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Industry Survival Guide ePortfolio

Portfolio Section What the Assessor is looking for Suggested Breakdown

Is your skills audit clearly presented?

Have you identified your knowledge as well as your skills?
Have you looked at both specialism-specific and transferable skills and knowledge?
Component 1. Skills Audit Have you researched to identify the skills and knowledge you require?
Approx. 900 words
40% of final assignment grade Have you identified your sources of information?
Have you identified your shortfall?
Have you devised a strategy to fill this shortfall?
Have you set yourself some specific, time-based targets?

Have you identified and described an appropriate career profile?

Have you identified the key activities and operational considerations for this career?
Have you identified and shown an understanding of appropriate income streams?
Component 2. Career Profile
Have you identified and shown an understanding of relevant legal issues? Aapprox. 1,500 words
60% of final assignment grade
Is your material relevant, comprehensive and accurate?
Have you researched widely and thoroughly?
Have you explained the relevance of any appendix items that you have included?

Minimum 3 items
Component 3. Sources / Bibliography Are your sources clearly identifiable?
Please note Bibliography items do not count
Have you adhered to Harvard referencing conventions?
towards the word count
(see 'House Style' info on Space)

Please note appendix items do not count

Appendices This section could include lists of useful contacts and organisations, useful instructional
towards the word count
(Supporting Materials) videos or websites or your own promotional materials
(see 'House Style' info on Space)

Total Word Count: 2,400


A 10% tolerance is allowed on written assignments, composition/production durations and durations of performances. If the 10% tolerance is exceeded, the following rules are followed:

1120% over the specified word limit, a penalty of 10% (10 marks)
More than 20% over the published word limit, the work will be awarded a mark of zero
For under length work, the mark reflects the degree to which the work is deemed incomplete and how a student has or has not managed to meet the learning outcomes of the

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