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4/11/2017 BuyKashmiriHandicraftsonlinethroughAJKTOURS.



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Kashmiri Handicrafts, Clothes and Shawls Categories

The Handicrafts of Jammu & Kashmir have acquired worldwide fame for their Adventures
exquisite refinement and aesthetic elegance. These crafts have great diversity and Bagh
The Most popular products are
Kashmiri Carpets. Car Rental

Kashmiri Shawls. Events

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Chain Stitch.
Papier Machie. Hot Spots
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Tayyab I still remember it was

Ali Shah July of 2010, when we
(Allainet) decided to visit
Neelum Valley in Azad
Kashmir. There were so
many things to worry
about like comfortable
transport, good
residence and quality
food out there. Luckily
we heard about AJK
Tours from a friend and
we finalized the deal with
them at a very fair rate.
They arranged a van and
a very professional yet
friendly guide for us.
From transport to food
to residence everything
was near to perfect. I
cant explain in words
beauty of Kutton Valley.
Its waterfall was
amazing, Rest House was
so calm and luxurious
and jeep safari to Jagran
Power Station was just
like a dream ride. And all
of us still remember the
swimming in crystal clear 4/12

pool near Kuttons Water

Fall. On way to Sharda
Valley the guide show us
some places near Kel
Valley where Indian
Occupied Kashmir was
just a few feet away from
us. Sharda Valley was
literally a picturesque.
We also visited a very
historical place Sharda
University which was a
bonus for people
interested in history and
archaeology. To
summarize I could say its
worth to visit Azad
Kashmir and to double
up your joys and cut all
your worries about the
transportation, food and
residence AJK Tours is the
best option out there.
Syed Asif Very professional and
Hussain promptly replied on your
requests. Mr Awais travel
guide is an amazing
person and very expert
driver. Feel like a family
memeber while traveling
with him
NUST First of all Im really
Students thankful to AJKTOURS for
Group guiding us for the trip
and providing us with all
necessary logistics for its
successful execution.
Comfort of
transportation and
accommodation made
this trip a memorable
one and indeed this was
a life time experience for
the whole group of
seven.Our journey
started from Islamabad
on June 25th, 2012 at
1000 hours. We stayed
near Murree for tea and
reached Muzaffarabad by
the lunch time, i.e.
around 1500. We had our
lunch there and left for
Kutton around 1700
hours. As we were
passing by Patika, 5/12

weather started to
change its colors. Before
we could reach
KundalShahi, heavy rain
started. So, we
completed the journey
from KundalShahi to
Kutton Resorts in this
rain and complete
darkness, which was the
first adventure of our
trip. We reached Kutton
around 2000 hours and
got our rooms for first
night.Next Morning, June
26th, we started our
journey ahead. Lush
green mountains,
cleanliness and calm in
atmosphere are real
beauties of Kutton
(Jagran Valley). By the
lunch time we reached
Sharda, a really scenic
place. Some people
believe that Sharda is the
most beautiful place in
the valley, but we really
dont, as we had to visit
some more beautiful
places. In Sharda, we
visited the ruins of a
university and took lunch
on the bank of river and
started our journey
towards Kel. By 1800
hours we reached Kel
and enjoyed the beauty
of dusk there.
Syed Aah Neelum Valley,
MusawerParadise of Earth
Hussain according to Firdosi
Shah (persian poet)and
Kashmir is the land of art and artisans state and art is passed on from one
according to me also. I
generation to another. The arts and crafts of Kashmir are not famous only
always want to make my
in Asia but all over the world. Right from the Kashmiri Shawls to the earthen
2nd Home here
pottery, carpets weaving to Namdas, Paper Mache to wooden works, Phoolkari to
Mahwish Heaven on Earth! :')
Crewel work, Pheran to Basketry, the hands of the legendary artisans and the
Afzal Murree is an overrated
master craftsmen have the magic to turn the ravage into gold. The silken touch
tourist attraction. People
with the masterly style produces the best sketches, designs, patterns and structure
should visit this place
that are unique in their own nature captivating the hearts of everyone who looks
instead. The sound of
at them. Each region of Kashmir deals with some specific art or craft.
water splashing
History of handicrafts in Kashmir
constantly on the rocks,
Kashmir is a heaven on earth with its wide expanses, the grandeur of its towering the cool breeze and the
mountain ranges with their eternal snows, its majestic rivers and friendly, serenity of the place.. No
sparkling little streams, snowy winters, a blossom-laden spring, a hot summer, and comparison at all! 6/12

a vividly colored autumn that follows a monsoon season bringing flooded rivers Rehman THE MOST BEAUTIFUL
and humid heat. Khan VALLEY, TRACKING
The arts and crafts of Kashmir received its greatest infusion of technology and VALLEY, RIVERS, LUSH
creativity when Sultan Sikandars son, Shahi Khan ascended the throne in 1421 GREEN MEADOWS, HIGH
and called himself Zain-ulAbadin. Prior to this he had been kidnapped by Tamur GREEN MOUNTAIN, ICY
Lane and confined to Samarkand where he spent his time amongst the finest PEAKS. ITS LIKE A
craftsmen and artists of China. When he became the Emperor he called for HEAVEN
craftsmen from Central Asia and Arabia and ensured that the local craftsmen were Abdul We visted the valley from
trained to be amongst the finest in the world. He introduced paper making, Papier Azeem Muzaffarabad till Tao
machie art, calligraphy, embroidery, metal work, and the entire process of silk Butt. Beautiful place. A
manufacture through the rearing of mulberry trees and silkworms. Local crafts must see for everyone.
men were often also farmers and were already adept in the art of pottery, willow We all had a wonderful
basket weaving, mat weaving and stone work. The massive resurgence and time.
flourishing of crafts in Kashmir still owes its greatest debt to this artistic and
benign ruler. Tags

ajk AJK Tourism ajktourism Azad

Kashmir Azad Kashmir Tourism bagh

banjosa beautiful places in

Azad kashmir enshrines
Emperor Akbar introduced the fashionable aspect of shawls, including how to in AJK enshrines in Azad
wear and embroider them to best advantage for the wardrobe of nobility. These
Kahmir honeymoon in
wonderful shawls travelled to the courts of France, Persia and Italy and finally
were items of both trade and bribery when the East India Company came to India hunza honeymoon in Kashmir
and gradually converted trading interests into colonial domination. honeymoon in Murree
Apart from this the nomadic Gujar/Bakarwal tribes who spend their years crossing Honeymoon in Nathiagali Honeymoon in Neelum

over seasonally from the hills of Jammu to the hills of Kashmir with their goats, Valley honeymoon in swat Hotels in Keran
sheep, ponies, blankets, household equipment, wearing flamboyant silver and
white metal jewellery, embroidered caps and distinct style of clothing.
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Neelum Valley tour packages
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rent a car in Hunza rest houses in Azad

Kashmir sharda Shrines in

Shepherds, nomads, farmers and workmen all stave off the winter cold with warm
wraps in natural coloured wool lovingly made from the fleece of local sheep. The Muzaffarabad Skardu Tour
fine end of shawl making provides the most exquisite craftsmanship remaining Packages sudhan gali Swat Tour Packages
anywhere in the world.
tourism in ajk tourist spots
Patterns are codified like verse on paper and sung out as instructions to the
weaver. They consist of floral and paisley patterns in infinite layouts forming an
in ajk Tour Packages Neelum Valley tour
entire spread in the manner of a tapestry all over or at both ends. These shawls packages to murree Tour packages to
Neelum Valley
were most popular in the court of Napoleon and a favourite of Empress Josephine 7/12

and have been revived today for discerning clientele who wish to feel history in
their hands.
Pashmina fabric, known in the west as cashmere, is woven out of the fine fleece
from the underbelly of a domestic goat, capra hircus, found in the plains of Tibet
and Ladakh. Spinning and weaving skills are much finer in
Kashmir than Ladakh, so while the raw material is sourced in high altitudes, the
high cost of the shawls comes from the fine weaving that comes naturally to
Kashmiri men. In Kashmir both handloom weaving and embroidery are
traditionally done by men while both men and women spin the raw wool into fine
The finest of embroideries are done on shawls with silk threads in patterns which
cover the entire cloth or limit themselves to borders and end pieces. Patterns and
colours follow the gentle shades of the flora and fauna of Kashmir, which is more
European. Paisleys, florals, and trellis designs are done in a variety of stitches and
locally called sozni. The skill is generally carried out in workshops where men
gather with their samovars and hukkas to carry out their days work. These
workshops demonstrate that shawl production was part of an organized trade and
was traditionally a major commercial activity. Floor coverings range from the
famed silk and wool handmade carpets to the common mans namda made of
beaten and embroidered felt to the chain stitched gabba, fashioned by
embroidering together separate pieces of felt in geometric appliqu designs.

Handicrafts of Kashmir A Tribute to the golden hands

Hand knotted carpets of Kashmir, locally known as Kal Baffi, are world renowned
for two things they are handmade and they are always knotted, never tufted.
Very simple tools are used to thread these knots, a wood or Metal comb to push
knots and weft tightly together and pair of short scissors to cut the pile of the
carpet to an even form once it is finished. The most popular of these areKashan
and Kirman, Tabriz and Isfahan, Meshed and Bokhara. The yarn used normally is
silk, wool or silk and wool. Woolen carpets always have a cotton base while silk
usually have cotton base.
A handmade felt rug that makes excellent floor covering, made of unspun wool or
wool and cotton pressed and felted in specific proportions, the rug originally came
from Yarkand, Sinkiang and stayed to become an indigenous craft.
The felt is embroidered with a hook in bold designs and assortment of colours.
The sizes range from 2x3, 3x4, 4x6 to 6x9 feet and 3,4,56 dia in round shape.
The quality depends upon percentage of wool in the felt, popularly made quality is 8/12

32% wool, 50% wool and 100% wool. Prices vary with the percentage of wool a
Namda containing 80% wool being more expensive than one containing 20% wool.
Chain stitch embroidery in woolen and cotton thread is worked on these rugs.
Papier Mache
Papier machine is in fact a unique combination of line and colour on moulded
forms of a variety of objects. It involves ornamentation in colour over smoothened
surfaces built up of paper pulp or layers of paper. Paper pulp is not always found
effective and is sometimes replaced by other substitutes.
Important designs and motifs in papier machie designs are:
Gulander Gul (flower in flower) Hazara (the thousand flowers) Gul Vilayat (the dear
flower) Miniature Mugal paints Mythological figures Animals Hunting scenes Battle
Scenes The product range covers ring boxes, pill boxes, boxes of assorted shapes
and sizes, flower vases, wall plaques, bowls, ashtrays, screens etc.
Kasmiri Shawls
There are three fibers from which the Kashmiri shawls are made Wool, Pashmina
and Shahtoosh. Woolen shawls being are the cheapest while the Shahtoosh are
the most expensive ones. Woolen shawls are popular because of the embroidery,
worked on them, which is a specialty to Kashmir. Both embroidery and the type of
wool used causes differences in price.
Apart from shape and pattern, there are only two main types:
(I)loomwoven shawls: called tiliwalla, tilikar or kani kar sometimes woven in one
piece, but more often in small segments which are sewn together with
such precision that the sewing is quite imperceptible.
(2) embroidered shawls: amlikar in which over a ground of plain pashmina is
worked by needle a minute and elaborate beautiful patterns.
Pashmina is known for its softness. Pashmina yarn is spun from the hair of the
ibex found at 14,000 ft above the sea level, Pure Pashmina is expensive but mixed
Pashmina with wool is less expensive
Chain Stitch and Crewel Furnishings
Crewel embroidery is done on thick
material popularly used for furnishing and
usually carries floral and creeper designs.
The designs are available in assortment of
colours ranging from a single colour to
multi colour embroidery. The width of the
material is 54 inches and is available in
running meterage. The price is related with
the amount of embroidery done on the
material. This craft is also available on bed spreads in various sizes ranging from
single to king size.
A traditional craft, recently revived, is Phoolkari, Bagh or Shaloo embroidered in
the phoolkari style was an essential part of the brides trousers till only a few
decades back. A craft with its origin in Punjab Phoolkari, as the very name suggests
is a style of embroidery of floral designs. The present day designs, however, are by
no means limited to flowers alone and include a variety of other patterns.
Basket weaving
Basket weaving is done mainly by willow rushes which are found in abundance in
marshes and lakes in Kashmir. All the objects made from willow are expensive and
can range from shopping baskets and lampshade to tables and chairs. To increase
the life of the final products should be chiseled properly and should also be made
in contact with water frequently where the temperature is higher than in other
areas so that they dont break easily. Baskets made from willow rush finds its use 9/12

in different areas such as they can be used as picnic

baskets, glass holders for holding teas, lampshades,
work baskets and they can even serve as packing
case which can hold the material when sent through
road unattended.
Wood Carving
Another interesting part of Kashmiri handicraft is
the Wood carving. Complex wood carvings done on
houseboats are one such example of the wood
carving. It is not very expensive in nature but one can always find ivory
incorporated in the design.
Pheran is a traditional Kashmiri garment worn in winters to get some warmth
from frigid weather .It is eminently suited to the Kashmiri way of life, because it
provides space for Kangri, an earthen lamp carried close to the body for more
warmth when Temperature goes down from zero degree. Mens Pherans are
always made of tweed or coarse wool, whilewomens pherans, are more stylized,
commonly made of raffel with ari or hook embroidery at the throat, cuffs and
edges. The quality of embroidery and thickness of the raffel determines the price.
Willow rushes that grow profusely in marshes and lakes of Kashmir are used to
make charmingly attractive objects such as shopping baskets, lampshades, tables
and chairs and are generally inexpensive. To increase their life span, unvarnished
products should be chiseled and frequently sprayed with water, particularly in hot,
dry climates, to prevent them from being brittle.
Walnut Wood
Walnut is a soft wood, so craftsmen do fine carving on walnut wood Carving is the
demonstration of the carvers skill, and walnut take it very well, being one of the
strongest varieties of wood.
There are two types of walnut trees one is the fruit bearing tree whose wood is
well known, and the other which bears no fruits, is locally known as zangul.
Zangul is less strong & has none of the beauty of walnut. Wood carvings
beautifully done on the cabinets, chairs, tables, jewelry boxes and ornamental
caskets produced in Kashmir. Wood carving is also done on a large scale on the
doors, walls and windows of traditional Kashmiri houses.
Copper and Silverware
The Kashmiri craftsman also produces excellent products of copper-ware
consisting mostly of cooking pots and samovars and sundry articles for the
household or the mantelpieces, they are admiringly adapted for electroplating.
There is a good demand for beautiful copper trays inlet into tables of carved
walnut-wood, there are floral, stylized, geometric, leaf and even calligraphic motifs
that are engraved or embossed on copper or brass.


Post Tagged withAzad Kashmir Kashmiri store online, Azad Kashmiri Handicrafts,
Kashmiri Handicrafts, kashmiri handicrafts in Pakistan, Kashmiri Handicrafts
online order, Kashmiri Kulcha, Kashmiri Kurta, Kashmiri products buy and sale in
Pakistan, Kashmiri Shawls, online order kashmiri handicrafts, pashmeena shawls,
Pashmina shawls
onJan, 13, 2017 Kashmiri Handicrafts No Comments. Bynomi_ajktours 10/12

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