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Development and Validation of a Stability-

Indicating LC Method for Determination

of Ebastine in Tablet and Syrup

2009, 69, S195S199

Marcela Z. Arend1, Simone G. Cardoso2, Felipe K. Hurtado1, Aline Ravanello1, Fibele A. Lanzanova1,
Clarice M. B. Rolim1,&
Departamento de Farmacia Industrial e Programa de Pos-Graduaca
o em Ciencias Farmaceuticas, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria,
97.105-900 Santa Maria, RS, Brazil; E-Mail:
Departamento de Ciencias Farmaceuticas, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, SC, Brazil

Received: 19 August 2008 / Revised: 8 December 2008 / Accepted: 7 January 2009

Online publication: 15 February 2009

diseases with once daily regimen. After

oral administration, ebastine undergoes
Abstract extensive rst-pass metabolism to its
active carboxylic acid metabolite, care-
A simple stability-indicating reversed-phase liquid chromatographic method with diode- bastine [4].
array detection was developed and validated for the quantitative determination of ebastine in A couple of chromatographic meth-
tablets and syrup. The LC method was carried out on a C18 column with acetonitrile:phos- ods, with dierent detection modes, have
phoric acid 0.1% pH 3.0 (55:45, v/v) as mobile phase, at a flow rate of 1.2 mL min-1. been reported to quantify ebastine and its
Ultraviolet detection of ebastine was at 254 nm. A linear response (r = 0.9999) was metabolites in physiological samples
observed in the range of 1080 lg mL-1. The RSD values for intra- and inter-day precision [59]. Ebastine is currently available in
studies showed good results (RSD < 2%) and accuracy was greater than 98%. Validation tablets and syrup. An ocial method for
parameters such as specificity and robustness were also determined. The method was found determination of this drug in oral for-
to be stability-indicating and can be applied to quantitative determination of ebastine in mulation has not yet been described. A
tablets and syrup. spectrophotometric method employed
the charge transfer complex and a thin-
layer chromatographic method for esti-
mation of ebastine in pharmaceutical
Keywords formulation were developed [10, 11]. Also
a second derivate UV spectrophotomet-
Column liquid chromatography
ric and colorimetric method has been re-
ported for determination of ebastine in
Method validation
tablets [12]. Recently an LC method was
developed for determination of ebastine
in tablets [13], without detailed descrip-
tion of the method and the validation
parameters. To our knowledge, there is
Introduction butan-1-one (Fig. 1) is a potent and no validated stability indicating analyti-
selective histamine H1 receptor antago- cal method for the determination of
Ebastine, 1-[4-(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenyl]- nist, which has little anticholinergic and ebastine available in the literature.
4-[4-(diphenylmethoxy)piperidin-1-yl] antiserotoninergic properties [13]. Therefore, the purpose of this study
Ebastine is eective for the treatment of was to develop and validate a simple and
Separation Analysis Applied to Pharmaceuti- chronic idiopathic urticaria and allergic stability-indicating reversed-phase liquid
cal Sciences in Brazil.

Full Short Communication Chromatographia Supplement Vol. 69, 2009 S195

DOI: 10.1365/s10337-009-0992-4
2009 Vieweg+Teubner | GWV Fachverlage GmbH
Preparation of Reference prepared by diluted appropriate amounts
Solution of standard stock solution with mobile
phase. Each concentration was injected
The reference solution of ebastine was and measured in triplicate. The peak areas
prepared by dissolving an accurately of the chromatograms were plotted against
weighed 25 mg of reference substance in the respective concentrations of ebastine
50 mL of mobile phase to give a nal to obtain the analytical curve. The results
Fig. 1. Chemical structure of ebastine concentration of 500 lg mL-1. were subjected to regression analysis by the
least squares method to calculate calibra-
chromatographic method with UV tion equation and correlation coecient.
detection for quantitative analysis of
Preparation of Sample
ebastine in tablets and syrup.
Solutions Limit of Detection and Limit of Quantitation

Experimental Tablets The limit of detection (LOD) and the

limit of quantitation (LOQ) were calcu-
To prepare the sample solutions, tablets lated as dened by ICH [14], using the
Chemicals and Reagents
containing 10 mg of ebastine were mean values of three independent
accurately weighed and crushed to ne analytical curves, determined by a linear
Ebastine reference substance was ob-
powder. Amounts equivalent to 4 mg of regression model, where the factors 3.3
tained from Gerbras (Brazil) and was
ebastine were transferred into a 20 mL and 10 for the detection and quantita-
certied to contain 100.2%. Tablets and
volumetric ask with 10 mL of mobile tion limits, respectively, were multiplied
syrup containing ebastine were obtained
phase and sonicated for 10 min, by the ratio from the standard deviation
commercially and claimed to contain
followed by adding the same solvent to of the intercept and the slope.
10 mg and 1 mg of the drug per milliliter,
make up to volume. These solutions
respectively. Acetonitrile (LC grade) was
were ltered through a quantitative
from Tedia (Faireld, USA) and phos-
paper lter (Schleicher & Schuell, Precision
phoric acid was from Merck (Germany).
Dassel, Germany) and further dilution
Ultra-pure water was obtained from a The precision of the method was deter-
was made with the same solvent to give a
Labconco (MO, USA) water purication mined by repeatability (intra-day preci-
nal concentration of 40 lg mL-1.
unit. Other chemicals were analytical sion) and intermediate precision (inter-day
grade. precision) of the sample solutions of
Syrup tablets and syrup. Repeatability was calcu-
lated by assaying six samples of the 100%
Instrumentation and Sample solutions of syrup were prepared standard concentration (40 lg mL-1 for
Analytical Conditions by transferring aliquots of 3 mL into tablet and 60 lg mL-1 for syrup) on the
50 mL volumetric asks, followed by same day. The intermediate precision was
A Shimadzu LC system (Kyoto, Japan) making up to volume with mobile phase calculated from results obtained on three
was used equipped with an LC-10 ADVP to give a solution with 60 lg mL-1. dierent days (six samples on the rst day,
pump, an SPD-M 10 AVP diode array
and three samples on the second and third
detector, an SCL-10 AVP system con-
troller, SIL-10 ADVP auto injector and a
degasser module. The detector was set at Validation of the Method
254 nm and peak areas were integrated Accuracy
automatically by computer using a The method was validated using samples
Shimadzu Class VP V6.14 software of pharmaceutical formulations (tablet The accuracy was evaluated by the
program. and syrup) with ebastine by the determi- recovery of known amounts of the refer-
Analysis was carried out with nation of the following parameters: ence standard (5, 10, 15 and 20 lg mL-1)
Phenomenex Synergi C18 (250 mm 9 specicity, linearity, precision, accuracy, added to sample solution of tablets and
4.6 mm I.D.; 4 lm particle size, 80 A) limit of detection, limit of quantitation, syrup containing 40 lg mL-1 of ebastine.
column at ambient temperature. The robustness, stability and system suitabil-
mobile phase was acetonitrile:phospho- ity test, following the ICH guidelines [14].
ric acid 0.1% pH 3.0 (55:45, v/v). This
was ltered through a 0.45 lm mem- Forced degradation studies were per-
brane lter (Millipore, Bedford, USA) formed to evaluate the specicity of the
and run at a ow rate of 1.2 mL min-1. Linearity was determined by constructing method. Degraded samples were prepared
The injection volume was 10 lL. The three analytical curves, each one with ve by dissolving ebastine in a small volume of
quantitation was performed using the reference substance concentrations of acetonitrile (5% v/v) and later diluted with
absolute area of the peak. ebastine in the range of 1080 lg mL-1 0.1N hydrochloric acid, 0.1N sodium

S196 Chromatographia Supplement Vol. 69, 2009 Full Short Communication

hydroxide and 3% hydrogen peroxide to
achieve a concentration of 1 mg mL-1.
The studies in alkaline and acid condition
were carried out under reuxe at 80 C, for
1 h and 30 min. The samples were cooled
to room temperature and neutralized.
Oxidative condition was obtained by
treating the drug with 3% hydrogen per-
oxide at room temperature for 3 h, pro-
tected from light. Photodegradation was
induced by exposing the reference sub-
stance in a photostability chamber to 200
Wh/m2 of near UV for 22 h. After treat-
ment all the samples were diluted to
40 lg mL-1 with mobile phase. The inter-
ference of the excipients of the tablet and
syrup was determined by the injection of a
sample containing only placebo. Then, the
specicity of the method was established by
determining the peak purity of ebastine in
the samples using a PDA detector.


The robustness was established by

changing experimental conditions such as
the column (Phenomenex Synergi C18 Fig. 2. LC chromatograms of ebastine (a) reference standard (40 lg mL-1); (b) tablet
(40 lg mL-1); (c) syrup (60 lg mL-1); peaks 1 = ebastine, 2 = excipients
150 mm 9 4.6 mm; 4 lm particle size,
80 A), wavelength (245 nm), ow rate (1.0
and 1.5 mL), composition (50:50, v/v) and
Table 1. Precision results of LC assay of ebastine in tablets and syrup
pH (pH 2.5 and 3.5) of the mobile phase.
Tablets Syrup

Stability of Sample Solution Mean (%) RSD (%) Mean (%) RSD (%)

To assess the stability of sample solutions Intra-day precision

Day 1 (n = 6) 105.02 1.98 106.29 0.68
of the pharmaceutical formulation of
Day 2 (n = 3) 104.82 1.86 106.16 0.45
ebastine, the samples tested were main- Day 3 (n = 3) 105.62 1.47 106.83 1.84
tained at 28 C for 48 h and also placed Inter-day precisiona 105.15 0.40 106.43 0.33
into the autosampler, at room tempera-
ture, for 24 h. The stability of these solu- Data expressed as mean of three days
tions was studied by performing the
experiment and observing any change in
the chromatographic pattern, compared Results and Discussion phase was optimized to provide sucient
with freshly prepared solutions. selectivity and sensitivity in a short sepa-
Method Development ration time. A mixture of acetoni-
trile:phosphoric acid 0.1% pH 3.0 (55:45)
System Suitability was adopted because it is suitable to
Choice of an analytical method depends
System suitability parameters were on factors such as the nature of the separate the excipients of syrup and
measured using three replicates injec- drug, the complexity of the sample, and ebastine with good peak properties. The
tions of a reference solution containing the intended use. In this study, the chro- column eciency for ebastine was about
60 lg mL-1 of ebastine to verify the matographic conditions (column, mobile 7,059 theoretical plates, the tailing factor
system performance. Relative standard phase and ow rate) were aected by the of the peak was 1.5 and the capacity fac-
deviations of the area, tailing factor, physicochemical properties of ebastine tor was 3.2. There are no salts in solution
theoretical plates and retention time and presence of many interferents excip- and such fact could damage the chro-
were the chromatographic parameters ients in syrup. To obtain the best chro- matographic column and equipment. For
selected for the system suitability test. matographic conditions, the mobile the selection of the best wavelength

Full Short Communication Chromatographia Supplement Vol. 69, 2009 S197

values of the slope and Y-intercept of the
calibration curves were 0.88 and 8.6,
respectively. Linearity was checked for
the assay method over the same con-
centration range for three consecutive
days by analysis of variance (ANOVA),
which indicated linear regression and no
signicant deviation from linearity
(p < 0.05).

Limits of Detection and Quantitation

The LOD and LOQ were based on the

standard deviation of the intercept and
the slope. LOD and LOQ achieved were
0.52 and 1.58 lg mL-1, respectively.


The repeatability of the method was

calculated as the RSD of assays con-
taining ebastine in the same range of
concentration performed on the same
day. The RSD was 1.98 and 0.68% for
tablet and syrup, respectively. To the
intermediate precision the valued of
RSD obtained was 0.40 and 0.33% for
tablets and syrup, respectively. These
results are shown in Table 1.


Recovery of ebastine reference standard

was in the range of 98.58100.64% for
tablet and 100.45100.91% for syrup.
These values demonstrated that the
method is accurate within the desired


Forced degradation or stress testing is

performed in order to provide an indi-
Fig. 3. LC chromatograms of ebastine (40 lg mL-1) (a) reference standard: peak 1 = ebastine; cation of the stability-indicating proper-
(b) after acid hydrolysis: peaks 1 = ebastine, 2 = degraded form; (c) after basic hydrolysis: peaks ties of the analytical method,
1 = ebastine, 2 = degraded form; (d) after oxidation: peaks: 1 = ebastine, 2 = degraded form, particularly when there is no informa-
3 = hydrogen peroxide; (e) after photodegradation: peaks 1 = ebastine, 2 = degraded form
tion available about the potential
degradation products. When submitted
detection a PDA detector was used. No Method Validation to basic conditions the chromatogram
interference from the sample solvent,
showed one degradation product at
impurities and dosage form excipients Linearity
2.28 min and the area of ebastine
were observed at the detection wave-
The calibration plot for ebastine was decrease about 80%. The acidic condition
length (254 nm). A typical chromato-
found to be linear in 1080 lg mL-1 exhibited signicant decrease of the area
gram obtained by the proposed LC
range, with a correlation coecient of (70%), and two additional peaks were
method, demonstrating the resolution of
0.9999; a representative linear equation detected at 2.23 and 5.80 min. Under
the symmetrical peak corresponding to
was y = 17855x + 8829.2. The % RSD oxidative conditions one degradation
ebastine, is shown in Fig. 2.

S198 Chromatographia Supplement Vol. 69, 2009 Full Short Communication

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Full Short Communication Chromatographia Supplement Vol. 69, 2009 S199

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