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Unit 3 Test A

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Use of English: Grammar 5 Last month, after watching a

programme on TV, my
1 Complete the text with the grandfather was inspired him to
correct form of the verb in climb Mount Everest.
brackets (-ing or to-infinitive).
A recent investigation into the
human brain found that those
struggling (1) _________(solve) a Use of English: Vocabulary
puzzle or problem should give up (2) 3 Choose the correct alternative.
_________(stare) at the page and
should watch or read something 1 The night before the exam, Liz
funny or uplifting. Researchers
tried her hardest to
suggest (3) _________(watch) a
comedy sketch or a film that people articulate/memorize all of the
know will bring a smile to their face. irregular verbs on the list.
They claim you should avoid (4) 2 I dont find it difficult to
_________ (spend) time watching concentrate; my mind doesnt
horror films or TV programmes with often grasp/wander.
sad scenes, as by feeding your 3 Do you have a gift for/memorize
negative emotions, you risk (5) languages? Some people believe
_________ (lose) inspiration. They youre born with it.
promise that by considering this 4 He wasnt fazed/bewildered by
advice, you will gain additional
the fact that he couldnt take the
insight and be able to find solutions
to your puzzles or problems more exam, despite having revised for
quickly. months.
5 Fortunately, today they were able
/5 to assume/grasp exactly what the
lecturer was saying.
2 Find and correct the mistakes in
the sentences. There is one
mistake in each sentence.
1 If I give him a gold star when he 4 Complete the gaps with the
is good, it encourages to behave correct word.
2 My masters programme has After their first seminar on the
taught me planning before I write brain, the girls went to the library
an assignment. to talk (1)_________ their notes. They
3 Unfortunately, they caught him were a bit confused as some of the
ideas mentioned were a little
to cheat in the exam and so he
difficult to pick (2)_________. They
was suspended from school. put their heads together and came
4 As part of her recovery up (3)_________ some ideas as to
programme, the doctor asked to what the lecturer was trying to say,
read her at least one book a but they decided that they would
week. read the recommended chapter on
the reading list and reconvene the

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next day to reflect (4)_________ any

further thoughts. They immediately
realised that the subject was tricky
and that they would need to bounce
ideas (5)_________ each other if they
were to fully understand the topic.


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5 Read the sentences and select

the correct answer, A, B, C or D.
1 She was so unhappy with her
essay that she ________ wrote it. 6 Read the text and decide if the
A mis statements (1-5) are True (T),
B sub False (F) or Not Given (NG).
C re
D over The impact of omega fish oils on
the brain
2 Looking over his work, it was For many years, there has been
obvious that he totally some speculation regarding the
________understood what I said. actual benefits of the consumption
A over of omega fish oils. It has been
B pre proven that their consumption can
C over prevent heart disease and counter
D mis the effects of depression, but some
scientists have made the bold claim
3 He was ________ intelligent. He that the regular consumption of
knew the answer to every Omega 3 drastically improves
question in the quiz. intelligence. Wanting to put the
A sub rumours to the test, a group of
B super scientists decided to carry out some
C inter qualitative research on a group of
D re British children. Details of the
experiment, together with the
4 Although Claire had really wanted results, can be found in this report.
to live in London, she was
________interested in visiting the Omega 3 and Omega 6 can be
citys main sights. found in oily fish such as salmon,
A un tuna and halibut. These oils cannot
B im be made by the human body and
C in therefore need to be consumed
D under either in our diets or as a dietary
supplement taken in pill form. It is
5 The film they went to see was well known that Western diets
highly ________rated. In fact, after contain a relatively small quantity of
watching the film, they voted it Omega 3 fatty acids when
the worst film they had ever compared to Asian cultures.
seen. Consequently, the researchers
A super chose individuals from Great Britain
B sub to carry out their research. The
C over children selected for the experiment
D inter were all from the same secondary
school in the north of England and
they were handpicked by teachers
/5 of the school using a set of criteria.
It was deemed essential by the
experimenters that the children
chosen regularly suffered from a

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lack of concentration, and were not In contrast, there was only a

the highest achievers in class. Once relatively small difference found
the children had been selected, the with the girls tested. Only a small
scientists had to gain parental percentage of the girls showed a
consent. During an open evening dramatic increase in concentration,
with parents, many questions were with the rest showing no difference
answered and eventually all of the whatsoever. With regards to
parents academic achievement, it was
signed the necessary forms allowing apparent that overall performance
their son or daughter to take part. had increased. The conclusions of
Individual files were then set up on the experiment were clear.
each student.
When the scientists released their
The duration of the experiment was findings stating that fish oils
six months. During the first three dramatically improved the
months, the researchers measured behaviour, concentration and
the concentration and academic academic ability of boys in a school
ability of the children through a environment and should therefore
series of experiments. The be used in the future to aid
researchers were present in the concentration and improve
classes of the individuals and they intelligence, other experts jumped
also monitored their concentration on the bandwagon and immediately
during a series of tests carried out refuted their claims. They
using electronic equipment and questioned their research methods,
computers. In addition, their the school used and also the
academic ability was tested by the quantity of children experimented
teachers who regularly fed on. It appears that eating oily fish
homework marks or test results undoubtedly has some advantages
back to the team of scientists. even if the scientist cant put their
During the second half of the finger on exactly what they are.
experiment, half of the children
were given a pill containing a 1 Prior to the report, experiments
specified quantity of Omega 3 and had proven that the consumption
the other half were given placebos. of Omega 3 enhances
During this second three-month
period, the scientists again carried
T / F / NG
out the same experiments that
2 Omega fish oils can only be
measured the concentration and
academic ability of the selected obtained by humans through the
children. consumption of certain fish.
T / F / NG
The results from the experiment 3 The students elected for the
were immediately clear. The boys experiment were selected for an
that had taken the fish oils were assortment of reasons.
finding it easier to concentrate in T / F / NG
class and had drastically improved 4 The results indicated
their academic ability. They had considerable improvements in
begun to achieve higher results in both the girls and boys tested.
class and their teachers had T / F / NG
commented on their improvements.

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5 The scientists came to the

conclusion that fish oils could aid
boys in various areas in the
T / F / NG


7 You are going to hear a
researcher explain how she 8 Wanted: Reviews of your
believes the Internet is affecting favourite restaurant
our minds. Complete sentences Write us a review of your favourite
1-5. Use no more than three restaurant. Give us information
words and/or a number. about the type and quality of the
food, prices, the staff and service
1 Nowadays, virtual friendships are and why you like it so much.
maintained through chat rooms,
______________. Only the best reviews will be
2 The speaker believes a friend is a published.
person you call, ______________ a
coffee or invite to your house. Write your review in 200-250
3 According to the speaker, words.
friendships are maintained with
4 The younger generation have
relationships that last
______________ compared to the
older generation.
5 When kids get bored with games
they move on to do something
else; this is similar to their
attitude ______________.


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