Exams Climatechange

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Geol 101: Physical Geology PAST EXAM QUESTIONS LECTURE 34: CLIMATE CHANGE 34, The last ice age that occurred on Earth is commonly referred to as the ice age, ‘A. Pleistocene B. Holocene . Carboniferous D. Tertary E. Jurassic 34, The ice age deseribed in question 15 above ended about, years ago. milion 100,000 10,000 1,000 500 a> moo 34. Which ofthe following statements about ice ages is FALSE? the last ice age ended about 10,000 years ago ice ages are caused by Milankovitch cycles, sea level has risen by about 130m since the end of the last ice age the Sahara desert had a warm and wet climate during the last ice age ‘almost the entire planet was covered by ice during the last ice age moom> 34, Which ofthe following statements about the last ice age is FALSE? ‘A. about 30% of the Earth's surface was covered in ice B, there were ~20 cycles of cooling during the last ice age as temperatures repeatedly rose and fell C. Moscow, Idaho, was not covered by ice sheets during the last ice age D. the jast ice age ended about 2,000 years ago . the were many pluvial and proglacial lakes in North America during the last ice age 34, During the lat ice age, global temperatures were actually quite variable but with regular cycles. How often were there major lows in global temperatures during the last ice age? ‘every 100,000 years ‘every 20,000 — 40,000 years ‘every 10,000 20,000 years ‘every 10,000 years ‘every 1000 years moom> 34, What characteristic ofthe Earth Is responsible for the temperature cyclicty described in question 17 above? precession of Earth's rotational axis ‘changes in the til of Earth's rotational axis, C. magnetic pole reversals D. eccentricity of Earth's orbit around the Sun E_ major voleanic episodes a> 34, Which ofthe following statements about the last ice age is FALSE? ‘A. about 10% of the Earth's surface was covered in ice B. there were ~20 cycles of cooling during the last ice age as temperatures repeatedly rose and fell C. Moscow, Idaho, was not covered by ice sheets during the last ice age D. recessional moraines in the Great Lakes region provide evidence ofthe extent of ice sheets E! there were pluvial and proglacial lakes in North America during the last ice age 34, The type of lake that forms 100s of miles away from the edge of an ice sheet during an ice age is called a ‘A. pluvial lake B. proglacial ake CC. paternaster lake 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, 34, D. finger lake E: kettle lake: ‘The ice age period lake in what is now Utah that caused a giant flood to rush downstream along the Snake River towards the end of the last ice age was called: ‘A. Glacial Lake Missoula B. Great Salt Lake Cl Finger Lake D. Lake Bonneville E. Lake Prove Is an example of a pluvial lake that formed during the last ice age at quite a large distance away from ‘2dge afihe ice sheet, in currant-day Utah, Lake Missoula B. Lake Bonneville C. Great Salt Lake D. E > Lake Chag Lake Placis is an example of a proglacial lake that broke though its ice dam near the end of the ice age, forming the scablands of Easter Washington during to the resultant flood \. Lake Missoula Lake Bonneville Great Salt Lake Lake Chag Lake Placia > 5 c. D. E During the last ice age, sea level was: ‘A, about 130 m higher than itis today BB. about 130 m lower than itis today about 10.m higher than itis today 9. about 10 m lower than itis today ‘about the same level as itis today mop Which ofthe following processes can ultimately affect global clmate? ‘A. plato tectonics B._voleanic eruptions ©. meteorite collisions D. precession E._allof the above Itis boleved that regular cyciical changes in global climate are totally natural at time scales of 100,000 years as well as at time scales of 20,000 to 40,000 years, albeit due to different influences. These cycles are called: ‘A, Precession cycles B. Eccentricity cycles C. Kyoto cycles D. Milankevitch cycles E! Komandorskiy cycles ‘The two factors that are hypothesized to produce Milankovitch cycles are: ‘greenhouse gases and chiorofluorocarbons ‘global warming and ice ages ¢. eccentricity and precession . meteorite impacts and voleanie eruptions E! oddity and obsession a> Which ofthe following is NOT a type of global warming snducing greenhouse gas produced by anthropogenic influences? A. dihydrogen oxide B. carton dioxide C._methane D. enlorefuorecarbons E._allofthe above are greenhouse gases

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