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Unit 6 Test A

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Use of English: Grammar 2 The estate agent insisted that he

should to go and view the
1 Rewrite the sentences,
3 They agreed not making any
changing from direct speech to
noise when they came home.
reported speech. Choose the
4 I confessed to borrow the book
most appropriate reporting verb
without telling anyone.
from the list below.
5 Dont you regret to eat all those
wonder 3 Complete the second sentence
so it means the same as the
1 I will help you decorate your living first, using the word given. Do
not change the word given.
room on Friday afternoon, Dan told
Rachel. 1 According to a newspaper,
Dan_______________________ approximately 300 people sleep
on the streets in London every
2 We definitely dont want to live in night.
the city centre because its too SAID
expensive, the students told the It ____________ 300 people sleep
estate agent. on the streets in London every
They _______________________ night.

3 You are constantly looking at 2 The director has stated there will
Facebook on your mobile, Marc told be more jobs available over the
Maria. next six months.
Marc _______________________ REPORTED
It ____________ there will be more
4 Do we have to go to the meeting on jobs available over the next six
Friday afternoon? Gill asked her
colleagues. 3 Barcelona has many beaches you
Gill _______________________ can relax on during the day.
5 The book we read was really good, ____________ many beaches that
Anita and Adam told Tony. you can relax on during the day.
They _______________________
4 Some people say that she has
/5 declared herself bankrupt.
It ____________ herself bankrupt.
2 Find and correct one mistake in
each sentence.
5 There are rumours that shes
going to put down a 30,000
1 We promised paying our rent on
deposit on the house.
the first of every month.

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____________ going to put down a 2 Every month he takes home/is at

30,000 deposit on the house. home with more than 4000 and
thats not including his quarterly
3 Finally were home and dry/re
on the home stretch. What a
horrendous journey! I cant
Use of English: Vocabulary believe it took over three hours
to get home.
4 Fill in the gaps with the correct
word(s) in the correct form. 4 The boss called Deborah into his
office and told her a few home
landlord straights/home truths about her
draft a contract work.
move in
tenant 5 Once the teacher had read the
inspect the property essay, she was upset that her
pupil hadnt tried harder as it
1 The _____________ that we have wasnt anything to write home
living in our two bedroom flat are about/wasnt home and dry.
great. They always pay their rent
on time.
2 Before returning the deposit, the /5
agency _____________ to ensure
we had not left anything 6 Read the text and write the
damaged or broken. correct form of the word in
3 I have to go home immediately CAPITALS to complete the gaps.
as my _____________ is coming
round this afternoon and the flat Madrid is my favourite city in
is in a complete mess. Europe. The people are so friendly
4 We _____________ to our new and (1) ____________ (WELCOME).
house in December. Thats in They instantly make you feel at
precisely four months time! home.
5 Fortunately the process didnt Although it can be a little (2)
take long as the estate agent ____________ (TOURIST) in places, it
_____________before he had put is generally a beautiful city to walk
the flat on the market. around with lots of Spanish charm. If
you go there, you will see the city is
/5 divided in two: the modern part and
5 Choose the correct alternative. (3) ____________ (HISTORY) part.
When in the old part, La Latina, for
1 You can keep asking me for your example, you will find yourself
results on the home stretch/until walking down cobbled streets and
the cows come home but I cant surrounded by some of the best
tell you until tomorrow. Spanish tapas restaurants. When in
the new part, there is a different,
more (4) ____________ (VIBE)

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atmosphere. One thing that

surprised me about the city was its
cleanliness. When youre in the city
centre, you will notice the streets
are (5) ____________ (SPOT). Not a
single piece of rubbish litters the
floor. If you havent been I suggest
you visit!


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Reading the door with her fist. A lady

wearing Mrs Smiths dress and pearl
jewellery opened the door. Mrs
7 You are going to read an article
Smith was invited into her own
about squatters in the UK. Five
house and told to calm down by the
paragraphs have been removed
intruder. The imposter told Mrs
from the text. Choose from the
Smith that she had rented the
paragraphs A-F the one which
property from Daniel, Mrs Smiths
fits each gap (1-5). There is one
son. She proved it by showing the
extra paragraph which you do
home owner the contract signed by
not need to use.
both parties. However, this was a
fabrication as Mrs Smith did not
The door was left open
have a son.
The number of squatters occupying
houses in the UK has grown
3 _____________________
drastically. Squatters, people that
occupy properties without paying
It in fact took ten days to get the
rent, are becoming a grave problem
judge to agree to an eviction. On the
for those leaving their homes
tenth day, Mrs Smith and her
unattended for long, and even short,
neighbours stood outside waiting for
periods of time. What is more, they
the squatters to leave. As the six
are claiming that they entered the
squatters walked out, they carried
property because the door was left
suitcases, which later, it emerged,
open which immediately relieves
were packed with Mrs Smiths
them from the criminal charge of
clothes and possessions. Once the
breaking and entering.
group had stuffed their new-found
belongings into two taxis, Mrs Smith
1 _____________________
ran into her house.
Two weeks after her departure,
4 _____________________
neighbours close to Mrs Smith
noticed a family with shopping bags
Mrs Smiths situation is not unique.
entering Mrs Smiths home. They
In June, there were an additional
approached them and asked who
four cases in the same town, which
they were. They replied, stating that
suggests there is a group of
Mrs Smiths son had rented her
squatters operating in the area.
property to them and that they were
their new neighbours. The
5 _____________________
neighbours were baffled by this
response and, doubting them, tried
desperately to contact their
A Fuelled with rage, she ran out of
the house and headed to the
police station. She explained her
2 _____________________
situation to the officer, who
informed her that she would need
When Mrs Smith arrived in north
to prove that the house was hers
London, she stormed up her
and then they would investigate
driveway with her front door key in
the issue. This is not going to be
hand, only to find her key didnt fit
resolved overnight, the officer
in the lock. Enraged, she pounded
informed her.

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into plastic bags and left in a

B Those who have been targeted spare room. Her beautiful cream
are requesting the law be carpets were filthy with footprints
changed to strongly favour those and mud and the majority of her
affected. As Mrs Smith claims, walls had been covered with
Ten days is too long. The police posters of young pop stars. Mrs
should have the power to act Smith was quite understandably,
immediately. A proposed change upset. The home that she had
has been presented to the lived in for twenty years was a
government, and hopefully we mess.
will see a change in the near
future. /5
C It wasnt until seven days later
that they were able to inform Mrs
Smith of the suspicious situation.
Mrs Smith was horrified, and
urged her neighbours to contact
the police. She would catch the
next flight home, cutting her
dream trip short by five weeks.

D Mrs Smith, 51, was a victim of a

recent case in north London. On
Thursday 3rd May, she left her
two bedroom property, where she
lived alone, and started what she
had anticipated to be an eight
week trip of a life time to
Australia. She had been wanting
to visit the other side of the world
for over ten years, and had only
recently saved enough money to
fulfill her dream.

E Mrs Smith found it hard to

believe that her house had been
the target of squatters. She was
not a rich woman and her house
did not contain any modern
technology or expensive goods.
There were, however, plenty of
other houses in the area which
would have definitely been more

F The scene that she encountered

was awful. All of the possessions
that the squatters were
uninterested in had been shoved

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8 You are going to hear
three people talking about their 9 You recently saw this notice in
unusual homes. a student magazine.
Choose from Speaker 1, 2, or 3
to answer questions A-E. We would like you to write an article
about the worst place (city,
Which speaker museum, restaurant, shop, etc.)
A had been looking for over a year that you have ever visited. Include a
for somewhere to live when they detailed description of the place,
found their property? ___ why you were there and why you
B eats home-grown food? ___ think it is the worst place.
C is envied by their friends? ___
D feels their house is Write your article of 200-250
environmentally friendly? ___ words.
E lives in a property but doesnt
pay any rent? ___


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