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Introduction and Reflection

As part of the ETR 501 class, I went to a symposium, and here I was able to meet other

professionals and share my ideas. I also attended a round table talk session, where I was given

advice on how to reach my research goals. The experience of ETR522 encouraged me to take

ETR501 and I chose to do a poster alongside with my classmate. Together we went to the

College of Education Student Research Symposium in order to get more feedback on our

research methods. We utilized the quantitative approaches which we learned in ETR 522, and

which allowed us a greater scope to use SPSS and work with statistical analyses for finalizing

our research procedures and reaching conclusions to our advantage.

Evidence of Mastery of Objectives 2, 5,7, and 8

Objective 2: Design and/or select appropriate assessment or evaluation tools for a

given educational problem:

This proposal meets this goal because it uses a survey questionnaire to answer the

educational question of acceptance of Saudi students of youtube as an educational tool to

measure the six constructs of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology

(UTAUT), which are performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence,

behavioral intention, facilitating conditions, and use behavior.

Objective 5, Apply appropriate technology to conduct analyses of educational data:

This article shows my ability to use qualtrics and SPSS to tabulate data and present it in a

way that it tells a story by itself. We also used multiple regression to analyze the data.

Objective 7: Demonstrate effective communication skills by presenting and

defending a research project:

In this artifact, I gained the ability to demonstrate research presentation skills and procedures

of defending survey result which meets objective 7.

Objective 8: Engage in research-related activities in diverse settings:

This goal is met by the fact that we using an online survey tool while entering it into a

software engine (SPSS). This shows my ability to convert data under different and

diverse settings and systems.

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