Prsent Simple Vs Continuous

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Present Simple vs Present Continuous

This is Mrs White. She (be) a primary school teacher. She (teach)
English, Maths and Geography. At the moment, she (teach) Maths.
She (live) in London and (be) married to Georges, who is French.
They (have) three children. They all (love) animals, but
they (not have) any pets because they (live) in an
apartment. Mrs White (speak) French as well as English, but
she (not teach) it.

Mrs Whites niece Sophie (stay) with the Whites for a few days.
Sophie (live) and (study) in Liverpool, but
she (enjoy) her mid-term break in London at the moment.
She (plan) to do some serious shopping and sightseeing.

Mrs Whites son Arnold (not like) shopping, but he (love)

hanging out with friends. They usually (go) to the local park where
they (play) football or basketball.
Today, however, Arnold .. (not play) football or basketball;
he .. (skateboard).

Mr White (work) for a multinational company. He (not work)

today, however, because he . (not feel) well. He phoned in sick.

Score: /25

1. My father ____________________ (wash) the car.

2. He always _________________ (wash) it on Saturday morning.
3. What ___________________ (Peter/ do)?
4. I _________________ (think) he _________________ (do) the homework in his bedroom
5. Dont make a noise! The baby ____________________ (sleep) at the moment.
6. Marys father usually _______________________ (drive) her to school, but this week she
_________________________ (take) the bus.
7. We _______________ (start) school at 8:30 and the last lesson __________ (be) at 2:30 p.m.
8. Where ____________________ (you/ go) on holiday, Susan?
9. I ___________ (not/ know), my parents ____________ (not/ want) to go to the beach again.
10. I ____________ (be) afraid I _____________ (can/ not/ go) to the cinema this evening, I
__________________ (revise) for tomorrows exam this afternoon.
11. Hurry up, children! The bus _____________________ (come).
12. __________________ (Mandy/ like) pasta? No, she _______________.
13. The newsagents _______________ (not/ open) at 9:30 a.m., it _______________ (open) at
9:45 a.m.
14. Paul sometimes ________________ (watch) TV after lunch.
15. How often ________________________ (the children/ play) football?
16. Dont go out! It ___________________ (rain) cats and dogs.
17. Mum __________________ (water) the flowers right now.
18. Why ____________________ (you/ not/ come) to the caf with me? I _____________ (meet)
Susan there at 6:30 p.m.
19. __________________ (you/ like) my new dress, Alice?
20. Yes, I ___________. You _________________ (look) great!
21. My brother ________________ (study) a lot these days; he ________________ (want) to pass
his exams.
22. Tony never _______________ (have) lunch at the canteen because he ___________ (finish)
school at 2:15 p.m.

Score: /34

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