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Welding of Ductile Iron

with Ni-Fe-Mn Filler Metal

A new filler metal system can be used with several welding

processes to produce joints in ductile iron that match or
exceed base metal properties up to 80,000 psi (552 MPa)


ABSTRACT. The results described in this recognition that Dl is not an alloy, but necessary (Refs. 1-4). This is not a ques-
paper show that unalloyed ductile iron rather a generic term for an alloy class or tion of the "weldability" of Dl, because
with up to 80,000 psi (552 MPa) tensile an alloy family. Beyond this, it must be weldability refers to the ability of a mate-
strength can be arc welded without pre- understood that ductile iron alloys can rial to be joined under the imposed
heat if Ni-Fe-Mn filler metal is used. This range in properties from relatively low- fabrication conditions to form a structure
recently developed filler metal system strength, high-ductility structures to high- that will perform satisfactorily in the
has several metallurgical characteristics strength, low-ductility materials, and that intended application. Thus, a given grade
that provide advantages over other sys- the matrix phase in a given engineering Dl of ductile iron might be weldable without
tems for joining ductile iron (and other can be ferrite, pearlite, or austenite. preheat in one application, weldable only
cast irons). Using the ASTM designations for cast with preheat in another application, and
The Ni-Fe-Mn system has been found irons, it is clear that the designation Dl unweldable in a third application where
to be useful with a variety of welding covers a wide property and composition- fabrication conditions prevent the appli-
al range. Key mechanical properties of cation of preheat (or where the level of
processes, offering the potential for
ductile irons range as follows: tensile restraint imposed was excessive).
increased utility and economy in welding
of ductile iron. Evaluations of weldment strength - 60 to 120 ksi (414 to 827 MPa), More often, researchers and users are
structures and tensile properties are pre- yield strength-45 to 90 ksi (310 to 621 concerned primarily with attaining certain
sented. MPa), and elongation- 10 to 3% (Ref. 1). specific target properties, such as yield
Finally, the effects of heat-affected The composition can be an Fe-C-Si alloy strength, impact resistance and heat-
zone microstructural features are as- heat treated to attain tensile properties or affected zone hardness, rather than with
sessed. The results indicate that satisfac- can be alloyed with Ni, Cr, M o , etc., to weldability per se. Given the varying base
tory weldment properties do not depend achieve properties as cast (Refs. 2-6). metal compositions, structures, and prop-
solely on HAZ microstructure. In general, most welding research to erties combined with the diversity of filler
date has been restricted to the 60-45-10* metals, applications, and required prop-
grade (Refs. 3-10) of Dl, but some work erties, it is not surprising that there is
has been done on higher strength grades controversy over the welding of ductile
Welding of Ductile Iron such as 80-60-03* (Refs. 2,11,12). Weld- irons in engineering applications.
ing electrodes used to weld Dl include When unalloyed (Fe-C-Si) Dl is welded,
Since the invention of ductile iron (Dl)
low carbon steel, pure nickel, stainless a preheat of about 425C (800F) is
in 1948, the weldability of ductile iron
steel and iron-nickel, with iron-nickel required to prevent the formation of
alloys has been studied and many papers
being generally recognized as the filler martensite, but preheat increases the
on the subject have been published.
metal system capable of providing the amount of iron carbide that forms in the
Despite the extensive investigation of
highest strength weldments. Since joint HAZ (Ref. 4). The carbide phase can be
welding of Dl, there continues to be
efficiencies in cast iron welds rarely reach more detrimental than martensite to
disagreement over whether the material
100%, weldment strength is often mechanical properties, particularly as it
is "weldable" or "unweldable." Much of
expressed in terms of the fraction of base becomes nearly continuous in the HAZ.
the controversy can be eliminated by the
metal strength that is retained in the weld Welding without preheat to produce a
joint. thin band of martensite is preferable to
Paper presented at the 65th Annual AWS
Convention held in Dallas, Texas, during April A long-standing uncertainty in the developing a continuous band of iron
8-13, 1984. welding of Dl is whether or not preheat is carbide in the HAZ of unalloyed Dl.
T J. KELLY, formerly with the Inco Alloy
Products Company Research Center, Sterling Background to the Development of
Forest, Suffern, New York, is with General * Numbers used here and elsewhere in the Ni-Fe-Mn Filler Metals
Electric Co., R. A. BISHEL and R. K WILSON are paper are values for mechanical properties in
with Inco Alloys International, Huntington, the following order: tensile and yield strengths One reason that cast irons, including
West Virginia. (ksi) and elongation (%). Dl, are more economical than cast steels


is that their solidification temperatures
solidus and liquidus are lower, which Table 1Composition of Ni-Fe-Mn Filler Metal 44 and Ductile Iron Base Metals, Along With
allows melting and pouring at lower tem- Base Metal Tensile Properties
peratures. The low solidus and liquidus
Composition wt-%
temperatures are one cause of welding
problems, since common filler metals for Material C Mn Si Ni Fe
welding of cast iron nearly pure Ni-Fe-Mn44 0.25 11.0 0.15 42.0 Bal
Ni (AWS grade ENi-CI) and 55% Ni- 65-45-12 2.90 0.33 2.41 0.02 Bal
balance Fe (ENiFe-Cl and -Cl-A) solidify 80-55-06 3.70 0.38 2.59 0.03 Bal
at higher temperatures than the base
metal. When the weld metal solidifies
before the "unmixed zone"* and high
temperature HAZ, solidification stresses Base Metal Tensile Properties:
are concentrated in a narrow region of Ultimate
limited ductility. When the low-ductility Cast tensile Reduction
area cannot accommodate the resulting iron Yield strength strength Elongation, in area, Hardness,
strains, cracks form in the HAZ. grade MPa ksi MPa ksi % % RB
The primary characteristic of the Ni-
65-45-12 323 46.8 481 69.8 13 14.7 79
Fe-Mn system leading to improved cast 413 59.9 4.7 95
80-55-06 693 100.6 6
iron welding is a solidification range more
compatible with the base metal. The
Fe-Ni-Mn system has a liquidus tempera-
ture about 100C (180F) lower than the
Fe-Ni system, and the solidus tempera- the recent development of NI-ROD+ Fill- combined with the metallurgical factors
ture is correspondingly lower. Exploration er Metal 44 and NI-RODf Welding Elec- described above, have limited the weld-
of the ternary Ni-Fe-Mn system has led to trode 44 (see Table 1 for composition). ing of cast iron.
In addition to the more compatible Prior to the development of Ni-Fe-Mn,
solidification temperatures, the Ni-Fe-Mn the major advancement in filler metals for
*The term refers to a very narrow region at system has the advantage of matching cast iron welding was NI-ROD FC 55, a
the edge of the fusion zone where melting and closely the thermal expansion coefficient flux-cored continuous welding wire for
solidification of the base metal occurs without of Dl (or other cast irons). The combina- use with flux-cored arc welding (FCAW)
mixing with the weld metal. It therefore repre- tion of these characteristics results in and submerged arc welding (SAW).
sents an area of base metal that undergoes
welds that solidify over a temperature While the FC 55 product produces weld-
fusion without any change in composition. For
a complete explanation, see Savage et al. range much closer to that of the base ments with properties that match or
(Ref. 13) metal and which undergo similar thermal exceed those of the 65-45-12 grade of
contraction upon solidification. There- Dl, the FC 55 filler metal is somewhat
fore, high solidification stresses are not limited in that it cannot be produced in
placed on the partially melted heat- diameters smaller than 2 mm (0.078 in.).
affected zone of the Dl during solidifica-
tion, and subsequent solidification
stresses are reduced.
All materials used in this work were of
Most welding of cast iron has been commercial quality. The t w o heats of cast
performed with relatively low deposition iron used were unalloyed and achieved
rate processes; shielded metal-arc weld- their properties from heat treatment. The
ing (SMAW) has been used extensively

65-45-12 was a ferritic iron as shown in
with the ENi-CI and ENiFe-Cl grades of Fig. 1, while the 80-55-06 was pearlitic,
covered electrode (Ref. 14), and oxy- also shown in Fig. 1.
acetylene welding has been employed
for some applications. Process limitations,
Several different welders and heats of
/ Trademark of the Inco family of companies. ductile iron were used to establish the

Ductile Iron Ductile Iron

Fig. 7 - Microstructures of the two ductile iron

heats used in this work: A 65-45-12 ferritic;
B - 80-55-06 pearlitic. X500 (reduced 50% on
reproduction) Fig. 2 Schematic of ductile iron weld joint design used to evaluate the Ni-Fe-Mn filler metal

80-s|MARCH 1985
Table 2Gas Metal Arc Welding Variables Used With Filler Metal 44 and Five Different Commercial Shielding Gases<a>

Weld no.
1 7 3 4 5
Gas Argon Linde Stargon 75% A / 2 5 C 0 2 98 A / 2 % 0 2 co2
Wire feed, ipm 300 300 300 300 300
Voltage, V 28 29 27 27 27
Current, A 260-280 220-230 200 220 200
Gas flow, cfh 50 50 50 50 50
Travel speed, ipm 10 10 10 10 10
Heat input, J/in. 45,360 39,150 32,400 35,640 32,400
Contact tip to workpiece in. %
/8 Vs /s %
""Base m e i a l - D u c t i l e iron 65-45-12 (% in. thick, 1 X 3 in.). Welding w i r e - 0 . 0 4 5 in. diameter NI-ROD Filler Metal 44, Heat Ho. Y60B3.

utility of the Fe-Ni-Mn system in welding 98% argon-2% oxygen, and pure carbon by means of a longitudinal face bend.
ductile iron. Gas metal-arc (GMA), gas dioxide. To evaluate the welding of both SMAW. A covered electrode using a
tungsten-arc (GTA), shielded metal-arc 65-45-12 and 80-55-06 Dl to steel, the nominal 42% Ni-11% Mn-Bal. Fe core
(SMA) and submerged arc (SA) welding same process and filler metal was used welding wire was developed to comple-
processes were evaluated using Filler with pure argon shielding gas. ment the bare wire product; the elec-
Metal 44 and Welding Electrode 44 with A study of joint penetration and HAZ trode was evaluated with both the 65-
19 mm (0.75 in.) thick sections of 65- microstructure was conducted using the 45-12 and 80-55-06 grades of Dl. Because
45-12 and 80-55-06 ductile iron. process and five shielding gases of the combination of high weld metal
described above. In order to control as strength of the Ni-Fe-Mn and the low
Joint Design many variables as possible, the travel ductility of the 80-55-06 grade, the
speed, welding wire feed speed, and machined surfaces of the joint were
The joint configuration shown in Fig. 2 contact tip-to-workpiece distance (elec- buttered with welding electrode 44 prior
was used to evaluate the Ni-Fe-Mn sys- trode extension) were held constant. The to joining. Buttering of the joint elimi-
tem with GMAW, SAW, SMAW, and current and voltage were allowed to nated the HAZ cracking that had been
GTAW processes. A 35 deg bevel was stabilize at whatever value was required experienced in earlier trials. Conditions
machined into 19 mm (3/A in.) thick cast to provide a stable arc Table 2. A single for SMAW are listed in Table 3.
iron slabs 75 X 254 X 19 mm (3 X slab of 65-45-12 Dl was cut into
10 X VA in.) to provide a 70 deg included 25 X 75 X 19 mm (1 X 3 X VA in.) slices Evaluation
angle for welding. The pieces were so that all beads were deposited on the
clamped into position for welding using a same base metal. Once welding was complete, each
1.6 mm (0.062 in.) root face and root gap, weldment was examined visually and
as shown in Fig. 2. The only exception to GTAW. Both the 65-45-12 and 80-
radiographically prior to sectioning for
this joint design was for SMAW, where 55-06 grades of Dl were used to evaluate
metallographic and mechanical property
no root face was required. the Filler Metal 44 system. Welds were
evaluation. Metallographic evaluation
deposited manually using 2.4 mm (0.093
consisted of optical metallography and
in.) filler metal and the conditions listed in
Welding Process Details microhardness testing. Mechanical prop-
Table 3.
erty evaluation was done using both
GMAW. To determine the effects on SAW. To evaluate the SAW process,
cross-weld and all-weld tensile speci-
properties of changes in shielding gas, the Filler Metal 44 (Ni-Fe-Mn) system was
semi-automatic G M A W was used with 1 used with Incofluxj 6 to weld 65-45-12
mm (0.045 in.) diameter Ni-Fe-Mn filler Dl. Overlaying with the Ni-Fe-Mn system
metal to weld 65-45-12 ductile iron. The was assessed by using SAW to overlay a Results and Discussion
gases used were pure argon, Linde Star- Dl plate that had been given a ferritizing Gas Metal-Arc Welding of Dl with Ni-Fe-Mn
gon*, 75% argon-25% carbon dioxide, anneal. The resulting overlay was tested Filler Metal
With G M A W a primary independent
* Trademark of Union Carbide. f Trademark of the Inco family of companies. variable is the shielding gas, which affects

Table 3Conditions Used For Gas Tungsten Arc Welding and Submerged Arc Welding With Filler Metal 44 and Shielded Metal Arc Welding
With Welding Electrode 44

Submerged arc' b '

Gas tungsten arc Butt joint Surfacing deposit^' Shielded metal arc'e)
Welding wire 0.093 0.062 0.062 0.125
diameter, in.
Welding wire speed, Manual feed 225 - Manual
Travel speed, ipm 7-10 (manual) 10 4.5 Manual
Voltage, V 18-19 32 33 24
Current, A 200 260 290 90
Argon 20 cfh, 3 m m (V& in.) tungsten electrode.
Contact tip-to-workpiece distance was 25 m m (1 in.)
DC reverse polarity (electrode positive).
DC straight polarity (electrode negative).
Standard DC operation reverse polarity.


Fig. 3Macrostructures of GMA bead-on-
plate welds made using Ni-Fe-Mn filler metal
with five shielding gases: A 100% Ar; B
Stargon; C-98% Ar-2% OzD-75% Ar-25%
C02; E- 100% C02. X5 (reduced approxi-
mately 25% on reproduction)

arc stability, penetration, and heat wetting angle as the 100% argon while Using this criterion, either the 100% argon
i n p u t - i n particular, the effective heat operating at the same heat input as the or the 100% carbon dioxide appear to be
input (due to differences in heat transfer other three shielding gases. Comparing the shielding gases providing the best
characteristics). The effective heat input the pure argon and the argon-2% oxygen weldments.
to the weldment largely determines both mixture, the latter appears to be the The evaluations to this point have
the microstructure of the HAZ and the better choice on the basis of bead con- been based on visual observation of the
mechanical properties of the weldment. tour and low heat input. arc and examination of bead shape and
Figure 3 compares the weld penetration The carbon dioxide gas produces the microstructure. However, weldment me-
patterns of weld beads made with the deepest penetrating bead. This is benefi- chanical properties are the most impor-
five shielding gases. As noted earlier, cial when complete penetration is tant evaluation criterion. The mechanical
some conditions were held constant, but required in groove or fillet welds. Also, properties obtained with the five shield-
current and voltage were allowed to the carbon dioxide produces the highest ing gases are presented in Table 4.
stabilize at levels that provided a stable deposition rate at a given current level. Mechanical test specimens were
arc. As a result the heat input varied as a For example, when using 1 mm (0.045 in.) removed from multipass welds made
function of the shielding gas used, as diameter welding wire at 240 A, the without preheat and without control of
noted in Table 2. deposition rate for C 0 2 is 5.4 kg/h (11.9 interpass temperature. The exception to
The data in Table 4 and the macro- Ib/h) as compared to 4.3 kg/h (9.4 Ib/h) this practice was the weld made with
graphs in Fig. 3 indicate that all five gases when argon is used. carbon dioxide shielding, where the tem-
can be used with the Ni-Fe-Mn filler metal Figure 4 shows the HAZ microstruc- perature between layers was controlled
system. The main difference among the tures below the point of deepest pene- to decrease the amount of oxide on the
five gases is the heat input and the tration of the five weld beads. When bead surface in multi-layer welds. The
wetting of the 65-45-12 Dl by the filler comparing these microstructures, it is sur- microstructures and mechanical behavior
metal. In the case of 100% argon, the prising that the lowest and highest heat of these multipass welds were different
heat input is approximately 30% greater input weldments have almost identical from those of the single layer welds
than for the other four gases. This is HAZ thicknesses and structures. From a described above.
probably why the wetting angle of the microstructural viewpoint, it is desirable A sixth weldment was made between
weld bead is better in this case; however, to minimize the amount of martensite Dl and steel to evaluate the Ni-Fe-Mn
the argon-2% oxygen has about the same and iron carbide present in the HAZ. system as a filler metal for dissimilar metal

Table 4Average*3' Cross-Weld Tensile Properties*1" of Ductile Iron (65-45-12) Weldments Made by GMAW With NI Rod Filler Metal 44 and
Five Different Commercial Shielding Gases

Y.S. U.T.S.
MPa ksi MPa ksi El., % RA. % Failure location
u Argon 366.2 53.1 445.1 64.5 2.3 10.7 2 HAZ/DI; 1 Dl
u Argon 2% 0 2 387.3 56.1 481.6 69.8 5.0 20.5 1 HAZ/DI; 2 Dl
a Stargon 385.0 55.8 455.4 66.0 2.3 5.6 3 HAZ/DI
75%Ar-25%C0 2 397.4 57.6 493.0 71.5 3.0 8.5 2 HAZ; 1 HAZ/DI
c Carbon dioxide (c)
> 389.9 56.5 498.6 72.3 2.7 14.0 3 Dl
z Argon (d) 367.5 53.3 477.1 69.2 3.7 1.6 HAZ
u (a)
Average of 3 tests.
r> (b,
u Y.S. Yield strength; U.T.S. - ultimate tensile strength; El. - elongation; RA. - r e d u c t i o n in area.
c (d)
This weldment was cooled below 95C (200F) between layers.
Dissimilar metal w e l d of ductile iron to steel.

8 2 - S | M A R C H 1985
Fig. 4 HAZ microstructures of five GMA
welds made with: A- 100% Ar; B-Stargon;
C-Ar-2% 02; D-75% Ar-25% C02; E-
100% C02. X200 (reduced 54%, on reproduc-

welding. As shown in Table 4, argon was ly the reduction in area data suggest in Table 6 show that over 100% of the
used as the shielding gas for this weld. that argon-2% oxygen also provides par- rated ultimate tensile strength and yield
In reviewing the cross-weld tensile ticularly good weldment properties. strength of the Dl are recovered.
properties given in Table 4, which repre- While all five gases can provide satisfac- The cross-weld tensile specimen from
sent the average value of three tests, it is tory properties, the cross-weld strengths, the weldment in 65-45-12 Dl failed in the
worth noting that the tensile strengths of tensile failure locations, and reduction in base metal with a 5% elongation and
the 65-45-12 slabs vary from slab to slab. area data indicate that C 0 2 and argon- 19.5% reduction in area. The specimen
To illustrate this point, cross-weld failures 2% oxygen provide the best weldment from the weldment made in grade 80-
in the base metal, which measure the performance. 55-06 failed in the HAZ, but at a high
tensile strength of the Dl, ranged from In comparison, changes in the G M A W ultimate tensile strength of 628 MPa
445 MPa (64,500 psi) to 498 MPa (72,300 shielding gases did not affect all-weld- (91,200 psi). The measured ultimate ten-
psi). metal properties. As shown in Table 5, sile strength of this 80-55-06 grade mate-
The data in Table 4 indicate that good the strengths, ductilities, and hardnesses rial was 694 MPa (100,600 psi); but, as
weldments can be made with all five of the six GMA weldment specimens noted earlier, strength varies from piece
shielding gases. Highest cross-weld tensile were essentially equal. to piece. Using the measured base metal
strengths were achieved with carbon strength results in a joint efficiency for
dioxide shielding, although differences GTAW of greater than 90%. All-weld-
were relatively minor. Cross-weld ductili- Gas Tungsten-Arc Welding of Dl with metal tensile properties for GTAW are
Ni-Fe-Mn Filler Metal presented for comparison in Table 7.
ty is related to the differences in strength
among the base metals, filler metal, and Argon was used for all GTA welds in The microstructures of the GTA welds
HAZ's, and is very dependent on the this study, but helium could also have appear quite different from the GMAW
location of failure (HAZ and fusion line been used. Carbon dioxide or inert gas- HAZ microstructures. This is probably
failures are often low ductility fractures). oxygen gas mixtures should not be used due to the lower heat input of the
While cross-weld ductility is only an to GTAW cast iron with the Fe-Ni-Mn welding process and the smaller size of
indicator, the values in Table 4 especial- system. Mechanical properties presented the weld bead deposited by GTAW.

Table 5- -All-Weld-Metal Tensile Properties of Ductile Iron 65-45-12 GMA Weldments Made with Filler Metal 44 and Five Different Shielding

Yield strength Tensile strength Elongation, Reduction in area, Hardness,

Gas MPa ksi MPa ksi % % RB

Argon 469.5 68.1 700.5 101.6 24.0 34.2 94

Argon (Dl to steel) 432.3 62.7 684.7 99.3 31.5 38.9 97
Ar-2% 0 2 475.1 68.9 725.3 105.2 34.0 44.1 93
Stargon 486.8 70.6 752.9 109.2 36.0 47.1 94
75%Ar-25%C0 2 496.4 72.0 768.8 111.5 32.0 40.2 97
co2 497.8 72.2 775.0 112.4 32.0 40.6 96


Table 6Typical Cross-Weld Tensile Properties*"' of Ductile Iron (65-45-12) Weldments Made by SAW and GTAW

Y.S. U.T.S.
Welding process MPa ksi MPa ksi El. % R.A. % Failure location

Submerged arc 340.6 49.4 497.8 72.2 6.0 8.2 Dl

Gas tungsten arc 392.3 56.9 506.8 73.5 5.0 19.5 Dl
Gas tungsten arc (b) 503.3 73.0 628.8 91.2 1.5 3.2 HAZ

O ' Y . S - Yield strength; U.T.S.-Ultimate tensile strength. El.- elongation; R . A . - r e d u c t i o n in area.

'CTA w e l d in grade 80-55-06 base metal.

Table 7Typical All-Weld-Metal Tensile Properties of Submerged Arc and Gas Tungsten-Arc Weldments

Cast iron Welding Yield strength Tensile strength Elongation, Reduction in area, Hardness,
grade process MPa ksi MPa ksi % /o RB

65-45-12 SAW 399.2 57.9 632.9 91.8 26.0 42.0 90

65-45-12 GTAW 542.6 78.7 788.8 114.4 24.0 43.6 94
80-55-06 GTAW 485.4 70.4 719.8 104.4 33.0 51.2 96

V e r y little u n t e m p e r e d martensite is h a v e mechanical p r o p e r t i e s equal t o o r evaluated in this paper. A s e c o n d differ-

f o u n d in t h e H A Z of t h e G T A W , but this better than o t h e r c o m b i n a t i o n s of phases ence is the absence o f s e c o n d a r y g r a p h -
has not resulted in an increase in ductility f o u n d in s o m e D l w e l d m e n t HAZ's, and it ite in the H A Z ; t h e H A Z in these w e l d s
o f t h e w e l d m e n t . In t h e place o f t h e d e m o n s t r a t e s that w e l d i n g o f D l w i t h o u t consists o f coarse martensite a n d p r i m a r y
martensite f o u n d in t h e G M A W , a distri- preheat or postheat is a viable a p p r o a c h . iron carbide. T h e martensite is c o n t i n u o u s
b u t i o n o f bainite, secondary i r o n carbide A v o i d i n g t h e f o r m a t i o n o f martensite along t h e fusion z o n e , w h i l e t h e i r o n
and secondary g r a p h i t e w a s f o u n d at t h e d o e s n o t necessarily result in b e t t e r w e l d - carbide appears i n t e r m i t t e n t l y along t h e
fusion line of t h e 8 0 a n d 65 ksi (552 a n d m e n t mechanical p r o p e r t i e s . fusion line.
448 MPa) Dl w e l d m e n t s , as s h o w n in Fig. T o d e t e r m i n e if the Ni-Fe-Mn filler
5. T h e l o w c r o s s - w e l d ductility s h o w n in Submerged Arc Welding of Dl with metal c o u l d b e used t o overlay ductile
t h e limited tests o f this non-martensitic Ni-Fe-Mn Filler Metal i r o n , a 19 m m (3/A in.) slab w a s g i v e n a
m i c r o s t r u c t u r e c o n f i r m s the o b s e r v a t i o n ferritizing anneal-900C (1650F)/3
o f others (Ref. 4) that the u n t e m p e r e d T h e S A W w a s also d o n e w i t h o u t p r e -
h + furnace cool to 6 9 0 C (1275F)/5
martensite of t h e a s - w e l d e d H A Z can heat or p o s t h e a t , and Incoflux 6 was used
h + f u r n a c e c o o l t o 5 9 5 C (1100F) + air
w i t h Filler M e t a l 44. T h e w e l d i n g p a r a m e -
c o o l , incoflux 6 w a s used w i t h the 1.6
ters u s e d f o r S A W a p p e a r in Table 3. T h e
m m (0.062 in.) diameter Filler M e t a l 4 4 .
tensile test specimens b r o k e in the base
T h r e e layers w e r e d e p o s i t e d o n the ferri-
metal w e l l a w a y f r o m the H A Z and b o t h
tized D l , a n d t h e finished o v e r l a y w a s
yield a n d tensile strengths w e r e a b o v e
m a c h i n e d t o a thickness o f 9.5 m m ( %
A t h e specified m i n i m u m (Table 6); t h e r e -
i n ) . A longitudinal face b e n d o f 2T t w o
f o r e , these s u b m e r g e d arc w e l d s dis-
times t h e s p e c i m e n thickness as t h e b e n d
p l a y e d c o m p l e t e r e t e n t i o n of base-metal
radius w a s m a d e ; n o defects w e r e seen
; - i0 tensile p r o p e r t i e s .
o n t h e b e n t surface, as illustrated b y
A l l - w e l d - m e t a l p r o p e r t i e s are p r e - Fig. 7.
sented in Table 7. Figure 6 is an e x a m p l e
o f the H A Z m i c r o s t r u c t u r e ; the H A Z in
Shielded Metal-Arc Welding of Dl with
the s u b m e r g e d arc w e l d s is n a r r o w e r
Ni-Fe-Mn Filler Metal
than that o b s e r v e d in w e l d m e n t s m a d e
.% b y any o f t h e o t h e r w e l d i n g processes N u m e r o u s brands of Ni(ENi-CI) a n d
NiFe(ENiFe-CI a n d -Cl-A) c o v e r e d elec-
t r o d e s are commercially available; m o s t

. **:

Fig. 5 Typical HAZ microstructures of ductile Fig. 6 Typical HAZ microstructure of a sub-
iron GTA weldments made with Ni-Fe-Mn filler merged arc weldment in ductile iron made Fig. 7 Outer surface of a tested bend speci-
metal: A-65-45-12 grade; B-80-55-06 with Ni-Fe-Mn filler metal. X200 (reduced 50% men from a submerged arc overlay made on
grade. X200 (reduced 54% on reproduction) on reproduction) ductile iron with Ni-Fe-Mn filler metal

8 4 - s | M A R C H 1985
Table 8Cross-Weld and All-Weld-Metal Tensile Properties of Ductile Iron Weldments Made by SMAW With Welding Electrode 44

Test(a) Yield strength Tensile strength Elongation, in area, Hardness, Failure
Ductile iron grade direction MPa ksi MPa % % RB location

65-45-12<b AWM 462.6 67.1 653.6 94.8 13.7 15.2 94

65-45-12*' CW 364.7 52.9 490.2 71.1 8.3 15.3 - Dl
80-55-06<c> AWM 477.1 69.2 624.0 90.5 12.0 13.2 93 -
80-55-06<c> CW 446.8 64.8 580.5 84.2 3.0 1.6 HAZ
Test direction; A W M - All-Weld-Metal; C W - - Cross-Weld.
Average of 5 tests.
Prepared joint surfaces buttered w i t h Ni-Fe-Mn before joining.

of t h e latter t y p e are capable of p r o d u c - e l e c t r o d e t o p r o d u c e a w e l d joint w i t h

ing 100% joint efficiency in w e l d s o f yield a n d tensile strengths a b o v e t h e
65-45-12 g r a d e D l . By c o m p a r i s o n , t h e m i n i m u m f o r high strength 80-55-06 d u c -
n e w l y d e v e l o p e d Ni-Fe-Mn covered tile iron.
e l e c t r o d e will p r o d u c e a 100% joint e f f i - 4. These results s h o w that, w h i l e H A Z
ciency in castings w i t h tensile strengths m i c r o s t r u c t u r e is i m p o r t a n t , it is n o t the
greater t h a n 483 MPa (70,000 psi). T h e sole d e t e r m i n a n t of c r o s s - w e l d tensile
all-weld-metal tensile strength (Table 8) o f properties in ductile i r o n w e l d s .
the Ni-Fe-Mn e l e c t r o d e is o v e r 6 2 0 MPa
(90,000 psi) w i t h elongation greater than
12%. This contrasts w i t h typical all w e l d
metal ultimate tensile strength o f 483 1. Pease, C. R. 1960. The welding of ductile
M P a (70,000 psi) a n d e l o n g a t i o n o f 16% iron. 1960. Welding Journal 39(1): 15-95.
f o r standard ENiFe-Cl grade. 2. Medana, R., Natale, E., and Remodino,
M. S. 1978. High strength welding of ductile
Higher strength castings like t h e grade
iron castings. AFS transactions, pp. 611-615.
of 80-55-06 Dl can also b e w e l d e d w i t h 3. Nippes, E. F., Savage, W . F., and Owc-
the Ni-Fe-Mn electrode. However, zarski, W. A. 1960. The heat-affected zone of
because o f the l o w ductility of the higher arc-welded ductile iron. Welding Journal
strength castings, t h e joint surfaces must 39(11):465-s to 472-s.
be b u t t e r e d prior t o joining. This p r o c e - 4. Kotecki, D. |., Braton, N. R., and Loper,
d u r e resulted in a c r o s s - w e l d tensile C. R )r. 1969. Preheat effects on gas metal-arc
strength o f 5 8 0 M P a (84,200 psi), w h i c h is welded ductile cast iron. Welding Journal
greater than the m i n i m u m ultimate tensile 48(4):161-s to 166-s.
strength f o r the 80-55-06 g r a d e - T a - 5. Voigt, R. C , and Loper, C. R., ]r. 1983. A
study of heat-affected zone structures in duc-
ble 8.
tile cast iron. Welding Journal 62(3):82-s to
T h e S M A W w a s d o n e w i t h o u t preheat Fig. 8Typical HAZ microstructures from a
SMA weldment made in ductile iron with
or postheat, but w i t h a m i n o r change in 6. Gretskii, Ya. Ya., Korschina, G. M., and
Ni-Fe-Mn covered electrode, showing two
joint design that resulted in the r e m o v a l Vasil 'ev V. G. 1981. Effects of the arc welding
locations in the same cross section. X200
of the r o o t face f r o m the r o o t p o r t i o n of thermal cycle on the structural and mechanical
(reduced 50% on reproduction)
the w e l d joint. Microstructurally, this w a s properties of high strength irons. Avt. Svarka
the most n o n u n i f o r m specimen e x a m i n e d 6:9-12.
in this investigation. D u e t o the inherently 7. Bates, R. C , and Morley, F. | |r. 1961.
martensite in t h e H A Z can h a v e useful
Welding nodular iron without post-weld
intermittent heat input a n d s l o w travel tensile p r o p e r t i e s . T h e r e f o r e , H A Z m i c r o -
annealing. Welding Journal 40(9):417-s to
speed of t h e S M A W process, t h e r e w e r e structure alone c a n n o t b e used t o predict 422-s.
areas of the H A Z that w e r e c o m p l e t e l y weldment performance. 8. Askeland, D. R., and Birer, N. 1979.
d e v o i d o f martensite. These areas c o n - Additionally t h e Ni-Fe-Mn filler metal Secondary graphite formation in tempered
tained s e c o n d a r y carbides a n d graphite, system has b e e n s h o w n t o b e suitable f o r nodular cast iron weldments. Welding Journal
w h i l e similar positions in t h e H A Z at o t h e r use w i t h all of the fusion w e l d i n g p r o - 58(11):337-s to 342-s.
locations in t h e w e l d c o n t a i n e d e x t r e m e l y cesses normally applied t o cast irons. This 9. Welding ductile iron current practices
coarse martensite. T h e r e f o r e , t h e H A Z o f p a p e r has n o t a t t e m p t e d t o evaluate the and applications. Mountainside, New lersey:
this t y p e o f w e l d is e x t r e m e l y h e t e r o g e - fatigue o r i m p a c t p r o p e r t i e s o f w e l d - Ductile Iron Society.
neous, as s h o w n in Fig. 8. M e c h a n i c a l m e n t s ; if these p r o p e r t i e s are i m p o r t a n t 10. Bishel, R. A. 1973. Flux-cored electrode
p r o p e r t y evaluation resulted in all trans- for cast iron welding. Welding Journal
in a particular application, t h e n they must
verse tensile specimens b r e a k i n g in t h e b e tested.
11. Davila, M. A., Olson, D. L, and Freese,
base metal w e l l a w a y f r o m the H A Z . 1. Ductile i r o n can b e w e l d e d w i t h o u t T. A. 1977. Submerged arc welding of ductile
preheat o r postheat using t h e Ni-Fe-Mn iron. AFS transactions, pp. 79-86.
filler metal. 12. Johansson, M. 1971. Austenitic-bainitic
Summary and Conclusions ductile iron. AFS Transactions, pp. 117-122.
2. W e l d joints w i t h strengths equal t o
T h e Ni-Fe-Mn filler metal system has t h o s e of the 65-45-12 base metal w e r e 13. Savage, W. F., Nippes, E. F., and Sze-
keres, E. S. 1976. A study of weld interface
b e e n d e m o n s t r a t e d t o b e capable o f m a d e w i t h t h e Ni-Fe-Mn filler metal using
phenomena in a low alloy steel. Welding
w e l d i n g D l w i t h o u t preheat or postheat t h e G M A W , G T A W , S M A W and S A W
Journal 55(9): 260-s to 268-s.
and retaining 100% of t h e base metal processes.
14. Specification for welding rods and cov-
tensile p r o p e r t i e s . It has also b e e n d e m - 3. W i t h special p r e p a r a t i o n consisting ered electrodes for welding cast iron (A5.15-
o n s t r a t e d that Dl w e l d m e n t s containing o f b u t t e r i n g t h e joint surfaces, S M A W 82). 1982. Miami, Florida: American Welding
i r o n carbide, s e c o n d a r y g r a p h i t e , a n d / o r w a s used w i t h the Ni-Fe-Mn c o v e r e d Society.


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