Measurements, Metrology and Control ME 209 Assignment No. 2 2 Year ME-1 Last Date of Submission 18 April 2017

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Assignment No. 2
2nd Year ME-1
Last date of submission 18th April 2017
Define the following: metrology, tolerance 1,3,5,7,9,11,13
Write short notes on concept of standardization.
Explain the following: snap gauge, plug gauge , dial gauge
Define straightness, flatness
What are optical flat? what is there field of application
What are comparator, explain its essential parts 2,4,6,8,10,12,14
Define the following: tolerance, upper deviation, fit allowance
List desirable features of comparator? What point should be considered while selecting a comparator?
Name the methods which are used for the measurement of flatness.
Explain with the help of neat diagram construction and working of a flatness interferometer.
How are comparators classified 13,15,17,21,23,25,27
Explain any one of mechanical comparator.
Discuss the following: primary standard, secondary standard, tertiary standard, working standard.
Give the comparison on Vee and square thread
Write short notes on: auto collimator, level method, indicator method.
Write short notes limit gauges 14,16,18,20,22,24,26
State principle of optical comparator.
What are the sources of error? Explain them in brief? Distinguish between controllable error and random error
Explain briefly about: ovality , lobbing
Explain the following methods of measuring surface finish: scratch inspection, microscopic inspection
Explain briefly line standard 29,31,33,35,37,39,41,
Draw the neat sketch of tool makers microscope, label it and explain its construction and working Non CBCS 2
Define screw threads
Write short notes on: cycloidal gear, involute gear along with fig.
Explain the following methods of measuring surface finish: touch inspection, visual inspection
Explain briefly end standard 28,30,32,34,36,38,40,
Draw the neat sketch of Johanssons Microkrator, label it and explain its construction and working Non CBCS 1
How are threads classified, enumerate its purpose also.
Name the devices used for measurement of circularity and explain in detail any one of them.
Differentiate between first ,second, third , fourth order irregularities
Write short notes on concept of interchangeability 43,45,47,49,51,53,55
Draw the neat sketch of sigma comparator, label it and explain its construction and working
What is circularity.
Enumerate the methods used for measurement of roundness of machine shaft and explain any one of them briefly.
Explain two and three wire method of measuring effective diameter of a screw thread.
Define the term precision and accuracy and describe the methods to achieve them. 42,44,46,48,50, 52,54,56
Explain in detail about Taylors Principle of Gauge Design.
Define surface texture, how it can be classified
Enumerate various methods of measuring surface roughness.
Describe briefly tool makers microscope with the help of diagram.

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