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Teaching Internship

Observation #1

Read through the following question. During your first two weeks of intern teaching
focus on the stated areas. Type each question and your response. Please use complete
sentences, 12 point font, and 1 inch margins.

1. Describe what first caught your attention when you entered your classroom for the
first time. Why?
a. The students first caught my attention in the classroom, because they are
the center and the focus of the room.
2. What grade level of student do you have? How many at each level (if you have
more than one)? Describe the class make-up. (gender, race, ethnic background,
academic ability)
a. I am in a preschool class, and most students are four years old but there
are a couple that already turned five years old. There are fourteen students
total, eight girls and six boys. The class is fairly diverse with mostly
caucasian students but some african american and asian students. Most of
them are at the same level of academic ability, however there is one
student who joined the class much later in the year and he is very behind.
3. Describe your intern teachers teaching style and general attitude. What type of
classroom culture has he/she created? Explain.
a. Her teaching style is fun but still promoting learning. She has a positive
attitude which creates a positive and and fun classroom environment.
4. In what activities are the students engaged during your intern time? Please be
specific in listing lessons being taught. Include amount of time for each.
(Example: reading groups, math, spelling, art, etc)
a. When I first arrive they are doing large group time. They go over the
schedule, the bee song, and the rules everyday. Then after they come back
from their bathroom break they go to small group time. They do a variety
of activities during that time, such as, reading a book, learning something
new, like learning about magnets, or one time while I was there they were
using magnet tiles to build 3-D objects. After small group they plan what
they will do for work time, and they have four different areas they can
work in: the house area, the block area, the art area or the small toy area,
and during this time I play with them. Right before I leave they do recall
and snack.
5. How does your cooperating teacher address inappropriate behavior? Be specific.
Give an example.
a. If a student is not doing what they should be doing then she will ask them
if they are doing what they should be doing or if they are following the
rules. For example, if they do not have a safe body, she will ask if they are
being safe. Or if they are not engaging in the activity, she will ask them to
go over to the couch until they are ready to learn.
6. How does your cooperating teacher get the childrens attention? What methods or
techniques does she/he use?
a. Usually, when the teacher is trying to get the students attention she says,
touch your nose, or, touch your head, until she has everyones
attention and then she goes on with what she was going to say.
7. Now that youve been in the classroom for a week or so, what feeling or
atmosphere exists? Why do you think this?
a. In the class it is a fun learning environment. They are having fun but still
promoting learning. I think the main reason this feeling exists, is because
they learn through play, and they are discovering new things, which
creates a fun and exciting environment for the students.
8. How often and under what circumstances do the students have an opportunity to
interact with one another, the teacher or the group? Be specific.
a. The main time when the students can interact with each other would be at
work time and during recess although there is many other opportunities to
interact with each other. Almost all of the class period they have the
opportunity to interact with the teacher. And they get the opportunity to
interact with the group mostly during large group time but there are also
many other opportunities.
9. When changing from one lesson to another or from one activity to another, how
does the teacher make the transition?
a. The teacher gets their attention and tells them now that its time to do the
next thing. For example after work time they go to the carpet to shake and
then they clean up. Or after large group they line up and then go to the
10. As you observe your students, describe one student that has caught your eye and
explain why.
a. There is one student in the class, that joined their room much later in the
year. He caught my eye because he is very behind and he is always
confused on what to do. The other have been there for many months and
its not easy for this student to catch up with them. So he stands out to be
because he always needs extra guidance.
11. List five classroom rules the teacher has for the class.
a. Be safe
b. Be kind
c. Be responsible
d. Be a learner
e. Have listening ears when the teacher is talking
12. Describe one procedure used in the classroom.
a. Every morning, in the classroom they go over the schedule for the day,
sing the bee song, and go over the class rules and then they line up to go to
the bathroom.
13. In what ways are the children reacting to your presence in the classroom? What
are some things the students have said to you?
a. I think they are reacting well to my presence there and they enjoy the extra
company. Many of them often asks me to play with them or sit next to
them and that shows me that they like having me there.
14. Draw a diagram of the floor plan of your classroom. Designate where teachers
desk, students desks, book shelves, etc are located. (This will go in your
portfolio) What is your reaction to the classroom set-up?
a. I was very impressed with the classroom setup, it works perfectly for all
the activities they have going on. They have the main carpet where they do
large group time and they have they tables for small group time. And then
they have the designated areas for work time and everything works so
smoothly. The room is not crowded at all and it is a great setup.
b. The diagram is at the bottom of the page

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