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EDUC 5312/3315-Curriculum and Instructional Design

Classroom Observation Assignment

Observation Form 1

Observation Date: March 30th Observation Time: 10:00 am

Teacher Observed: Yasemin Ozkaya Subject/Grade Level: 11th

School Observed: Gateway Science Academy Observer: Nazife Aktas

1-What was/were the learning objectives/outcomes of the lesson? (Add state objectives if
known, for example, TEKS 111.4. Grade 2.b.)

The following standards were written on the wall. Mrs. Ozkaya addressed the appropriate
standards before starting the unit.

Strand: Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS Comprehensive)

11th Grade- Physical Science/Chemistry

Title: PS1.Matter and Its Interactions


understanding can

HS-PS1-2. Construct and revise an explanation for the outcome of a simple chemical reaction
based on the outermost electron states of atoms, trends in the periodic table, and knowledge of
the patterns of chemical properties.

HS-PS1-4. Develop a model to illustrate that the release or absorption of energy from a chemical
reaction system depends upon the changes in total bond energy.

HS-PS1-7. Use mathematical representations to support the claim that atoms, and therefore mass,
are conserved during a chemical reaction.

2-How did the teacher begin and end the lesson?

Mrs. Ozkaya started her lesson with a bell work activity. Instructions were posted on the smart
board. Without losing any time, juniors took their bell work papers from a designated place and
started to work on it. Since it was an experiment day, she used a concept map as a bell work
activity. She had student write everything they knew about safety/lab procedures in concept map
form. While they were working on bell works she took attendance.(7 mins) Mrs. Ozkaya
collects weekly bell works on Fridays. After the warm up students were put into four small
groups to conduct an experiment. The rest of the lesson was doing an experiment in their
assigned groups. She ended her lesson reminding students to clean up their lab stations and turn
in their lab reports.

3-What did the teacher use for teaching materials or instructional aids/equipment?

A variety of resources were used since the students conducted an experiment today.

Objectives/Standards board

Safety Rules / Lab Expectation Poster

Smart Board

Documentation (Bell work activity, lab report)

Caroline Types of Chemical reaction Lab Kits ( lab materials, safety googles, lab aprons)

4-Which instructional methods and strategies did the teacher use? ( lecture, inquiry,
discovery learning, discussions, games or simulations, demonstrations, cooperative learning,
integration of technology, socrative questioning, etc)

Cooperative learning: The teacher numbered the students to put them in small groups.(5 students
in each group) I found this method very effective and quick. Students were told to conduct an
experiment in their group following up the guideline. Then, they recorded their finding in their
lab reports. Later on, group leaders shared their finding/observations with the class. She mainly
used inquiry based laboratory exercises. Mrs.Ozkaya employed variety of techniques when
calling on students for answers in class ranging from calling on individuals by name on calling
small groups as a whole to asking the whole class in general. With all these methods, the students
seemed engaged in the experiment activities and materials. I felt like the class flow well.

5-How did the teacher assess learning? (informal, formal, formative, summative, oral, open-
ended, quiz, feedback etc) See Chapter 8 for more information on assessment methods

She assessed each group providing them a lab report requesting to write a reflection or short
response.(open ended- formative assessment) Then later in lesson, group leaders shared their
finding with the class briefly.(oral)

6- What can you say about the teachers philosophy/beliefs and style?
(Traditional/progressive, behaviorist, student-centered vs. teacher centered, authoritative etc)

Overall, the class seemed students centered, and Mrs. Ozkaya mainly acted like a facilitator. As a
part of their experiment activity, the students had enough time to explore the materials/substance
by themselves and had a chance to ask a question if they were confused/not sure what to do. The
students seemed to enjoy the lesson; it seemed like that inquiry based learning is a fun way to
engage students into curriculum.
7-How does the teacher manage classroom? Can you identify classroom management
techniques used? There werent many awkward silent or uncomfortable moments since it was
honor level class which composed of dedicated successful students. While it happened few, she
waited for silence, didnt talk over chatting, stopped giving instructions, and made an eye contact
to grasp their attention. She moved around the room while students working on their own and
increased proximity to off tasks students. One student kept talking then she got closer to his table
and stood up there for a while. I think she did a great job managing her students behavior and
keeping their attentions on tasks.

8-Observe in the classroom setting and determine types of behavior students play when off-
task. What do they do when they are not paying attention? How does the teacher re-direct
them or get them back on task?

Overall, students were engaged in tasks. When off task, a few students talked with peers, than
Mrs. Ozkaya referred the classroom expectations posted on the wall. The school I work for
implements positive behavioral support approach. Students were treated with the same school
expectations in her class.

9-How does the teacher communicate with students (verbal, vocal, meta-verbal or non-verbal
communication such as facial, body language, use of space, motion and time?)

She used both verbal and nonverbal communication method such as use of space, body language
and eye contact. She encouraged student to share their thought or observations, she didnt
provide additional explanation until someone offered their thought. I think this is a good
technique especially while using inquiry based teaching method. Overall I found her
communication with students in class very student centered, and teacher facilitated.

10-Who were the students in the class? What did you notice about them? (Background,
diversity, attitude, motivation, interaction, participation, etc)

There were 20 junior students in the class on the day observed. It was not a diverse population,
mostly white, coming from educated family and honor students. The boys in one group were
very shy and reserved, and the girls seemed to be talkative and outgoing. However, overall
participation was well and students interacted with each other respectfully.

11-What did you see that is effective in engaging students? What do you see that is
ineffective in keeping students engaged?
The class activities varied from individual work to small group to whole group work. I think
having a variety of activities allowed majority of students to participate at a level they feel
comfortable. The small group activities also seemed to act to facilitate students relationship in
the class.
During this activity, it seemed obvious that a few students didnt understand what they were
responsible for or what their classmates are doing or experimenting. It is important to give clear
expectations or individual tasks while they are doing group experiments. I noticed that direct
guidance was needed for some.

12-What are the two instructional strategies you observed and would like to apply in your

I learned many things while I was there. She started a class by writing the days tasks on the
board. I could see how telling students what the plan is for the class would be helpful. She
referenced the task list and try to stay on pace with completing the experiment/lesson as panned,
and students were able to reference the list and know what to anticipate. By being transparent
about the lesson plan, students can potentially more actively engage with the lesson. I found very
effective to provide a warm up activity while taking attendance. Grouping students quickly for
the experiment was a smart move. I also like the way that she didnt answered students questions
directly. First, by refusing to just give answers to students, they were get used to offering their
thoughts and were forced to interact and engage with the content. Offering opinions and thoughts
in class during lab day is necessary. She explained that there is no wrong and correct answer to
these reflections. So, students felt comfortable sharing their thoughts.

13-What are two important classroom management strategies that you observed and would
like to apply in your classroom?

I think both classroom and instruction organization were two key elements of her successful
classroom management. Classroom policy was posted in the wall .This helped students to be
reminded when they did a certain kind of mistakes. Their seating arrangement was arranged by
tables and each table composed of 5 students. It was easy for students to move around when
needed, and it was quite organized for the teacher. Posting daily task on the board eliminated the
confusion and unnecessary talking among students. I also liked the way that she gave
compliment and recognition to students for showing positive behaviors or following directions.
Because of this, students tried hard and followed the directions.
EDUC 5312/3315-Curriculum and Instructional Design

Classroom Observation Assignment

Observation Form 2

Observation Date: March 30th Observation Time:10:00 am

Teacher Observed:Mrs. Ozkaya Subject/Grade Level: 11th

School Observed: Gateway Science Academy Observer:Nazife Aktas

For the things you observed, place a check. Please explain further about the checked item
directly below the particular section. Provide overall comments and reflections at the end.


On task

Explain: The class I observed was an honor class. Most students were actively engaged in tasks.
Students participated as both learners and teachers. On one hand, students did not hesitate to ask
for clarification on a concept or statement; on the other hand and in a respectful manner, they
challenged the teacher or their peers by sharing their point of view or thoughts.


Monitoring Groups
Guiding Cooperative Groups
Designing an experiment

Explain: The teacher used a variety of approaches to encourage student response and
participation. Overall, Mrs. Ozkaya set the tone of a highly respectful attitude by provoking
courteous remarks, speaking directly to the students, and modeling positive behavior when an
opposing viewpoint was offered. She also ensured that cooperative learning would take place in
the class by having students share their thinking in small groups or whole class.
Smart Board
Carolina Types of Chemistry Experiment Kit
Lab Report Worksheet

Explain: At the beginning of the class, students received their warm ups. Then, they went their
assigned lab table to conduct their experiments. Mrs. Ozkaya used Caroline Biological
Companys Typs of Chemical reactions kit to make students to conduct their experiments. Group
Lab report worksheet was a part of this ki
Small Groups

Explain: Students performed their experiments in small groups consisting of 5 students in each

Explain: After completing warm up activity, Mrs. Ozkaya put students in small groups to
conduct their experiments. Students were responsible to complete Lab reports as a group and
share their finding with whole class.

Stated Expectations for Behavior
Positive Reinforcement
Effective Time Management
Materials Ready

While students were working with their bell works, she took attendance and quickly assigned
kids into four groups.
Before letting students start their experiments, Mrs.Ozkaya stated lab procedures and safety rules
Since she used Caroline Biological Companys classroom kit, all experiment materials were
ready to use. She provided 30 minutes to each groups to conduct their experiments and complete
their laboratory reports.
She walked around the class, and praised students who were on tasks.

Then each group shared their finding with class in 5 minutes.

Last 3 minutes students were told to clean up their lab tables.


The class I observed today was 11th grade honor Chemistry class. The class was consisting of dedicated
successful students. Mrs. Ozkaya has almost twenty years of teaching experience in the field. I found her
highly effective teacher. She displayed extensive knowledge in the content. Lesson structure and
directions were clear. She was very organized. All of the materials for the class were ready. She engaged
students all time to participate activities. She responded any misbehavior immediately in a positive way.
Her interactions with students showed respect and caring for individuals as well as groups pf students.
The classroom was safe. There were not many distraction or uncomfortable moment. I think she did a
great job managing her students behavior and engaging them in learning activities.

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