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Unit 9 Test A

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Use of English: Grammar 3 Read the text and then select

the correct
answer A, B, C or D.
1 Fill in the gap with a/an, the or
As soon as a person finds a (1)
________they feel suits their needs
At (1) _____company where Alice
and experience, they should contact
works, there are approximately 120
the company immediately. The
people. The company has (2)_____
recruitment process in England is a
office in France and two offices in (3)
fairly standard procedure. When (2)
____ UK. Alice works in the Norwich
____________ to a company, it is
office but she sometimes travels to
mandatory to send a CV and a
France for meetings with (4)_____
covering letter. The covering letter
French clients. She has worked for
has to be (3) ____________ to match
the company for over two years and
the specific demands of the
has gained (5)_____ reputation for
company. If a company believes
being a sales shark. She works as
they have found a suitable (4)
(6)_____ Sales Account Manager and
____________, they will arrange a
last year she was voted salesperson
time to meet them for an interview
of (7)_____ year.
at their (5) ____________. Interview
processes can vary in duration.
/7 Typically, an employer will close the
process as soon as they feel they
2 Choose the correct alternative. have found the right person.
1 This is the car in which/in that I 1 A site
learned to drive when I was B position
sixteen years old. C place
2 I met a lady on the plane with D situation
who/with whom Im going to keep
in contact. 2 A resigning
3 The salary is really low, and for B requesting
that/which reason I cant take the C directing
job. D applying
4 There will be a mixture of people
in the class, some of whom/that 3 A tailored
will be near-native speakers. B transferred
5 Hes the person who/whom weve C converted
been meaning to speak to for D sewn
4 A aspirant
/5 B nominee
C applicant
D contestant

5 A convenience
B ease
C practicality
D suitability

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2 He managed to overcome his

/5 _____________ of heights by taking
a psychology course.
Use of English: Vocabulary A pain
B study
4 Replace the words underlined C fear
with the correct phrase in the D problem
correct form.
3 During the meeting, Daniel
accomplish voiced his _____________ and to his
enrol on amazement was supported by many
follow in somebodys footsteps others.
serve an apprenticeship A insight
settle in B knowledge
C understanding
1 Sam is learning about becoming D opinion
a mechanic by working on cars at
a car warehouse in Kent. 4 He hadnt _____________ any
2 Eventually she became familiar problems since starting work at
with the people and the place the company but, unfortunately,
and started to enjoy working today was the day!
there. A embarked on
3 Marys a teacher and she expects B experienced
her daughter to do the same job C inspired
as her in the future. D voiced
4 They decided it was time to leave
the small town in Africa. After all, 5 The Director handed in his
they had succeeded in doing resignation as he couldnt
everything they wanted to do. _____________ the constant
5 As Juan was out of the country, pressure from the media.
his brother officially arranged for A stand
him to join the Academic English B experience
course. C take up
D undertake
5 Choose the correct answer, A, B,
C or D. 6 Read the following text and
complete the gaps with the
1 At the age of 30, Amanda Brown correct words in the correct
_____________ the post of form. There is one extra phrase
Managing Director at a company that you do not need.
in Poland.
A took up be quietly confident
B embarked on give somebody a grilling
C undertook interview panel
D gained let your nerves show
score points
throw somebody

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course, I couldnt tell them that.

As soon as he stepped out of the There had been numerous emails to
room, he (1)________________ that he the newspaper, where I worked as a
had got the job. The interview went journalist, from employees of the
incredibly well and he believed he company describing some of the
had come across as a hard-working awful conditions the retail company
and confident employee. One was forcing their textile workers to
member of the (2)________________ endure.
had started the interview by asking
him some questions about himself 2 __________________
and his work experience and,
despite being nervous, he If I got the position, the idea was
(3)________________(not). About half that I would work as an undercover
way through the interview, a journalist for a period of time, until I
different interviewer was able to deem the claims true or
(4)________________about his work not. Although the prospect was
experience, but he didnt succumb quite exciting, I had to ensure that I
to the pressure and I think because was given the position and not
of that he (5)________________more someone else.
__________. Hell find out the results
of the interview tomorrow. 3 __________________

/5 As I sat at the kitchen table sipping

warm milk, I thought about their
textile workers earning below
Reading minimum wage and being forced to
work each day from 7am until
7 You are going to read an extract 11pm. Anger spurned me on and I
about a journalist who worked found a possible and appropriate
undercover for a retail company. answer to the question.
Five paragraphs have been
removed. Choose from the 4 __________________
paragraphs A-F the one which
fits each gap (1-5). There is one Having found the answer, I was able
extra paragraph which you do to get to sleep and I was woken at
not need to use. 8am the next morning by the sound
of my alarm clock. It was time to get
Unable to sleep, I decided the best ready and make my way to the head
thing to do was to get out of bed office.
and make myself a mug of hot milk.
It was two in the morning and the 5 __________________
thought of tomorrows interview was
keeping my mind active. A I knew that if I told a massive lie,
I would not sound genuine,
1 __________________ therefore, I invented a small
white lie. I would tell the
The real reason was to discover if company that I was interested in
their company was treating its the position because a job in
employees fairly or not, but of fashion greatly interested me
(which of course was a partial

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truth - the idea of being of course, accepted the post and

surrounded by fabulous clothes next week, I start my full-time
and shoes was any girls dream) undercover position.
and I would also mention that
many people had spoken about E Since I had got into bed at eleven
their work conditions and I thirty, my brain had run through
wanted to experience them for some of the questions that I
myself (which was 100% true). might be asked. Tell us about
However, I did not propose to say yourself, Why are you leaving
during the interview anything your current job? and the
especially positive or negative question I dreaded the most,
about the working conditions. Why are you interested in the
B The textile company employed
over one hundred people from a F It took me over a week to
variety of countries around the prepare the perfect CV and
world. Some of the employees covering letter, and as soon as I
were complaining they were submitted it, I was called for an
getting below minimum wage interview. The interview was the
and some were protesting they next morning at ten oclock. I had
didnt get paid on time. They spent the whole weekend
claimed they usually received preparing the interview
their monthly income at least questions, and I was almost
fifteen days late. ready, but I still needed to find a
reason why I was interested in
C It was decided, after some the position and I needed to
serious consideration, that I was sound sincere when I answered
the perfect candidate. I was the question.
young, intelligent, and
fashionable, and, in a way, I was /5
an ideal match for the position
that they had advertised on their
website. The position was for a
trainee buyer, without any
qualifications or experience in
retail but who had an outgoing
and confident personality.

D The interview was held in a small

room without windows and there
were three people interviewing
me. I came across confidently
and the way I answered the
questions seemed to impress
them, so much so, that at three
oclock that afternoon, I received
a call from the company saying,
You were successful in the
interview process and we would
like to offer you the position. I,

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8 You are going to hear
four speakers talking about new Writing
challenges at work. Match each
speaker 1, 2, 3 or 4 with the 9 You have read the following
best answer A-F from each list. information on the website of a
There are two answers in each British university that you
list you do not need. would like to attend.

Which line of business does We welcome students from abroad

each person work in? on all of our courses. If you are
interested in one of our courses,
A Beverages write to us detailing the course you
B Recruitment would like to take, give the
C Fashion reason(s) why you are interested,
D Banking
outline your educational history and
E Accountancy
F Marketing state what you hope to do with the
knowledge you gain from the
1 Speaker 1 course.
2 Speaker 2
3 Speaker 3 Write your letter of application
4 Speaker 4 in 200-250 words.

How has the new challenge

affected the life of each

A Their journey is more time-

B Their workload has grown
C They are attending more meetings
D They are planning to move house to
be closer to the office.
E They have taken up a new language.
F They are trying to overcome their

5 Speaker 1
6 Speaker 2
7 Speaker 3
8 Speaker 4


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