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Journal Entry 2:

Is authenticity even possible (ever?) or anymore in 2017? In-class writing:

answer one of the questions above in a well-developed paragraph. Use at
least two SPECIFIC examples to back up your claims.
Authenticity is possible depending what we consider to authentic. One artist I
studied embodies feminism in her style of music which makes her such a unique
artist. Her name is Beyonce and the music video I studied was Sorry. There are a
several things to note within this music video. The visual created shows unification.
All of the women move in sync. This represents a call to action to all women.
Although the song is about not being sorry and being fed up, it creates the idea that
all women in the situation shouldnt feel bad for feeling done, unapologetic, and
empowered by the idea of possibly moving on. Another visual that was significant
was Serena Williams solo dancing. This showed freedom. This freedom can be
expressed by either leaving their partner or the freedom to embrace ones curves,
sex appeal, and femininity. As Serena Williams is dancing while Beyonce, on a
throne like chair, sings I aint thinking about you I aint sorry. Beyonce confirms
this form of freedom in these lyrics. Another scene that is notable was Beyonce
siting alone nude with her legs cross. The scene shows vulnerability and intimacy.
The combination of this and the fast movements plays on the idea of sensitivity
towards leaving her partner and taking her child with her, yet the fast movements
show strength which combats the sensitivity. This effect shows how quick she is able
to leave him and be perfectly okay.

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