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Recurring Billing- Enhanced billing capabilities in R12.2.

EBS Order Management

Kishor Genikala
Oracle India Private limited

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Program Agenda
Business Need
Solution Overview
Key Setups
Process Flow
Data Flow
Solution Details
Solution Constraints and Limitations
Common Setup Issues

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 4

Program Agenda
Business Need
Solution Overview
Key Setups
Process Flow
Data Flow
Solution Details
Solution Constraints and Limitations
Common Setup Issues

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 5

Recurring Billing
Business Need
Enhanced Order Management Billing Capabilities For invoicing over a period of time
based on business events/dates
Industries: Oil & Exploration, or Infrastructure & Constructions:
Deep drilling or other heavy industrial equipments are maintained/given for a rent
for a specified period or without a pre-specified period (i.e. till clients return the
Rent/payment amount is predetermined and can be increased during the contract
Industries: Cloud-Computing or SaaS business:
Subscriptions are sold for a specified amount per user and payments are received
Subscription amounts can be increased or decreased
Subscription quantity (# of users) can be increased /decreased as per clients need.
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Program Agenda
Business Need
Solution Overview
Key Setups
Process Flow
Data Flow
Solution Details
Solution Constraints and Limitations
Common Setup Issues

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 7

Recurring Billing
Solution Overview
Recurring Billing enables business to bill its clients in multiple invoices over a period of
time as per the agreed billing plan
Business can bill its clients recurringly, period-on-period basis
A modifiable bill schedule is defined & stored on the Billing Plan associated to an order
System reads the Billing Plan and generates new bill-only order lines to invoice clients
Billing plan can be for a definite set of billing installments or can be indefinite till its
It can be modified as per the business needs any time while billing is in progress
Billing plan can be terminated manually by the business user or through the creation
of Return Material Authorization (RMA)

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 8

Program Agenda
Business Need
Solution Overview
Key Setups
Process Flow
Data Flow
Solution Details
Solution Constraints and Limitations
Common Setup Issues

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 9

Recurring Billing
Key Setup Steps
Add form function "OM HTML UI : Recurring Billing"
to the responsibilitys menu

Enable Recurring Billing

system parameter

Schedule Create Billing Lines

concurrent program

Defaulting Rule

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Recurring Billing
Adding Form Function

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Recurring Billing
System Parameter

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Recurring Billing
Create Billing Lines - concurrent program

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Recurring Billing
Setup Defaulting Rule

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Recurring Billing
Setup Defaulting Rule Sample Code of API



( p_database_object_name IN VARCHAR2
,p_attribute_code IN VARCHAR2)


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Recurring Billing
Setup Defaulting Rule Sample Code of API



( p_database_object_name IN VARCHAR2
,p_attribute_code IN VARCHAR2)

l_debug_level CONSTANT NUMBER := oe_debug_pub.g_debug_level;

l_source_order_line_id NUMBER;

IF l_debug_level > 0 THEN

l_source_order_line_id := ONT_LINE_DEF_HDLR.g_record.SOURCE_ORDER_LINE_ID;

IF l_source_order_line_id IS NOT NULL

AND l_source_order_line_id <> FND_API.G_MISS_NUM

RETURN 1418; --Bill Only Line Type -- Write custom Logic here




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Program Agenda
Business Need
Solution Overview
Key Setups
Process Flow
Data Flow
Solution Details
Solution Constraints and Limitations
Common Setup Issues

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 17

Recurring Billing
Process Flow


Enter Submit/Schedule
Source Order Line Create Billing Lines
concurrent program

Optionally select
Billing Validation flag Billing Lines are
created, fulfilled, &
Billing Plan

Fulfill & Close

Source Order Line

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Program Agenda
Business Need
Solution Overview
Key Setups
Process Flow
Data Flow
Solution Details
Solution Constraints and Limitations
Common Setup Issues

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 19

Recurring Billing
Data Flow

Data Flow Steps

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 20

Program Agenda
Business Need
Solution Overview
Key Setups
Process Flow
Data Flow
Solution Details
Solution Constraints and Limitations
Common Setup Issues

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 21

Recurring Billing
Solution Details - Billing Plan
Capture billing plan information on Action> Billing Plan window
This is an OAF page which can be launched from both Forms & HTML UI
Billing Plan can be attached to each Source order line
Option to Generate Fixed Number(for exp. Pay in Installments flow) / Indefinite
Number (for exp. rental flow) of Billing Plan Lines
A billing plan can be quickly defined by entering Billing Period (e.g. weekly, or
monthly), Billing Frequency (e.g. 3, or 25), Start Date, Billing Amount etc.
A new attribute, Billing Validation added on SO line, determines whether or not the
sum of the bill amounts on the Billing Plan should equal the SO line amount
Option to generate the first bill with the source order line to which the Billing Plan
is attached

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Recurring Billing
Billing Plan Generate Billing Plan Lines Indefinitely

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 23

Recurring Billing
Billing Plan Generate Billing Plan Lines Indefinitely

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 24

Recurring Billing
Billing Plan Generate Billing Plan Lines Indefinitely

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 25

Recurring Billing
Billing Plan Generate a Fixed Number of Billing Plan Lines

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 26

Recurring Billing
Billing Plan Generate a Fixed Number of Billing Plan Lines

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 27

Recurring Billing
Billing Plan Generate a Fixed Number of Billing Plan Lines

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 28

Recurring Billing
Solution Details - Billing Plan Statuses
There are different statuses a billing plan can go through.
Open - Billing has not started yet. Billing Plan window is editable.
Billing in Progress - Billing has started, at least one line on billing plan got billed. In
this status, Billing Plan window is still editable.
Closed - Billing is complete for all lines. Billing Plan window is non-editable.
Terminated - Manually terminated the billing plan, or an RMA (with full qty) has
been created against the source order line. Billing Plan window is read-only
Review required There exist changes on source order line (qty & amount), or RMA
with partial quantity has been created when billing is in progress. Review & update the
billing plan with respect to bill dates, amounts etc.
Billing Plan is editable till its status is set to Closed or Terminated.

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 29

Recurring Billing
Solution Details - Modification to Billing Plan
Fixed Number of Billing Plan Lines option:
Parameters of Billing Period, Billing Frequency, Start Date, Billing Amount and Number
of Billing Plan Lines are not saved and are used for defaulting billing plan lines only.
If billing has not started, users can enter new values in these parameters and re-
default in new billing plan lines and delete existing billing plan lines
Regardless of whether billing has started or not, billing plan lines are updatable
If billing has already started, billing plan lines that have been billed are not updatable
Indefinite Number of Billing Plan Lines option:
Parameters of Billing Period, Billing Frequency, Start Date and Billing Amount are saved
Parameters can always be changed and the new values will be applicable to billing plan
lines to be created in the future
Users can never update billing plan lines that have already been created
Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 30
Recurring Billing
Solution Details - Billing Lines
Billing lines will be created, once the source sales order line is closed
Concurrent program Create Billing Lines generates bill-only sales order lines (Billing
Lines) on the due date of each bill as specified on the Billing Plan
Billing Amount that is invoice interfaced to AR, not the Extended Price (USP * Qty)
If Bill First Billing Plan Line with Source Order Line is not selected, then null/zero is
stored in this field for the source order line and Zero amount is interfaced to AR.
Freight Charges & Taxes on source order line, will be invoiced as per the existing
standard functionality in R12.
Billing lines ordered quantity will be as that of source order line, and is not allowed to
Billing lines will have zero (0) value in USP and ULP fields and is not allowed to change
System defaults the Line Transaction Type for Billing lines, as per standard functionality

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Recurring Billing
Solution Details - Source Order Line
Source order line can be cancelled if it is open (i.e. not fulfilled), as per standard R12
functionality. In this case the associated billing plan is purged
Modification of Line Amount on source order line is allowed as per the workflow
attached to the source order line. (till re-pricing at fulfillment is supported)
At invoicing/closing, if any change in the order line amount since the billing plan was last
updated, billing plan status will be changed to Review Required.
Source order line workflow sets to Invoice Interface Eligible incomplete data
Billing can be manually terminated / referenced RMA for the full quantity
Referenced RMA for part of the quantity on the source order line will automatically
place the Billing Plan on Review Required status.

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 32

Program Agenda
Business Need
Solution Overview
Key Setups
Process Flow
Data Flow
Solution Details
Solution Constraints and Limitations
Common Setup Issues

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 33

Recurring Billing
Solution Constraints and Limitations

ISO flow is not supported with this feature.

Other fulfillment flows like drop-ship and back-to-back are not impacted by this feature.
Models (Kit, ATO, PTO, or Hybrid) are not supported in this release.
RMAs (whether referenced or non-referenced) cannot have billing plan associated with
Versioning of Billing Plan is not supported
HVOP is not supported with this feature
Copy: Users are not be given the ability to select "Billing Plan" as an option in Copy
Order/Copy Line flows in both Forms and HTML UIs

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 34

Program Agenda
Business Need
Solution Overview
Key Setups
Process Flow
Data Flow
Solution Details
Solution Constraints and Limitations
Common Setup Issues

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 35

Recurring Billing
Common Setup Issues

Issue #1:
Not able to see Billing plan in Actions in Sales Order form even though system
parameter Recurring Billing is set to Yes.
Probable Cause:
The form function of the Billing Plan OAF page "OM HTML UI : Recurring Billing" is not
added to the corresponding responsibilitys menu.
Add the form function "OM HTML UI : Recurring Billing" to the corresponding
responsibilitys menu.

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Recurring Billing
Common Setup Issues

Issue #2:
Billing Line created in Sales Order with a different line type instead of Bill-only.

Probable Cause:
The defaulting rule setup for line type might be missing.

Modify the defaulting rule setup for attribute Line Type using a custom API to default
bill-only line type for Billing lines as illustrated in Setup Flow.

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Recurring Billing
Common Setup Issues

Issue #3:
Even though Billing Validation check box is not selected, At invoice of Source Order
line, Source Order line is set to Awaiting Invoice Interface Incomplete Data and
Billing plan goes to Review Required status if Extended price is not equal to Billing
amount total.
Probable Cause:
This is expected behavior, so that user can review Billing Plan amounts if the extended
price on source order line is updated after creating the Billing plan.
Open the Billing plan, Review the Billing plan amounts, click on Review Complete
button and do Actions Progress Order on Source Order Line.
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Key Document References

Oracle Order Management

MOS Doc ID 2197814.1 - Recurring Billing- Enhanced billing capabilities in R12.2.6 EBS Order Management

Kishor Genikala

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 39

Program Agenda
Business Need
Solution Overview
Key Setups
Process Flow
Data Flow
Solution Details
Solution Constraints and Limitations
Common Setup Issues

Copyright 2014 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. | 40


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