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Tender Submission
Tender Evaluavation:-
Client:-Tonda Mobil Sdn. Bhd
Project:- Mars Rover

Omair khan Usama Bin Riaz

James lu Kok Soon Loh Eng Chun
Executive summary
This tender has been in written by in reply to the requirements of the
designing team of Tonda Mobil Sdn. Bhd. The purpose of this tender is to
demonstrate to Tonda Mobil Sdn. Bhd. that is the best choice for the
construction of the model car designed by Tonda Mobil Sdn. Bhd.

Among the many reasons why our tender should be considered positively is the fact
that our understanding of the design package is immeasurable as we have
thoroughly addressed the tender evaluation criteria set out by Tonda Mobil Sdn.
Bhd. The designers require that the contractor are both punctual and
communicative, we at contacted the Tonda Mobil Sdn. Bhd. Multiple times
and replied them within minutes on the online messaging app Whatsapp as the
designing team was not present at the time in the city.

In addition, the contractors at have had an ample amount of experience

in following safety procedure and how to work under hazardous conditions as they
have seen the safety precautions taken on oil rigs, and in multiple product
manufacturing industries. They have the knowledge required to handle building
equipment. Thus, satisfying the tender evaluation criteria of basic knowledge of
safety procedure

Lastly, Tonda Mobil Sdn. Bhd can rest assured as the contracting team at
is extremely qualified in the department of budgeting. And will remain in budget as
they have the knowledge required to know how and where to buy the parts in
building the model car. They have also thoroughly reviewed the design package and
know what the dimensions, weight and size of the materials required will be thus
Tonda Mobil Sdn. Bhd can rest assured that no useless or overpriced item will be
purchased. are proud of their contractors and would like to assure Tonda Mobil Sdn.
Bhd that a model car of the highest standard will be delivered to them within the
promised time-frame.
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction.......................................................................................................................1
2.0 Design Package Review.1
2.1 Understanding The Design..1
2.2 Client Brief Compliance..2
2.3 Requirements Of Mars Rover.2
2.4 Concerns And Solutions..2
3.0 Addressing the clients Criteria............3
3.1 Cost Effectiveness....3
3.2 Communication3
3.3 Time management And Punctuality..3
3.4 Professionalism....3
3.5 Safety Consciousness...4
4.0 Appendix4
4.1 Academic Credentials.4-6
4.2 Communicative Proof.7
4.3 Professionalism and Safety Test Proof.8-10

4.4 Extra Credentials...11

This document contains tender for the construction of model car
for Tonda Mobil Sdn. Bhd. Representatives of both companies have formally
spoken to one another and the contractors at Have thoroughly the
reqiurments of Tonda Mobil. Sdn. Bhd. And will surely produce an amazing
product. We at are sure that we possess the skills required to
complete the given project and hopefully this document will assure our client.
2.0Design Package Review
The design package has been thoroughly to ensure that we at have a
full and complete understanding of the Mass rover
2.1 Understanding The Design
The contractors at have thoroughly reviewed the design package
presented by Tonda Mobil Sdn. Bhd. And have thus a complete understanding
of it and of the methods of designing and construction put proposed.
now presents its comprehended structure and design for the Mars Rover.

Thorough analysis of this design of Tonda Mobil Sdn Bhd. indicates that the
Bottle holder will be fixed in the middle of the vehicle surrounded by cotton wool
which in turn will be surrounded by pieces of cardboard which will be held together
with the help of glue. A further understanding of the design package is also given

1 Wheels: Both the front and rear wheels will be held to the main body by using
chopsticks, these will also function as an axle. Each wheel will comprise of 2
Disc, 2 Bottle caps and a piece of cardboard. The disc will move the car, the
caps will hold the discs firmly to one another while the cardboard will create
extra stability and make it easy for the wheels to move.
2 Main body: A show box is to serve as the main body of the Rover as it is firm
enough to bare the load of the water bottle and all the different materials
used. The Show box will have these dimensions 332mm x 170mm x 120mm.
3 Cargo hold: The base of the Cargo holder will be made up off a wooden block
and will be positioned in the middle of the vehicle. The Cargo holder will be
placed in between cottons and cardboard which will be nailed to the Rover.
The Cargo holder will be nailed on a card board of dimensions
240mmx70mmx70mm with 30 G of cotton wool placed to make to soften the
impact of the vehicle. The cargo holder will be open from the top allowing for
easy removal of cargo.

2.2 Client Brief Compliance

The Client brief demands a design with certain restrictions on the
dimensions and have been clear on the items need/ required and the number
of items required the following table (Table 1) show every item proposed by
Tonda Mobil Sdn. Bhd. all of which have been fulfilled by

Table 1: Parts used in Mars Rover

No Material Dimension Amount

1) Shoe Box 332mm x 170mm x 1
2) Sponge 100mm x 70mm x 1
3) Balsa Wood 260mm x 130mm x 1
4) Compact Disc 120mm diameter 8
5) Chopsticks - 2
6) Cardboard 240mm x 70mm x 2
7) Plastic Bottle Cap 33 diameter 8
8) Cotton Wool - 30g

The criteria of requirements given in the brief can easily by our employee at
2.3 Requirements of the Mars Rover
The Mars Rover needs to meet a few requirements regarding the
path it will be covering. These are listed below:-
1) The Rover must support the weight of the cargo
2) The Rover must travel down at least a 30 degree decline of 2m
3) The Rover must stand a fall from a height of 1m
In order to fulfill this criteria Tonda Mobil. Sdn. Bhd. has designed the Rover
to only move in the forward direction. The axle is made to rotate so that it
only perform forward movement. This also reduce the amount of overall
energy wasted. Tonda Mobil. Sdn. Bhd. also made the base of the cargo
hold of balsa wood along with cardboard which will not only allow the Rover
to stand the weight of the cargo but also of the 1m fall
2.4 Concerns and Solutions has 2 concerns regarding the design of the rover. The first
relates to the movability of the Rover. The use of Compact Disc would create
problem in its movement as it would limit the speed and the distance the rover
is able to travel as the area would be less, resulting in low friction and great
loss of energy. It is recommended that deflated balloons be placed on all 4
wheels. This will allow the rover to attain the required amount of friction and
energy to complete its task without enduring heavy cost or changing the
design. It will also increase the overall durability of the wheels.
The second concern is that of the durability of the axils. The chopsticks
used as the axils of the rover may break on a fall. It is recommended that
Instead of using just one 2 chopsticks in the rover 6 be used. This will assure
that the durability of the axils and will allow the rover to easily sustain a fall
from height up to 5m.

Please note that in answering this tender, the criteria have been listed in
italics and the response by in Normal text.

Cost Effectiveness: The team should be to know how to manage
cost and still be able to get the best possible outcome.
We at have had a lot of experience in constructing on both a
limited and tight budget. We are well versed in how and which items to recycle
discarded items and where to buy the cheapest items required without
compromising on the quality of the project. We are confident that we can build
the Rover without compromising the quality and remain under the given

Item Item Quantity Cost

1 Shoe Box 1
2 Balsa Wood 1 9$
3 Compact Discs 8 6.40$
4 Chopsticks 1 1$
5 Cardboard 1 4$
6 Cotton Wool 30g 1.50$
7 Sponge 1 0.50$
8 Plastic Bottle 4 0.40$
9 Nails 4 0.40$

Communication: Able to reply messages or Emails within a certain
time range.
The contractors at are extremely friendly, easy to talk to and have
very good communicative skills. They will reply to messages usually within the
hour and in any problem or progress in the project will notify Tonda Mobil. Sdn.
Bhd within minutes.
Time Management and Punctuality: Attend project meetings on time.
We at make it our priority to finish our projects a week before
the deadline and will try our hardest to do so. We are also very punctual when
it comes to meeting our clients will be at the meeting spot 5-10 mins before
the meeting is to start.
Professionalism: The team should have a basic knowledge of
dimensions and technical skills.
Our staff compromises of experienced personnel who have advance
knowledge in technical skills and dimensions by witnessing and partaking in
the procedure of manufacturing the items that require great precision in both
large and small scale industries. The contractors also undertook the
professionalism test conducted by the representative of Tonda Mobil. Sdn. Bhd
and were able to answer 4/5 correctly
Safety Consciousness: The Partnering team should know some basic
safety procedures to avoid any accidents. This will help prevent any
unnecessary costs to be incurred during the project.
The head contractors at have seen the safety procedures taken
in places such as Oil rigs, Embroidery factories and Tobacco Factories and have
thus acquired a lot of experience in how to handle machinery and the
precautions needed to avoid both accident and injuries. The contractors also
took the safety quiz conducted by the representatives of Tonda Mobil. Sdn.
Bhd. And also gave answer to all correctly.

4.0 Appendix
4.1 Academic Credentials
4.2 Communicative Proof
4.2 Professionalism And Safety Test
4.4 Extra Credentials

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