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1.Predict what the story is about before reading and then check the predictions.

2.Who is the character in your story?

3.How does the character feel? Why?
4.What does the character look and what does she, he or it do?
5.What is the setting (place) in this story? How do you know?
6.When does the story take place? How do you know?
7.What is the problem in the story?
8.What is or could be a solution?
9.What does this story remind you of?
10.What is your story about? Tell me more
11.What happened in the story? (First, Next, Then, Last or In the beginning, In the middle,
In the end)
12.Would you recommend this story to your friend? (Yes/No) Why?
13.How is this book similar/different from another book (name a book) you read?
14.If your child is reading a nonfiction book you can ask your child what facts did you
learn from this book?

Have fun discussing books with your child! Thank you so much for your cooperation.
The First Grade Teachers

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