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Multisensor D
25. Multisensor Data Fusion

Part C 25
25.1 Multisensor Data Fusion Methods........... 1
Multisensor data fusion is the process of com-
25.1.1 Bayes Rule ................................. 2
bining observations from a number of different
25.1.2 Probabilistic Grids ........................ 5
sensors to provide a robust and complete de-
25.1.3 The Kalman Filter ......................... 6
scription of an environment or process of 25.1.4 Sequential Monte Carlo Methods .... 10
interest. Data fusion finds wide application 25.1.5 Alternatives to Probability ............. 12
in many areas of robotics such as object
recognition, environment mapping, and locali- 25.2 Multisensor Fusion Architectures............ 14
sation. 25.2.1 Architectural Taxonomy ................ 14
This chapter has three parts: methods, ar- 25.2.2 Centralized, Local Interaction,
and Hierarchical .......................... 16
chitectures and applications. Most current data
25.2.3 Decentralized, Global Interaction,
fusion methods employ probabilistic descriptions
and Heterarchical......................... 16
of observations and processes and use Bayes rule
25.2.4 Decentralized, Local Interaction,
to combine this information. This chapter sur- and Hierarchical .......................... 17
veys the main probabilistic modeling and fusion 25.2.5 Decentralized, Local Interaction,
techniques including grid-based models, Kalman and Heterarchical......................... 18
filtering and sequential Monte Carlo techniques.
This chapter also briefly reviews a number of 25.3 Applications ......................................... 19
non-probabilistic data fusion methods. Data fu- 25.3.1 Dynamic System Control ................ 19
sion systems are often complex combinations of 25.3.2 ANSER II: Decentralised Data Fusion 20
sensor devices, processing and fusion algorithms. 25.4 Conclusions and Further Reading ........... 23
This chapter provides an overview of key principles
References .................................................. 24
in data fusion architectures from both a hardware
and algorithmic viewpoint. The applications of
data fusion are pervasive in robotics and underly application in mapping and environment model-
the core problem of sensing, estimation and per- ing.
ception. We highlight two example applications The essential algorithmic tools of data fusion
that bring out these features. The first describes are reasonably well established. However, the
a navigation or self-tracking application for an development and use of these tools in realistic
autonomous vehicle. The second describes an robotics applications is still developing.

25.1 Multisensor Data Fusion Methods

The most widely used data fusion methods employed In this section we review the main data fusion meth-
in robotics originate in the fields of statistics, esti- ods employed in robotics. These are very often based on
mation and control. However, the application of these probabilistic methods, and indeed probabilistic meth-
methods in robotics has a number of unique features ods are now considered the standard approach to data
and challenges. In particular, most often autonomy fusion in all robotics applications [25.1]. Probabilis-
is the goal and so results must be presented and tic data fusion methods are generally based on Bayes
interpreted in a form from which autonomous deci- rule for combining prior and observation information.
sions can be made; for recognition or navigation, for Practically, this may be implemented in a number of
example. ways: through the use of the Kalman and extended
2 Part C Sensing and Perception

Kalman filters, through sequential Monte Carlo meth- well the observation
! is predicted by the prior. This is
Part C 25.1

ods, or through the use of functional density estimates. because P(z) = P(z | x)P(x) dx. The value of Bayes
Each of these is reviewed. There are a number of al- rule is that it provides a principled means of combining
ternatives to probabilistic methods. These include the observed information with prior beliefs about the state
theory of evidence and interval methods. Such alterna- of the world.
tive techniques are not as widely used as they once were,
however they have some special features that can be ad- Sensor Models
vantageous in specific problems. These, too, are briefly and Multisensor Bayesian Inference
reviewed. The conditional probability P(z | x) serves the role of
a sensor model and can be thought of in two ways. First,
25.1.1 Bayes Rule in building a sensor model, the probability is constructed
by fixing the value of x = x and then asking what proba-
Bayes rule lies at the heart of most data fusion meth- bility density P(z | x = x) on z results. Conversely, when
ods. In general, Bayes rule provides a means to make this sensor model is used and observations are made,
inferences about an object or environment of interest z = z is fixed and a likelihood function P(z = z | x) on
described by a state x, given an observation z. x is inferred. The likelihood function, while not strictly
a probability density, models the relative likelihood that
Bayesian Inference different values of x gave rise to the observed value of z.
Bayes rule requires that the relationship between x and The product of this likelihood with the prior, both defined
z be encoded as a joint probability or joint probability on x, gives the posterior or observation update P(x | z).
distribution P(x, z) for discrete and continuous variables In a practical implementation of Equation025-bayeseq,
respectively. The chain-rule of conditional probabilities P(z | x) is constructed as a function of both variables
can be used to expand a joint probability in two ways (or a matrix in discrete form). For each fixed value of
x, a probability density on z is defined. Therefore as x
P(x, z) = P(x | z)P(z) = P(z | x)P(x). (25.1) varies, a family of likelihoods on z is created.
The multisensor form of Bayes rule requires condi-
Rearranging in terms of one of the conditionals, Bayes tional independence
rule is obtained
P(z | x)P(x) P(z 1 , , z n | x) = P(z 1 | x) P(z n | x)
P(x | z) = . (25.2) "n
= P(z i | x) . (25.3)
The value of this result lies in the interpretation of the i=1
probabilities P(x | z), P(z | x), and P(x). Suppose it is
qso that
necessary to determine the various likelihoods of differ-
ent values of an unknown state x. There may be prior
beliefs about what values of x might be expected, en- P(x | Zn ) = C P(x) P(z i | x) , (25.4)
coded in the form of relative likelihoods in the prior i=1

probability P(x). To obtain more information about the where C is a normalising constant. Equation (25.4) is
state x an observation z is made. These observations are known as the independent likelihood pool [25.2]. This
modeled in the form of a conditional probability P(z | x) states that the posterior probability on x given all ob-
which describes, for each fixed state x, the probability servations Zn , is simply proportional to the product of
that the observation z will be made; i. e., the probabil- prior probability and individual likelihoods from each
ity of z given x. The new likelihoods associated with information source.
the state x are computed from the product of the orig- The recursive form of Bayes rule is
inal prior information and the information gained by P(z k | x)P(x | Zk1 )
observation. This is encoded in the posterior probabil- P(x | Zk ) = # $ . (25.5)
ity P(x | z) which describes the likelihoods associated P z k | Zk1
with x given the observation z. In this fusion process, The advantage of (25.5) is that we need compute and
the marginal probability P(z) simply serves to normal- store only the posterior density P(x | Zk1 ) which con-
ize the posterior and is not generally computed. The tains a complete summary of all past information. When
marginal P(z) plays an important role in model valida- the next piece of information P(z k | x) arrives, the pre-
tion or data association as it provides a measure of how vious posterior takes on the role of the current prior and
Multisensor Data Fusion 25.1 Multisensor Data Fusion Methods 3

the product of the two becomes, when normalised, the in tracking and navigation. The general filtering problem

Part C 25.1
new posterior. can be formulated in Bayesian form. This is significant
because it provides a common representation for a range
Bayesian Filtering of discrete and continuous data fusion problems without
Filtering is concerned with the sequential process of recourse to specific target or observation models.
maintaining a probabilistic model for a state which Define xt as the value of a state of interest at time t.
evolves over time and which is periodically observed This may, for example, describe a feature to be tracked,
by a sensor. Filtering forms the basis for many problems the state of a process being monitored, or the location


P(xk,xk1) dxk1

0.8 P(xk)

0.6 P(xk,xk1) dxk

P (xk1 |xk1)



xk = f (xk1, Uk)
30 15 xk

20 10

10 5

0 0

Fig. 25.1 Time update step for the full Bayes filter. At a time k 1, knowledge of the state xk1 is summarised in
a probability distribution P(xk1 ). A vehicle model, in the form of a conditional probability density P(xk | xk1 ), then
describes the stochastic transition of the vehicle from a state xk1 at a time k 1 to a state xk at a time k. Functionally,
this state transition may be related to an underlying kinematic state model in the form xk = f (xk1 , uk ). The figure shows
two typical conditional probability distributions P(xk | xk1 ) on the state xk given fixed values of xk1 . The product
of this conditional distribution with the marginal distribution P(xk1 ), describing the prior likelihood of values of xk ,
gives the the joint distribution P(xk , xk1 ) shown as the surface in the figure. The total marginal density P(xk ) describes
knowledge of xk after state transition has occurred. The marginal density P(xk ) is obtained by integrating (projecting) the
joint distribution P(xk , xk1 ) over all xk1 . Equivalently, using the total probability theorem, the marginal density can
be obtained by integrating (summing) all conditional densities P(xk | xk1 ) weighted by the prior probability P(xk1 ) of
each xk1 . The process can equally be run in reverse (a retroverse motion model) to obtain P(xk1 ) from P(xk ) given
a model P(xk1 | xk )
4 Part C Sensing and Perception

of a platform for which navigation data is required. For The history of states:
Part C 25.1

convenience, and without loss of generality, time is de- Xk = {x0 , x1 , , xk } = {Xk1 , xk }.

fined at discrete (asynchronous) times tk ! k. At a time The history of control inputs:
instant k, the following quantities are defined: U k = {u1 , u2 , , uk } = {U k1 , uk }.
xk : The state vector to be estimated at time k,
The history of state observations:
Zk = {z 1 , z 2 , , z k } = {Zk1 , z k }.
uk : A control vector, assumed known, and applied at
time k 1 to drive the state from xk1 to xk at time
k, In probabilistic form, the general data fusion prob-
z k : An observation taken of the state xk at time k. lem is to find the posterior density
# $
In addition, the following sets are also defined. P xk | Zk , U k , x0 (25.6)

P(zk |xk =x1)

P(zk |xk =x2)



P (zk =x1 |xk )

P (xk)


z 15
10 x
5 30

Fig. 25.2 Observation update for the full Bayes filter. Prior to observation, an observation model in the form of the
conditional density P(z k | xk ) is established. For a fixed value of xk , equal to x1 or x2 for example, a density func-
tion P(z k | xk = x1 ) or P(z k | xk = x2 ) is defined describing the likelihood of making the observation z k . Together
the density P(z k | xk ) is then a function of both z k and xk . This conditional density then defines the observation
model. Now, in operation, a specific observation z k = x1 is made and the resulting distribution P(z k = x1 | xk ) de-
fines a density function (now termed the likelihood function) on xk . This density is then multiplied by the prior
density P(xk ) and normalised to obtain the posterior distribution P(xk | z k ) describing knowledge in the state after
Multisensor Data Fusion 25.1 Multisensor Data Fusion Methods 5

for all times k given the recorded observations and con- 25.1.2 Probabilistic Grids

Part C 25.1
trol inputs up to and including time k together (possibly)
with knowledge of the initial state x0 . Bayes rule can be Probabilistic grids are conceptually the simplest way of
used to write (25.6) in terms of a sensor model P(z k | xk ) implementing Bayesian data fusion methods. They can
and a predicted probability density P(xk | Zk1 , U k , x0 ) be applied both to problems in mapping [25.3, 4] and
based on observations up to time k 1 as tracking [25.5].
# $ In mapping applications, the environment of interest
P xk | Zk , U k , x0 is divided into a grid of equal sized spatial cells. Each cell
# $ is indexed and labeled with a property, thus the state xij
P(z k | xk )P xk | Zk1 , U k , x0
= # $ . (25.7) may describe a two dimensional world indexed by ij and
P z k | Zk1 , U k having the property x. Interest is focused on maintaining
a probability distribution on possible state values P(xij )
The denominator in (25.7) is independent of the state at each grid cell. Typically, in navigation and mapping
and following (25.4) can be set to some normalising con- problems, the property of interest has only two values
stant C. The sensor model makes use of the conditional O and E, occupied and empty, respectively, and it is
independence assumption from (25.3). then usual to assume that P(xij = O) = 1 P(xij = E).
The total probability theorem can be used to rewrite However, there is no particular constraint on the property
the second term in the numerator of (25.7) in terms of encoded by the state xij which could have many values
the state transition model and the joint posterior from (green, red, blue, for example) and indeed be continuous
time-step k 1 as (the temperature at a cell for example).
# $ Once the state has been defined, Bayesian methods
P xk | Zk1 , U k , x0 require that a sensor model or likelihood function for the
# $ sensor be established. In theory, this requires specifica-
= P xk , xk1 | Zk1 , U k , x0 dxk1
% tion of a probability distribution P(z | xij = xij ) mapping
# $ each possible grid state xij to a distribution on observa-
= P xk | xk1 , Zk1 , U k , x0 tions. Practically, however, this is implemented simply
# $ as another observation grid so that for a specific ob-
P xk1 | Zk1 , U k , x0 dxk1
% servation z = z (taken from a specific location), a grid
= P(xk | xk1 , uk ) of likelihoods on the states xij is produced in the form
# $ P(z = z | xij ) = (xij ). It is then trivial to apply Bayes
P xk1 | Zk1 , U k1 , x0 dxk1 , (25.8) rule to update the property value at each grid cell as
P + (xij ) = C(xij )P(xij ) , i, j , (25.9)
where the last equality implies that the future state de-
pends only on the current state and the control exerted at where C us a normalising constant obtained by summing
this time. The state transition model is described in terms posterior probabilities to one at node ij only. Computa-
of a probability distribution in the form P(xk | xk1 , uk ). tionally, this is a simple point-wise multiplication of two
That is, the state transition may reasonably be assumed grids. Some care needs to be taken that the two grids ap-
to be a Markov process in which the next state xk de- propriately overlap and align with each other at the right
pends only on the immediately proceeding state xk1 scale. In some instances it is also valuable to encode
and the applied control uk , and is independent of both the fact that spatially adjacent cells will influence each
the observations and preceding states. other; that is, if we knew the value of the property (oc-
Equations (25.7) and (25.8) define a recursive so- cupancy, temperature for example) at ij we will have
lution to (25.6). Equation (25.8) is the time update or some belief also of the value of this property at adja-
prediction step for the full Bayes data fusion algorithm. cent nodes i + 1, j, i, j + 1, etc. Different sensors and
A graphical description of this equation is shown in the fusion of different sensor outputs is accommodated
Fig. 25.1. Equation (25.7) is the observation update step simply by building appropriate sensor models (xij ).
for the full Bayes data fusion algorithm. A graphical Grids can also be used for tracking and self-tracking
description of this equation is shown in Fig. 25.2. The (localisation). The state xij in this case is the location of
Kalman filter, grid-based methods and sequential Monte the entity being tracked. This is a qualitatively different
Carlo methods, to be described, are specific implemen- definition of state from that used in mapping. The prob-
tations of these general equations. ability P(xij ) must now be interpreted as the probability
6 Part C Sensing and Perception

that the object being tracked occupies the grid cell ij. In models to be incorporated within the basic algorithm.
Part C 25.1

the case of mapping, the sum of property probabilities In addition, the consistent use of statistical measures of
at each grid cell is one, whereas in the case of tracking, uncertainty makes it possible to quantitatively evaluate
the sum of location probabilities over the whole grid the role each sensor plays in overall system performance.
must sum to one. Otherwise, the procedure for updat- Further, the linear recursive nature of the algorithm en-
ing is very similar. An observation grid is constructed sures that its application is simple and efficient. For these
which when instantiated with an observation value pro- reasons, the Kalman filter has found wide-spread appli-
vides a location likelihood grid P(z = z | xij ) = (xij ). cation in many different data fusion problems [25.69].
Bayes rule is then applied to update the location proba- In robotics, the Kalman filter is most suited to prob-
bility at each grid cell in the same form as (25.9) except lems in tracking, localisation and navigation; and less
that now the normalisation constant C is obtained by so to problems in mapping. This is because the algo-
summing posterior probabilities over all ij grid cells. rithm works best with well defined state descriptions
This can become computationally expensive, especially (positions, velocities, for example), and for states where
if the grid has three or more dimensions. One major observation and time-propagation models are also well
advantage of grid-based tracking is that it is easy to in- understood.
corporate quite complex prior information. For example,
if it is known that the object being tracked is on a road, Observation and Transition Models
then the probability location values for all off-road grid The Kalman filter may be considered a specific instance
cells can simply be set to zero. of the recursive Bayesian filter of (25.7,25.8) for the case
Grid based fusion is appropriate to situations where where the probability densities on states are Gaussian.
the domain size and dimension are modest. In such The starting point for the Kalman Filter algorithm is
cases, grid based methods provide straightforward and to define a model for the states to be estimated in the
effective fusion algorithms. Grid based methods can be standard state-space form:
extended in a number of ways; to hierarchical (quad-
x (t) = F(t)x(t) + B(t)u(t) + G(t)v(t) , (25.10)
tree) grids, or to irregular (triangular, pentagonal) grids.
These can help reduce computation in larger spaces. where x(t) is the state vector of interest, u(t) is a known
Monte Carlo and particle filtering methods (Sect. 25.1.4) control input, v(t) is a random variable describing un-
may be considered as grid-based methods, where the certainty in the evolution of the state, and where F(t),
grid cells themselves are sample of the underlying prob- B(t), and G(t) are matrices describing the contribution
ability density for the state. of states, controls and noise to state transition [25.7]. An
observation (output) model is also defined in standard
25.1.3 The Kalman Filter state-space form:
z(t) = H(t)x(t) + D(t)w(t) , (25.11)
The Kalman filter is a recursive linear estimator which
successively calculates an estimate for a continuous val- where z(t) is the observation vector, w(t) is a ran-
ued state, that evolves over time, on the basis of periodic dom variable describing uncertainty in the observation,
observations of the state. The Kalman filter employs an and where H(t) and D(t) are matrices describing the
explicit statistical model of how the parameter of in- contribution of state and noise to the observation.
terest x(t) evolves over time and an explicit statistical These equations define the evolution of a continuous-
model of how the observations z(t) that are made are re- time system with continuous observations being made of
lated to this parameter. The gains employed in a Kalman the state. However, the Kalman Filter is almost always
filter are chosen to ensure that, with certain assump- implemented in discrete-time tk = k. It is straightfor-
tions about the observation and process models used, ward [25.8] to obtain a discrete-time version of (25.10)
the resulting estimate x (t) minimises mean-squared er- and (25.11) in the form
ror and is thus the conditional mean x (t) = E[x(t) | Zt ]; x(k) = F(k)x(k 1) + B(k)u(k) + G(k)v(k) ,
an average, rather than a most likely value. (25.12)
The Kalman filter has a number of features
z(k) = H(k)x(k) + D(k)w(k) . (25.13)
which make it ideally suited to dealing with complex
multi-sensor estimation and data fusion problems. In A basic assumption in the derivation of the Kalman
particular, the explicit description of process and ob- filter is that the random sequences v(k) and w(k) de-
servations allows a wide variety of different sensor scribing process and observation noise are all Gaussian,
Multisensor Data Fusion 25.1 Multisensor Data Fusion Methods 7

temporally uncorrelated and zero-mean to (25.13). The noise processes entering the system are

Part C 25.1
assumed to obey (25.14), (25.15) and (25.16). It is also
E[v(k)] = E[w(k)] = 0 , k , (25.14)
assumed that an estimate x (k 1 | k 1) of the state
with known covariance x(k 1) at time k 1 based on all observations made
up to and including time k 1 is available, and that this
E[v(i)vT ( j)] = ij Q(i) , E[w(i)wT ( j)] = ij R(i) . estimate is equal to the conditional mean of the true
(25.15) state x(k 1) conditioned on these observations. The
It is also generally assumed that the process and obser- conditional variance P(k 1 | k 1) in this estimate is
vation noises are also uncorrelated also assumed known. The Kalman filter then proceeds
recursively in two stages (Fig. 25.3).
E[v(i)wT ( j)] = 0 , i, j . (25.16)
Prediction. A prediction x (k | k-1) of the state at time k
These are equivalent to a Markov property requiring and its covariance P(k | k 1) is computed according to
observations and successive states to be conditionally
independent. If the sequences v(k) and w(k) are tempo- x (k | k 1) = F(k)x(k 1 | k 1) + B(k)u(k) ,
rally correlated, a shaping filter can be used to whiten the (25.19)
observations, again making the assumptions required for P(k | k 1) = F(k)P(k 1 | k 1)F (k) T
the Kalman filter valid [25.8]. If the process and observa-
tion noise sequences are correlated, then this correlation + G(k)Q(k)G T (k) . (25.20)
can also be accounted for in the Kalman filter algo-
rithm [25.10]. If the sequence is not Gaussian, but is Update. At time k an observation z(k) is made and the
symmetric with finite moments, then the Kalman filter updated estimate x (k | k) of the state x(k), together with
will still produce good estimates. If however, the se- the updated estimate covariance P(k | k) is computed
quence has a distribution which is skewed or otherwise from the state prediction and observation according to
pathological, results produced by the Kalman filter will
be misleading and there will be a good case for using x (k | k) = x (k | k 1) + W(k)[z(k)
a more sophisticated Bayesian filter [25.5]. H(k)x(k | k 1)] , (25.21)
P(k | k) = P(k | k 1) W(k)S(k)W T (k) , (25.22)
Filtering Algorithm
The Kalman filter algorithm produces estimates that where the gain matrix W(k) is given by
minimise mean-squared estimation error conditioned on
W(k) = P(k | k 1)H(k)S1 (k) , (25.23)
a given observation sequence and so is the conditional
mean where
x (i | j) ! E[x(i) | z(1), , z( j)] ! E[x(i) | Z j ] . S(k) = R(k) + H(k)P(k | k 1)H(k) (25.24)
is the innovation covariance. The difference between the
The estimate variance is defined as the mean-squared observation z(k) and the predicted observation H(k)x(k |
error in this estimate k 1) is termed the innovation or residual (k):
P(i | j) ! E{[x(i) x (i | j)][x(i) x (i | j)]T | Z j } . (k) = z(k) H(k)x(k | k 1) . (25.25)
The innovation is an important measure of the devi-
The estimate of the state at a time k given all information ation between the filter estimates and the observation
up to time k is written as x (k | k). The estimate of the sequence. Indeed, because the true states are not usu-
state at a time k given only information up to time k 1 is ally available for comparison with the estimated states,
called a one-step-ahead prediction (or just a prediction) the innovation is often the only measure of how well the
and is written as x (k | k 1). estimator is performing. The innovation is particularly
The Kalman filter algorithm is now stated without important in data association.
proof. Detailed derivations can be found in many books
on the subject, [25.7,8] for example. The state is assumed The Extended Kalman Filter
to evolve in time according to (25.12). Observations of The extended Kalman filter (EKF) is a form of the
this state are made at regular time intervals according Kalman filter that can be employed when the state model
8 Part C Sensing and Perception
Part C 25.1

True state Estimation State covariance

of state computation
State estimate State error covariance
Control at tk at tk1 at tk1
u (k)
x (k1| k1) P (k1| k1)

State prediction
State transition State prediction
x (k) = F (k)x (k1) x (k| k1) =
P (k| k1) =
+ G (k) u (k) + (k) F (k) x (k1)| k1) +G (k) u (k)
F (k)P (k1| k1)F (k) +Q (k)

Innovation covariance
Measurement at tk Measurement prediction
S (k) =
z (k)= H (k)x (k) + w (k) z (k| k1) =
H (k) P (k | k1) H' (k) +R (k)
H (k) x (k | k1)

Filter gain
W (k) =
v (k) = z (k) z(k | k1)
P (k | k1)H' (k) S 1(k)

Updated state estimate Updated state covariance

x (k| k) = P (k| k) =
x (k | k1) + W (k) (k) P (k | k1) W (k) S (k) W'(k)

Fig. 25.3 Block diagram of the Kalman filter cycle (after Bar-Shalom and Fortmann 1988 [25.7])

and/or the observation model are nonlinear. The EKF is and the observation model as
briefly described in this section.
z(k) = h[x(k), w(k)] . (25.29)
The state models considered by the EKF are de-
scribed in state-space notation by a first order nonlinear Like the Kalman filter, it is assumed that the noises v(k)
vector differential equation or state model of the form and w(k) are all Gaussian, temporally uncorrelated and
zero-mean with known variance as defined in (25.14
x (t) = f [x(t), u(t), v(t), t] , (25.26)
25.16). The EKF aims to minimise mean-squared error
where f [, , , ] is now a general nonlinear mapping and therefore compute an approximation to the condi-
of state and control input to state transition. The obser- tional mean. It is assumed therefore that an estimate of
vation models considered by the EKF are described in the state at time k 1 is available which is approximately
state-space notation by a nonlinear vector function in equal to the conditional mean, x (k 1 | k 1) E[x(k
the form 1) | Z k1 ]. The EKF algorithm will now be stated with-
out proof. Detailed derivations may be found in any
z(t) = h[x(t), u(t), w(t), t] , (25.27) number of books on the subject. The principle stages in
where h[, , , ] is now a general nonlinear mapping of the derivation of the EKF follow directly from those of
state and control input to observations. the linear Kalman filter with the additional step that the
The EKF, like the Kalman filter, is almost always process and observation models are linearised as a Tay-
implemented in discrete-time. By integration and with lor series about the estimate and prediction, respectively.
appropriate identification of discrete time states and The algorithm has two stages:
observations, the state model is written as
Prediction. A prediction x (k | k 1) of the state at time k
x(k) = f [x(k 1), u(k), v(k), k] , (25.28) and its covariance P(k | k 1) is computed according to
Multisensor Data Fusion 25.1 Multisensor Data Fusion Methods 9

x (k | k 1) = f [x(k 1 | k 1), u(k)] , (25.30) then the true covariance will be much larger than

Part C 25.1
T the estimated covariance and the filter will become
P(k | k 1) = fx (k)P(k 1 | k 1) fx (k)
poorly matched. In extreme cases the filter may also
+ fv (k)Q(k) T fv (k) . (25.31) become unstable.
The EKF employs a linearised model which must
Update. At time k an observation z(k) is made and the be computed from an approximate knowledge of
updated estimate x (k | k) of the state x(k), together with the state. Unlike the linear algorithm, this means
the updated estimate covariance P(k | k) is computed that the filter must be accurately initialized at the
from the state prediction and observation according to start of operation to ensure that the linearised models
obtained are valid. If this is not done, the estimates
x (k | k) = x (k | k 1) computed by the filter will simply be meaningless.
+ W(k){z(k) h[x(k | k 1)]} , (25.32)
P(k | k) = P(k | k 1) W(k)S(k)W T , (k) , (25.33) The Information Filter
The information filter is mathematically equivalent to
a Kalman filter. However, rather than generating state
W(k) = P(k | k 1) T hx (k)S1 (k) (25.34) estimates x (i | j) and covariances P(i | j) it uses infor-
mation state variables y (i | j) and information matrices
and Y(i | j) which are related to each other through the
S(k) = hw (k)R(k) T hw (k) relationships
+ hx (k)P(k | k 1) T hx (k) (25.35) y (i | j) = P 1 (i | j)x(i | j) , Y(i | j) = P 1 (i | j) .
and where the Jacobian f (k) is evaluated at x(k 1) = (25.36)
x (k 1 | k 1) and h (k) is evaluated at and x(k) = The information filter has the same prediction-update
x (k | k 1). structure as the Kalman filter.
A comparison of (25.1925.24) with (25.3025.35)
makes it clear that the EKF algorithm is very similar to Prediction. A prediction y (k | k 1) of the information
the linear Kalman filter algorithm, with the substitutions state at time k and its information matrix Y(k | k 1) is
F(k) fx (k) and H(k) hx (k) being made in the computed according to (Joseph form [25.8]):
equations for the variance and gain propagation. Thus,
the EKF is, in effect, a linear estimator for a state error y (k | k 1) = (1 G T )FT y (k 1 | k 1)
which is described by a linear equation and which is + Y(k | k 1)Bu(k) , (25.37)
being observed according to a linear equation of the
form of (25.13). Y(k | k 1) = M(k) T , (25.38)
The EKF works in much the same way as the linear respectively, where
Kalman filter with some notable caveats.
M(k) = FT Y(k 1 | k 1)F1 ,
The Jacobians fx (k) and hx (k) are typically not
constant, being functions of both state and timestep. = G T M(k)G + Q 1 ,
This means that unlike the linear filter, the covari-
ances and gain matrix must be computed on-line as and
estimates and predictions are made available, and = M(tk )G 1 .
will not in general tend to constant values. This
significantly increases the amount of computation It should be noted that , whose inverse is required to
which must be performed on-line by the algorithm. compute , is only of dimension of the process driving
As the linearised model is derived by perturbing the noise which is normally considerably smaller than the
true state and observation models around a predicted state dimension. Further, the matrix F1 is the state-
or nominal trajectory, great care must be taken to en- transition matrix evaluated backwards in time and so
sure that these predictions are always close enough must always exist.
to the true state that second order terms in the lin-
earisation are indeed insignificant. If the nominal Update. At time k an observation z(k) is made and the
trajectory is too far away from the true trajectory updated information state estimate y (k | k) together with
10 Part C Sensing and Perception

the updated information matrix Y(k | k) is computed 25.1.4 Sequential Monte Carlo Methods
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y (k | k) = y (k | k 1) + H(k)R1 (k)z(k) , (25.39) Monte Carlo (MC) filter methods describe probability
distributions as a set of weighted samples of an underly-
Y(k | k) = Y(k | k 1) + H(k)R1 (k)HT (k). (25.40) ing state space. MC filtering then uses these samples to
We emphasise that (25.38) and (25.37) are math- simulate probabilistic inference usually through Bayes
ematically identical to (25.19) and (25.20), and that rule. Many samples or simulations are performed. By
(25.39) and (25.40) are mathematically identical to studying the statistics of these samples as they progress
(25.21) and (25.22). It will be noted that there is a dual- through the inference process, a probabilistic picture of
ity between information and state space forms [25.10]. the process being simulated can be built up.
This duality is evident from the fact that and in the
prediction stage of the information filter play an equiva- Representing Probability Distributions
lent role to the gain matrix W and innovation covariance In sequential Monte Carlo methods, probability dis-
S in the update stage of the Kalman filter. Further, the tributions are described in terms of a set of support
simple linear update step for the information filter is mir- points (state space values) xi , i = 1, , N, together
rored in the simple linear prediction step for the Kalman with a corresponding ' set of normalised weights wi ,
i = 1, , N, where i
filter. i w = 1. The support points
The main advantage of the information filter over the and weights can be used to define a probability density
Kalman filter in data fusion problems is the relative sim- function in the form
plicity of the update stage. For a system with n sensors, N
the fused information state update is exactly the linear P(x) wi (x xi ) . (25.42)
sum of information contributions from all sensors as i=1
& A key question is how these support points and weights
y (k | k) = y (k | k 1) + Hi (k)Ri1 (k)z i (k) ,
are selected to obtain a faithful representation of the
n probability density P(x). The most general way of se-
& lecting support values is to use an importance density
Y(k | k) = Y(k | k 1) + Hi (k)Ri1 (k)HiT (k) .
q(x). The support values xi are drawn as samples from
(25.41) this density; where the density has high probability, more
support values are chosen, and where the density has low
The reason such an expression exists in this form is that probability, few support support vectors are selected.
the information filter is essentially a log-likelihood ex- The weights in (25.42) are then computed from
pression of Bayes rule, where products of likelihoods
(25.4) are turned into sums. No such simple expression P(xi )
wi . (25.43)
for multi-sensor updates exists for the Kalman Filter. q(xi )
This property of the information filter has been ex-
Practically, a sample xi is drawn from the importance
ploited for data fusion in robotic networks [25.11, 12]
distribution. The sample is then instantiated in the
and more recently in robot navigation and localisation
underlying probability distribution to yield the value
problems [25.1]. One substantial disadvantage of the
P(x = xi ). The ratio of the two probability values,
information filter is the coding of nonlinear models,
appropriately normalised, then becomes the weight.
especially for the prediction step.
There are two instructive extremes of the importance
sampling method.
When to Use a Kalman or Information Filter
Kalman or information filters are appropriate to data fu- 1. At one extreme, the importance density could be
sion problems where the entity of interest is well defined taken to be a uniform distribution and so the sup-
by a continuous parametric state. This would include es- port values xi are uniformly distributed on the state
timation of the position, attitude and velocity of a robot space in a close approximation to a grid. The prob-
or other object, or the tracking of a simple geometric abilities q(xi ) are also therefore equal. The weights
feature such as a point, line or curve. Kalman and infor- computed from (25.43) are then simply proportional
mation filters are inappropriate for estimating properties to the probabilities wi P(x = xi ). The result is
such as spatial occupancy, discrete labels, or processes a model for the distribution which looks very like
whose error characteristics are not easily parametrised. the regular grid model.
Multisensor Data Fusion 25.1 Multisensor Data Fusion Methods 11

2. At the other extreme, we could choose an importance made, z k = z k , the observation model becomes a func-

Part C 25.1
density equal to the probability model q(x) = P(x). tion of state xk only. If samples of the state are
Samples of the support values xi are now drawn from taken xk = xki , i = 1 , Nk , the observation model
this density. Where the density is high there will be P(z k = z k | xk = xki ) becomes a set of scalars describ-
many samples, where the density is low there will ing the likelihood that the sample xki could have given
be few samples. However, if we substitute q(xi ) = rise to the observation z k . Substituting these likelihoods
P(xi ) into (25.43), it is clear that the weights all and (25.46) into (25.7) gives:
become equal wi = 1/N. A set of samples with equal # $
P xk | Zk
weights is known as a particle distribution.
It is, of course, possible to mix these two representa- # $ # $
=C wik1 P z k = z k | xk = xki xk xki .
tions to describe a probability distribution both in terms i=1
of a set of weights and in terms of a set of support val- (25.47)
ues. The complete set of samples and weights describing
N is termed a random
a probability distribution {xi , wi }i=1 This is normally implemented in the form of an updated
measure. set of normalised weights
# $
wi P z k = z k | xk = xki
The Sequential Monte Carlo Method wik = ' N k1 j # j$
j=1 wk1 P z k = z k | xk = xk
Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) filtering is a simulation
of the recursive Bayes update equations using sample and so
support values and weights to describe the underlying # $ Nk
& # $
probability distributions. P xk | Z = wik xk xki . (25.49)
The starting point is the recursive or sequential i=1
Bayes observation update given in (25.7) and (25.8). Note that the support values in (25.49) are the same as
The SMC recursion begins with a posterior probabil- those in (25.46), only the weights have been changed by
ity density represented by a set of support values and the observation update.
i Nk1
weights {xk1 , wik1|k1 }i=1 in the form The implementation of the SMC method requires the
enumeration of models for both state transition P(xk |
# $ & # $ xk1 ) and the observation P(z k | xk ). These need to be
P xk1 | Zk1 = wik1 xk1 xk1
. (25.44)
presented in a form that allows instantiation of values
for z k , xk and xk1 . For low dimensional state spaces,
The prediction step requires that (25.44) is substituted interpolation in a lookup table is a viable representation.
into (25.8) where the joint density is marginalised. For high dimensional state spaces, the preferred method
Practically however, this complex step is avoided by im- is to provide a representation in terms of a function.
plicitly assuming that the importance density is exactly Practically, (25.46) and (25.49) are implemented as
the transition model as follows:
# $ # $
qk xki = P xki | xk1
. (25.45)
Time Update. A process model is defined in the usual
This allows new support values xki
to be drawn on state-space form as xk = f (xk1 , wk1 , k), where wk is
the basis of old support values xk1 while leaving the an independent noise sequence with known probability
density P(wk ). The prediction step is now implemented
weights unchanged wik = wik1 . With this, the prediction
as follows: Nk samples wik , i = 1, , Nk are drawn
becomes i
from the distribution P(wk ). The Nk support values xk1
Nk i
# $ & # $ together with the samples wk are passed through the
P xk | Zk1 = wik1 xk xki . (25.46) process model as
i=1 # i $
xki = f xk1 , wik1 , k (25.50)
The SMC observation update step is relatively straight-
forward. An observation model P(z k | xk ) is defined. yielding a new set of support vectors xki . The weights for
This is a function on both variables, z k and xk , these support vectors wik1 are not changed. In effect,
and is a probability distribution on z k (integrates the process model is simply used to do Nk simulations
to unity). When an observation or measurement is of state propagation.
12 Part C Sensing and Perception

Observation Update. The observation model is also de- marginalising out states that can be modeled without
Part C 25.1

fined in the usual state-space form as z k = h(xk , vk , k), sampling, a procedure known as RaoBlackwellisation.
where vk is an independent noise sequence with known
probability density P(vk ). The observation step is now 25.1.5 Alternatives to Probability
implemented as follows: A measurement z k = z k is
made. For each support value xki , a likelihood is com- The representation of uncertainty is so important to the
puted as problem of information fusion that a number of alter-
# $ # $ native modeling techniques have been proposed to deal
xki = P z k = z k | xk = xki . (25.51)
with perceived limitations in probabilistic methods.
Practically, this requires that the observation model be There are three main perceived limitations of prob-
in an equational form (such as a Gaussian) which al- abilistic modeling techniques.
lows computation of the likelihood in the error between
the measured value z k and the observations predicted 1. Complexity: the need to specify a large number
by each particle h(xki , k). The updated weights after of probabilities to be able to apply probabilistic
observation are just reasoning methods correctly.
# $ 2. Inconsistency: the difficulties involved in specifying
wik wik1 P z k = z k | xki . (25.52) a consistent set of beliefs in terms of probability and
using these to obtain consistent deductions about
Resampling states of interest.
After the weights are updated it is usual to resample 3. Precision of models: the need to be precise in the
the measure {xki , wik }i=1
N . This focuses the samples in on specification of probabilities for quantities about
those areas that have most probability density. The de- which little is known.
cision to resample is made on the basis of the effective 4. Uncertainty about uncertainty: the difficulty in as-
number, Neff of particles in the sample, approximately signing probability in the face of uncertainty, or
estimated from Neff = ' 1 i 2 . The Sampling Impor- ignorance about the source of information.
i (wk )
tance Resampling (SIR) algorithm resamples at every There are three main techniques put forward to ad-
cycle so that the weights are always equal. One of the dress these issues; interval calculus, fuzzy logic, and
key problems with resampling is that the sample set fix- the theory of evidence (Dempster-Shafer methods). We
ates on a few highly likely samples. This problem of briefly discuss each of these in turn.
fixating on a few highly likely particles during resam-
pling is known as sample impoverishment. Generally, it Interval Calculus
is good to resample when Neff falls to some fraction of The representation of uncertainty using an interval to
the actual samples (say 1/2). bound true parameter values has a number of potential
advantages over probabilistic techniques. In particular,
When to Use Monte Carlo Methods intervals provide a good measure of uncertainty in situ-
Monte Carlo (MC) methods are well suited to problems ations where there is a lack of probabilistic information,
where state transition models and observation models but in which sensor and parameter error is known to be
are highly non-linear. This is because sample-based bounded. In interval techniques, the uncertainty in a pa-
methods can represent very general probability densi- rameter x is simply described by a statement that the
ties. In particular multi-modal or multiple hypothesis true value of the state x is known to be bounded from
density functions are well handled by Monte Carlo tech- below by a, and from above by b; x [a, b]. It is im-
niques. One caveat to note however is that the models portant that no other additional probabilistic structure is
P(xk | xk1 ) and P(z k | xk ) must be enumerable in all implied, in particular the statement x [a, b] does not
cases and typically must be in a simple parametric form. necessarily imply that x is equally probable (uniformly
MC methods also span the gap between parametric and distributed) over the interval [a, b].
grid-based data fusion methods. There are a number of simple and basic rules for
Monte Carlo methods are inappropriate for problems the manipulation of interval errors. These are described
where the state space is of high dimension. In general the in detail in the book by Moore [25.13] (whose analysis
number of samples required to faithfully model a given was originally aimed at understanding limited precision
density increases exponentially with state space dimen- computer arithmetic). Briefly, with a, b, c, d , addi-
sion. The effects of dimensionality can be limited by tion, subtraction, multiplication and division are defined
Multisensor Data Fusion 25.1 Multisensor Data Fusion Methods 13

by the following algebraic relations a member of this set:

Part C 25.1

1 if x A
[a, b] + [c, d] = [a + c, b + d] ,
A " A (x) = .
[a, b] [c, d] = [a d, b c] , (25.53) 0 if x A
[a, b] [c, d] = [min(ac, ad, bc, bd),
For example X may be the set of all aircraft. The set
max(ac, ad, bc, bd)] , (25.54)
A may be the set of all supersonic aircraft. In the fuzzy
( )
[a, b] 1 1 logic literature, this is known as a crisp set. In contrast,
= [a, b] , , 0 [c, d] .
[c, d] d c a fuzzy set is one in which there is a degree of mem-
(25.55) bership, ranging between 0 and 1. A fuzzy membership
function A (x) then defines the degree of membership
It can be shown that interval addition and multipli- of an element x X in the set A. For example, if X is
cation are both associative and commutative. Interval again the set of all aircraft, A may be the set of all fast
arithmetic admits an obvious metric distance measure; aircraft. Then the fuzzy membership function A (x) as-
signs a value between 0 and 1 indicating the degree of
d([a, b], [c, d]) = max(|a c|, |b d|) . (25.56) membership of every aircraft x to this set. Formally

Matrix arithmetic using intervals is also possible, but A " A * [0, 1] .

substantially more complex, particularly when matrix
inversion is required. Composition rules for fuzzy sets follow the compo-
Interval calculus methods are sometimes used for sition processes for normal crisp sets, for example
detection. However, they are not generally used in data A B " AB (x) = min[ A (x), B (x)] ,
fusion problems since:
A B " AB (x) = max[ A (x), B (x)] .
1. it is difficult to get results that converge to anything
of value (it is too pessimistic), and The normal properties associated with binary logic now
2. it is hard to encode dependencies between variables hold; commutativity, associativity, idempotence, dis-
which are at the core of many data fusion problems. tributivity, De Morgans law and absorption. The only
exception is that the law of the excluded middle is no
longer true
Fuzzy Logic
Fuzzy logic has found wide-spread popularity as A A = X , A A = .
a method for representing uncertainty particularly in
applications such as supervisory control and high-level Together these definitions and laws provide a systematic
data fusion tasks. It is often claimed that fuzzy logic pro- means of reasoning about inexact values.
vides an ideal tool for inexact reasoning, particularly in The relationship between fuzzy set theory and prob-
rule-based systems. Certainly, fuzzy logic has had some ability is still hotly debated.
notable success in practical application.
A great deal has been written about fuzzy sets and Evidential Reasoning
fuzzy logic (see for example [25.14] and the discus- Evidential reasoning (often called the DempsterShafer
sion in [25.15, Chap. 11]). Here we briefly describe theory of evidence after the originators of these ideas)
the main definitions and operations without any attempt has seen intermittent success particularly in automated
to consider the more advanced features of fuzzy logic reasoning applications. Evidential reasoning is quali-
methods. tatively different from either probabilistic methods or
Consider a universal set consisting of the elements fuzzy set theory in the following sense: Consider a uni-
x; X = {x}. Consider a proper subset A X such that versal set X. In probability theory or fuzzy set theory,
a belief mass may be placed on any element xi X
A = {x | x has some specific property} . and indeed on any subset A X. In evidential reason-
ing, belief mass can not only be placed on elements and
In conventional logic systems, we can define a mem- sets, but also sets of sets. Specifically, while the domain
bership function A (x) (also called the characteristic of probabilistic methods is all possible subsets X, the
function which reports if a specific element x X is domain of evidential reasoning is the power set 2X .
14 Part C Sensing and Perception

As an example, consider the mutually exclusive set alternatives. In probability theory, this would be dealt
Part C 25.2

X = {occupied, empty}. In probability theory we might with in a very different manner by assigning an equal
assign a probability to each possible event. For exam- or uniform probability to each alternative. Yet, stating
ple, P(occupied) = 0.3, and thus P(empty) = 0.7. In that there is a 50% chance of occupancy is clearly not
evidential reasoning, we construct the set of all subsets the same as saying that it is unknown if it will occupied
or not. The use of the power set as the frame of dis-
2X = {{occupied, empty}, {occupied}, {empty}, } , cernment allows a far richer representation of beliefs.
However, this comes at the cost of a substantial increase
and belief mass is assigned to all elements of this set as
in complexity. If there are n elements in the original set
m({occupied, empty}) = 0.5 , X, then there will be 2n possible subsets on which a be-
lief mass will be assigned. For large n, this is clearly
m({occupied}) = 0.3 , intractable. Further, when the set is continuous, the set
m({empty}) = 0.2 , of all subsets is not even measurable.
m() = 0.0 , Evidential reasoning methods provide a means of
assigning, and combing belief masses on sets. Methods
(the null set is assigned a belief mass of zero for nor- also exist for obtaining related measures called sup-
malisation purposes). The interpretation of this is that port and plausibility which, in effect, provide upper and
there is a 30% chance of occupied, a 20% chance of lower probability bounds in agreement with Dempsters
empty and a 50% chance of either occupied or empty. In original formulation of this method.
effect, the measure placed on the set containing both oc- Evidential reasoning can play an important role in
cupied and empty, is a measure of ignorance or inability discrete data fusion systems, particularly in areas such
to distinguish between the two alternatives. See [25.16] as attribute fusion, and situation assessment, where in-
for a more detailed example of applying the evidential formation may be unknown or ambiguous. Its use in
method to certainty-grid navigation. lower-level data fusion problems is challenging as the
Evidential reasoning thus provides a method of cap- assignment of belief mass to the power set scales expo-
turing ignorance or an inability to distinguish between nentially with state cardinality.

25.2 Multisensor Fusion Architectures

The multisensor fusion methods described in the pre- are not generally appropriate in robotics applications
vious section provide the algorithmic means by which and so the JDL model is not discuss this further here
sensor data and their associated uncertainty models can (see [25.17,18] for details). Other classification schemes
be used to construct either implicit or explicit models of distinguish between low and high level fusion [25.19],
the environment. However, a multisensor fusion system or centralised versus decentralised processing or data
must include many other functional components to man- versus variable [25.20].
age and control the fusion process. The organisation of A general architectural framework for multisensor
these is termed a multisensor fusion architecture. robotic systems has been developed and described in
detail by Makarenko [25.21], and we will base our dis-
25.2.1 Architectural Taxonomy cussion on his approach. A system architecture is defined
in terms of:
Multisensor systems architectures can be organized in
various ways. The military community has developed Meta Architecture. A set of high-level considerations
a layout of functional architectures based on the joint that strongly characterize the system structure. The se-
directors of the laboratories (JDL) model for multisen- lection and organization of the system elements may
sor systems. This approach views multisensor fusion be guided by aesthetics, efficiency, or other design cri-
in terms of signal, feature, threat and situation analysis teria and goals (for example, system and component
levels (so-called JDL levels). The assessment of such comprehensibility, modularity, scalability, portability,
systems is specified in terms of tracking performance, interoperability, (de)centralization, robustness, fault tol-
survivability, efficiency and bandwidth. Such measures erance).
Multisensor Data Fusion 25.2 Multisensor Fusion Architectures 15

Algorithmic Architecture. A specific set of information requires quantitative measures in terms of time com-

Part C 25.2
fusion and decision making methods. These meth- plexity, space complexity, robustness, and efficiency.
ods address data heterogeneity, registration, calibration, In addition, designing and implementing real-time
consistency, information content, independence, time in- systems are becoming increasingly complex owing to
terval and scale, and relationships between models and many added features such as graphical user interfaces
uncertainty. (GUIs), visualization capabilities, and the use of many
sensors of different types. Therefore, many software
Conceptual Architecture. The granularity and func- engineering issues such as reusability and the use of
tional roles of components (specifically, mappings from COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) components [25.23],
algorithmic elements to functional structures). real time issues [25.2426], sensor selection [25.27], re-
liability [25.2830], and embedded testing [25.31] are
Logical Architecture. Detailed canonical component now getting more attention from system developers.
types (i. e., object-oriented specifications) and inter- Each sensor type has different characteristics and
faces to formalise intercomponent services. Components functional descriptions. Consequently, some approaches
may be ad hoc or regimented, and other concerns in- aim to develop general methods of modeling sensor sys-
clude granularity, modularity, reuse, verification, data tems in a manner that is independent of the physical
structures, semantics, etc. Communication issues in- sensors used. In turn, this enables the performance and
clude hierarchical versus heterarchical organization, robustness of multisensor systems to be studied in a gen-
shared memory versus message passing, information- eral way. There have been many attempts to provide the
based characterizations of subcomponent interactions, general model, along with its mathematical basis and
pull/push mechanisms, subscribe-publish mechanisms, description. Some of these modeling techniques con-
etc. Control involves both the control of actuation sys- cern error analysis and fault tolerance of multisensor
tems within the multisensor fusion system, as well systems [25.3237]. Other techniques are model based,
as control of information requests and dissemination and require a priori knowledge of the sensed object
within the system, and any external control decisions and its environment [25.3840]. These help fit data
and commands. to a model, but do not always provide the means to
compare alternatives. Task-directed sensing is another
Execution Architecture. Defines mapping of compo- approach to devising sensing strategies [25.4143].
nents to execution elements. This includes internal or General sensor modeling work has had a consider-
external methods of ensuring correctness of the code able influence on the evolution of multisensor fusion
(i. e., that the environment and sensor models have been architectures.
correctly transformed from mathematical or other for- Another approach to modeling sensor systems is to
mal descriptions into computer implementations), and define sensori-computational systems associated with
also validation of the models (i. e., ensure that the for- each sensor to allow design, comparison, transforma-
mal descriptions match physical reality to the required tion, and reduction of any sensory system [25.44]. In
extent). this approach, the concept of an information invariant
In any closed-loop control system, sensors are used is used to define a measure of information complexity.
to provide the feedback information describing the cur- This provides a computational theory allowing analysis,
rent status of the system and its uncertainties. Building comparison and reduction of sensor systems.
a sensor system for a given application is a system en- In general terms, multisensor fusion architectures
gineering process that includes the analysis of system may be classified according to the choice along four
requirements, a model of the environment, the determi- independent design dimensions:
nation of system behavior under different conditions,
and the selection of suitable sensors [25.22]. The next 1. centralized decentralized,
step in building the sensor system is to assemble the 2. local global interaction of components,
hardware components and develop the necessary soft- 3. modular monolithic, and
ware modules for data fusion and interpretation. Finally, 4. heterarchical hierarchical.
the system is tested, and the performance is analysed. The most prevalent combinations are:
Once the system is built, it is necessary to monitor
the different components of the system for the purpose centralized, global interaction, and hierarchical,
of testing, debugging, and analysis. The system also decentralized, global interaction, and heterarchical,
16 Part C Sensing and Perception

decentralized, local interaction, and hierarchical, user, at least in principle, does not need to understand
Part C 25.2

decentralized, local interaction, and heterarchical. how sensor modalities relate, nor model the uncertain-
ties, nor, in fact, determine the structure of the system
In some cases explicit modularity is also desirable. more than to specify the number of layers in the network
Most existing multisensor architectures fit reasonably and the number of nodes per layer. The neural network is
well into one of these categories. These categories make presented with a set of training examples, and must de-
no general commitment to the algorithmic architecture; termine through the weights on the neuron connections,
if the algorithmic architecture is the predominant fea- the optimal mapping from inputs to desired outputs (e.g.,
ture of a system, then it will be characterized as part classifications, control signals, etc.) [25.53, 54].
of multisensor fusion theory in Sect. 25.1; otherwise, Various other methods exist; for example,
it merely differentiates methods within one of the four Hager [25.42, 43] defines a task-oriented approach to
meta architectures. sensor fusion based on Bayesian decision theory and
develops an object oriented programming framework.
25.2.2 Centralized, Local Interaction, Joshi and Sanderson [25.55] describe a
and Hierarchical
methodology for addressing model selection and
multisensor fusion issues using representation size
Centralized, local interaction and hierarchical archi-
(description length) to choose (1) model class and
tectures encompass a number of system philosophies.
number of parameters, (2) model parameter resolu-
Least representationally demanding is the subsumption
tion (3) subset of observed features to model, and
architecture initially proposed by Braitenberg [25.45]
(4) correspondence to map features to models.
and popularized by Brooks [25.46]. The subsumption
multisensor architecture defines behaviors as the basic Their approach is broader than an architecture and
components, and employs a layered set of behaviors to uses a minimization criterion to synthesize a multisen-
embody one program (monolithic). Any behavior may sor fusion system to solve specific 2D and 3D object
utilize the output of other behaviors, and may also in- recognition problems.
hibit other behaviors. The hierarchy is defined by the
layers, although this is not always clear-cut. The major 25.2.3 Decentralized, Global Interaction,
design philosophy is to develop behaviors directly from and Heterarchical
perception-action loops without recourse to brittle, en-
vironment representations. This leads to robustness in The major example of of the decentralised, global inter-
operation, but a lack of composite behavior predictabil- action meta-architecture is the blackboard system. There
ity. have been many examples of blackboard systems de-
A more sophisticated (representationally) behavior- veloped for data fusion applications. For example, the
based system is the distributed field robot architecture SEPIA system of Cherfaoui and Vachon [25.56] uses
(DFRA) [25.47]. This is a generalization of the sensor logical sensors (see below) in the form of modular
fusion effects (SFX) architecture [25.48]. This ap- agents which post results to a blackboard. The over-
proach exploits modularity, and aims to achieve both all architectural goals for blackboards include; efficient
behavior-based and deliberative action, reconfigurabil- collaboration and dynamic configuration. Experiments
ity and interoperability through the use of Java, Jini and are reported on an indoor robot moving from room to
XML, fault tolerance, adaptability, longevity, consistent room.
interfaces and dynamic components. The algorithmic The MESSIE system [25.57] is a scene interpreta-
architecture is based on fuzzy logic controllers. Experi- tion system based on multisensor fusion; it has been
ments have been demonstrated on outdoor mobile robot applied to the interpretation of remotely sensed im-
navigation. ages. A typology of the multisensor fusion concepts
Other similar architectures of this type include is presented, and the consequences of modeling prob-
perception action networks Lee [25.49, 50], while lems for objects, scene and strategy are derived. The
Draper [25.51] focuses on types of information proposed multi-specialist architecture generalized the
needed to perform tasks (higher-level integration); see ideas of their previous work by taking into account
also [25.52]. the knowledge of sensors, the multiple viewing no-
Another approach to this type of sensor fusion is to tion (shot), and the uncertainty and imprecision of
use artificial neural networks. The advantage is that the models and data modeled with possibility theory. In
Multisensor Data Fusion 25.2 Multisensor Fusion Architectures 17

particular, generic models of objects are represented sentation of the information provided by many sensors of

Part C 25.2
by concepts independent of sensors (geometry, mater- different types. This representation provides a means for
ials, and spatial context). Three kinds of specialists recovery from sensor failure, and also facilitates recon-
are present in the architecture: generic specialists figuration of the sensor system when adding or replacing
(scene and conflict), semantic object specialists, and sensors [25.62].
low level specialists. A blackboard structure with ILSS is defined as an extension to LSS, and it is
a centralized control is used. The interpreted scene comprised of the following components (Fig. 25.4):
is implemented as a matrix of pointers enabling con-
1. ILS name: uniquely identifies a module;
flicts to be detected very easily. Under the control
2. Characteristic output vector (COV): strongly typed
of the scene specialist, the conflict specialist resolves
output structure, with one output vector and zero or
conflicts using the spatial context knowledge of ob-
more input vectors;
jects. Finally, an interpretation system with SAR/SPOT
3. Commands: input commands to the module, and
sensors is described, and an example of a session con-
output commands to the other modules;
cerned with bridge, urban area and road detection is
4. Select function: selector that detects the failure of
an alternate and switches to another alternate if
25.2.4 Decentralized, Local Interaction,
5. Alternate subnets: alternative ways of producing
and Hierarchical
the COVout ; it is these implementations of one or
more algorithms that carry the main functions of the
One of the earliest proposals for this type of archi-
tecture is the RCS (realtime control system) [25.58].
6. Control command interpreter (CCI): interpreter of
RCS is presented as a cognitive architecture for intel-
the commands to the module;
ligent control, but essentially uses multisensor fusion
7. Embedded tests: self-testing routines that increase
to achieve complex control. RCS focuses on task
robustness and facilitate debugging;
decomposition as the fundamental organizing princi-
8. Monitors: modules that check the validity of the
ple. It defines a set of nodes, each comprised of
resulting COVs; and
a sensor processor, a world model, and a behav-
9. Taps: hooks on the output lines to view different
ior generation component. Nodes communicate with
COV values.
other nodes, generally in a hierarchical manner, al-
though across layer connections are allowed. The system These components identify the system behavior
supports a wide variety of algorithmic architectures, and provide mechanisms for on-line monitoring and
from reactive behavior to semantic networks. More-
over, it maintains signals, images, and maps, and
Commands in COVout
allows tight coupling between iconic and symbolic
representations. The architecture does not generally al-
low dynamic reconfiguration, but maintains the static ILSS name
module connectivity structure of the specification.
RCS has been demonstrated in unmanned ground Command control interpreter (CCI)

vehicles [25.59]. Other object-oriented approaches in-

clude [25.34, 60].
Select function
An early architectural approach which advocated
strong programming semantics for multisensor systems
Subnet n
Subnet 1

Subnet 2

Subnet 3

is the logical sensor system (LSS). This approach ex-


ploits functional (or applicative) language theory to

achieve that.
The most developed version of LSS is instrumented
LSS [25.22]. The ILLS approach is based on LSS in-
troduced by Shilcrat and Henderson [25.61]. The LSS
methodology is designed to specify any sensor in such
Commands out COVin
a way that hides its physical nature. The main goal
behind LSS was to develop a coherent and efficient pre- Fig. 25.4 Instrumented logical sensor module
18 Part C Sensing and Perception

debugging. In addition, they provide handles for mea- Meta Architecture

Part C 25.2

suring the run-time performance of the system. Monitors The distinguishing features of ASN are its commitment
are validity check stations that filter the output and to decentralization, modularity, and strictly local inter-
alert the user to any undesired results. Each moni- actions (this may be physical or by type). Thus, these
tor is equipped with a set of rules (or constraints) are communicating processes. By decentralized is meant
that governs the behavior of the COV under different that no component is central to operation of the sys-
conditions. tem, and the communication is peer to peer. Also, there
Embedded testing is used for on-line checking are no central facilities or services (e.g., for commu-
and debugging purposes. Weller proposed a sensor- nication, name and service lookup or timing). These
processing model with the ability to detect measurement features lead to a system that is scalable, fault tolerant,
errors and to recover from these errors [25.31]. This and reconfigurable.
method is based on providing each system module with Local interactions mean that the number of com-
verification tests to verify certain characteristics in the munication links does not change with the network
measured data, and to verify the internal and output data size. Moreover, the number of messages should also
resulting from the sensor-module algorithm. The recov- remain constant. This makes the system scalable and
ery strategy is based on rules that are local to the different reconfigurable as well.
sensor modules. ILSS uses a similar approach called lo- Modularity leads to interoperability derived from in-
cal embedded testing, in which each module is equipped terface protocols, reconfigurability, and fault tolerance:
with a set of tests based on the semantic definition of failure may be confined to individual modules.
that module. These tests generate input data to check
different aspects of the module, then examine the output Algorithmic Architecture
of the module using a set of constraints and rules de- There are three main algorithmic components: belief
fined by the semantics. Also, these tests can take input fusion, utility fusion and policy selection. Belief fusion
from other modules to check the operation of a group of is achieved by communicating all beliefs to neighboring
modules. Examples are given of a wall-pose estimation platforms. A belief is defined as a probability distribution
system comprised of a Labmate platform with a cam- of the world state space.
era and sonars. Many extensions have been proposed for Utility fusion is handled by separating the individual
LSS [25.63, 64]. platforms partial utility into the team utility of belief
quality and local utilities of action and communication.
25.2.5 Decentralized, Local Interaction, The downside is that the potential coupling between
and Heterarchical individual actions and messages is ignored because the
utilities of action and communication remain local.
The best example of this meta architecture is the active The communication and action policies are chosen
sensor network (ASN) framework for distributed data by maximizing expected values. The selected approach
fusion developed by Makarenko [25.21, 65]. The distin- is to achieve point maximization for one particular
guishing features of the various architectures are now state and follows the work of Manyika and Grochol-
described. sky [25.11, 66].

Table 25.1 Canonical components and the roles they play. Multiple Xs in the same row indicate that some inter-role
relationships are internalized within a component. FRAME does not participate in information fusion or decision making
but is required for localization and other platform-sepcific tasks (from [25.21])
Component Belief Plan Action
Type Source Fuse/Dist Sink Source Fuse/Dist Sink Source Sink
Multisensor Data Fusion 25.3 Applications 19

Conceptual Architecture six canonical component types as described in Ta-

Part C 25.3
The data types of the system include ble 25.1 [25.21].
Makarenko then describes how to combine the com-
1. beliefs: current world beliefs,
ponents and interfaces to realize the use cases of the
2. plans: future planned world beliefs, and
problem domain in ASN.
3. actions: future planned actions.
The definition of component roles leads to a natural Execution Architecture
partition of the system. The execution architecture traces the mapping of logi-
The information fusion task is achieved through the cal components to runtime elements, such as processes
definition of four component roles for each data type; and shared libraries. The deployment view shows the
these are: source, sink, fuser, and distributor. (Note that mapping of physical components onto the nodes of
the data type action does not have fuser or distributor the physical system. The source code view explains
component roles.) how the software implementing the system is or-
Connections between distributors form the backbone ganized. At the architectural level, three items are
of the ASN framework, and the information exchanged addressed: execution, deployment, and source code or-
is in the form of their local beliefs. Similar consider- ganization.
ations are used to determine component roles for the The experimental implementation of the ASN frame-
decision making and the system configuration tasks. work has proven to be flexible enough to accommodate
a variety of system topologies, platform and sensor
Logical Architecture hardware, and environment representations. Several ex-
A detailed architecture specification is determined amples are given with a variety of sensors, processors
from the conceptual architecture. It is comprised of and hardware platforms.

25.3 Applications
Multisensor fusion systems have been applied to a wide probes (CMMs), etc. The result is usually expressed
variety of problems in robotics (see references for this as geometry (points, lines, surfaces), features (holes,
chapter), but the two most general areas are dynamic sinks, corners, etc.), or physical properties. Part of
system control and environment modeling. Although the problem includes the determination of optimal
there is some overlap in these, they may be generally sensor placement.
characterized as
25.3.1 Dynamic System Control
dynamic system control: the problem is to use ap-
propriate models and sensors to control the state
The EMS-Vision system [25.67] is an outstanding ex-
of a dynamic system (e.g., industrial robot, mo-
emplar of this application domain. The goal is to develop
bile robot, autonomous vehicle, surgical robot, etc.).
a robust and reliable perceptual system for autonomous
Usually such systems involve real-time feedback
vehicles. The development goals as stated by the EMS-
control loops for steering, acceleration, and behavior
Vision team are:
selection. In addition to state estimation, uncer-
tainty models are required. Sensors may include, COTS components,
force/torque sensors, gyros, GPS, position encoders, wide variety of objects modeled and incorporated
cameras, range finders, etc.; into behaviors,
environment modeling: the problem is to use appro- inertial sensors for ego-state estimation,
priate sensors to construct a model of some aspect peripheral/foveal/saccadic vision,
of the physical environment. This may be a partic- knowledge and goal driven behavior,
ular object, e.g., a cup, a physical part, a face, etc., state tracking for objects,
or a larger part of the surroundings: e.g., the interior 25 Hz real-time update rate.
of a building, part of a city or an extended remote or
underground area. Typical sensors include cameras, The approach has been in development since the 1980s;
radar, 3-D range finders, IR, tactile sensors and touch Fig. 25.5 shows the first vehicle to drive fully au-
20 Part C Sensing and Perception

tial/vision multisensor guidance system, while Fig. 25.8

Part C 25.3

shows the hardware aspects.

In summary, the EMS-Vision system is an interesting
and powerful demonstration of multisensor fusion for
dynamic system control.

25.3.2 ANSER II: Decentralised Data Fusion

Decentralised data fusion (DDF) methods were initially

motivated by the insight that the information or canon-
ical form of the conventional Kalman filter data fusion
algorithm could be implemented by simply adding in-
formation contributions from observations as shown
in (25.41). As these (vector and matrix) additions are
commutative, the update or data fusion process can
be optimally distributed amongst a network of sen-
sors [25.11, 12, 68]. The aim of the ANSER II project
Fig. 25.5 First fully autonomous vehicle on German autobahn was to generalise the DDF method to deal with non-
Gaussian probabilities for observations and states, and
tonomously on the German autobahn for 20 km and at to incorporate information from a diversity of sources
speeds up to 96 km/h. including uninhabited air and ground vehicles, terrain
Information from inertial and vision sensors is com- data-bases and human operatives.
bined to produce a road scene tree (Fig. 25.6). A 4-D The mathematical structure of a DDF sensor node is
generic object representation is built which includes shown in Fig. 25.9. The sensor is modeled directly in the
background knowledge of the object (e.g., roads), its be- form of a likelihood function. Once instantiated with an
havioral capabilities, object state and variances, shape observation, the likelihood function is input to a local fu-
and aspect parameters. Figure 25.7 shows the 4-D iner- sion loop which implements a local form of the Bayesian

Platform base
Wide angle left
y Color tele straight
xwT xT
z ywl
Wide angle right Pan and movable part
ywr of gaze control platform
zW yT Fixed on two-axis
gaze control platform
ro a xRf
h of xR1 yRf Road at
st re t c lookahead
Own vehicle E xten zRf distance Lf
Road at x yR1
y zR1
yR0 xR0


Fig. 25.6 EMS-Vision road scene tree

Multisensor Data Fusion 25.3 Applications 21

time and observation update of (25.7) and (25.8). Net- abilities are modeled in the form of a mixture of

Part C 25.3
work nodes accumulate probabilistic information from Gaussians. Each platform then maintains a bank of
observation or communication and exchange mutual in- decentralised, non-Gaussian Bayesian filters for the ob-
formation (information gain) with other nodes in the served features, and transmits this information to all
network [25.21]. This mutual information is transmit- other platforms. The net result is that each platform
ted to and assimilated by other nodes in the network maintains a complete map of all features observed by all
in an ad-hoc manner. The result is that all nodes in the nodes in the network. Multiple observations of the same
network obtain a single integrated posterior probability feature, possibly by different platforms, results in an in-
based all node observations. creasingly accurate estimate of the feature location for
The ANSER II system consists of a pair of au- all nodes. A corresponding discrete probability measure
tonomous air vehicles equipped with infra-red and is used for Fig. 25.10 shows a synopsis of the operation
visual sensors, a pair of unmanned ground vehicles of the ANSER II system.
equipped with visual and radar sensors, and additional The ANSER II system demonstrates a number of
information provided by geometric and hyper-spectral general principles in Bayesian data fusion methods.
data bases, along with information input by human Specifically the need to appropriately model sensors
operatives [25.69]. The likelihood functions for single- through the likelihood function, and the possibility of
sensor features are obtained through a semi-supervised building very different data fusion architectures from
machine learning method [25.70]. The resulting prob- the essential Bayesian form.

Short-term (high-frequency, 100 Hz) Best low frequency inertial ego-state estimate
Strap-down navigation High-frequency inertial
ego-state Prediction
Xi, st for inertial
3 orthogonal 3 orthogonal Time
delayed +
accelerations angular rates vis-
X , E

(static objects)
Gaze Low frequency
Gaze control (time delayed)
platform Ego-state (own body) estimates
of inertial data
of the surface:
Frame Feature , , , Hgeo
grabber extract. States of
other V
t / TV-cycles Conventional
ax ay z 0 1 2 3 4 5
Typical time delays in image sequence processing

Low-pass filtering
for stationary
4-D visual / inertial joint data interpretation
(gravity vector) for dynamic ground vehicle guidance
Fig. 25.7 EMS-Vision guidance system
22 Part C Sensing and Perception
Part C 25.3

Switch Switch
Fast ethernet Ethernet

Image- Image- Image-
Behavior Gateway
proc. proc. proc.
PC 1 PC 2 PC 3

Video Link or CAN Link

subsystem subsystem

GPS Inertial Actuators

sensors Convent. sensors
+ Accel. + Odometry + Throttle
VaPM only sensors + Stearing angle + Brake
+ Rate + Throttle position + Stearing
sensors + Brake pressure
+ Angle + Motor revolution

Fig. 25.8 EMS-Vision hardware layout

Sensor node

Preprocess zi (k) Pi (z | x) P
Density Likelihood
and feature Channel filter
fitting model
Pi (z =zi (k)| x)

Observation P (xk | Z k1,zi (k)) Q

update Channel filter

P (xk | Z k1,zi (k))

P (xk | Z k1)

Time update P (xk | Z k ) Assimilation

(convolution) (multiplication) P (xk | zQ , zP)

Fig. 25.9 Mathematical structure of a decentralised data fusion node

Multisensor Data Fusion 25.4 Conclusions and Further Reading 23

Part C 25.4
Fig. 25.10ai A synopsis of the ANSER II autonomous network and its operation. (ac) Main system components; (a) air vehicle,
(b) ground vehicle, (c) human operative. (de) The perception process; (d) top three dimensions of features discovered from
ground-based visual sensor data along with the derived mixture model describing these feature properties, (e) sector of the overall
picture obtained from fusing air vehicle (UAV), ground vehicle (GV) and human operator (HO) information. Each set of ellipses
corresponds to a particular feature and the labels represent the identity state with highest probability. (fi) Sequential fusion
process for two close landmarks: (f) a tree and a red car, (g) bearing-only visual observations of these landmarks are successively
fused, (h) to determine location and identity (i). Note the Gaussian mixture model for the bearing measurement likelihood

25.4 Conclusions and Further Reading

Multisensor data fusion has progressed much in the and integration conference and journal literature. Ro-
last few decades; further advances in the field will bust applications are being fielded based on the body
be documented in the robotics and multisensor fusion of theory and experimental knowledge produced by
24 Part C Sensing and Perception

the research community. Current directions of interest the particular context in which the system is de-
Part C 25

include: ployed.
Further pushing the envelope of both technology and
1. large-scale, ubiquitous sensor systems,
theory will permit the introduction of micro and nano
2. bio-based or biomimetic systems,
sensors into the human body and allow the monitor-
3. medical in situ applications, and
ing and locally adaptive treatment of various maladies.
4. wireless sensor networks.
Finally, a more complete theoretical framework is still
Representative large-scale examples include intelligent required which encompasses system models for wire-
vehicle and road systems, as well as instrumented less sensor networks. This should include models of the
contexts such as cities. Biological principles may physical phenomena being monitored, as well as opera-
provide fundamentally distinct approaches to the ex- tional and network issues. Finally, numerical analysis of
ploitation of dense, redundant, correlated, noisy sensors, the algorithmic properties of data-driven systems with
especially when considered as part of a Gibbsian sensor data error sources which must be unified with the
framework for behavioral response to environmen- analysis of truncation, roundoff, and other errors.
tal stimuli. Another issue here is the development A firm foundation exists upon which to build these
of a theoretical understanding of sensor system de- new theories, systems, and applications. It will be a vi-
velopment, adaptivity and learning with respect to brant area of research for years to come!


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