Gateway B2+ Test Unit 9 B

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Unit 9 Test B

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Use of English: Grammar 3 Read the text and then select

the correct
answer A, B, C or D.
1 Fill in the gap with a/an, the or
When we need to (1) ____________ a
position, we place an advertisement
Alex Man worked for the computing
online or in a local newspaper. We
company for two months before he
customarily receive hundreds of (2)
decided (1)_____ position was not
____________ for one job. It is my job
suitable for him. Once he had
to sift through the countless CVs
handed in his notice, he started to
and eliminate the candidates that
look for a job in the music industry.
are not suitable for the position. The
He joined (2) _____ band and has
remaining application (3)
been touring (3) _____ world ever
____________, approximately half, are
since. To date, he has played in
given to the Human Resources
(4)_____US, Australia, Singapore and
Manager who then draws up a
many countries in (5)_____ Europe. It
shortlist of (4) ____________
is believed that he has started
employees. These people are then
writing his music and that soon
phoned and invited for an interview.
(6)_____ songs he has written will be
Interviews usually last 30 minutes
used to create (7)_____ award-
and the whole (5) ____________ takes
winning album.
two days.
/7 1 A complete
B achieve
2 Choose the correct alternative. C fill
D fulfil
1 Sally is the teacher who
from/with whom I work closely at 2 A claims
school. B applications
2 At which/in which point did he C demands
decide that hes giving up his D requests
3 Who/whom is the man standing 3 A manuscripts
over there by the red car? B documents
4 Im ever hopeful Ill win the C papers
lottery, in which case/in which D forms
reason, Ill buy a house for my
two sons. 4 A potential
5 Hes the person that/whom got B dubious
offered the job at the television C expected
company. D significant

/5 5 A treatment
B means
C process
D method


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decided she was going to

_____________ a new hobby.
Use of English: Vocabulary A
4 Replace the words underlined C stand
with the correct phrase in the D take up
correct form.
3 Do you know whether the
end up company has undertaken
find your feet _____________ into the effects of
get on in life its products on the environment?
overcome setbacks A a venture
B a setback
try your hand at something
C an investigation
D a post
1 If you dont work hard, you wont
be successful. 4 The company, not knowing which
2 We had never been windsurfing way to turn, _____________ the
before and so when we were on options and then made a rational
holiday we had a go to see if we decision.
were good at it. A weighed up
3 After two months of working as a B took control of
swimming instructor, Alan C took up
eventually became confident D got on
with his job.
4 As he was unable to successfully 5 When she left university she
deal with some problems, he embarked on a _____________ in
didnt get promoted. hospitality.
5 The young entrepreneurs were in A position
B career
an unexpected situation after a
C setback
series of events, and this resulted D study
in them asking the bank for a
6 Read the following text and
5 Choose the correct answer, A, B, complete the gaps with the
C or D. correct words in the correct
form. There is one extra phrase
1 It took the owner approximately that you do not need.
two months to overcome
_____________ from some give someone a grilling
employees. be quietly confident
A insight see right through someone
B resistance panel interview
C the pros and cons let your nerves show
D understanding throw somebody
2 Once she had finished her Once the candidate had stepped out
masters programme, she of the room, the (1)________________
commented on how disastrous he

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had been. From the moment he candidate. I was young, intelligent,

entered the room, he and fashionable, and, in a way, I
(2)________________. Not something was an ideal match for the position
that you can help, but he mumbled that they had advertised on their
all of his words and as he spoke his website. The position was for a
hands shook. One of the female trainee buyer, without any
panel members (3)________________ qualifications or experience in retail
and he just crumbled. He had but who had an outgoing and
written some questionable confident personality.
information on his CV and she
(4)________________. She knew he 3 __________________
had lied about his work experience.
The candidate hadnt expected the It took me over a week to prepare
interviewer to ask so many the perfect CV and covering letter,
questions about this and he was and as soon as I submitted it, I was
(5)________________. It would be fair called for an interview. The
to say that the candidate will not be interview was the next morning at
getting the job. ten oclock. I had spent the whole
weekend preparing the interview
/5 questions, and I was almost ready,
but I still needed to find a reason
why I was interested in the position
Reading and I needed to sound sincere when
I answered the question.
7 You are going to read about a
journalist who worked 4 __________________
undercover for a retail company.
Five paragraphs have been I knew that if I told a massive lie, I
removed. Choose from the would not sound genuine, therefore,
paragraphs A-F the one which I invented a small white lie. I would
fits each gap (1-5). There is one tell the company that I was
extra paragraph which you do interested in the position because a
not need to use. job in fashion greatly interested me
(which of course was a partial truth -
1 __________________ the idea of being surrounded by
fabulous clothes and shoes was any
Since I had got into bed at eleven girls dream), and I would also
thirty, my brain had run through mention that many people had
some of the questions that I might spoken about their work conditions
be asked. Tell us about yourself, and I wanted to experience them for
Why are you leaving your current myself (which was 100% true).
job? and the question I dreaded the However, I did not propose to say
most, Why are you interested in during the interview anything
the position? especially positive or negative
about the working conditions.
2 __________________
5 __________________
It was decided, after some serious
consideration, that I was the perfect The interview was held in a small
room without windows and there

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were three people interviewing me. I Anger spurned me on and I

came across confidently and the found a possible and
way I answered the questions appropriate answer to the
seemed to impress them, so much question.
so, that at three oclock that
afternoon, I received a call from the E The textile company employed
company saying, You were over one hundred people from
successful in the interview process a variety of countries around
and we would like to offer you the the world. Some of the
position. I, of course, accepted the employees were complaining
post and next week, I start my full- that they were getting below
time undercover position. minimum wage and some
were protesting that they
A Having found the answer, I was never got paid on time. They
able to get to sleep and I was claimed that they usually
woken at 8am the next morning received their monthly income
by the sound of my alarm clock. at least fifteen days later.
It was time to get ready and
make my way to the head office. F Unable to sleep, I decided the
best thing to do was to get out
B The real reason was to of bed and make myself a
discover if their company was mug of hot milk. It was two in
treating its employees fairly or the morning and the thought
not, but of course, I couldnt of tomorrows interview was
tell them that. There had been keeping my mind active.
numerous emails to the
newspaper, where I worked as /5
a journalist, from employees
of the company describing
some of the awful conditions
the retail company was forcing
their textile workers to endure.

C If I got the position, the idea

was that I would work as an
undercover journalist for a
period of time, until I was able
to deem the claims true or
not. Although the prospect
was quite exciting, I had to
ensure that I was given the
position and not someone

D As I sat at the kitchen table

sipping warm milk, I thought
about their textile workers
earning below minimum wage
and being forced to work each
day from 7am until 11pm.

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Listening 9 You have read the following

information on the website of a
8 You are going to hear British university that you
four speakers talking about new would like to attend.
challenges at work. Match each
speaker 1, 2, 3 or 4 with the We welcome students from abroad
best answer A-F from each list. on all of our courses. If you are
There are two answers in each interested in one of our courses,
list you do not need. write to us detailing the course you
would like to take, give the
How did the new challenge reason(s) why you are interested,
come about? outline your educational history and
state what you hope to do with the
A After redundancies were made. knowledge you gain from the
B Following a friends request. course.
C After a work promotion.
D Following the companys move.
E At the bosss request.
Write your letter of application
F Following an unexpected meeting. in 200-250 words.
1 Speaker 1: _____________________________________
2 Speaker 2: _____________________________________
3 Speaker 3: _____________________________________
4 Speaker 4: _____________________________________
How does each speaker find the _____________________________________
challenge they now face? _____________________________________
A Scary but life-changing _____________________________________
B Boring and undemanding _____________________________________
C Stressful and depressing
D Time-consuming
E Hard work but enjoyable _____________________________________
F Isolating and stressful _____________________________________
5 Speaker 1:
6 Speaker 2:
7 Speaker 3:
8 Speaker 4: _____________________________________
/8 _____________________________________

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