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Protestant Natural Law


Anthony J. Fejfar, B.A., J.D., Esq., Coif

©Copyright 2010 by Anthony J. Fejfar

Protestant Natural Law begins with Individual Autonomy as its First Principle.

This is based upon the Natural Law Ideal of Liberty, and the Idea of Freewill.

Individual Autonomy means that I have the Liberty to do anything I want to, and the

Liberty to Think anything I want to, as long as I am not interfering with a similar Liberty

Interest of another. The Natural Law Principle of Reciprocity requires that I recognize

the same Liberty for another as I myself have. No more, no less. Moreover, Liberty is

not License. License is freedom without the constraints provided by the Natural Law

Principle of Reciprocity, and thus, involves conduct which is unreasonable, irrational and

unethical, and which denies Freedom and Autonomy to another.

Protestant Natural Law also provides that a person should, and is entitled to pursue,

Enlightened Rational Self Interest. Rational Self Interest provides that, as a general rule,

I prefer pleasure over pain, and, that once my basic needs are met, instead of being

selfish, I instead pursue Higher Values, such as my own Self-Actualization. Self-

Actualization involves my choosing and working on an Existential Project, which , is

guided by my Cognitive Self Transcendence. My Cognitive Self Transcendence

involves the use of the Transcendental Precepts: Be Attentive, Be Intelligent, Be

Reasonable, Be Responsible, Be Loving, Be Intuitive, Be Wise. And, working on an

Existential Project, produces Spiritual Satisfaction for me.

Given the foregoing, Protestant Natural Law requires a Legal System which

promotes Constitutional Democracy, which recognizes Individual Rights and

Constitutional Rights which are Natural Rights, grounded in Natural Law, such as, Life,

Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Such Rights include the Rights found in the Bill

of Rights in the American Constitution, as well as those Rights found in the 14th

Amendment. Thus, all laws are required to be reasonable, and, Rationally related to a

Legitimate State Interest. Included in my Constitutional and Natural Rights, is the Right

of Individual Religious Liberty. Religious Liberty does not involve the License of

choosing to act upon the lower values of the Base Emotions, such as, irrational

selfishness and greed. Also excluded are any satanic religious practices such as human

sacrifices, scapegoating, and cannibalism. Also, hypocrisy is excluded from religious

freedom protection.

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