegesothat you ave te amie eredentia rege to nd ged ye ‘ther agar sll reso may have played a le. Many students who work hard {highschool cannot attend oles boas that ant ff to sede. ‘ters have thelr shooting interrupted by larga evens ke wars or canon "oldendntnae hat hy ere to major vc dif, whi nado no ‘mle Tradtonl motaloontlsant standards which wo spied eligionineaer ‘Snes ara linei akan down by modera socal deepsea many soci ingtha tbl dle ack moaning Mary etqusof Duis study cane rns batt remains alae work ht islet a oly ted, KARL MARK ‘The ideas ofthe German phibeopher Kat Marx (518-1689) contrast hacniy ‘with thove of Comte and Dark, bt ike thy, he nu to explain the sett ‘hangs that ol place daring he Industrial Revolt, When Marx was young aan his political atte brought him into conic with the German authorities, tera bri sty Prance be etledpenanet inci Great Rian, Mares ‘emu waa fn on what ie calla the materialise conception of history Peooring ths vie, not the Sens or vals human begs ol that re ‘he nan aos of social change, a Durem claimed, Rather, social eng prompt primarily by coon nduenons, The confit stwennolagzathe ich ‘emu the por_providethe motivation fer historical development In Mares words, “Alluran bitory thu fe ithe hstoey of cass tras "Tho he wrote abou many historia! prods, Marx concantrtad onchange Sn denn tines. Fh the mot important changes wor bud wp with the de ‘elopmet of eapktaiem. Capital ins eaten of production that eontaste dl ‘ally with eeiaus eonoml aye n hstory. envare the production foe ‘snd enrviee anton wide range of consumers Thove who own cata, of ato, ‘chins, andar cums fone. forma rulingelas. The masz the population ‘ake pthewerknglasor wage workers who dot ownthe moans ft livel- ‘ood but mast fd employment prove by tho owners festa. Capitalism iste Aclatssystem in whic confit bet een lage acomsoanoseurtence bonus it ‘eintheintaetcofthe ling ctaxtneplnt ee woking neand in theatres ofthe wekarrtozedtoovercmsethat xpatton ‘Mara peat that nthe fate captain il be upland by socket in ‘whi here arena dlases~no dscns between sch and poo. edit enna all Inequlitin woul lsppou thr oct wl a lnge be plitnt smal lass thatmonvgier conoieandpltioa power andthe largo mascopople who bene live tom the wh esr wrest. Tha eopamie sata wl one nde om ‘munalownereip anda more equal sect than wok at prose willoestalishe, Marx wor aft teaohing efletin the eentith century. Through met of th century ntl fal Sot communi nthe ery 19s, more tama thi 2 Sociology: Theory and Method ‘fhe word population vedi bits whoes goernments claimed to derive tir Inspiration fom Marios. Inadditio, mary sailogitshavs boon ntenoe by Mars ions about lassinequalties MAX WEBER Lie Mar Max Weber (pronounced "VAY her 2864-2020 cant belabeledsimniy ooops his ines eel eoecrns aged acrosmanyateas Bonn Getany, ‘whore bo spent maths aademiscaten,Waber was ected ina ng of ie Le the thinkers this tne, Weber sought to understan social chang. He was ‘nlenesdby MaretutwasalostrongycricalofsomootNaryaviews Hersinctad {he materialist conception of history and sa las conSt ae silent th 2 Justa much fact on ach, ‘Some of Weber's ost inBuesil writings compared the led eligi sy tems in China ani India with those ofthe Wet. Weber cole that eta pts of Chrlstian hei strongly inueneed the ree of eam. He ange thatthe capitalist outlook of Were sociated ot emerge only om eoonomlc ‘hangs, as Marxhad argue. Weber vow, curl ideas snd valestilp shape Max Weber 64 ‘sacle and affect our indivi actions ‘One ofthe mest infant aspects of Weber wrk wis sty basaseac, -Abureaueeacy leg orgnistion thi lve nt bebe on specif ‘ions and stay ofaleranked according toa racy nde rs iver _muntorgsnizatons, hospitals andes areoumples of breaeracies Burien malas i posse for thse large oegenizatins ta un icin bt the se ie ese problema forefftivedenocenti partisan inser eeietie Barna) linet ruleof experts whose decison remade withoutnichcnaukation with ‘hase whowelvesre sect by those dels. ‘bers contributions range over many other ares, ncling the tal of the evelopment fies. systems of ype of conan nd the nature ofclaon. He slko wrote about tho oveallcharttr facing se Aoordingto Wee humans se tloking easing beings we attach mooning and sigaleane to mast of ht wer and any disiliothat dole with human bebaior me acknowl Table 11 | Interpreting Modern Development DURKHEIM. The main dynamic of modern development isthe vision of labor ass bass for saa conesion and organ wll. Durkncim beloved that sociology must study soca fact as things, jst as science would anaiye the natural wort Hs study of uci led fn to tress the important Influence of social factors, qualities ofa society external othe incvidua, on a person's actions. Durieim argued that srinty art eel canetait uct rr action, “The main dynamic of modern developments te expansion of eapitalism, Rather than being cohesive society ie dived by case aterence, "Marx belivod that we must study the divisions within # oclty that are derived fom the economic meauoltes of capital, Themain dame of modem dslopment isthe ainatzation of coll nd economic We. Wober focused on why Westen societies develoned so dferenty trom other societies, He also emphasized th importance of cultural Kees and values on socll change ‘what Theories Do Sociologists Use? 13, NEGLECTED FOUNDERS Durkteim, Mars and Weber are widely acknowledged as foundational Sguree in sacology yet other portant thinkers from te same ped also made va ble contributions to seslogical shout. Vary few women or mombers af racial ‘ninoritve wate poe the portunity te become profesional sociologists ding {ha “ene” period ofthe late niptcenth and early twentieth centuries. Thee contributions deserve the attention of roils taday. HARRIET MARTINEAU ‘arret Martineau 1802-1876) was born and educated in England Se was the ththorof more than fifty Hooke sind numerous easays. Marines ix now ered Hed with itoducig eotelogy to gland through her translation of omte's founding rete ofthe ed, Positive Plosophy (Ros 1979}, She alan conduc fe firsthand apromatie sty of American socaty during her extensive tea ts throughout the United State in the 1890s, which i the eae of her book ‘Society Amerion. Martin sgn solelegat ty for several ea ‘ona Firt, she argued that when one studs «society, one mst feu onal ts fepets, Incding hey ple rligious, and sci] instbutions. Sond, she insite that sn analysis ofa salty must inshdo an understating of women's lies Tle, she ws theft a tur a acologieal ee on previously ignored is soe sch a marrige children domestic and religious life ace eatons. AB ‘he wrote, "The any tha Boudr, andthe itchen areal excllnt schools in aret Martina (1802-1876) _whichtolearn the morla and manner of wpeople” 2009, orig 1897) Finally, ae ‘ngued tht socllorte shold do more than just observe they should also actin ‘ways to benefit socety Martina herself was an active proponent of women's Tahte andthe omancpstion oflaves W.E.B. 0U BOIS ‘WB. B. Du Bale (1868-1960) waste rt Aftcan America to earn a doctorate 1 Hervard University, Du Bots mado many contributions to acsgy. Perhaps ‘mort mgrtent the onoept of aoubecontiousns" which na way oftaking ‘hot identity through the ef the particular exparloncasot African Americans ‘He argued that Atprican society lets Ain Amaicane see themselves only ‘through te eyes of thers “Iti pteusesnaition, this doable soraousness, {thi cene of aways meeouring one's oul by the ape of word tha lok on ‘mse contempt an ity One vet feels ls two-ess~an American, Nee 2W0 ‘lwo thong wounrocneld striving, wo warringidealsinonodarkbody ‘howe ded rng lone hagpe fon bningtoraarunde” (1903), DuBois made "persuasive iaimehitones sent ofselfand one's deity aregreatyinfuenced by theeffect slavery en afer emancipation, sgreation and peu, Theaghowt his cares Du Bois foc nace elation nthe Unite Sats. A bad in an ‘ten tepeted quote, “he roblam af he twentieth contry Ite problem othe fala ing" Hi nfuenceonsolology today is evidenced by continue ites in ‘he questions that he ied, artilaly hie concern that socslogy mnt explain the contact of verse racer of men” De Hoi wa alco the frat socal esarchor to trac the problems faced by Aft Atpericana to thee soil and economic W.E,8,OuBots 1868-1965) underpinnings, a connection tht most sociologists now widely acest. Finally “ ‘ ‘guia that dierent caltares ech ve thelr own distinctive carateriten. The tank of socal scene ito derstand thi eltra verity, which seat one by voiding vale jen, DEFINING “CULTURE” Culture consist ofthe valor el by members ofa porter group th Inge they speak, the symbols they revere, the nar thay allow, and Use teria eos ‘thy erat, er ols oelathing Some laments of eltre,eepectaly the bla ‘and expoctatonspople ave about oo another aa he vorld they inhabit aeacom ooent ofl sei lations Values ac abstract els For extol mono — einai to one sol romantic puetne—iva prominent vale ia mort Weetern sits I other etre, onthe other and parson maybe perited t hare ‘sovora wives or hisbandssimultanscunly. Lewin, Oeudons of apron i ‘heriahed valu inthe United State ae many other nations The Pasay Rte ‘ivily reveals an instance when the computing valu of redo of expression nd llent obedience topaliiel an alight athoity came ints conic wth eck ther, Norms are widely greedpon prints o¢ rules people ae expected to hse they present the dos and dant sec ie Normofbrhavine in maria inde, for empl, bow husands and wives ae supposed to buhae toward their Indawe In some soci, hay rw expected to develop ne latina thar, ‘eykeepaclear distance fromench ote culture + the values, norms, 2 Sen ttn teconcont ‘ther roel scloncoPatcly fetovoloy Care sore ot yes + tas nal by ‘eval oF roups about what ‘Wat indus vals ray ‘Bhvencad bythe specie cuore inhi ther happen tive {ecty sorarate behavior a {yppot behavior errs {anetone of ona ino another to phystea punishment What is Culture? 4 42 ‘material goods + The poyeal objects tht esoctety erates ‘hots inne he way inch Norms tho ves thay eflect, ary widely bothacrssand withincultare, _Amangimast Americans frexample onenormeall for dieeteyecontatbet ween ‘orsons enggodin conversation comletly averting one's yess ually inter rote aga sig of wealinessorrudaness. Yt among the Nea, eutura norm tall for averting one's eyes a a sign of respect Direct ey contac, partcuenly ‘between strangers, ie conedared rade because i violates norm of politeness ‘When a Navona Wester tourist neounter each other fr the zt tne, te Novsj' ultra norm calle fr averting the eyes, while te tourists cata orm ell fo direct oye contact The reste ial to hea misunderstanding= ‘The Navajo may se the tourist a impolite and vulgar, while the tourist may soe the Navajo a dinespoetfl or deceptive. Sach culturl misanderstandings may leadout gonaralizationsandstereotypesund evenpromote outright hott. Vanues nna norma workogoter to shapelow merersuacultrebeavewi oirearoundinas, ‘Been within «single culture, the norm of conduct diff y ag, eat, anu other important scl! subgroups. Gender norms are parser power fu; women are expected to be more decile, caring and even moro mors than men. Some feminist rites argue that ono reason why the members of Pussy Plot wore s vilified bythe Russian government i tht the defied nore about “typical fel bavi, In fc, two members are others of yound ildcen; Derforming in cstume with a punk ek ensemble nd sping expletives may be viewed a8 viltion of oth gondor nd parenting norms (Douglas and Micheels2005) nally, materal goods refer othe physical objects that intividual in so- clot reste, There object, in turn, inflanoe How we live They inelude the oe ‘we eat the clothe we won, the care we dive tone hours we ive the oo snd technologies wee to make thaoe gods, rom sewing machines to comput ‘rand factories the towns an ies that we ud ag place a which ove and work, Ae we tain the cus of Pusey Riot, material gods such a clothing ‘an conimanente very powerfal socal mauning. While « bright colored sk ‘atk might not be noticed onthe snowy sk slopes of Colorado. to sume aticleat Clothing cates highly politically changed message when wor in acre public places What people wear may reveal what thoy believe how they ive, what ‘orm anya they aide. ‘Today material exit sap bcoming ebalze, thanks in lar part © rnodsrn information technology such tha computer martha and Internet AS ted the begining otis chop, he United Statachas hee nthe ferent ot ‘this tchnologieal revlon, although most the indus coats are reply ‘extchingup Infect, tno longer makes sonse to geakof tn xcusvely “US. technel- oy anymore than takes venve to speak as US. car: Tha wed ae” with pars ‘manufatred ates the planet gba assemble, embod tachslay de ‘eloped in apa the United State, nd Buen ‘When we uae the term culture in daily conversation, we oft think of “high alte™ike fine at erate, asscl mus ball Fora socilesical perspective, the concert Inaludes there ative, bt leo many more, Culture fefersto the ways of lie ofthe individoal members or groupe within «sie "hale apparel, marrage custo and family Iie, patterns of work, relists ceveanioe andere purelt, The eoncopt alse covers the gods they reat ‘ithe pods that beoome meaning or them hows and arrows, lows, fcto- ‘es and machine, computers, book, dwellings We sould think of clare as “desi fo living” oF "tool" of practices, nwlede, and symbols aquired ae Culture and Society ‘we shall sce atr—throoyh earning eater than by Instinet(klueohn 1945; Seidler 1960. ait possible to doeribe an American culture ARough the United States tural ior, wo can identity several characteristics ofa unigely American ‘culture. Firs, resets prticular ange of value eared by may, if at ‘Amerieant~sich asthe bitin the merit a nvidonl achievement rn etal: ly opportunity Second, hice valuce ae connected to specie norms: Fa scess (Bella et 1985, Parsons 1964. Third it ivoles the use of materi fhe rented marty through maar industrial technology, ich ascars ma rodued fod, thing, nds forth ‘alias snd norm wary enornoualy arose and even within cultures, Some cultuees valu tndvidalise highly whereas thers place great emphasis oneal leciviem. A simple examale mas this lear Most pols nthe United States ‘would be outraged to fad another student cheating on an eeamination. nthe United State, capping frum someaneelac's paper foes nnat core values of Inividuel achievement, equality of opportunity, hard work, and reepect for ‘he rules. Russian students, however might be pozled by this sense of oxteage ‘mong their American poor. Helping one another pass an examination elects ‘he value Russians place on equality and olectiv problem zolvingin the fee of authority. Thin of your own reaetion to this example. What dee it 27 about (he value your society? ‘Within singe soi or community, vals also may cnt: As we saw with he Pusey Rit contzovery some grove ee nid may vale tana ri ‘Housel wheroas ober may favor rootom a expression, noua ight ee ‘mdr based equality Some peoplemay prefer materi eafortand sucess, hae ‘thoes ay for simply al a elt if In or changing fled with the ‘Gob movemeatof pop eas gods and infration it ana supesing thst We sneoantrinetanessofeutralwainsin conic ‘Norms, ike the vale hey reflect ln change ovr tin. For example bel ningin 1964, withthe U.S. surgeon genera eport "Staking ane Health which rented definitive medical eiance linking emoking with large number a serious health problems, the US. government raged highly ffetive cam Dra to discourage poo from ‘making socal norm Taoring ‘moking-onoe astocited with Independence, sex appeal, and fdamour—har given way ta equally strong antsmaking so ‘sunhoulthfuonateectve,and felfish, "Today, the peroentage ‘of Amerean adits who ele 4 19 percent, lest than half ‘he rts in 1064, when the sur eon general eport wat neue (Gentrs for Disenee Control and Prevention 20128). Instinct 4 ned pattern of Smoking was portrayed as fophisieted ana slegane inte bi fon) HN) Pye Hips) eae SO i What is cuture? 43: society + A group of peoole are Subject os common system af pata autho and are sare Many of our sveryay bebaviots and baits ave grounded in cular norma Movements, gestures, and expensians are etrenly Ife by etal fcr, ‘Actear example this can bo sun in tho way people slle—prseaaly nye ‘contets—erues diferent cute, Amangthe nuit (Eskimos)ofGreonand,forexamplecnedoesnotfindthestrong ‘waditin of ble sling that exist in many areae of western Europe and North ‘America Thsdoesnotmeanthatthetnuterecldoruntrendytissimplyaotheir ‘common pete to sil ato exchange peasants wit strangers. Aste se. ‘iceinduatry has expended in Greenland in econtyea however some emplayers ‘hye madeefforsto instil smlingas cultural valuein the bele hat smilingand ‘expresing polite titudes toward customer are essential to compettiv Bus eos practioes. Clits who aremet with smile and tldHaveaniceday"aremoce slotants ae now shown taining video on endl ervce techniques; the staat somehate even een sent sbroad on taining cores Inialy there eggenas ‘wore met with dacomfor by some staf who found the style insinere and ati ‘al Ore time, owes, the iden of public emailing least nthe workplace has ‘bocome more aocupted CULTURE AND SOCIETY “Cuttare” canbe distinguished from “society but these notions are closely eon nected. A ool iss eystem ofinterrelatonships that connects individual to eter, No culture could exist without a sooiey, equally, no society oauld exist ‘without culture. Without clare, we would not be human ata nthe zens in ‘which we uxully ndestand hat ern, We would have no language in wih ‘expres ourelies, wo would have no sense of selFconsciouness and our ailyy ‘think orrason would bo overated. Culture alao serve asa society ge because cultureian important source of ‘conformity, prviing its members with ready-made weys of thinking nd acting. Foroxanple, when yous tha you subscribe toe particular val, uo a ml Iesening, you are probably wosing the lias tit conor to thee of yo fly ‘member ends, teachers, oe thas who are signifies in youre (Caltre difer.awever, in bow mich the ale conformity, Reswarch sed on ‘urvesetinoe than 100.00 aden overs eountvee show that Japanese ca trellis one extreme in terms of alg contemity (Hotede 1997 while atthe ‘ther extremes Amarcan culture, oe ofthe at conformist ranking among the ‘wo highat in hersing individualism (Harmar 2012) ‘Americanhighschoalandcalaostudntsotense theresa specially nan ‘confit The higeter of tay ke te ips of the 10608 an the pk the 1980s sportastnetie othngsyes, hates ander forms tbody adoraeat. ‘Yerhow livia ar thay? Ar youn pope with nae rings oie in thoir tonguoeotatocreallaetingindependenty?Orarethar ste peehape aaah the “uniform of ar roup a re navy Hue ute ong mile ged sine pene? ‘Thais an espect of conformity tothoirbehvior-conformitytothelr own ou. Since some degree of onformity to norms in neceeary foe any mci *0 ‘exist oneot they challenges fora cultures sto instil in people willingness ‘confor. Thisie aecomplished in two ways (Parsons 164), Fie india ara ‘thenorms oftheir culture, While this osurs throhout one's, the mos real learning occurs during childhood, and parents ply key role, When leaning it Culture and Society The Secret Power of Cultural Norms and Values EARLY HUMAN CULTURE: ADAPTATION TO PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT Scientist live tha the fest hamane evolved fom pale creatures on the ‘Arian continent some millonears ag. Ther conlusions based on archeeo Joglalerdence and knowledge of theese simaties in ood chert 2nd feacticeheteen shimpansees and hmans, The fist edenos of Mannie ulure datas buck only two milion year. In that ey eultures, humans fb jane stone tol, derived sustnanco by hunting animale and gathering nuts end ‘ors, arnessed tho use of i, and etalished a Mahl cooperative way fie ‘Because early humans planned their hunts, they most elso have had some city forabetractthouht. Calture enabled early humans to compensite for thor physical Limitations, such a lak of elaws,eharp teeth, and running spot, rlative to ater anteale {Deacon 1998). Cultre fred humans fram dpendenoe onthe instinct and seaotically determined ott of responses to the environment characteristic af othe species The larger, more complex human brn permit a rear deg of adaptive learning in dealing with moe environmental changes auch the Ice Age. For example, humans Gigured ot hove to bl fires and sew clothing for warmth, Through gestr Hexibiity, humane were able to survive unpre Altable challenge in thei surroundings and shape the word with hae i and thee ool Yet erly humans were clvely ted t ther physical environment, since they ackod the technologie] abit to modify tho Immediat surroundings sg ilcanly (Bennet 1978; Hares 1975, 1978, 180). The ability to secure fond ‘and mako clothing ond color depended largalyon the physical resources that ‘wet lose a hand. Culture indifferent environments varied widely asa reult ‘of adeptations by which people fashioned thelr eutures toe suitable to peatie ‘ographicand climatic conditions. For example, the ultares developed by des: ort dwellers, where water and food wete eater, differed sgnfieanty fom te culture that developed in ain oreo, where such nateral resource banded ‘man inventiveness spawned asch tapestry of ulares around the worl, As you wl seat the conclusion ofthis chapter, however, modern technology and ‘ther ores of glabalization pos both challenges ond opportunities fr Future bal cutaral divert, NATURE OR NURTURE? ‘Boone aman avlvd nea part ofthe wo ofastse, would soem gat: sume thet human thinking and behavior are the vault ology and ett. {ct on of the elder apd mast enduring controversies inthe soil sien eth “nataro/aurtro" debate: Aro we shaped by cur slog ore veproductacearing thoughlifebxperienoes—thatis, fare Binognt and anmepyshnogstom ‘asizehologeal factors in explaining human thinking and behavior. Sodio, ‘ot urpiingly sees terol oflarsing and ele They aval ikl oa ‘that because human beings are capable of makingoonscouschoies, neither eon or alure wha dbtermines humane. ‘The nature/urture debate has raged for more than x century Tn the 19808 and 1040s, many sca aatist ocued an elo ators wth some researchers How Does Human Culture Develop? “a sociobiology + An approach that attempts expan the otic pacino, biological determinism + the 48 ‘ao by bilnieal causes _ssokng (unset for orampl to eo tha porns plaque determined ‘ir er personality. nthe 960sand 1970 scholars in erent els emphasized calture For example, ssa syholets anf that oven he most severe frm of eal illuas weet aul f the abel that ose ataches to unl hare ratherthanof iochemical pocsees Sef 196. Today. party booms of we un- sestanngy in gneticeal bra neurophysiology he pend again swinging ‘owardhe side bilay "The recurgence of biological explanations for human behavior began inthe 1970s, wen the evolutionary bilgi Edwaré 0. Wilt pulsed Seciobia ony The New Synchess (1975). The tem Soeloblology refers to the appli tion of bila! principles to explain the soil ectivitis of animal, incoding Inman beings, Using studs of nnect snd other roll oveatores, Wilon ered ‘ha ines influence not oly plsieal erat bet nvr a wel I moe pe ‘ie, for example, malo ae argo and moe aguteaie than female and tnd 10 ‘lominate the “weaker sex” Some suggest that genetis ators explain why, all, human soles tat we know of, en tendo Hold potion of greater authority ‘One wayinvhichsociblloglstshavetrodo illuminate the relationsbetwoon ‘he sone iby mesa idea of soproductvestategy” Arsproductivestrtesy wapatern ofdehavo. arrived at though evolutionary selection that favors the shances of survival af ffpeing. The female body has large avestient i it eproduetvw ella then the malo—afrtlizd eg take nine months to develo. ‘Thus, according vcibiologas, women will pot squander that vestinent ad ‘re not rien to hav sexual relations with many partners tei overriding aim. the careand protection of children. Monon the eter hand, tend award pro ‘misouity Their wish to have sex with many partner x snd strategy fom he oat of view ofthe spec: teary ot thelr isin, which 10 maximize the oss of impregnation, thay move ftom ane partner othe next. In thie way, sts been uggested, we can explain dfornoes in gexul behavior and ties between men ane women, Sodebislogats dont argue tht our ges determine 100 percent of ou bebe Jor Forexampl they nt that pening onthe circumstances, mean choot to sc in onaguressve ways Yet evn though the argument would em to open > the ld of scicclogy to culture as an atonal explanatory futor in denerihng human behavior soll sclentss have roundly eondemnedsocobilgyfrelaiming that propensity fr particular bbeviorsaucaevslence,nenmchow geetclly programmed” into cur brains Seville Staten on Vila 190) HOW NATURE AND NURTURE INTERACT -Mostsnciologsts toy wouldaknowlaearolfornaturindeterminingattaes snd Dov bt with stron ualfontione For eanol, babs ae born wth the ily to cenaguize hoe Babee x fo micuter turn heen in reeponee tra that resonble human fcesbut notin response tater patterns Cosnides Sd Teoby 1907, Jobagon an Morton 196), But it i large lea to cance that Ionics bale reborn with Bese rnb, hebohavioe of ate gerne ay ‘nating inborn, boloialy aed patterns f ston found in al cates Sock ats tent ane strony aginst bilogien determinism ortho belt that di- ‘erences weaboerre between groueot people eu at en and women. areexplaned ‘wholly by bial Gather tansocial canes Culture and Society Sociologists no longer pose the question as one of ature or murtre In stead they a how nate apd nurture interac to prdce human behav But thir man eoocern i ith how our eifoent ways of thinking and acing ace learned throug interactions with family, fiends, schol, television, and ev- tty ottwe fot ofthe sell envionment. For exams, sosnlogats argue that ‘es not an inborn bislogica disposition that mikes Amarin hteroorval males fool romantically attracted to a particular type of woman, Rater iis the ex ponare they vehad throughout theives to tene of thousand of magazine as ‘TV commercials, and fim sas that emphasize specific cultural sandards of female ean. avy cil ering seep eleva to this kod of lnening Haman bie have age bain, eguleing rth ltl ey in tal fetal development before {heir heads have grown to ng toss through the birt sanal. Aa renal, man aber te totaly uneuipped for survival on thelr own compared with ha young oer species and mist spend. number of ens inthe caef alts. This need In tn Stent lent era fearing, daring whieh the eile taughtis oer ‘ease humans tink andactin so many diferent ways, oso do note ive that "bolo det I bdogy were all-important, we wall expecta cul ‘ureetobebghysnilarifootdenienYtthsisburdy theca, For example, pork ‘nforiddon to relisioes Jon and Msi, batt es dietary tape China This Sot tos that hana clres have noting in eommon. Surveys of thousands of Aiseenteutreshavecorelied thst lleownumancalures have such commen charttertioe se language forma efemetinal expresso, rls thal adits how terane children or engage in seul havin, and even anda bait Oto, 90), But theres enormous variety in xatly how these cammon characteristics ay thease out “ll uture rode fo ehildhood sealzton but wht and how cilcen are ‘ght varios ety fom eature to culture. An Amevcan eld eros the mult ‘ston abo from aclasrom ech, while a child bora inthe frst Beeneo Teams tohunt wilder memterf te tee, Aleultures have standards of beauty and omamenttion but what repre as oma noe ear maybe ete a ‘uy insnothor ise 1907 Bln and Dunning 1987; Foenult 1988). However, some feminist scholars have argued that wih soba aces to Western mags of beauty ‘nthe Internet caltrldafinionsofbaauty througout the weld ate growing na ower and inerningyomphasis the ese ptysigoe thn i cheied in ny Western eultuves Sepulveda ndCalado 2012, CULTURAL DIVERSITY ‘The sty ofcltra ifermees highlights Ue importance of calturl learning a8 Auer bavi Hasan babar ad peactiene ella babo— aloe {ocy wily fom eltret culture and often coneeet radically with what people bom Western scetis conser normal For example nthe modeen West wo eps ‘halt ilingofinfanteorgoangchildeenazoneafthe worst fell eines Yet ‘nteadtonal Chine clare, mao children wor sometimes strangedat birth be ane adnightae was reseed acai rather than asset wo totaal Lathe ‘West we et ostrs bt wa donot et kites of pple bh of which re ogarded tsdelioncisinome part he wo. Westerners earl Mao a nope foe behavior butinthereulturesthepractieisether unnwnor roger as How Doas Human Culture Develop? 49 Aingustng All hes diferent kis of havior ae aspect of ‘noes that detinguish societies from one ant eure ie SUBCULTURES Sal sovatis tonto be cultrally nif, but inustralid soit are them subculture + veluesand noms slacculturllyversermatcultralving mamrcas dierent aubenIte, tine rom hose ofthe maior, Asyouwildiscovr inthe dbason fla latin in Caper 0, practices nt Told by group within wiser ewider socal proceate ah a ley, colonialism, wr, migration, and contemporary ‘sobalization haved e populations dispersing arose borders ansetlingin new ‘res. This, n tra has edo the emergence of rvites that arctasl comes: ites, meaningthat tho population made wp ofanumber fgroupfremdiveroecl- lives by so. For example, ver inety diferent clara group am be found in New Yook City today. Some expertrhave eatimatd that a many as ight hundred Afferent languages are requlty spelen by esdents of Ne Yok Cty ante sur rounding boroughs (abeet22010). ‘Most major Europeen its have becom inctesinly divas in the pat two toca, large numbers persons fram Nort Afi have are A tana ‘ional migrationhasineease many Buropoansoclteshavestuggedwithhow to nagrate persona who brig with hem datinetelura nd eigourbacksrouds or example, n 203, the Prone government made i « punishable offense for Muslim womento wear fll ace ves in public apace except fr house of wor ‘hip and priate car) France i @ county based onthe vais of “erty and equality forall, and the mga, veil tha overs worais hae and fe, lov Sng only the eye lel visible, wiwed asa call practi that oppreaes women and deprives them of thle freedoms (Evangee 2011). This contro cover Muslim women's veils vividly portrays the challenges whon diffrent ‘hcutiral communities live sde hy ie, ‘Subeulture does nat fer only o people from different cultural backers, or who speak diferent languages, within large society can alo refer to a7 ‘segment ofthe population thai distinguishable from the rest of soley by caluel pattorns, amples might neade Goths, computer bucket, hipsters ESET cattur ond society ‘Rastafarian, and fans of hip-hop Some pople might dent thamlves sel vith particular subculture, wheres others may moe fly emong.a number tdittrent ones ‘Cite pays an important olen perpetuating the wlnes and noms of sci ty yetitalo ofa impertant opportunities er retvty and charge Subcultures a eountereuuresgroups that lrg eject the prevaling vals uel norms of Seclets—can peomete views that represent alternatives tothe dominant culture Social movements or group of people sharing common fsyle ae poworfl fe: cs of change within acts nthe way, ubeltues give people te fredom ‘xpossand aeton ther pions hopes an bai US. schooldeenaze fequenty taught thatthe Unlad States i a vast sting pot nt which various subcultures are assimilated, Assimilation is he ‘proces by whiahciteret culture ae absorbed into ange matntream eu ture. Although it iste that virtually al peoples ving inthe United States ake ‘onmany common cultural characteristics, many eroupsstaveto retain gone sub cultural identity Infact, iantifoation based on rte or aunty of origin nthe United stats poset today and is prteuary ettongemong Afvcan Amrleane ‘and immigeant from Asi, Maric, and atin Amores Tot 1957) ‘Given tho immense cultural diveety and number of sobelturee in the nite Sats amore appropriate metaphor han the asians "meting pot" right be te eulturllydiero “lad bow” in whieh all he various ingredient, ‘houghmited othr etainaomeoftheiroriginal evra ine contrat ‘othe richness of tho slad as whol. Tis viewpoint. termed multiculturalism, li fr rspetng eulturl divest a promoting equality of diferent euitares ‘Arent to muliuurelsm acolo tot corain conta etal vas ae shared most poplin asociety tala that certain eportant dillerences deserve ‘obo preserved (Anza 1980) CULTURAL IDENTITY AND ETHNOCENTRISM ory culture deploy its own unluopetterns of beaver, whish som allen to people from other ultra backgrounds Ifyou have traveld abroad, you are prob ‘iy fn withthe sensation that ex elt hen you find youre «now ‘ular. Everyday halt, customs, and behaviors that you tae or granted in Your ‘own cultre may not be part of every lif in other pars of he werld—evon in ‘countries that share the eae language. The expeesion “ulate shook” te an ‘yt one Often people feel dsoientod when they become immersed ina new tulture. Tie i beense they have lot the fiir eeference plat thet aly the wold around them and ave not et earned how tonavigats the naw culture. ‘ealtte mast bested in terms ofits own meanings and values—a key presupposition of sociology. Socologits endeavor a ft as poobe to old sthnaconteiem. or jlaing ther elas in torme of Hho star of ne wn. Because human euturee vary 30 Widely, te wot suepeaing thet people belonging to one culture frequent fin it difficult o understand the eas or Sharir of people froma diffrent culture. Instudyingand practicing sociaogy, ‘we must emove our own cultural blinders inorder to ee the ways of life of if ferent poples nan unblased light. Tho practice of judging society by ts own. Mandar called eultural ‘volving eure estivem—that in, sspening sour own deeply bald tural belifs and eiining a station scoring tothe standards of ances sssimllation + The sceptance multiculturalism + The ew poht sesrangto whicn stn ‘rou con est separate and sthnasantriam + thetondoney the-ees of one own eur, ns ‘hereby mieprear har cultural oativiam © the bractce ofudging socal by How Does Human Culture Develop? 5 ‘cultaraluniversala + Values anguago + he primary vnicte symbols tat opresrt oboe and ‘nec tows mata «Assay aprons Inaals Memagenormaty fms {he bom off of procession hate seperti emars pope ‘ound the word through stele ein andthe Internet Within amen ‘wo atthe mst altho words cessed cultures whe toot anteansfrmed ‘alba clare dept thi persitnt rte topreseve thelr ag-eldwayeflife "he fre thae predos lbal eae ave iscaased thraaghout tis book “These: + "Telvisin, whic brnge US culture rough networks such as MTV ond ‘shows such The By Bang Thao into homes throughout he world aly oa Cuiture and Society ‘+ The emergence ofa unified abl seonomy, with usineass whose factories, anagementstructre, nd mackete oon spa continents weenie ‘+ "Ghobn etzen” such a managers flare corporation, wi ty spend a much timscrissorosingthe abe as the do tome dentine with ab ‘casmpatanculturritherthanwththeirown nation’s + A host of international oeganiztions, scaling Und Notions agpcies, ginal ado and mutual dfngeszneintions mito bake al ther eal financial introns, marnationl abo aed bath enganations ond dobar end esde prensa ar erating bl poll gl. and saltaryfnnawork + Seton communications (is ell phan, Sys, fx -al, txt mesg, acstonk, Twitter, and ether communleations onthe Interne) which make Instantaneous communieation with almoxtany pat ofthe lant naga prof iy fine business work DOES THE INTERNET PROMOTE A GLOBAL CULTURE? ‘Many believe thatthe rapid growth ofthe Internet sound the wold wil hasten ‘the spread of bal culture—oe resembling the eultases of Europe and North ‘Arparea, curently home to nearythroe-quarters fal tern user Although ‘the Internat i a truly lob sce, several lnnguaes prevail among Internet sce. Po example, 27 percent flntrnet sre peak Eli thir an lan uage, compared wit 24 percent who speak Chinese and 8 prea who speak Spanish Infact, ton language lone sono fo fly 82 persent ofall Internet tor (eteret World Stats 201), ‘Givon the dominance af the English language and Wester vue the En terme, bli in such Yaos ee equality between men ad women the rit (0 soak froy, democratic partition i government, eb the pus of ple sure through consumption may be readily dius throughout the wld vee tho ntornet Moreover, Internat technology itzalf would sem to foster euch val ‘is: Globel commanication, seomingy unlimited (end uncensored) infrmation, and instant gratieaton are all haractaritns ofthe nav ehlogs. Ye it ay ‘be premature to conclide thatthe Internet wil sweep aside tational cults, replacing thom with radially new exkaral vans. Cyberspace fe bacomingly ‘moreasingly lab. 2000, nnry elf of all Interoet ures worldwide wore “Amarcans(Nun.oom 2000). By 2012, art over 10 peroent of wold tet sere ere American (internet Worl Stats 20123)-The Cineteae ala gpingoline increasingly lng numbers, with almost 58 milion Inoret vets in 2012-—wver 2020 percent mare than 2000 Intnnet World Stats 20129) ‘Ashe Interet seeds around the wor scholars eantnistodbate whether polit pathy, Conder, for example, the Md Fastern country of Kuwalt, ‘tendons slam eleare tht has ronnty experianced strong Ameria and European nflnons Kua an ol-rch country an the Persian Gulf ha one of the lgheet average per-person incomes in th world (UNESCWA 2011, The gor ramen provides free pubic education through the university level eau In high ates of iteracy and education for both men and women, Kuwait television frequently caries NFL football and athar US. programming, although broad ‘uss are regula interred fr the traditional Muslin cll to payer. Hal of How Does Globalization Affect Contemporary Culture? 65, 66 are Culture and Society GLOBALIZATION BY THE NUMBERS INTERNET CONNECTIVITY Ce ee eee er ey Berrien perenne ecnete recon a tae elven err etn esi Pereira eo eee rene oe Sane Soe Cae ante ire EUROPE Renner fe eae ous 10%. Pe Create Ce Eo TG oor ay ea ong aes OSC nationalism + Asst of boots in wail community rupted throughout major uban caters of North Ain andthe Midd Bast du Inthe spring of 2081 were fueled in pst by comsmunietion a the Inert, ching Paosbook postings chatroom sommansation, and tveots (ward 2010, ‘ording to Howard GOLD, one atvist who partite inthe Cairo, Haye rotors boasted“ We ute Facebook to schedule the potest, Twittr to cordinats sd YouTube total the weld” ‘Although te pose in Kuwait ware smaller nd shorted than thos in Hey, Tiss, ae Bahrain youn people's soothe meet played an important ‘le (AlHaqhag 2011). Howovor. young people yl fel costralnad by theirs ‘ional cite an hus protection behind the anonymous naturecf the ne. ‘As Kava techoology expert Most Said poled aut, “The eature of oa ‘die that allows yu to became anoymous has encouraged many people to se Ate andlbcume etry Sotved” (A Haghan 0) GLOBALIZATION AND LOCAL CULTURES ‘The wor has become single sil pete asl of he growing nerd de, th oc nd economic hat ow affects virally everyone Butt would be ‘mista tothinlofthisincraingliterdependenes, or ablation, of he work ite ltny athe growth of word unity: The globalizing of soll rations ‘hol be understood primer ae the rordering of time a distanoe in sot ie. ‘ur lives, in oer words ate increasingly and quik inuencod by events happen: ‘ng faraway fom eur everyday etn Clebaliaing proonares have brought many benefits to Americans: A much treater variety of ode and fodetts in valabe than ever before. At the sume ‘ne the fat that we are all now eaght up in « much widor wood has helped treate tome ofthe moet saris probs American rose face, such asthe ‘reat ofteroram ‘The nluence of growing bel culture hes provoke numerous reactions a ‘heocal ove Manylosalcltares remain tong or experiencing rejuvenation, ‘rily as sesponoe to the dfn of elabal eulsare. Sacks response grows ou ‘the concen that global ulture, dominated by North American and European cultural vale il eaeupt te Jon eure, For example the Taliban, an sami ‘ovement that controlled moat Agaastan ust 200, bstariallyhasught ‘poe traditional tal value throuhout tho coun. Through ts governmental “Mn for Onering What ie Right and Foriding What s Wrong the Taliban anned musi claoad move thuaters, probit the consumption faleoholane- ‘ure mon to row Gall bards, Wernen wee oreted to oove thar entire bodies vith rks, ethic garnets witha woven sree ver he eye; thay were fbi onto work ote their he raven be sen in poi with men wha were nt ‘ir epouse ot elations. Violation of there als resulted in seere punishment, ‘ometimesdesth The igeafthe Taibencan bouniestod at lust party asa je ‘ono theepread of Western cate "The renunence of loeal cultures sttimes aan throughout the wood ‘he rae of nationalism, a senae of ientfcation with ones poops that is ex reed through cammon Seto tangy belli Sometimes these nce the Dele thatthe people ofa particular mation eve historia! or God:ven rights that upertede hog of other poople. Nationalism ean be strongly polite, invalving attonpt to assert the ower of «nation based on a shared sti Culture and Society ‘cial entity over people ofa diffrent etsety oF rave, The wold of the ‘seenty-first cantury may well witness responses to globalization that celebrate sttnocentric nationalist bai, promoting intolerance ad teed rather than cnabeting alert, HOW GLOBALIZATION AND CULTURE AFFECT YOU ‘New nationals, cule Mantis, and religious practises ae constantly lng forged Uroughou the world When you mci with sient from the sae eu ‘ural chro rclebratetratonal lay with yur fends fy reeustaining your eure. The very tochnolgyththlp ster lobaliztion aso spprts al culares The Introd enables you to cammnieste with others who shar your cultural ent. even whon thoy are dispersed around the world hase who share a passion for a parila pe ose might pend hours laying Son Popontholsmartphane with eompetitore hon Uwe eve mt per rr sound the gobs. Yu miehehave nn leaned about Pusey Roton tho Internet and ‘watched video on YouTube. A casualesarch ovalsthoand of websites and syne devoted to diferentcultuesandsubeutures, Although bili ont yet ally undeatand thas proces, they en on- de that despite the powerful fro of olastion oprsting in the werd to Joon eutues eran oases, Yo the canary tal Pussy ‘iotrevele lol ull andocia mavens can ‘thrivand Mori onli they are alowed to 0, (lve the api ssa ehangsin recon decades ‘ssilltoos00n tll whether ad how ebaisation wllansfomour weed whether wiles inthe homogenization ofthe won diverse alums the ouvskingof many indivdsalelres orb, CONCE 2, what e national? 1. How doss global culture influence loca eutures? T CHECKS ¥ How Does Globalization Affect Contemporary Culture? 60) THE BIG PICTURE CORE EXERCISES: ‘Thinking Sociological Sao ‘tues or beh Lear he 2. Wht does tmman to be ‘Senoerous meandering sol Srrinthaireveryeay es? ‘dean by emphasing ctr) ori err) Pe ‘Ses tenes ane what ess9e ‘Sesbout you your subeutare ecpse afc of thes of people around te word "hn about tha oiet of = 7 SRT Namen sac} ociobnioay«bobogial ‘elvan © coal unos» language matings guste ‘eit hypotentssnier 1. Esplin the naure/rurare debate 2. hy do soci dsagree th the clam hat biology is destiny? 5 Give examples of sabeuturee ta are typi ot American socket, ‘iat tho dflerence between eutura etmocentsm and uta 5 Why is lage considered to be cultura nie n Socialization, the Life Course, and Aging HOW ARE CHILDREN SOCIALIZED? Lisa about socialization including gondr socialization), and know the ‘most important agonts of socatzaton WHAT ARE THE FIVE MAJOR STAGES OF THE LIFE COURSE? ‘Lea the verius stages ofthe Ife course and see the silaites and if. ‘ences among diferent cultures. HOW D0 PEOPLE AGE? Understand that aging is 2 combinaton of biological, psychological, and soci processes. Consider key theories of ang. artcualy those thet focus ‘on how roriety shapes the sacl rles of older people and that emphasize [sspeets of ape sraication \WHAT ARE THE CHALLENGES OF AGING IN THE UNITED STATES? Evaluate the experience of growing ol in tho United States. dent the ‘physical emotional and Facial chalanges faced by older agus RR cease en his pescot Halloween party deed up ashi favritecxrtoon sheractor—Danhine rd-alved young woman fram Seby-Dea Baa asked his "ater fhe sould dressup as Daphnefor the schol ary. al Srabhsplvige Se hott him the costume, which inched s bright orange wi nd pin velvet “res. Boo sn hs et friend piel both decided to wes the ate costane to the party AsSarahecounted, "Hallowen is night dress wp Yau pvt bestething ovate nat Hooves Seooby Deo (Puke Pope 2030), ‘When she arvved at is eeschoal on the dy ofthe party Sarah observed tht “womethess went wido-eed and made faces they alld” flee “Die ‘sto be that?" neaskod Another women saidehe wae shocked hata mother xl Jetherson dressup asa gi Sara rocale. “They continued withthe ory. prong ‘uetions. vile nother mom stfu stood thre in hock an diay. ‘nother mither sid Sarah never hold me allowed She comin on a ‘on shout how er ehilren could be an how he would be dele My reponse oq eeeeese—S—S—C—Oa Foyearld oo deste up ax Ns forte characte, seh fro eat france, ‘This act tigated 9 ‘nal conterston ou pe proprate™ bahivar for bobs socialization + Tesoci processrtraugh which we develop anaworenns fs) sone ind values apd acnieve 2 social reproduction + The ‘rrceturtcontesty vere, tay tog tien parents Manono produce auc, resocialization « The proces coftewning new norms values, on ™ ‘hat The only peopl tat soamntave ble witht [a] her others" (Nerdy Apple Bttom 2010, ure and puted by the strong ection to her son's oll costume Sarah posted on her bloga peo of Boon estas along with er ratlonae for ting ‘i dees he wise for Halloween Her log post attracted moe then 45,000 Comments, Sarah and her som were subsequent invited to appeat on nowy ery mjor national news prorat, from the Today Show to CNN American ‘Morning. Angey opponent aceieed Surah of everything fom “rains” er ‘deny to"inviting” abuse ad tus by ersng hur son a say boy” and “wusifyng hi Spportrs praised Sarah for ivinghersonthe freedom to way sn dress ep aneltfod. What dd Sarah ny tober detractors, when interviewed, onthe Today Show?

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