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25, September, 2006


Abandon Aesthetic Amend

Abide - Afflict - Amenity
Abolish Afford Amorphous
Abound with )(Be affordable for - Among
- Abroad - Aggravate Amongst
Absenteeism - Ailment Analogy
Absorb Alchemist - Anecdote
- - Absurd - Algae - Annoy
- Abundant Alienate Annual
Abuse - Alienation Anticipate
Accompany - - - Aliment Antidote
Accomplish Allege Anthropology
Accuse Allegation - Apace
Accurate Allocate Apologize
- Acknowledge - Alluvial Apology
) ( Acquire Almighty - Ape
Acquired - Almond )(Go ape
Acquaintance Alter - Appeal
4047 - Acre - )( Alternate Appoint
- Addict ) ( - Altitude - Approach
Adequate Altogether - Appropriate
Adolescent Amateur - Arable
Advert Amaze Architect
- - Advocate Amazing Argue
Adverb - Ambiguous Argument
Admire - Ambitious - Artifact
Advertise Ambition Artificial
Aeration Ambush Articulate
- Arthritis Betray Cardiovascular
Arrest Bewildered - Carousel
- Aspirations - Beyond Casual
Assemble _ Bigamy Casualty
- Assert Biography - - Catastrophe
- ) -Assimilation (... Bitter - Cater
- Assort - Bizarre Cattle
Assume - Blade - Caucasian
- Assumption Blend Cautious
Astronaut - - Bloom Cease
Asymmetry - Blueprint Censor
- Asymmetric Blunder - - Censure
Attract - - Blur Century
- Attitude - - )( Bold Cervical
- Attribute - - Bolster Challenge
- Audacious - Bonanza - - Charity
Audible - Borrow - - Chink
- - Authentic - - Border Chimney
) - (Inauthentic - - Bother - - Chip
- Authenticated Boulder Chiropractor
Authority Brawl Cinema
Autumn - Breakneck Circulate
Avoid - Breed - Cite
- Aware Brewery Civilian
Awesome - - Briskly - - ) ( Clarity
Awkward - Broad - Clergy
Aztec - - - Brunt Client
)(Bears the brunt of, takes the brunt of - Clot
B - - - - Clue
Brutal - Cluster
Bachelor Budget - - - Clutch
- Backbone - - - Bug Charcoal
Baffle Bulky - Cheat
- Baggage Bullet Coal
Bait ) (Bite the bullet - Coarse
Ballot Burden - Coeducational
Ban - Burgeon Coexist
- Banal - Burrow Coincide
Bangle Buzzword Coincidence
- Bungalow Collapse
- Bargain C Colleague
- - Bark Collide
) ( Barrage Calamity - - Colony
- Barrier Calculate Combustion
- - Bear - Campaign Commence
- Bearing Campus Commerce
- Beau Candidate - Commodity
Beckon - Cannon Commuter
Beetle Capacity - Community
Belief Capsule ) ( Companion
Beneficiary Captive Company
Bespectacled - - Capture Compatriot
Compel - - Contention Delinquent
- Compendium ) (Bone of contention Delinquency
Compete ) -(Ones contention Demand
Compile Convergence - Demolish
Complacent - Coracle )( Denounce
- Complain - Cord Dense
- - Compliment - Corporate Depart
- Complimentary Corpse Depict
- Complementary Corpus Deplete
Comply with - Cosmopolitan Depletion
Comprehend Courage ) ( Deprive
Comprehensive ) (Having courage -
- Comprise ) (How dare you - Deposit
Comprising ) ( Descend
Compromise - Crop Deserve
) - (Uncompromising - Crafty Despite
Conceal - - Cripple Destiny
Conclude Criticize - Detect
Concept - Crucial - Deter
Condemn - Culprit Detest
Condolence - Cultivate Detour
Confident Curative Detract from
Configure - Curious - Detrimental
- Confine Curiosity ) (To ones detriment
Confirm Customary Devastate
- - Conflict - Cystic - Devise
)( - Confront Devour
- - Congestion D Devote
- )( Controversial - Dialect
- Consent Data - - Dialectic
- Consider - Damn - ) Dig (dug
- Console - Daze Dilemma
- Consolation )(Being in a daze Diminish
- Constitute Debate Diminishing
Constitution Debtor - Dip
-Contagious Decade Disaster
- Contemporary - - Decay Disclosure
- - Contract - - Decease - Discreet
Contradiction Deceive Discriminate
Contrary to Decipher
Contribute - Decline - Discrimination
Contrive Disgusting
Contrived ) -- (Incline - - Disease
- Controversial - Decompose - Disillusionment
- Convention Decrease Dismantle
- - Conventional - - Defeat - Dismiss
- Convey ) (To be defeated Disorder
Convert Defect - Dispatch
-Convict Defiant - Dispense
- Convex Defraud - Disruptive
-Concave Dejected - Disseminate
- Consume - - Deliberate - Dissertation
Disserve Empire Explore
- - Distinct Employee Expose
)(Be distinct from - Encourage -Exposure
- - Distinctive Endanger - Exorbitant
- Distort - Endure Exterminate
- Discard - Enhance - - Extinct
Disclose Endure - Extol
- Dismal )( - Enormous Extract
- Dismiss - Enrich ) ( Extraordinary
Dispute - Entail ) (
Disrupt Entomology - Extravagance
- Distress Envy
- - Divine Envious F
Document Enquiry
- Dominance Epidemic Fallow
- Dominant Epitomize Famine
- - Donate - - Fail
- Doubt - Equity Faith
- Drastic Essential - - Faade
Dread - Establishment - Fascinate
- Drench - - - Estate - - Fascinating
Drought Estimate - - Fashion
- - Dubious Ethical ) (Come into fashion
)(Being dubious about - Ethnography Fate
Eugenics - Feather
-- Duplicate - Evade ) (tar and feather
- Dwell Event )(Feather ones nest
- Dwindle Eventually
Dystrophy Evidence ) -(Feather in ones cap
)(Giving evidence ) ( Feeble
E )(Being in evidence Feminine
Evolution Fertile
Economical Evolve - - Fertilize
Editor Exacerbate Fickle
- Eke out Exaggerate Fiction
Elaborate Excel - ) ( Fierce
- - Excessive Figure
Elaboration Exclaim Figure out
) ( Elevate Figure on
Eliminate Exempt Final
Eligible Exhaust - Finance
Elite Financial
-Embarrassed ) ( Flame
Embark on - Flammable
- - - Flaw
Embrace )Flee (Fled
)( - Exhibit ) ( Flexible
Embryo Expand Flint
) (foetus Expensive Flora & Fauna
- Emerge - Explicit Fluctuate
- - Emission Exploit Fold
- - Emit - Foreland
- Forever - Gullible
- Forbid I
Forestry H
- - Formidable Identify
Fortunate - Habit Identical
Formal ) (Being in the habit of Idiosyncratic
- - Foul )(Make a habit of - Idle
Foul up )(Get into habit ) ( - ) ( Idol
) (Kick the habit Ideal
) ( Fragile - Habitat - Idealistic
- Fragrant - Halt - Ignite
- Frank ) (Grind to a halt - Ignore
- - Fraud - Haphazard - Illegal
- Frequent - Hardship Illegible
) ( - Harmony - Illusion
- - Frigid ) -( Harsh - Illustrate
Frown on - Harvest - Imitation
)(Be frowned on - - - Hasty )(Give imitation of
- - Haul - Impartial
- )( Fugitive ) ( Hazy - Impede
Funeral - - Heap - Implement
- Fuel - - Heavenly Implicate
- Heed
G )(Take heed of - - Immense
)(Pay heed of Immune
- - Gallant Heel Implication
- Gaze at )(Bring to heel Impoverish
Gene Heir Impressive
- Generous Helix - Improve
- -- Genuine Hemisphere Inaccurate
- Genome Herbivore Incendiary
- Genius ) (Carnivore - - Incentive
- )(Ingenious Herdsman - - Incline
- Giant Heritor Inclusion
- Glance )(Inheritor - Incorporate
- Glacial Hesitate Indifference
- - Gleam Hierarchy - Indigenous
- Glimpse - Hinder Inedible
- - - Gloomy Hinterland - Inevitable
- Glow Hive Inextricable
- Gorgeous Hive - - Infect
- Graceful - Holistic - Infection
Gradual Homicide - Inference
- Grail Horrid Inferential
- Grateful Horrible Inflammable
- Grass - - Humble Inflict
Grenade Humid -
- Grove - Humorous Influence
)(Hearing something over grove - Hunt - Influential
) ( - Hurricane -Ingenious
- Guide Hut Ingredient
- Guilty Hypothesis - Inhabit
- Inhale - Jagged - - Logic
Inherit - Jar Lottery
)(Leave inheritance Jealous Loyalty
Inherited Jeopardize - Lubricate
- - Initiative - Jest Lunatic
- Innate Jolly - Lunar
Innocent - - - Jostle Lung
Innovative Journalist
Insect - Journey M
- Inspire - Junior
- Inspiration - - Judge - Magnify
)( Install Justice - - Magnificent
(By) installments )(Unjust - )( Maim
- Instance - Justify Maintain
Interfere Juvenile Majesty
- - Intrigue - Majestic
Invade K - Magic
Invader - Majority
Invent ) Keen (... - Manifestation
- Inventive Keg Manipulate
Invest )Kneel (knelt Marsupial
Invite - - Kick Marvelous
Invade Masculine
Invisible L - - Massive
- Insist Masquerade
Insect - Lack - Matrimony
Instep Lag behind - - Mature
- Inspire Larvae Master
Instance Lava Maximum
- - Instant Lawn - Meadow
- Instantaneous - - Lecture - - Mediocre
- - Insult Legal - - Melt
Insultation Legend Melt away
- Insulate - - Melt in ones mouth
- Insularity Legible - - Menace
- Insulation - Legislation - Merely
- Intelligence Legitimate - - Merit
- - Intellectual )(Illegitimate Metropolis
Intense - Leisure - Microcosm
Intensify - - Lend Microscope
Interrupt Leopard Migrate
Intervene - Lethal Migrant
Lexicographer Migratory
Intoxicated - Liberation Miniature
- Intuitive Likelihood Minimum
Iris - Linger Minimize
- - Irrevocable Linguistic - Minority
Irrigate light Lit Miracle
- - Irritate - Literacy Miserly
- Irritation " - ) ( Literally - Miserable
J - Log - Missile
Logical Misfortune
Mole Nourish a belief
- Mold Novel - - Pace
)( - Molest - Nuance Pacify
- Monarch Nuke - Pair
- Monoculture - Numb - Pale
- Morality - Numerous ) (Beyond the pale
Morgue Nuclear - Paleolithic
Morsel Nutrient - Palm
- -Mortal -- Nonsense - - Panic
Motive )(Push the panic button
Motivation O
- - Mount - Parade
- Mourn Oath Parole
- Muffle )(Take oath - Partial
) ( Obese Partial to
Muffled Obesity Pastry
) ( - Multitude - - Observant - - Pasture
)( - Multiply Obey - - - Patent
- Mumble -Obedient Patriotic
- - Mundane To Oblige to - - - Pauper
- Municipal To Pear
Municipality - Oblique Peasant
- Mushroom - Obstacle - Pedestrian
- - Mute Obsessive Penalize
- Mythology Obtain Penetrate
- Myth Obtrusive - -
N Obtrude
Obedience Pension
- Narcotic - Obvious )(Be pensioned off
Naive Occupants - Perceive
Necro Occasionally - Percussion
Necrosis - - Odor Peril
Nectar - Odours - - Perish
Negative - - Offspring Perk
- Neglect Ooze Perk up
Negligence -) ( Opaque - Permeate
- Nest Ophthalmology - - Permit
)(Feather ones nest Opt for - Perpetuate
Opt out - Perpetual
)(Stir up a hornets nest - Oppression - Perplex
- - Oppressive Perquisite
) (Nest egg Optimism Persecute
Neutral - Oral - - Persecution
Nimble Outlaw - Persist
Nimble mind - - - Persistent
- Noble Outcrop Perspective
Nominate Out fall Persuade
Nominal ) (Fallout Pessimism
- Nonetheless - Owe )( - ) ( Pest
- - - - Notion Owing to - Pesticide
Notoriety - Pierce
Nourish P - Pigeon
- - - Pillar - Prevail Quench
- Pine - Prevalent - Quest
- Pioneer Prior - - Queue
Placard - Prior to - Quota
- Plea Priority - Quote
- Pledge Primitive
- - -Plot - - Probe R
- Plough Prodigious
- Plunge - Profound - - - Radical
- - Prohibit - Raft
)(Take the plunge - - Prominent - - Rage
Promotion )(All the rage
- Pneumatic - Promote - Rally
Pneumonia Prompt - Rape
- - Pointless - - Rapid
Pollinate Proportion Rarely
Pollute - Proportionate - Rash
- Ponder - Proposition )(A rash of ...
Popular Rationale
Population Prosecute - Rational
- - Pore - Prostitute - Rationality
- Possess Prosper - Rather
Possible - Prosperity - Rave
Postpone ) - ( Protest - - Recede
Potable Recite
Potential Protrude Receipt
- - Pour Protruding Recent
- Poverty - Provenance Recession
- Praise - Provoke Reckless
- Paralysis - Proximity Recline
Precaution - - Proxy - Recruit
)(Take precaution - Pseudo Redeem
Predator Psychiatric -
Proceed Punctuate - Redundancy
Projectile - Redundant
- Precede - Punish - Refer
Prcis - Punishing - Reform
Precise Pupate - - Refrain
Precisely - Pursue - Rigorous
- Predict - Rehabilitate
Predispose - - - Puff - Reject
- - Predominant - Pyrites - Relate
- Primate Pyro - Relentless
- Prejudice -) ( Relics
- Prejudice against Q - Relieve
- Prejudice in favor of Reluctant
- Premise Qualify - Rely
- Preoccupied Quality Remain
Preposition - Quantity Remarkable
Quarter - Render
- Preserve - - Quarrel - )(Be rendered
Preserves )(Pick a quarrel - Repel
Repetition Scour - Squeeze
Reptile - - -Squander
Repute - - Scourge - Stagnate
Resent - Scrub - Stake
- - Sculpture - Stammer
Resemble - )( Security Starchy
Resign - Secrete Stash
)(Resign yourself - - Secret - Stationary
Residual Sensitive - Stimulant
Resist - - Sentence - Stimulate
Resound - - Severity Stilt
- - - Shriek - ) ( - Stout
- Resolve Shrill - Straggle
- - Resolution Shoulder Strangeness
Respond Shuffle - - Stranger
- - Rest - - - Strict
- Resume - - Signify - - Strike
- Retain - Sift - Strip
- Retard Sinew Stroke
- Retail - Sinister - Struggle
Retina - Site - Stuck
- Reveal - - - Sight -Subliminally
- Revise - Significance - Subordinate
Rheumatoid - ) ( Skew
- Ridiculous - - Subsequent
- - Riddle - - Skim Subside
- Ritual Sky scraper Subsidize
- - -Rival - ) ( Slender - Substance
Roam Slogan - Substantial
Roster - Slum Subterranean
- - Rude - Smash - Subtle
Rumble ) - Smother (... Subtropical
Rural - Suburb
Rush Smolder - Succumb
- Ruin -- Sneer Successive
- Sneeze - Summit
Snub - - Superb
S - - Soar Surpass
Solitary Surplus
- Saber - - Soothe - Survive
- Sacred - - Sophisticated Susceptible
- - Sag - Source - - Suspect
Sausage Spectacular - Sustain
- Scald - Species - Swarm
- Scarce Splint
- Scatter - Spoil - - Symbol
-- - Scholar - Sponge - - Sympathetic
- Scramble Sponge on/off Synchronize
- Scrap - Spontaneous Symmetric
-- Scorch - Sprawl T
- Tact - ) ( Transfer Vaccinate
- Tail - Transit Vague
- Tangible - Transport Valiant
- Taper - Transparent - -Vain
Taper off - Tranquil Valid
Temperate Tranquility - Valor
- Tempest - - Tribe Vandal
Tempest in a teapot - Tricky - Vanish
- Trifle - - Vapor
- Temp Trifle with Variety
Temper - - Trigger Vast
)(Be in a temper - Trivial - - - Veil
)(Lose ones temper - - Tumult ) (Draw a veil over
Temptation - Typical
- Tend - Tyrant Vein
- Tendency - Twist Venereal
Tendon Ventilate
Tent U - - Venture
)(Pitch a tent - - Verdict
Terrify )(Be Unaccustomed to Verify
Testify - Unanimous - - Vernacular
- Testimony - Unbiased Vermin
- Tip - Unconquerable - Versatile
Thatch Undeniable - Verse
Theory - - Underdog Vertebrate
- - Thistle Underestimate Vertical
- - ) ( Thorough Undernourished - -Vessel
- Thorn Undoubtedly - Vest
- Thorny - - Unearth Veterinary
Threat - Uneasy - - Viability
Threaten - Uneventful Vicinity
- Thrifty Unforeseen - -Vicious
- Thrive - Unify Vicious circle
- - Thrust Unique - Victim
Tinder - Unite Victorious
- Tramp - - Unruly - Vigor
- - Tremendous - - Unstable - - Villain
- - Trust - Untidy - ) ( Violent
To and fro - Unwitting Violence
)Toil (away Unwittingly - - Virtue
Tome Upholstery - )(By virtue of
Topic Urban Virtual
- - Torment Urgent - - Virtually
- Torrent - Utensil - Vis--vis
Toxic - Utilitarian Visible
Townscape - Utilize Vision
- - Tradition - --- Utter Vital
- Tragedy Vocation
Traitor Vacation
Transcribe V Volunteer
- - Transmit Vacant

) (Wad
)(Shot his wad
- Wake
- )(In the wake of
- Wail
- Warden
) (Wasp
- Wealthy
Wean off
- Weary of
- Weed
Weed out

- Weird
- - Welfare
- - Wicked
- Whirling
- - Whistle
- Wholesale
- Witty
- - Wretched
- Wrecked

- Yield

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