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My name is Zach Pettit,

I am seeking to become a technical writer and am excited by the opportunity to gain

experience in the field and network with professionals who have succeeded in the

Ive been developing my capacity to write in a technically proficient manner on a variety

of subjects throughout my educational career from my extensive dialectic journals on
The Prince in European History to the research and analysis heavy lab reports in
Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Since Ive started college, Ive consistently favored
writing based electives to focus my work on acquiring a diversity of exposure to different
forms and contexts for writing. Specifically, I found my coursework in Cultural
Anthropology especially enlightening. Although I have not done much travelling
personally I believe that this education on the enormous variety of diverse cultures and
belief systems around the planet will go a long way to allowing me to empathize with a
greater diversity of audiences than I previously could.

As I came to recognize my preference to write over any other form of work, I began to
seek out my friends to review and edit their work to further increase my exposure to
distinct modes of writing. For example, my roommate is a non-native English Speaker
and a Chinese major. By assisting her with grammar and organizing her essays I gained
exposure to the work of several Chinese philosophers I whose work I otherwise never
would have read. I find working with my friends both to improve their writing and gain
exposure to be extremely rewarding. I am interested in a position that will expose me to
a vast pluralism of academic and technical literature on a scale that I would not achieve

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