Capitaliziation Titles

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Format the title in the sentence below.

1. Since seeing How to Train Your Dragon last week, Steve Carrell has been trying
to teach his parakeet to fetch.
2. At the talent show, Karen Filippeli played the song I Knew You Were Trouble on
the accordion.
3. Earl thinks he could write a poem as good as Fog.

Capitalize and format the title in the sentence below.

1. Tinkerbell suggested that our book club read matilda next month.
2. Morgan Freeman spends his Saturday mornings sitting on a park bench and
reading the book the outsiders to the ducklings.
3. Ted hopes that there will be a sequel to the novel the book thief someday.

If the wrong word is used below, change it.

1. When Miranda Lambert sent an birthday poem to her friend,she didn't expect it
to go viral on Facebook.
2. Marshall thought he had found a four-leaf clover, but upon closer inspection it
only had three leaves.
3. Unless someone is willing to lend him one, Drake Parker will have to buy a
umbrella for his upcoming trip.

fix any capitalization errors below. Keep it if it is correct.

1. Sherlock Holmes was late for chemistry 2 because the school bus had a flat tire.
2. When Morgan Freeman found an ugly bug in the park, he brought it to school for
his Science class to see.
3. Expecting a dull lecture, Mozart was thrilled to do a hands-on experiment in
Honors chemistry.
4. When Aria Montgomery went on a tour of the chocolate factory, she also got to
meet the company's President.
5. Molly met emperor Li in an airport last summer.
6. After Thor rescued the town from the dragon, king bob gave him three hundred
gold coins.
7. Before meeting the Senator, Sheldon Cooper nervously practiced his speech in
front of a mirror.
8. Unexpectedly, Jeanine Matthews announced that she planned to leave the secret
society in Mid-March.
9. James Franco's memoir was Self-Published as an e-book last year.
10. Karen Filippeli couldn't believe the ex-President was going to come to her

fix any capitalization errors below

1. Miranda Lambert asked, "do you have another book I can read?"
2. Clark wondered if "Those mean zookeepers" would ever buy the iguanas a new
3. According to Leonard Hofstadter's review, the movie is so funny that, "You'll be
laughing for days."
4. Jumping around the bouncy castle, I yelled "birthday parties at Mr. Incredible's
are the best!"

I am talking to Carol. Do I need to add punctuation? Where?

Carol get your stuff together!

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