Fact File About 4 Charities: Age Concern

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Fact File about 4 charities:

Age Concern:
Age concern deals with ageism. Ageism is where someone is unjustly discriminated
because of their age, whether it is because they are too young to participate in
something or they too old to do something. Most specifically they are fighting ageism
within the work place. They bring up key issues such as the fact that if an employer
denies you of a job because you are too old or too young this is considered ageism
and is unlawful and illegal. They also look at the Equality act to see if your being
discriminated within the job - if someone is doing the same job as you and you are
stopped from doing that job because there is someone younger that is ageism and the
employer is at fault. They mostly work with older people as their vision is a world
where everyone can enjoy later life. They raise money through their actions in charity
shops which raises a lot of money every year.

Fawcett Society:
The Fawcett Society is the UKs leading charity
promoting womens rights at work, at home and
in public life. Their belief is that women should
be allowed to have the same rights and
opportunities as men do in life today. Specifically
now they are trying to promote women to have
more of a say within government and higher ranking jobs within the UK. Their history
is from 1866 where Millicent Garett Fawcett began her work leading a powerful
campaign for women's votes. She worked alongside suffragettes in promoting
women's votes and generally women's lifestyle changes for good. Millicent Garrett
Fawcett died in 1929. Her work has continued ever since, with the Fawcett Society
named in her honor in 1953 which continued her work to this day. Their actions have
changed the way employers pay women in comparison to men and now this gap have
been removed.

Football Against Racism in Europe (FARE):

Their main objective is to remove racism from football completely. Nowadays racism is
commonly seen in football within racist chants directed at certain players who are
foreign. Currently they use young people's love of football to educate them on anti
racist views and thoughts. They are trying to use football, since it is the world's most
popular sport to bring different nationalities and people together. Fare is a charity set
up to counter discrimination in European football. The network was set up in Vienna in
Austria, during February 1999 after a meeting of football supporters groups, football
players unions and football associations. The charity has received support from the
European governing body UEFA, FIFA and the European
Commission for everything it's doing.

Is a charity which works with lesbian, gay or trans gender people and supports them
within the work place, at home and in public from discrimination. They feel as though
people should not be stopped just because they are different in society. Their current
objectives are to teach schools and universities on how to tackle homophobia and
stop it from happening. Stonewall was set up 25 years ago and has founded may
smaller groups over that time. they have supported thousands of people in their quest
to live normal lives.

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