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Learning Outcome Summary

Learning Outcome No. 4: Store Appetizers


Storing techniques, temperature, safety and hygiene

standards in storing appetizers
Safe work practices applied in storing appetizers

Assessment Criteria

1. Quality trimmings and other leftovers are utilized where and when
2. Appetizers are kept in appropriate conditions based on enterprise
3. Required food storage containers are used and stored in proper
temperatures to maintain freshness, quality and taste


Storing techniques, temperature, safety and hygiene standards

in storing appetizers
Safe work practices applied in storing appetizers

The students/trainees must be provided with the following:

pots and pans caps

bowls and measuring cups hairnets
weighing scales
cleaning materials Ingredients
knife Hors d oeuvres hot or cold
chopping board Canapes
wooden spoon Savouries
mixing bowl Antipasto
linen Tapas
tea towels Finger foods
serviettes Sandwiches hot or cold
table cloth Relish
aprons Dips
uniforms Terrines

San Roque National Date Published: May

CBLM Cookery NC II
High School 2017
cocktails Others
Fruit sauces Cold dressings

San Roque National Date Published: May

CBLM Cookery NC II
High School 2017

Lecture/ demonstration
Video viewing

Assessment Method:

Written and oral questioning

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017

Learning Outcome 4

Store Appetizers

Learning activities Special instructions

1. Read information sheet 3.4-1 on The focus of this learning outcome

Storing techniques, temperature, is storing appetizers.
safety and hygiene standards in
Read and understand the
storing appetizers
information sheets and check
2. Answer Self-Check 3.4-1 yourself by answering the self-
check. You must answer all
3. Compare answers with Answer
questions correctly before
proceeding to the next activity.
4. Read information sheet 3.4-2 on
Task sheets will help you practice
Safe work practices applied in
your skills. You may refer to
storing appetizers
Training Activity Matrix posted on
5. Answer Self-Check 3.4-2 the wall, to know the date and time
6. Compare answers with Answer of your assigned task, your
Key workstation and the facilities/tools
and equipment needed for the said
7. Perform Task Sheet 3.4-1 on activity.
Storing techniques, temperature,
safety and hygiene standards in The Performance Criteria Checklist
storing appetizers will guide and help you evaluate
your work as you are practicing
8. Evaluate your own output using your skill. Evaluate your own work

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
Performance Criteria Checklist 3.4- using the Performance Criteria.
1 When you are ready, present your
work to your trainer, for final
evaluation and recording.

Feel free to ask for guidance of your

trainer as you undergo the learning
activities outlined for you in the left

After doing all activities of this

Learning Outcome, you are ready to
proceed to the next Unit of
competency on Preparing Salads
and dressings.

Information Sheet 2.1-1

Storing techniques, temperature, safety and hygiene standards in
storing appetizers

Learning Objectives:

After reading this information sheet you must be able to:

1. Apply the storing techniques

2. Identify the right temperature for storing appetizers
3. Have knowledge of the safety and hygiene standards

Introduction to Food Safety

Food safety is a scientific discipline describing handling, preparation,

and storage of food in ways that prevent foodborne illness. This includes a
number of routines that should be followed to avoid potentially severe health
hazards. In this way food safety often overlaps with food defense to prevent
harm to consumers. The tracks within this line of thought are safety
between industry and the market and then between the market and the
consumer. In considering industry to market practices, food safety
considerations include the origins of food including the practices relating to

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
food labeling, food hygiene, food additives and pesticide residues, as well as
policies on biotechnology and food and guidelines for the management of
governmental import and export inspection and certification systems for
foods. In considering market to consumer practices, the usual thought is
that food ought to be safe in the market and the concern is safe delivery and
preparation of the food for the consumer.

Food can transmit disease from person to person as well as serve as a

growth medium for bacteria that can cause food poisoning. In developed
countries there are intricate standards for food preparation, whereas in
lesser developed countries the main issue is simply the availability of
adequate safe water, which is usually a critical item.In theory, food
poisoning is 100% preventable. The five key principles of food hygiene,
according to WHO, are:

1. Prevent contaminating food with pathogens spreading from people,

pets, and pests.

2. Separate raw and cooked foods to prevent contaminating the cooked


3. Cook foods for the appropriate length of time and at the appropriate
temperature to kill pathogens.

4. Store food at the proper temperature.

5. Do use safe water and safe raw materials.


The first and most important aspect of a clean and healthy kitchen is
organization. This applies in multiple ways, and can have a large overall
effect on your food storage safety. For example, an organized kitchen is
easier to keep:

Clean and free of dirt, mold, or food stains

Well stocked, without old or out of date food build up

Well labeled and separated, which allows better food efficiency

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017

Organization is an extremely important aspect for proper food storage. It is

the first step in safe food storage. So, once youve organized your kitchen and
food storage areas appropriately, youre ready for the next step.

First in First out (FIFO)

The rule of FIFO is that the first food purchased is the first food you use. By
following this rule, and always making sure to use the oldest ingredients
first, you can reign in a large portion of any waste issues you might be
experiencing. Of course, depending on the volume and size of your kitchen,
its possible to bend this rule a little. But always make sure that if any of
your food items are approaching their use by date, or expiration date, you
use them before they expire.

Temperature Control

Temperature control is extremely important in food storage.

If food isnt kept at its recommended temperature spoilage
can occur at an extremely accelerated rate. Always make
sure you refrigerate or freeze any required food immediately
after purchase.

The typical refrigerator temperature should be right around 40

degrees Fahrenheit. Freezer temperature should be at or
below 0 degrees Fahrenheit. Be sure to continually check
this, as any fluctuation can lead to less than optimal conditions
and unnecessary spoilage.

Proper Refrigeration Storage

Optimal food storage within a refrigerator or freezer requires a variety of

techniques. Food should be:

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
Kept in air tight containers This keeps food from drying out and slows
down the rate of spoilage. Because of bacteria in the air (even in cold
environments such as a fridge), its important to keep food exposure to
air to a minimum. Always make sure to look for fissures, cracks, or
holes within the food container.

Organized accordingly Its important to place meats and other quick

to spoil items on lower levels. This prevents
their ability to contaminate other
foods, as well as drip any
resulting juices or fluids.

Well-spaced Storing
foods on top of other food,
or over-packing the fridge,
can affect the rate of
spoilage and overall
quality of the food.

Cooled to room temperature before storing Placing hot or still warm

food into an air tight container and then into a cold fridge/freezer can
cause condensation, which will increase the rate of spoilage.

Following these simple rules can have an extremely positive impact on your
food preservation.

Maintenance and Monitoring

Maintenance and monitoring is an integral part of proper food storage.

Without proper monitoring, as well as maintenance, food spoilage is
inevitable. Here is what you should be monitoring and maintaining within
your kitchen and food storage areas:

Spoilage Always keep an eye on your food, particularly those with an

expiration date. These dates must be respected and followed for safety
and health reasons. Also, make sure your vegetables are fresh and
well monitored to prevent any risk of storage. Spoiled food will
increase the rate at which the food around it spoils. Potatoes shoved
away into a closet are cupboard are the worst offenders of this.

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
Refrigerator/freezer temperatures Always pay close attention to this.
Even a slight change in temperature can quickly lead to spoilage. And
a whole fridge/freezer can result in a massive amount of waste.

Pest control Pests are a problem no matter where in the world you
are. Keep an eye on the floor, corners, and tight spaces within your
kitchen to avoid having pests become a problem.

Other Storage Tips:

Sausage can be stored over 4-5 months if the conditions for storage. The
dried meat dishes are to be kept in a room with a minimum amount of

The cellar is suitable for storage of sausages, if it is clean enough, and

sausages and must be in a place that cannot be reached by rodents.

Salsa, guacamole, hummus or other dips or spreads can be stored in

the fridge overnight without losing flavor and without oxidizing if you
vacuum seal them properly. Homemade toast or potato chips can be
stored in our Home Base days before your first guests arrive and still
taste oven-fresh when you serve them. Good storage containers can help
spread out preparations over several days, which will help to reduce the
stress associated with organizing dinners or parties.
A favorite appetizer of mine is fruit-skewers. These take some time to
make, but because vacuum storage containers keep the food from
oxidizing, you can make these the evening before and they will still be
delicious when your dinner or party starts.

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
Self-check 3.4-1

Answer the following questions. True or False

1. If food isnt kept at its recommended temperature spoilage can occur

at an extremely accelerated rate.
2. The cellar is not suitable for storage of sausages.
3. The rule of FIFO is that the first food purchased is the last food you
4. Maintenance and monitoring is an integral part of proper food storage.
5. Its important to keep food exposure to air to a minimum.


1. True
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. True

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
Information Sheet 2.1-2

Safe work practices applied in storing appetizers

Learning Objectives:

After reading this information sheet you must be able to:

1. Apply the safe work practices in storing appetizers

Handling Food Safely

Safe steps in food handling, cooking, and storage are essential to

prevent foodborne illness. You can't see, smell, or taste
harmful bacteria that may cause illness.All foods, if
handled properly, can be safe. Most instances of food
poisoning do not have to happen at all, and can be
avoided by following simple guidelines.

Handling food properly and safely is essential to preventing food borne


Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
In every step of food preparation, follow the four steps of the Food Safe
Families campaign to keep food safe:
Clean Wash hands and surfaces often.
Separate Don't cross-contaminate.
Cook Cook to the right temperature.
Chill Refrigerate promptly.
Importance of following proper safe food handling procedures

From the time the food is delivered to the minute it is served to the
customer, food safety should be at the top of the list. Food business
operators in particular should bear in mind that they are required by law, to
ensure that any of their staff who handle food receive appropriate training in
hygiene matters that are in line with their work activity.

There is little margin for error in any stage of food handling, whether it is
preparation, processing, packaging, storage, transportation or offering it for
sale. Also, note that if you prepare high risk foods the standards required of
you will be much stricter than if you only prepare low risk foods.

The handling of food can take place during;



Hot holding







General food handling tips:

Always wash hands with warm water and soap for 20 seconds before
and after handling food.

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
Don't cross-contaminate. Keep raw meat, poultry, fish,
and their juices away from other food. After cutting raw
meats, wash cutting board, utensils, and countertops with
hot, soapy water.

Cutting boards, utensils, and countertops can be

sanitized by using a solution of 1 tablespoon of
unscented, liquid chlorine bleach in 1 gallon of water.

Marinate meat and poultry in a covered dish in the refrigerator.

Do not wipe your hands on your clothing as this can easily transfer
microbes and bacteria.

Use paper towels to clean up during food preparation and serving.

Change gloves, utensils and dishes when changing functions. For

instance use one pair of gloves for handling raw meat, and another
pair handling fresh vegetables.

Never run in food production or service areas

Try to have just one person serve food that is about to be eaten.

Prepare precooked frozen foods exactly as the directions/instructions

on the packaging state.

Have foods ready not any longer than necessary before serving time.

Prepare and cook only as much food as you intend to use.

Wash and sanitize flatware or other utensils, which fall to the floor.

Do not taste foods with any utensil used either to mix or stir food.

Pick up and hold all tableware by the handles.

Store tableware away from dust.

Be careful when lifting lids from hot food.

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
Turn handles of saucepans away from the front of the stove when

Whenever possible always try to handle any food items that are about
to be eaten, with a utensil (i.e. tongs) rather than your bare hands.

Hand washing
Clean hands are essential for working in a kitchen environment. Its very
easy for bacteria to spread from the food we touch to door handles, plates,
cutlery and so on. Hand washing is one of the best ways to prevent the
spread of germs between people.

When washing your hands try to;

Use a soap dispenser rather than a bar of soap.

Wash in a sink that has hot and cold running water.

Wash in a sink that is separate from one that is used to wash

foodstuff and utensils.

Dry your hands with paper towels.

Wash your hands after:

Starting work

Using the toilet

Handling raw and cooked foods

Taking breaks




Coughing, sneezing or blowing their nose

Touching your hair

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
Playing with pets or handling animals


Handling refuse or waste materials

Handling cleaning chemicals

Procedure to washing your hands properly

Wet your hands

Rub your hands and wrists with soap

Lather the soap for 20 seconds

Rinse thoroughly

Dry with paper towels or a hot air dryer (remember that wet hands
can carry and transfer more germs than dry ones)

Turn of the taps with your elbows (if possible) or use a paper towel to
do so.

Hand basins and sinks

The sink you wash your hands in should be separate from ones where you
prepare food or washing dishes. It should be in an accessible place, as this
encourage people to use it and make it more likely to be used.

Gloves are ideal for helping you to minimize bare hand contact with any
cooked and ready-to-eat foods. They are there to protect both the food and
the worker (i.e. they can be used to cover damaged sin or protect hands from
risk of developing skin conditions).

Gloves must not be regarded as a second skin. They can become

contaminated with bacteria in exactly the same way that hands can. They
are not a substitute for good personal hygiene and hand washing.

Replace gloves after each task.

Wash and dry hands thoroughly before putting on any gloves

Always use single use fresh gloves.

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
Throw away plastic gloves after one use.

The improper use of gloves can increase rather than reduce food
hygiene risks, for instance a punctured glove can lead to glove
material ending up in food.

Gloves must only be used for one particular task.

Change gloves:

At least once every hour.

If they become contaminated.

If they tear.

When switching between handling raw and ready-to-eat foods.

When changing tasks.

After mopping, taking rubbish out, sweeping and cleaning.

Handling dishes, crockery and cutlery

Try not to touch any part of a dish or plate which will come into
contact with a persons food or mouth.

Pick up cups and mugs by their handles, your fingers should be

outside cups.

Place teaspoons so they protrude from a dish.

Pull out disposable cups from the base of a tube. This prevents your
fingers from going inside the cup.

Do not use plates which have become cracked or chipped.

Try to avoid wearing outdoor clothes in a food preparation area, instead wear
clean, and where appropriate, washable protective clothing.


Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
A clean apron



Closed-in shoes to protect your feet, in case of hot spills or breakages.

Shoes with slip-resistant soles, to stop you from slipping on hot

spillages, etc.

Do not:

Use your apron to wipe your hands on.

Cook in loose fitting clothes.

Work in the kitchen in soiled clothing.

Personal hygiene
Food service workers must maintain a high degree of personal cleanliness
when receiving, storing, cooking, processing, packaging, transporting or
disposing of food.
Here are some basic tips to follow;

Keep fingers away from your face, mouth, hair, skin and other parts of
the body.

Don't brush or comb your hair when you are near food.

Wash your hands frequently.

Never smoke in food areas.

Do not handle food with bare hands use gloves instead.

Do not eat or chew gum in food handling areas.

Don't cough, sneeze, spit or smoke near food and avoid touching your
nose, teeth, ears and hair, or scratching when handling food.

Do not use fingers to sample food. Always use a clean spoon.

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
Hot holding and cold holding food
If you are holding foods for service, such as on a buffet line or in a cafeteria,
then try to keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold. Hot holding equipment
along with chafing dishes, slow cookers, and warming trays all help to keep
ready to eat food out of the danger zone. All of this equipment is for hot
holding only, and should not be used to reheat or cook food.


Preheat hot holding equipment before you put any food in it. If you
dont then youll be putting food into cold equipment which encourage
bacteria growth.

Limit the hot holding of food to a maximum of two hours.

To distribute the heat evenly, make sure to stir the food at regular

Keep the food covered, this not only retains the heat but also stops
contaminates from falling into the food.

Bring out the food as close as possible to the time of service.

Keep platters refrigerated until it is time to warm them up for serving.

Perishable foods
After, a delivery always unload perishable foods first and immediately
refrigerate them.

Using kitchen appliances

Make sure that all necessary guards are in place before operating any

Do not distract a colleague who is operating dangerous kitchen

appliances like mincers or mixers etc.

Do not to operate any machinery or use any chemical until it has been
assessed by a qualified person.

Make sure you are properly trained to use any kitchen appliances.

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
Wash and put away appliances that are not being used, do not leave
them lying around.

Return equipment to its correct storage place or location.

Turn off all equipment and appliances at the end of each shift.

Work surfaces
Make sure that work surfaces and equipment are visually clean, this goes a
long way towards ensuring that they are free from high levels of harmful

Clean as you go
Train yourself to 'clean as you go', for instance
cleaning up any spillages immediately.

Before opening a can of food always clean the top of it first. Remember that
once the can is opened, any food which is not used immediately must be
quickly stored in food grade containers and placed in a refrigerator.

Can openers
Food can be left on any can opener after it has been used, its therefore
advisable to clean it after each use.

Never place cooked food on a unwashed plate that had previously held raw
meat, poultry, or seafood.

Food labels
Take the time to read product labels very carefully, and look for advisory
statements like may contain ingredient X.

Close oven doors straight after removing or adding food items.

Meat and poultry

Keep meat and poultry in its packaging until just before using.

Towels and sponges

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
Replace and wash dish towels and sponges often to prevent the spread
of harmful bacteria throughout the kitchen.

Do not use damp cloths when lifting hot items of equipment.

Uncovered food
Try not to leave food unattended or uncovered for long periods.

Cutting boards
Use separate cutting boards, dishes, utensils and cooking equipment for
vegetables, raw meat and cooked meats.

When handling plates and trays do not touch eating surfaces with fingers.

Unused sauces
Keep unused condiments, marinades and sauces separate from leftover

Storing food in the fridge

Store raw meat, poultry and seafood by tightly wrapping it and then placing
it on the bottom shelf of a refrigerator. This basically prevents the raw juices
from dripping on other food.
Refrigerate or freeze perishables, prepared food and leftovers within 2

Do not wear any watches, rings, bracelets or other jewelry when working
with food. Germs can hide under them or just as worse they could
accidentally fall off into the food.

Use oven mitts when taking hot dishes from an oven or microwave. Do not
use a wet oven mitt, as it can present a scald danger if the moisture in the
mitt is heated.

Safe Food Handling - Storage

Always refrigerate perishable food within 2 hours1 hour when the

temperature is above 90 F (32.2 C).

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
Check the temperature of your refrigerator and freezer with an
appliance thermometer. The refrigerator should be at 40 F (4.4 C) or
below and the freezer at 0 F (-17.7 C) or below.

Cook or freeze fresh poultry, fish, ground meats, and variety meats
within 2 days; other beef, veal, lamb, or pork, within 3 to 5 days.

Perishable food such as meat and poultry should be wrapped securely

to maintain quality and to prevent meat juices from getting onto other

To maintain quality when freezing meat and poultry in its original

package, wrap the package again with foil or plastic wrap that is
recommended for the freezer.

Canned foods are safe indefinitely as long as they are not exposed to
freezing temperatures, or temperatures above 90 F. If the cans look
ok, they are safe to use. Discard cans that are dented, rusted, or
swollen. High-acid canned food (tomatoes, fruits) will keep their best
quality for 12 to 18 months; low-acid canned food (meats, vegetables)
for 2 to 5 years.

Self-Check 2.1-2
I. Enumerate

Give 5 safety handling procedure in storing appetizers

Answer Key 2.1-2

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
1. Wash and sanitize flatware or other utensils, which fall to the floor.
2. Store tableware away from dust.
3. Replace gloves after each task.
4. Store knives in a special knife rack or wooden block.
5. Train yourself to 'clean as you go', for instance cleaning up any spillages

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
Title: Storing appetizers

Performance Objective:

Properly store appetizers

Supplies/Materials :

Air tight containers, cling wrap, zip lock, aluminum foil, sausages,
ham, tuna, cheese, carrots, kiwi, lemon, apple, pineapple

Equipment : Refrigerator


1. Prepare each ingredient or appetizer for storage

2. Store in air-tight containers

3. Place in correct temperature depending on the type of appetizer

4. Present to trainer the stored appetizers

5. Enumerate the correct temperature and method of storage for

each appetizer

Assessment Method:

1. Demonstration
2. Observation
3. Oral questioning

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
Performance Criteria Checklist 3.4

Did you.
1. Utilize quality trimmings and other leftovers where
and when appropriate?
2. Kept appetizers in appropriate conditions based on
enterprise procedures?
3. Used and stored required food storage containers
in proper temperatures to maintain freshness,
quality and taste?
4. Correctly identify proper storage for each type of
5. Demonstrate safe work practices while storing

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017





Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
Evidence Plan

Competency Cookery

Unit of Prepare Appetizers


Ways in which evidence will be collected:

[tick the column]

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
Demonstration & Questioning
Observation & Questioning

Third party Report

The evidence must show that the trainee

Utilize quality trimmings and other leftovers

where and when appropriate?

Kept appetizers in appropriate conditions

based on enterprise procedures?

Used and stored required food storage

containers in proper temperatures to X X
maintain freshness, quality and taste?

Correctly identify proper storage for each type

of appetizer?

Demonstrate safe work practices while

storing appetizers?

Prepared by: Date:

Checked by: Date:

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
Table of Specifications
Test Item Distribution
Objectives/ % of
Knowledge Comprehension Application
Topics test

1. Storing
safety and
hygiene 20 15 50 50%
standards in

2. Safe work
applied in 20 15 50 50%

TOTAL 40 30 50 100%

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
Qualification: COOKERY NC II
Units of Competency: PREPAREAPPETIZERS

Read each of the questions in the left-hand column of the chart.

Place a check in the appropriate box opposite each question to indicate

your answer.
Prepare a variety of appetizers from different recipes

Prepare a variety of appetizers within a specific


Present appetizers attractively and creatively

Store appetizers in accordance with enterprise standards

Follow safety and hygienic practices in handling food,

tools and equipment

Trainees Signature: Date:

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
Performance Test

Specific Instruction for the Trainee

Qualification Cookery NC II

Unit of Competency Prepare appetizers

General Instruction: Store appetizers

Specific Instruction:

1. Prepare leftover ingredients and appetizers for storage

2. Properly stored appetizers in air-tight containers

3. Follow safety and hygienic practices in handling food, tools and


4. Correctly selected proper temperature for storage for each appetizer

5. Answer oral questions to be asked by the assessor related to


6. Show finished product to assessor

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
1 unit Oven
1 unit Refrigerator
1 unit Food processor
1 unit Electric Stove
3 pieces Pots
3 pieces Pans
3 pieces Large mixing bowl
2 pieces Medium mixing bowl
6 pieces Saucer

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
1 piece Measuring cup
1 piece Liquid measuring cup
1 piece Measuring spoon
2 pieces Knife
1 piece Weighing scale
1 piece Chopping board
1 piece Wooden spoon
1 roll Cling wrap
1 piece Plastic containers
1 piece Thermoformed plastic trays
1 per each item Selection of stocks
1 per each item Emulsions
1 piece Meat
1 piece Beef
1 piece Pork
1 piece Poultry
1 piece Seafood
1 piece Butter
1 pack Flour
1 pack Salt
1 pack Pepper
1 pack Sugar

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
Questions to probe the candidates underpinning knowledge
Extension/Reflection Questions Yes No
1. What are the different factors in storing appetizers?

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
2. How should perishable goods be stored?
Safety Questions
3. What is PPE?
4. Give me one example of safety practices in handling food,
tools and equipment?
Contingency Questions
5. How can you maintain the quality of meat and poultry in its
original package when freezing?
6. What can you use to keep your appetizer rolled up?
Job Role/Environment Questions
7. How can you ensure ingredients stays fresh and organize?
8. Give me one example of a preventive measure in the kitchen?
Rules and Regulations
9. How to avoid cross-contamination?
10. Give one important general food safety handling.
The candidates underpinning Satisfactory Not
knowledge was:

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
Acceptable answers are:

1. Type of appetizer and ingredients used

2. Perishable food such as meat and poultry should be wrapped securely to
maintain quality and to prevent meat juices from getting onto other food.
3. Personal Protective Equipment
4. Use a pot holder when handling pots and pans.
5. To maintain quality when freezing meat and poultry in its original package,
wrap the package again with foil or plastic wrap that is recommended for
the freezer.
6. Use a skewer or toothpick.
7. Put them in separate, tight sealed containers and place in room temperature
for dry ingredients. Place wet ingredients in the refrigerator and make sure
it is tightly sealed.
8. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment, including safety shoes with
non-skid soles, and eye protection.
9. Keep raw meat, poultry, fish, and their juices away from other food. After
cutting raw meats, wash cutting board, utensils, and countertops with hot,
soapy water.
10. Always wash hands with warm water and soap for 20 seconds before and
after handling food.

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
Inventory of Training Resources
Resources for presenting instruction
Print Resources As per TR As per Remarks
Cookery NCII CBLM N/A 1
Non Print Resources As per TR As per Remarks
PowerPoint N/A 1

Resources for Skills practice of Competency #1

Supplies and Materials As per TR As per Remarks
Beef, pork, lamb/mutton N/A N/A
Chicken, duck, turkey, pigeon N/A N/A
seafood N/A N/A
Vegetables, fruits, dairy products N/A N/A
Processed food, sauces, spices and N/A N/A
herbs, seasoning, canned fruits
Pasta, rice, flour, sugar, beans N/A N/A
Tools As per TR As per Remarks

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
Measuring cup 8 sets 8 sets
Measuring urn 4 pcs 4 pcs
Ice cream scoop 2 pcs 2 pcs
Cheese cloth 10 pcs 10 pcs
Serving spoon 24 pcs 24 pcs
Pepper and salt mill 4 sets 4 sets
Weighing scale, kgs 2 unit 2 unit
Weighing scale, 1000 grams 2 units 2 units
Apple corer 8 pcs 8 pcs
Wire whisk, small 8 pcs 8 pcs
Wire whisk, medium 8 pcs 8 pcs
Wire whisk, heavy duty 2 pcs 2 pcs
Can opener 1 pc 1 pc
Kitchen scissors 8 pcs 8 pcs
Soup ladle, 3 oz 8 pcs 8 pcs
Soup ladle, 6 oz 8 pcs 8 pcs
Soup ladle, 8 oz 3 pcs 3 pcs
Soup ladle, 12 oz 2 pcs 2 pcs
Kitchen spoon 8 pcs 8 pcs
Kitchen spoon, slotted 8 pcs 8 pcs
Kitchen fork 8 pcs 8 pcs
Carving fork 3 pcs 3 pcs
Pocket/pin thermometer 3 pcs 3 pcs
peelers 8 pcs 8 pcs
Stock pot, large 2 pcs 2 pcs
Frying pan, small 12 pcs 12 pcs
Frying pan, medium 8 pcs 8 pcs
Frying pan, large 2 pcs 2 pcs
Colander, small 4 pcs 4 pcs
Colander, medium 2 pcs 2 pcs
Cutting board 16 pcs 16 pcs
Fish poacher, medium 1 pc 1 pc

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017
Casserole, medium 4 pcs 4 pcs
Wok, small 4 pcs 4 pcs
Wok, medium 1 pc 1 pc
Double boiler, medium 1 pc 1 pc
Paellara 8 pcs 8 pcs
Glass rack 12 pcs 12 pcs
Soup cup rack 12 pcs 12 pcs
Plate rack 12 pcs 12 pcs
Baking tray, small 8 pcs 8 pcs
Utility tray, stainless 12 pcs 12 pcs
Roasting pan 4 pan 4 pan
Equipment As per TR As per Remarks
Combination of broiler and griddle 1 unit 1 unit
- small
Exhaust hood 3 unit 3 unit
Blender machine 1 unit 1 unit
Pressure cooker medium, 1 unit 1 unit
salamander, griller
Braising pan, medium 8 unit 8 unit
Meat slicer small small
Meat chopper machine 1 unit 1 unit
Condiment cabinet 2 unit 2 unit
Utility shelving 8 unit 8 unit
Display cabinet 2 pcs 2 pcs

Marcelino M. Santos National High Date Published: May

School 2017

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