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2016/17 ADVANCED PROJECTS Proposal Form

First Name Nickolas Student ID 835741

Surname Anderson Submission Date 17/10/2016
Programme of Study Digital Art Production Email Address ( Uni )

Proposal Title

Augmented Reality interactive Installation

Is the proposed project a group/collaborative project. If so please state your role and intended
contribution to the project (150 -200 words)

This is not a group Project

Outline of Proposal (500 words maximum).

Group projects: please detail other members and their roles here.

This project is intended to be an Installation using Augmented reality to display a variety of Animated art
pieces as well as providing the information about the art piece to the viewer through a smartphone or tablet.
The Augmented reality will be achieved through the use of an app called Aurasma (https:// ) Which will be used as a way of connecting the art pieces to each persons
smartphone or tablet, as this allows them to simply download the app at the installation an then start to
interact with the art pieces and animations at their own leisure. The art pieces and animations themselves
will be produced by myself through the use of adobe After Effects CC and Adobe Photoshop CC and will
consist of a variation of digitally made art pieces designed to highlight the ability of augmented reality by
bringing still images to life on the screen. The art pieces will be designed in a comic like fashion as still
images and as the viewer uses the app the images will begin to move around on the screen while audio
fitting the images is played from the phone as well. The audio will be created again by myself using After
Effects CC Each animated art piece will have its own audio track to play with the animation that will be added
to either provide information about the art piece or provide sound effects that will enhance the animated
piece. The installation will be compromised of instructions for the app and how to access the project through
the app and how to use it on the art pieces, then the art pieces will be displayed together so that the viewers
can look around at the different pieces and test out the augmented reality on any of the different pieces
allowing them to look through a number of different animated pieces and seeing how each one works
The form/media the project is likely to be submitted in.
If you wish to work accross platforms please indicate here, and state how you plan to do this.
Note: Blogs can be submitted as part of a project, but are not submissible in their own right.

This project will be submitted in the form of a Portfolio showing the art pieces along with the development of
the pieces, research and a USB stick with the animation files added, along with all of the instructions and
prompts from the installation

Does your project involve working with others as participants? Yes No

Note: You will need to show that any participants have given informed consent.
This can be done through consent forms signed at the installation

Could these participants be considered vulnerable (e.g. children; learning-

Yes No
disabled ; econmically vulnerable etc.)?

Do you plan to undertake the project or any part of it outside the

Yes No
jurisdiction of the country where you are studying?

Note: If your answer is yes to either of the above, you will not be allowed to procede with your project until
you have received approval from the ethics committee.

Does your project require a loan working or health and safety policy?
Yes No
(Check with your supervisor if you are unsure)

Schedule of Activities (please include as many steps as possible)

How will you progress the work throughout the year Hours Date Resource

Designs and sketches for art pieces and animations drawn up 15 01/11/16 Laptop, pencils,
Finalising of drawing and designs 10 15/11/16 Laptop, pencils,
transferal of sketches and drawing into After Effects 12 04/12/16 Laptop, scanner
Animation of sketches and trial animations 40 25/12/16 Laptop,
development of animation sequences 60 25/01/17 Laptop
Finalising of animations and art pieces 30 15/02/17 Laptop
testing of animations through Aurasma 15 28/02/17 Smart Phone,
Ipad, Laptop
finalising of installation pieces 15 10/03/17 Laptop
Printing of installation pieces 2 13/03/17 laptop

Advanced Project (DW) 2016/17

2016/17 ADVANCED PROJECTS Proposal Form

Decision made by Project Supervisor

Approved Rejected

Approved with modifications Deferred


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