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Flowmeter Selection Guide

To ensure we provide the right solution to meet your needs, please complete the following information & email to us (refer bottom of page)

To receive a complete & fully operational BASIC flowmeter package, you MUST order: a flow meter, USB downloading cable, a mounting
accessory & a power source (for portable flowmeter only)

Please describe the application to be


What is the type of hydraulics? Open Channel Closed Pipe

What is the shape of the channel? Rectangular Round
What is the size of the channel? <150 mm
150 to <500 mm
500 to <1,000 mm
1,000+ mm
Do you have a primary device? Yes Flume Weir
What power is available at site? AC (fixed) DC (portable)
What level of particulates are in the water? 0 to 20 NTU 20+ NTU
Is there a chance of surcharge? Yes (clarify)
Are there any chemicals in the water? Yes (clarify)
Is the site exposed to human tampering? Yes (clarify)
Do you expect low or zero flow conditions? Yes (how often) (weeks per year)
Do you expect reverse flow conditions? Yes (clarify)
How soon do you need your flowmeter? <1 Month 1 to 3 Months >3 Months
What brand(s) of flowmeter do you currently use?

Anything else we need to know to assist you?

AUSTRALIA - Free Call: 1800 251 799 NEW ZEALAND - Toll Free: 0800 651 700
Email: Email:

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