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Client Feedback


Date: 20/03/2017 Time: 1:27 PM Place: MS1
Present: Mr Southworth and Miss Wellings
Group Members: William Hall, Sam Baxter and Chris Haisell
Advisor: Miss Wellings
Items Discussed:
Firstly we presented the pitch to Miss
Wellings and Mr Southworth by taking it in
turns to talk over different parts of the pitch
we created on the computer after we had
shown the whole slideshow and we had
discussed all the point we wanted to we
received questions from the teachers which
we answered and then we got feedback on
our pitch and how we could improve certain
aspects of the idea.
We included a frisk assessment and
production schedule with our pitch so the
people present could understand we had
planned the whole idea and had a complete
understanding of what was to be done.

The questions asked by the teachers were

basic questions as we had planned almost
every little thing down to the last detail
although the things they did question us
about because we didnt mention them were
small things that our group decided very
quickly and efficiently because our team is
very good at making decisions and work well
together. One question which was
particularly hard as we hadnt considered
this before they asked was about the music
in the background of our ident which we took
a few seconds to think about and then
decided very quickly and efficiently.

Mr Southworth and Miss Wellings then gave

us feedback on our pitch explaining to us
how they liked that we had used an external
online presentation service to complete our
pitch which made the pitch very colourful
and exciting throughout capturing their
attention from the very start of the pitch
they also said they liked that we had
included the production schedule and the
risk assessment but they would have liked it
if our storyboard was included. They then
said they could clearly see we had put in
work and we knew the channels ethos and
target audience and gave us feedback saying
we answered the questions they asked well
and quickly which was good as it showed
clear skill on all group members behalf.

My overall conclusion is that our pitch was

very successful which can be seen in the
feedback and we even answered the
questions very quickly and efficiently. We
could have done a few things differently by
incorporating the storyboard and such which
would have made our pitch a little better
better but in general our pitch was very
successful. But my main criticism would be to
have thought more about sound in the ident.

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