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Unit 5 Test A

Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

Use of English: Grammar 4 The attitude of the spokesman

surprises me.
1 Insert word(s) into the gap to _____________________________________
make the sentences sound
vague or to soften them.
5 I need to speak to the press
1 Its a confusing situation; I
__________, its hard to determine about the prohibition of photos.
what will happen in the future. _____________________________________
2 There were these two guys in the
street __________ , acting in a /5
strange way, so I called the
police. 3 Read the following extract from
3 We __________ they would return a safety brochure. For questions
the next day to collect their 1-5, insert the word which best
possessions but they didnt. fits in each gap. Use only one
4 You _________, they couldnt see word in each space.
exactly where they were, so they
got out the GPS. When walking around (1)______ town
5 I __________ that there are or city centre, you can become the
members of parliament that are target of pickpockets. Pickpockets
essentially against the curfew are present everywhere and they (2)
system. ______ always looking for the right
person and the right moment to rob
/5 their victims. There are, however, a
few things that you can do to
2 Rewrite the sentences using the prevent (3) ______ becoming a
word/s given to add more target. If you are carrying a bag,
emphasis. ensure that it is securely closed and
that your wallet or purse is not in
It was the easy reach if your bag were
1 The wardens behaviour angered (4)______ be opened. Do not keep
me. any money or credit cards (5)______
__________________________________ your back trouser pockets.

What /5
2 They were shocked by the jurys
final verdict.

The reason
3 He complained to the judge
because he didnt think the
decision was fair.

Its the

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Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

2 The judge was accused of being

out of ____________ with the
youths of today.
A account
B behalf
C strength
Use of English: Vocabulary D touch
4 Fill in the gaps with one 3 In ____________ to his prison
word/phrase. There is one extra
sentence, he will also have to do
community service for 18
fine ban months.
prosecute judged A addition
criminal record littering B means
C aid
1 The police were offered details of D strength
his previous _________________ to
4 The lawyer presented the case to
help them make their decision.
2 The police cannot the jury on ____________ of the
_________________the boy until he defendant.
A touch
is eighteen years old.
B behalf
3 As soon as his six-month
C account
_________________ had ended, he D means
drove his car to work again.
4 When we entered the crime 5 They stood outside the
scene, there were take-away supermarket and collected
boxes _________________ the floor. money in ____________of the local
5 Obviously, many people had prison.
already _________________ the A addition
teachers behaviour basing their B strength
opinions on rumours from C aid
students. D process

/5 /5
5 Complete each of the following 6 Replace the words in italics with
sentences by choosing either A, a formal equivalent.
B, C or D.
1 There are many people at this
1 A new prison warden is in the conference that Ive never seen
____________ of being appointed. 2 More and more people nowadays
A means have a laptop computer.
B process 3 Youll be pleased with the new team
C touch coach; hes very experienced.
D strength

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4 It was surprising that most of the After twenty minutes, wanting to be

criminals were under 18 years old. reassured, I went back to the
5 Do you know if, after the race, the apartment to check on the kids.
organisers will offer cold drinks?
They were fast asleep and looked so
/5 cute. 3 _____________ I kissed each
one of them on the forehead and
Reading then vacated the apartment and
returned to the restaurant. My mind
7 You are going to read a short was now at rest.
story. Five extracts have been
removed from the story. Choose The first course arrived with a bit of
from A-F the one which fits gaps delay and so it meant that Mike was
1-5. There is one extra extract a little later going to check on the
which you do not need to use. kids. It was precisely 42 minutes
after my last check that Mike left the
The day Mike experienced the fright restaurant. When he got to the
of his life had started so well. We apartment, he headed directly to
had got up nice and early in the the kids bedroom.
morning. I seem to recall it was
exactly five twenty nine when the When he got to the door, it was wide
kids jumped on our bed. open. He placed his head round the
door and he immediately noticed
1 _____________ The kids got dressed Amelies bed was empty. He
in record speed and even brushed panicked. He thought the worst and
their teeth without being asked. We that Amelie had been taken. He
rushed down to the play centre and didnt know what to do. 4
dropped the children off. It was _____________ Amelie, my darling,
seven thirty! youre ok! he said grabbing hold of
her. Yes, Daddy, Im fine, she
Mike and I then breathed a sigh of replied. Why were you out of your
relief. We were alone and would be bed? he asked.
without the children until the early I was hot and I needed a drink. Oh
afternoon. So we decided to take a ok, my darling, now go back to bed
stroll on the beach. 2 he replied. Yes, Daddy, Amelie said
_____________Taking a family of five wearily and started walking back to
on holiday abroad is a great her room.
expense but Mike managed to
persuade me. Hes good at that! 5 _____________ He explained what
had happened and how he couldnt
So, that evening, we had hired a bear to leave the children
babysitter to come and look after unaccompanied ever again. He had
the kids, but at the last minute she just suffered the worst fright of his
had cancelled due to illness. As the life. So from that day, we never left
restaurant was nearby, we decided the children alone again.
to go anyway. The kids would be in
bed and we would check on them
regularly. When we got to the A Mike rang me at the restaurant
restaurant, I was a little anxious. straight away.

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B The sound of the sea crashing

against the rocks and the
seagulls cheerfully playing made
me instantly feel more relaxed.

C It was at this moment that I was

glad that we had decided to go
away on holiday. Initially, when
Mike came to me with the idea of
going to Mexico, I was totally
against it.

D Not ideal when youre on holiday

but understandably the children
were excited and eager to have
their breakfast and join their
friends at the play centre.

E It was at that precise moment

that Mike heard a noise coming
8 You are going to hear
from the main bathroom. It was
an interview between a news
the sound of running water. He reporter and a local MP.
ran to where he heard the noise Complete 1-5 in the summary
and just as he got there, he below. Use no more than three
caught sight of Amelie opening words in each gap.
the bathroom door.
Curfews are popular in the US, with
F Amelie was cuddling her authorities enforcing them on
children under
favourite teddy, Louisa was
(1) _________ . In the UK, however,
obviously finding it difficult curfews can only be applied to
adapting to the new hot climate children up to 15 years old.
and had both of her legs dangling Application forms filled out by local
out of the bed and then there authorities have to include
was Tommy screwed up in a ball geographic information and state
lying at the end of his bed. the exact (2) _________ the curfew is
to run. Since (3) _________, there
have not been any requests from
/5 local authorities requesting curfews.
The two primary benefits of curfews
are believed to be: reduction in child
disorder, crime, etc and (4) _________
from possible danger. A feasible
reason why curfews have not been
introduced in the UK could be due to

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Name ............................................ Class ...............................................

the increase in (5) _________of police

officers on the streets. Writing
/5 9 CCTV cameras are everywhere.
People are constantly being
watched. Do these cameras
benefit our society?

We are interested in your views

on this topic. Send us a short
article with your opinion.

Write your article in 200-250



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