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In CPU scheduling HRRN(Highest Response Ratio Next) algorithm chooses the next

process to be scheduled using the formula (W+S)/S where W-> waiting time & S-
>Service Time. Can someone share their intuition behind this formula? How does
this calculate Highest Response Ratio?


It's a variation on Shortest Job Next (SJN) and is an attempt to avoid the starvation
problems for estimated long running jobs on busy systems with many short running

When a job has just hit the scheduling queue it's wait time is zero and it's priority is
1. As the wait time increases it's priority is increased by a factor weighted by it's
ESTIMATED* run time. Consider 2 processes, one with an estimated run time of 5,
the other with 10. Assuming they are placed in the run queue at the same time,
both will have an initial priority of 1.

Process A (s=5) priority = 1 + 0/5 = 1

Process B (S=10) priority = 1 + 0/10 = 1

As the processes wait, their priority increases proportional to their expected run
time, let's say both have waited an interval of 10:

Process A (S=5) priority = 1 + 10/5 = 3

Process B (S=10) priority = 1 + 10/10 = 2

As you can see the priorities of each process increase, but at different rates. After
the initial scheduling interval, process A is going to be picked to run before process
B. Once a process is picked to run, its wait time is reset to 0.

Let's assume that process A was picked to run after the previous wait period, but
process B had to wait another 10 intervals, and process A became computable
again. The new priorities would be:

Process A (S=5) = 1 + 0/5 = 1

Process B (S=10) = 1 + 20/10 = 3

Assuming other processes with higher priority blocked both processes for another
interval of 10 the new priorities become: Process A = 1 + 10/5 = 3 Process B = 1 +
30/10 = 4

And again both wait 10: Process A = 1 + 20/5 = 5 Process B = 1 + 40/10 = 5

At this point both processes again have equal priority and either COULD be picked,
but on a busy system it's not guaranteed. If they wait again the new priorities would
Process A = 1 + 30 / 5 = 7

Process B = 1 + 50/10 = 6

Again process A becomes the higher priority, but B is still increasing it's priority. A
will be picked first and it's wait again reset to 0, but since B is still accumulating
wait time it's priority will keep increasing until it becomes the highest priority on the
system and all other processes will have to wait for it to run.

Opinion time: This seems like a better algorithm than straight SJN, but in practice it
could still provide unsatisfactory perceived user response on a busy general
purpose system. Users would perceive a "bursty" system which sometimes gave
quick answers, but with long pauses. I prefer preemptive style scheduling for
interactive systems. For non-interactive systems, this may provide better overall
throughput since it reduces expensive context switches.

Note that these are all ESTIMATED run times either based on a default initial value
or on the average of the previous estimate and the actual last run time. This leads
to a scheduling problem if the estimate is wildly inaccurate or has a series of short
run times followed by a very long run.


I understand A and B but then according to what C is chosen before others and then
why D is in the end I don't understand...

Feedback with q = 2
I read on a source that is a priority version of Round Robin and on our script it says
another version of short response next algorithm with q. I mixed everything on this
one and cant really find a correct logic. Most interesting why is there a block greater
than 2? Final block of B.


In the HRRN question, the process B executes from 4-7 ms. Since process C arrived
at 4ms, it has to wait 3ms. Similarly process D, arrived at 6ms and it has to wait for

According HRRN, ratio for C = 1 + 3/4 = 1.75 ratio for D = 1 + 1/5 = 1.2 , therefore
process C executes from 7-11ms.

Now, D has to wait for 4ms more till C completes. Similarly E waits for 3ms.

Ratio for D = 1 + (4+1)/5 = 2 Ratio for E = 1 + 3/2 = 2.5

Therefore E executes next and D gets executed finally. Hope this clarifies. I have no
idea about problem 2.

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