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Lincoln County School District #2

Board Minutes
June 30, 2010

Members present:
Mike Hunsaker, Eileen Merritt, Donna Ivie, Reynold Johnson

Meeting called to order at 8:33 AM

Superintendent Abrams updated the board on a certification issue. It is possible that a newly contracted
employee may need to be released due to certification issues.

Review Consolidated Grant

Mark Taylor updated the board on the Corrective Action Plan from the Consolidated Grant review that was
done by the Wyoming Department of Education. He asked for board approval to move ahead with the plan to
address those recommendations. Donna Ivie asked that Shirley Johns be commended for her efforts in her
work with the grants. Eileen Merritt made the motion that the Board accepts the plan as presented. Motion
seconded by Donna Ivie. Motion carried unanimously.

Approval of Bids
Business Manager JC Inskeep updated the board on bids that have been opened and the bids for the weight
room equipment that will be opened today at 2:00 p.m. Mr. Hunsaker reiterated that the amount previously
approved for the weight training equipment and training of staff was $80,000.00. As long as the bids are within
that guideline the district may move ahead.

The Cokeville High School Track Project bids were opened and came in higher than anticipated. Mr. Inskeep
provided a recommendation to the board that the board approve the additional expenditure $443,609.00 out of
the general fund rather than the over payment of bond fund for the construction of the Cokeville Track. The
funds are available from the 2009-2010 fiscal year. Donna Ivie asked if it would be a possibility to have a
scoreboard in the future at the track in Cokeville. The bid already contains rough conduit that could be used for
this purpose if needed. A motion was made by Eileen Merritt to encumber the $443,609.00 from the 2009-2010
for construction of the Cokeville High School Track Project to be constructed in fiscal year 2010-2011. Motion
seconded by Donna Ivie. Motion carried unanimously.

Bids for irrigation and sod at Thayne Elementary and Etna Elementary were discussed. Reynold Johnson
made the motion to approve the bids for landscaping, irrigation and sod at Thayne Elementary, landscaping,
irrigation and sod at Etna Elementary and chain link fence and mow strip at Thayne Elementary. Eileen Merritt
seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.

Tim Trefren commended the board and the school district's efforts to support the local economy. He stated that
Brennan Construction was been "super great" to work for.

Meeting adjourned at 9:21.

_____________________________ _______________________________
Randy Thompson, Chairman Donna Ivie, Clerk

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