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The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

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The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

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The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

Table of Contents
Introduction to Google AdSense and this Booklet..................................................................... 5

THE Guaranteed Blueprint! 5 Steps to Making Money With Google AdSense........................ 6

First of All, Learn What Is Google AdSense! .......................................................................... 10

How Does Google AdSense Work? ......................................................................................... 14

Tutorial: How to Set Up AdSense Ad Units and AdSense for Search..................................... 18

6 Top Performing Google AdSense Placement Layouts.......................................................... 25

13+1 Foolproof Google AdSense Strategies ............................................................................ 29

3 Inspirational Google AdSense Earnings Case Studies .......................................................... 35

Finally: 8 Reliable Google AdSense Alternatives.................................................................... 37

Your Next Step to Success: Your Ticket to Freedom and Other Free Resources ................ 43 4
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

Introduction to Google AdSense and this

Welcome to The Complete Guide to Google AdSense. Thanks for downloading this booklet.

In the following chapters youll find all the information you could ever need to know to start
earning serious money with AdSense.

From what is Google AdSense and how it works, to how you can install it on your site and
optimize it for the highest conversion rate and income, you can find here all the information, I

Also, I created this guide with the 80-20 rule in mind: Ill show you the way to get 80% of
the rewards from merely 20% of the work. So yes, there are many other techniques and tips
regarding Google AdSense that I havent covered below, but you will find here everything

This way you can focus on the strategies I share with you here, and dont have to waste your
time on unproductive matters.

However, note that this eBook alone is not going to help you make money online. If you
dont already have a website that receives lots of targeted traffic, or you dont know how to
create one, this guide wont be of much use, since it focuses solely on certain strategies on
getting the most out of AdSense.

So if you have no idea how to build a high-traffic website or blog that you could later
monetize with AdSense, I highly recommend you check out Your AZ Guide to Building an
eBusiness here (its FREE, too).

This is the book that will fill in all the gaps in your
knowledge and show you how to build a popular
website the cheapest, quickest and simplest way
possible in 2013.

So now that we get this caveat out of the way, lets get
started! 5
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

THE Guaranteed Blueprint! 5 Steps to

Making Money With Google AdSense
Making money with Google AdSense is the most popular way to make money online.
Millions of individual website owners and bloggers use it as their number-one income source.
Heres their official website:

However, Google AdSense is not a cash cow or a get rich quick opportunity: you can either
make as much as thousands of dollars per week, or only a few bucks a month.

Most folks think that all you have to do is install Google AdSense and watch the money roll
in. It hits them as a surprise that there is more to running a successful Google AdSense
business model.

So thats why Im writing this guide: to show you how you can belong to the wealthier
category and use Google AdSense like a pro.

Step 1. Attract Targeted Traffic to Your Site... and Loads of It!

Without LOADS OF traffic, Google AdSense is merely Google AdCents (sorry, I couldnt
resist the pun).

Why? Heres an example:

A 5% conversion rate (CR) and a CPC (cost per click) value of $2 is considered better
than average in the AdSense publishers world. Lets do a little math to find out what this
means: for instance, first lets see how much traffic you have to receive to make $1.000 a
month in these - better than average! circumstances?

Heres the equation that will answer our question (Im sorry if youre not a number-person).

TRAFFIC * Conversion Rate * Cost Per Click=$1.000

TRAFFICx0.05X$1=$1.000 (I calculated with $1 since you get only half of the CPC value,
Google takes the other half).


As you can see, you need to attract 20,000 unique visitors a month to make
$1.000! 6
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

Thats more than 600 unique visitors for every day!

And were talking about targeted visitors who are interested in the topic of your content. So
you cant use a traffic generation company that will send you 100.000 visitors for $5.

So the first thing is learning how to build a website or blog that will bring you these kinds of
numbers. But dont worry, the solution is within your reach.

If youd like to learn it the simplest, shortest

and least expensive way so that you can start
making money as fast as possible, all you have
to do is read Your A-Z Guide to Building
an eBusiness How to succeed online the
simplest, shortest and least expensive way.

This is a free eBook Ive written on how you can start making serious money with Google
AdSense (and other monetization models) the quickest and cheapest way.

Until you read it or learn from somewhere else how to increase internet traffic or make money
with content marketing, you wont succeed at Google AdSense. Period... :-(

Step 2. Learn How to Properly Install Google AdSense on Your

Once youve got the traffic, your job is 70% done.

Even setting up Google AdSense is easier than you think. All you have to do is follow the
instructions below and youll be able to do it in less than 10 minutes.

Step 3. Choose the Best Placement for Your Ads

The next obstacle you have to overcome is choosing the most profitable placement and style
for your ads. Sure, youll make money even if you just randomly select how and where to put
AdSense ads on your site. 7
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

However, your conversion rate and income can vary literally by 200-300% based on how
you set up AdSense.

One of the most important things is choosing the right AdSense placement (i.e.: the layout
of your ad blocks), about which you can learn a lot more below.

Step 4. Implement the Best Google AdSense Strategies to

Maximize Your Income
The other half of maximizing your AdSense revenue is using the most effective Google
AdSense strategies

How to design your ads

How to block your competitors from stealing your traffic
How to get the highest bids (and income) for your ad units
And so on...

Fortunately, you can get even these all-important strategies by going through this guide.

Step 5. Diversify Your Income Stream with Google AdSense

Finally (and ironically) the last step to successfully making money with Google AdSense is
finding alternatives to it.

You see, Google looks like an honest company only on the outside. Their mantra Dont be
evil. is only empty words.

They can - and do - suspend publishers AdSense accounts without any warning even if they
play 100% by Googles policy.

And once you get your account suspended, youll probably never get it back: all the effort
you put into making money with Google AdSense will go down the drain.

So thats why its important to prepare for the worst case scenario and find the best Google
AdSense alternatives later in this book. They will quickly get you back on your feet even if
this unfortunate event happens. 8
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

Remember: Making Money with Google AdSense is Doable!

I know that at first glance this seems like a lot of work. And making money with Google
AdSense is a lot of work.

However, no matter which online business idea you choose, you'll have to work at least this
hard on each of them. Don't listen to anyone who says you can get rich quickly without
working. That's simply against the fundamental rules of the business world, either online or

Instead, take your future into your own hands and get started on building your own Google
AdSense empire right now, for free! In my opinion, this is the easiest alternative you can try. 9
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

First of All, Learn What Is Google AdSense!

What the heck is Google AdSense in the first place? Lets define it a little better.

Basically, this is a third-party advertising network created by Google.

Anyone who runs and owns a blog or website can sign-up to receive what is known as
"adshare revenue" with the Google AdSense program.

Honestly, it's one of the easiest ways to make money online, especially if you're just starting
out. But don't think of it as something that's only for beginners.

There are thousands of successful website owners or bloggers making well over $100.000s
per month using nothing but Google AdSense!

And you know what's the best part of it all? It's totally passive income!

But How Will Google AdSense Work for YOU?

First Step - Create an Account and Install Google Ads

The first thing you will have to do to make money is open a Google account. If you use Gmail
or YouTube then you've already done this step. The next step is to join the Google AdSense

Second Step Place Ads All Over Your Site (at the Right Places)

Once you are accepted as a member, you will create ads and place coding on your website or
blog where you want these third-party ads to appear. Ads will then appear on your website or
blog where you have placed this coding.

Every time a visitor to your website clicks on one of these advertisements

you will receive a preset payment.

You will also receive money based on how many "impressions" these ads receive, which is
essentially the number of times that these ads are viewed without visitors clicking on them.

As you can see, it does matter a lot on how and where you display ads on your site, so I
recommend you carefully read the following best Google AdSense placement strategies,
which I based on testing hundreds of websites. 10
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

Third Step Collect the Money!

Every month Google AdSense determines how much revenue you have made with their
program. Once you have exceeded $100.00 in revenue, you will receive a check from them
(online or off).

This is considered to be the most legitimate third-party advertising

program available to customers.

Can You Make Big Money with Google AdSense?

When considering what is Google AdSense, most people want to know how easy it will be to
make a profit through this online revenue model and if they can actually produce "big
money" with it.

There are varying answers to that question, but you can see how much money regular people
can make with this monetization model by reading some of the Google AdSense earning
reports I included towards the end of this booklet.

In the meantime, here are a few key notes:

If your website is "keyword" friendly* and receives a high volume of internet traffic* then
you are going to be able to produce good money using this program.

However, if your website receives little monthly traffic, you will find it very difficult to
generate any significant revenue. Also, another determining factor will be the kind of niche*
or theme that your website is based around.

For example a website in the business or weight-loss theme has much bigger profit potential
than a site in the fishing or ice-skating niche.

A Few Tips to Maximize Your Benefits

In order to succeed at making money once you have discovered what is Google AdSense, you
will need to make sure that your website or blog is "keyword" friendly and is "content
heavy" (meaning there are at least 50-100 keyword-focused content pages). 11
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

The more topical or niche specific your website or blog is, the easier it will be to start
producing exceptional revenue.

You should create a blog or website that is focused around a general topic or idea. This way
advertisements will appear on your website that are related to the content that it features.

You will also need to focus on marketing your website in order to generate

The more visitors that you drive to your website the more capable you will be at producing

This will require you to learn everything there is to know about internet marketing, which can
also help you increase your AdSense income.

TIP: Again, if you'd like to start making serious money (even a full-time
living!) on the internet, and you'd like to do so the simplest, shortest and
least expensive way available, I suggest you check out my guides and
courses here.

They're all a 100% free, all you have to do is download them to your PC
and start reading. They will help you quick start your AdSense business in
record short time.

Adsense Pros & Cons

Now that you understand what is Google AdSense, it's time to take a look at the pros and cons
of using the AdSense program for your website or blog.

AdSense Pros

Easy to set up.

Little maintenance required (passive income).
Earn money 24/7/365.
Have AdSense on multiple websites.
Increased pages equal increased income.
More traffic, more income potential. 12
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

AdSense Cons

Income varies according to niche e.g. gardening versus business niche.

A lot of pages needed for maximum income.
Lots of traffic needed to grow income.
Update content monthly (if not weekly or more).
Income can go up and down according to advertisers budgets or Google's rules.
Beware of clicking on your own ads: Google can ban you from the network.
Beware of others clicking on your ads (known as click fraud).
You need to turn to other AdSense alternatives if your account gets suspended

As you can see, Google AdSense can provide a great way for you to generate income from the
content of your website.

The key point to remember is you should be providing value and quality
content for your website/blog readers.
In turn this will produce better results for you and help generate more clicks from your
website, since people will want to come back often to read more.

Where to Get Support for Profiting from AdSense?

By the way, I forgot to tell you at the beginning, but if you have ANY question or need advice
please just drop me a quick message here at Business Online Guidance. Don't worry, I'm the
friendliest guy in town, so you have nothing to be afraid of about contacting me. :-) 13
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

How Does Google AdSense Work?

Now that you know what Google AdSense is all about, its time you discovered how it works,

Most people who run and operate a website or blog of any type are usually curious about how
they can use this ad sharing program to generate revenue from their website.

To be honest, how Google AdSense works is quite simple actually. Once you launch your
website, the first thing you should do is register with Google AdSense and open an account.

You can do so right away for free here.

Once you have created an account you have to

follow their Google AdSense guidelines on
how to create advertisements for your website.

Once you generate these advertisements, you

will need to place certain type of code on your
website wherever you would like these
advertisements to appear.

Don't worry, this is very easy to do, you just

cut and paste.

These are third-party advertisements that can

range from small mom and pop businesses to
large corporations and companies.

When a person visits your website and clicks on one or more of these
advertisements, you will receive ad share money.

The person clicking the ads will be taken to the advertiser's website. You will also receive
money based on the number of "impressions" advertisements make on your website when
people read your content (impression basically stand for how many people saw your ads with
or without clicking them). 14
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

How Does Google Adsense Work For You? Can You Really Make
Money Using This Program?
Google AdSense is one of the most legitimate and reputable third-party advertising programs
available. (It does after all have a Billion Dollar company running it.)

It is quite possible for a person to generate a substantial amount of income from using this

However in order for it to be a success on your website, you must have exceptional content
and have a high number of visitors to your website.

One of the most inspirational case-studies that always comes to mind when it comes to
Google AdSense is Elad Shippony from

He started out just like you, knowing not too much about the internet!

He ordered a unique software called Site Build It! to create his websites (later he build 5
more!) and started working hard... His results? Amazing!

Within half a year he was making $2.000+ per month using mainly Google

If you'd like to learn more about how he managed to make so much money online using
AdSense, I recommend you read his constantly updated case study here.

Very motivational!

No matter what, one thing's absolutely sure based on his story:

Yes, it is possible even for you to achieve similar results and make a ton of money using
Google AdSense! 15
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

But before you get all excited, let me warn you upfront: just like Elad admitted himself,
Google AdSense is definitely not a get rich quick program. It takes lots of work to start
making serious money. It won't happen overnight.

However, it does offer you the chance to make an income through your website's
content. And this is highly beneficial for both you and the advertiser, since you get paid 24/7
and the advertiser ads are also promoted 24/7 on your website.

RECOMMENDED: Id just like to remind you one last time: if you're not sure how to get
started and could use a straightforward guide, let me offer my own eBook to help you.

Your A-Z Guide to Building an e-Business will show you an

proven system

...thousands of people have already used to make a ton of

money online (even a full-time living)!

Not only will it teach you how does Google AdSense work and
how to make money from it, it will show you more than 5
other amazing monetization models you can use to turn a huge
profit online.

The best part is, this 200+ page eBook is completely free! You can get your hands on it right

How Does Google AdSense Work In Creating Advertisements?

Google AdSense is best designed for those websites that are "niche specific."

For instance, if you run a website or blog that features information on nothing more than
"coin collecting" then your website has a higher opportunity to produce substantial "adshare
money " (revenue earned from advertisements) due to the fact that most of the ads on your site
will focus on the type of content that your site presents (coin collecting in this example).

Google AdSense reads the content on your website and then finds advertisements that
relate to the content on your website. This will make visitors on your website more likely to
click on advertisements on your website.

If you want to get the most out of this revenue stream you should place advertisements on
websites and blogs that are focused when it comes to content. 16
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

You will also want to strategically place these advertisements on portions of your website that
are highly frequented.

Places like that include

the top of your content column

your homepage
maybe the right-hand navigation


Obviously, to get the best results, you must keep testing the best places to know for sure how
you can make the most money.

Is testing worth all the struggle? Definitely!

A simple change in ad-placement can result in a 500% or even bigger

increase in revenue, as well!
To help you generate more income, Google provides a heat map that indicates where most ads
are clicked. So all you have to do is to place your ads at the right locations on your website to
maximize your click-through-rate (aka CTR).

When it comes to the very best tips and strategies you will quickly learn that "content driven"
and "content specific" websites seem to have the greatest return on revenue.

This works well if you can produce great quality content because at the end of the day, if
your content (i.e.: articles, videos etc.) is not up to scratch, people will not visit the site,
your traffic will drop and you'll make little income in the long-term.

Finally, Where Does The AdSense Money Come From?

Most of the income that you earn comes from PPC (pay per click) advertisers, who choose to
have their ads displayed on content networks across the web (like your site or blog).

This is basically any website or blog which is part of the Google AdSense program.
Advertisers can also choose to advertise their ads on a particular website or blog if needed.

For example if an advertiser business is in providing loan or money lending services to small
businesses, they could choose to have their ads showed on websites/blogs which have a
"starting a business" theme.

By doing this they have a better chance of appealing to a more targeted group of people
and thus getting a better response. 17
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

Tutorial: How to Set Up AdSense Ad Units

and AdSense for Search
Now you know everything about Google AdSense that matters:

what it is
how it works
when you get paid
how you get paid
who advertise on your site
and the whole enchilada.

Now its time for INSTALLATION. Now dont fret. Theres nothing technical involved
about installation in this case (thanks God).

Learning how to set up AdSense is actually very easy. Heres a short tutorial on how you can
install it on your site within 5 minutes, including Google AdSense ad unites and AdSense for

How to Set Up AdSense Ad Units

The first step is to login to your account at and click on My ads in the
top navigation column. 18
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

From there click New ad unit and youll see the following screen: simply fill out all the
required fields with the proper information.

If youre wondering what Backup ads are, they are advertisements that Google shows at the
place of your ad units if AdSense doesnt find anything to display. You can choose whether
you want it to be a standard color, blank space or ads from another URL you specify. I
recommend you leave it at the default Show blank space option.

Also, custom channels are a great way to test how your specific ad units are doing.

For example if you want to see whether the Medium Rectangle or Large Rectangle type of ad
unit converts better, you could put them in different channels, install them both on your site,
and see it for yourself.

Then you could keep the one that makes the most money and replace the poor-performing

The next step is to customize the appearance of your ad units. If you dont want to take the
trouble to design everything yourself, you can go with one of the default styles from Select ad

However, if you want your ads to match your websites look and feel, you can customize
virtually anything about them by clicking Use custom settings.

Not only that, but if you want to save your customizations as a new ad style for future use,
you can do so by clicking Create a new ad style from these custom settings and youll never
have to spend time on it again. 19
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

Once youre done, click Save and get code. The following pop-up window will appear:

This is the actual step on how to set up AdSense: copy this piece of code as is, go to your
website editor, open a new HTML block wherever you want the Google AdSense ad unit to
appear and paste the code.

Im using Site Build It!s drag and drop editor, Block Builder 2, but you can follow these
instructions even in WordPress or any other site builder. 20
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

Then save your settings, upload your new page and wait for magic to
happen: within 24 hours (48 hours at the most) the Google AdSense ad unit
you just created will start showing right where you inserted it.

Dont worry if you see nothing but a blank space

in the first 24-48 hours. It takes time for AdSense
to determine what your page is about and what
kind of ads it should display.

Thats it, congratulations! You just learned

how to set up AdSense ad units on your site or
blog. 21
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

How to Set Up AdSense for Search

Creating a custom Google search box and monetizing it takes a similar approach.

Note: By the way, a custom Google Search box is a mini search engine powered by Google
that you can install on your site and monetize with AdSense ads. To see an example of this in
action, go to this page on my site and type something into the search box that appears.

Go to My ads, Search and click Custom search engines. Then click New custom search

Youll have to go through similar customizations: name, channels, ad-style and so on. But
there will be other options as well: 22
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

What to search: if you dont want visitors to leave your site, set this to Only sites I select
and add in your URL (i.e.:

Keywords: type in here 2-3 keywords related to your website

I suggest you leave all the other fields at their default value.

Below, youll have the option to set your unique Search box style. Choose here whichever
box you like the best. Personally, Id go with the very first one with the watermark. 23
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

And thats it. Just click "Save and get code", copy it and insert it into an HTML block
wherever you want the search box to appear on your site. Its as easy as that.

Congratulations! Youve learned how to set up AdSense for Search as well.

How to Change Your Customizations Later

If youd like to change the color of your ad titles, modify the font style or alter anything else,
you dont have to create a brand new ad unit all the time. You can change the features of your
already existing units.

Just go to My ads and youll see a list of your current ad styles. To do any modifications,
select Edit ad style and thats it!

All your changes will automatically appear on your site thanks to Google.

Important Warning on How to Set Up AdSense

Its important to keep in mind that you cant alter the code that Google gives you. You can
only copy-paste it, otherwise youll breach Googles terms of usage and your AdSense
account will be suspended.

And Googles support is infamous for not giving a rats you-know-what about suspended
accounts. So the best way to protect your account is not losing it in the first place.

Bottom line: play by Googles rules and never change any part of the code they give you,
even if youre savvy in programming.

So thats as easy as it gets to install Google AdSense. If you encounter any problems, I
recommend you contact me instead of AdSenses support, since they can take 5-7 days to
reply, if they acknowledge your question in the first place.

On the other hand, Ill be happy to help you for free within 48 hours at the most, if anything
goes wrong with your ads. 24
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

6 Top Performing Google AdSense Placement

The following Google AdSense placement strategies have been tested on thousands of sites
that reported improvement in ad-share revenue. So if youre just starting out and looking
for a strong beginning, these AdSense layouts are probably your best bet.

However, you dont have to follow the general wisdom all the time. Feel free to experiment
on your own. Every site is different, so if you really dont want to make money on the table,
you have to see by testing how you can get the most out of Google AdSense.

Before we start, let me give you a quick tip: Google AdSense allows its publishers to display
a maximum of 3 ad units, 3 link units and 2 search boxes on a single page. So to maximize
your chances I recommend you use all the 3 ad units per page.

If you dont want to use any of the other type of ads, fine. But ad units are usually the most
profitable, so dont be afraid of installing all 3 of them (if your pages are at least 600-700
words long).

1. Place Your Best-Performing Ad Units at the Top

You can see which ad units are making you the most money by going to Google AdSense,
Performance Reports, Ad units.

If you choose here the ad unit that makes you the most money (its automatically listed at the
top), it can be a good idea to place this type at the top of your pages, possibly above the fold.

If you havent made any money with AdSense yet, the Large Rectangle and Medium
Rectangle ad formats are usually the best performing ones according to Google.

If youre looking for a good start, put either of them somewhere below your first paragraph on
your pages, either left-aligned or right-aligned, with or without text wrapping around them
(testing can tell you which version makes you the most money).

Note: Placing too many ads and too little content on a page has always been a big no-no.
However, especially after Google Panda and Penguin, its strictly forbidden!

You must keep an eye on your ad-content ratio, otherwise your site will get a ranking penalty
and soon you wont have any visitors to make money with AdSense. 25
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

Bottom line: dont put so many AdSense ads above the fold that your visitors have to scroll
down to start reading your content.

2. Make Text Wrap Around Your Above-The-Fold Ad Units

For the above mentioned reason, aligning your ads to either side of the page instead of
centering them can be a good strategy, so that some of your content still appears above the
fold to please your visitors (and Google).

Ideally, you shouldnt even place any ads directly below your main headline: instead, write
your first paragraph and place the ad only below that.

Heres a piece of code that can help you left- or right- align your AdSense units so that text
wraps around them.

Just copy-paste it where you want it to appear on your site and replace <<GOOGLE
JAVASCRIPT GOES HERE>> with the code AdSense gives you.

<div style="float:left;margin-right:5px;">



Note: The above code will left-align your ads, and the text will wrap to the right side of the
page. If youd like to change that so that the ad is right-aligned and text wraps to the left side
of the page, change float:left to float:right and margin-right to margin-left.

To Wrap Around or Not to Wrap Around?

You dont necessarily have to wrap text around your ads. Some of the webmasters Ive
worked with reported that they had a higher click-through rate without text wrapping.

As always, the only way to discover what works best for you if you test it.

Example: Use text wrapping for the first 2 weeks, then change it back to no-text wrapping for
the next 2 weeks and keep the version that works best for your site. 26
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

If you dont want text to wrap around your AdSense, simply paste the code that Google gives
you without using any of the code I gave you above.

However, keep in mind that if you dont wrap text around your above-the-fold ad units, your
visitors will have to scroll lower to find your content. And the lower your content is, the
higher the risk of getting a ranking penalty by the search engines. As always, its your

3. Place Videos Near Your Ads

Although placing images next to your AdSense units is forbidden by Google (because it got
too many false-clicks), using videos to draw some attention to your ads is a good idea and
perfectly legal.

So go to YouTube, Facebook or any other free video hosting site that allows embedding (or
create your own videos with Sparkol) and place a video above or below your ads to hold your
visitors attention at the right place.

This AdSense placement will surely increase your earnings by improving your click-

4. Place Quotes or Testimonials Next to Your Ads

Similarly to the above strategy, this is aimed at getting more attention for your ads. You
can even use highlighting like this to increase the effectiveness of this AdSense placement

I just love Business Online Guidance. Steve Ad Goes Here

helped me launch one of the most successful
social networking sites on the net. Thank Ad Goes Here
Ad Goes Here
Mark Zuckerberg,
Ad Goes Here

Ad Goes Here
Anything is better than lies and deceit!
Ad Goes Here
Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina
Ad Goes Here 27
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

5. Place a Skyscraper Ad in Your Sidebar... or Not?

Actually, this AdSense placement idea is more of a myth than fact.

Sure, at first it seems like a good idea to fill the blank space on the side of your screen, but
according to my own and other webcasters experience, this is not the best Google AdSense
placement from a click-through-rate perspective.

Not only did it have a terrible conversion rate for us (somewhere around 0.1-0.5%), it also
lowered the conversion rate of our better performing ads in the main content column,
probably because of distracting our visitors.

Anyway, you know whats coming next: test to see whether it will work for you or not.

6. Use Google's Heatmap for the Best Google AdSense Placement

Finally, I hope youve seen Googles Heatmap already.

It will show you which areas of your page get the most attention from your readers, so you
can place your ads accordingly.

So there you go: these are the best Google AdSense placement and layout strategies I
know about.

If you try them one of the following 3 options will happen:

1, Youll send me a bouquet of flowers as a token of your appreciation, because I just made
you rich.

2, Nothing will change, youll make approximately the same income.

3, Youll be chasing me down in a dark alley with a chainsaw in your hands, because the
above tips ruined your earnings (relax, its only temporary, you can always change back

Why? Because every site and blog is different. What works for Site A may be terrible
advice for Site B.

So always do your own testing before making the final call on your AdSense layout. This is
the single best advice anyone will give you. 28
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

13+1 Foolproof Google AdSense Strategies

The following Google AdSense strategies are based on the experience of hundreds of
website owners who were kind enough to report their experiments and results in a private

Heck, one of these ideas comes directly from an official AdSense representative - dont ask
me how I got this info. ;-)

So chances are, by implementing only a few of these AdSense tips you can increase your
earnings by 2-3 folds.


1. Use the Recommended Ad Units

Google recommends you use the follow ad types for a good reason:

300x250 - Medium Rectangle

336x280 - Large Rectangle
728x90 Leaderboard
160x600 - Wide Skyscraper

Since these are the most popular ad blocks, most advertisers bid on these. And the more
advertisers bid on a certain ad spot, the higher the CPC (cost-per-click) gets and the more
money youll make if someone click on it.

So whenever you can, keep this Google AdSense strategy in mind and install one of these
AdSense ad blocks on your pages.

2. Don't Repeat the Same Ad Unit within a Page

If you display an ad block on your page lets say a Medium Rectangle there are probably
hundreds of different advertisers targeting that ad position. However, only 3 of them can win
a spot. How does Google determine which ones will be that?

Simple: the advertisers who bid the highest get the spot.

The advertisers who bid less will be slam-dunked to another ad block, possibly one that
appears only lower the page (if it appears, of course). 29
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

So if you include the same ad-block (ex.: Medium Rectangle) somewhere else on your page
again, youll get less money if a visitor clicks on it, than if you included a different ad
format (ex.: Large Rectangle) so that you can get the highest bidder for that as well.

So here's the bottom line: if you want to get the highest cost per click values for every click
you generate, dont repeat an ad unit on the same page, otherwise your cost-per-click will be
lowered because of low-bidding advertisers.

3. Harmonize the Colors to Match Your Design

If you want to get more visitors to click on your ads, make your advertisements blend in with
the rest of your content.

Of course you dont want the ads to look exactly as if they were part of your content since
thats against Google AdSense policies. However, you dont want your ads to scream
advertisement either.

So you must find the right balance.

Here are 3 Google AdSense strategies to help you do that:

Use the same color for your ad titles as your normal links look like (this is usually
dark blue).
Make the border of the ad the same color as your background (so that there wont be
any visible borders).
Use the same color for the ad text as the text of your articles (this is usually black).

Other than that, you should of course test until you find the highest-converting format.

4. Don't Flood Your Articles with Too Many Ads

You dont want to risk alienating yours visitors and the search engines with ad-heavy content,

So keep the right balance. For example, in your shorter articles (only 300-400 words long),
dont use all the 3 ad units and 3 link unites allowed.

Personally, Id add a new unit only after every 300 words (300 words article 1 ad, 600
words article -2 ads and so on...)

This Google AdSense strategy is important so that you don't lose all your traffic in a Google
Ad Layout Update for example. 30
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

5. Don't Push Down Your Content with Ads

Its ok to place AdSense above the fold, but only if theres plenty of content left as well. So
instead of centering your ad, align it either to the left or right side of the page and have some
text wrap around it.

Also, its a good idea to put the ad unit only after the first paragraph instead of directly below
the main headline.

You can see a perfect example of this Google AdSense strategy below:

6. Do NOT Put AdSense Ads on Well Earning Pages

If you have a page that makes lots of money with affiliate links or another way, dont ruin it
with AdSense. Advertisements will only distract your visitors and it would be bad to lose a
$30 commission for a few $.05 clicks, right?

So always focus on your pages most wanted response when deciding whether to use AdSense
on it or not.

Note: Of course you can do some testing regarding this Google AdSense strategy on your
own to find the perfect balance between affiliate links and advertisements, but I would spend 31
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

my time in a more productive way (i.e.: writing more content that I can later monetize with

7. DO Put AdSense on Strictly Informational Pages

Along the same line of thought as the previous Google AdSense strategy, do place
advertisements on those pages that dont make money in any other way (i.e.: informational
pages without affiliate links).

8. Block Your Competitors from Displaying Ads on Your Site

On the one hand it sounds nice that your competitors are paying you for traffic, but on the
other hand theres also a more rewarding Google AdSense strategy.

If you see one of your competitors advertising in PPC advertisements, you can be sure that
they discovered a monetization model with a higher return on investment. Otherwise they
wouldnt spend money on getting your visitors, right?

So go to their sites and see how theyre monetizing. Since youre in the same niche, you may
implement some of their ideas so that you can get a better return on investment as well.

To block your competitors (or any other site) from displaying ads on your site, simply go to
AdSense and choose Allow and block ads from the top navigation.

9. Put an AdSense for Search Box in Your Right/Left Column

Not only will it help you make even more money through advertising, it will also help your
visitors find what theyre looking for (better user experience). Its a win-win situation.

10. Keep it Real, Play Honestly

Im sorry for having to include this tip here, but its really important.

Many people think they can outsmart Google by asking their friends and acquaintances from
all over the world to click on their ads.

Im sorry to say, but Google will figure it out, sooner or later (probably sooner). And once
you get banned from AdSense youll never get your account back. 32
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

So dont engage in click fraud activities: its not worth risking a multiple-thousand dollar
revenue stream for a few cents.

11. Don't Put AdSense on Every Page - When Less is More

A common newbie mistake is thinking that the more pages you install AdSense on, the more
money youll make.

This is wrong: you see, Google calculates many factors when deciding how much a click
should cost for the advertiser and how much youll get paid.

One of these factors is the click-through-rate or conversion rate of your ads.

Since a higher click through rate indicates that visitors are really engaged and in a pre-sold
state of mind (ready to buy), the higher your CTR is the more money youll get from
advertisers for every single click.

So instead of flooding all your pages with Google AdSense, find your poorest performing
pages and get rid of the ads on them.

This is not a big sacrifice since you probably arent making too much money from them
anyway (they are your poorest-performing pages), and theyre just damaging your click-

To find these weak performing pages, go to Google Analytics, Content, AdSense and select
AdSense for pages.

Here youll see in a page-by-page breakdown how much money each page earned you.
Choose the lowest 10% or 20% and delete all the ads on them.

Although this may seem counter-initiative at first, I know of many instances where this
approach resulted in a 20% or even higher AdSense earnings increase.

The only way to make sure is by testing it yourself. Remember, you dont have anything to
lose anyway. Besides, even if your income stays the same, Google will probably send you
more traffic for making your site a lot less ad-heavy.

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain with this Google AdSense strategy.

Note: Just for the record, youre not even allowed to put ads on the following pages
according to Googles policies, in case you didnt know. 33
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

Thank you pages

Contact pages
Privacy Policies

12. Diversify Your Income Stream - Google AdSense Alternatives

Dont put all your eggs in one basket. Even if you play by Googles rules you can get your
account suspended. It happened to thousands of webmasters before and they couldnt get their
accounts back in 99.9% of the cases.

So be prepared for the worst in time: check out carefully all the Google AdSense alternatives
in the last chapter later.

13. Keep the Right Ad-to-Content Ratio

This Google AdSense strategy is the most important of all: dont tip the ad-content scale
towards ads. Google has several killer algorithms that punish ad-heavy sites: the infamous
Google Panda and the Page Layout algorithm.

If you have too many advertisements and too little content, not only will you lose most of
your AdSense income if Google penalizes you, but your whole traffic will plummet.

And its not worth risking your livelihood for 10% more AdSense earnings.

13+1. Don't Waste Too Much Time Testing

Although most people (including me) suggest that you test everything to see whats working
best for your unique situation, its not the most productive usage of your time.

For example, creating new content produces far better results (and more income) than
tweaking your AdSense strategies. Writing evergreen content will always be there to earn
you money, while you can easily waste all your time chasing data without accomplishing

So sure, test SOME instead of just shooting in the dark. But dont let this take up more than
10% of your time in total. 34
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

3 Inspirational Google AdSense Earnings

Case Studies
Your Google AdSense earnings will depend on many factors:

your niche (business theme vs. entertainment)

how much traffic you receive (50-100 visitors or 10.000)
your AdSense placement
your most wanted responses
and so on...

But the most important factor is how much effort you put into your own AdSense business.

Since I dont monetize with Google AdSense myself as you can see (or as you cannot see), I
decided to share with you others success stories with this monetization model.

Here are 3 very inspirational case studies of regular people making a full-time living
online, relying mostly on Google AdSense. If you doubt whether youll ever succeed, just
read these peoples stories to find out whether its worth pursuing this online business idea.

Hint: your answer will be a big YES!

$13,099.49 - Spencer Haws from

Find out here how Spencer Haws, the father of 3 children who pursues new online business
ideas every 90 days, made more than $13.000 dollars in a single month with Google

Also, you can read here how he got his Google AdSense account suspended that jeopardized
his whole familys livelihood and how he overcame this obstacle with a neat little trick.

Spencer knows so much about making money with Google AdSense that hes undoubtedly
one of the best teachers you can listen to. I highly recommend you check out his blog at

$2,378.53 - Justin Cooke and Joe Magnotti from
You can read about Justin and Joes income report for December 2012 here, where they share
with you how they made $2.000+ in a single month with Google AdSense. And this counts
as a bad month for them! 35
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

Also, in total they made $6,756.81 in December, using other monetization models as well.

So Id really like you to check out their income report now to see that you dont have to rely
solely on Google AdSense to make money online. There are a bunch of other alternatives that
can produce you just as much or even more income.

$410.99/Day Lisa Irby from

Finally, Id like you to read this blog post by Lisa where she shares how she made more than
$400 with Google AdSense in a single day! Thats right: $400 in only 24 hours in a
legitimate way.

Theres definitely a lesson to learn from her.

Also, she received a phone call from one of Google AdSenses official representatives. They
told her how she could optimize her AdSense ads to make even more money by increasing
her conversion rates, so she decided to share these helpful tips with you as well.

Yet another reason why you should read her Google AdSense earnings revealing post here. I
promise you wont regret it.

Your Take-Home Lessons

And lastly, Id like you to take away 2 things from this article:

1, Making serious Google AdSense earnings is really possible. You dont have to be a genius
to achieve it - no offense to all the case studies mentioned above. ;-)

2, Please note that all the case studies Ive shown you worked really-really hard to make it
happen. They created lots of content, marketed their sites and attracted targeted traffic: it
didnt happen overnight.

So dont expect Google AdSense to make you hundreds of dollars the next day you install it
on your site. I know you know it takes more than that.

And again, if youd like to achieve similar results and make over $10.000 yourself, I highly
recommend you quickly go through my free eBook on how to build a profitable website the
simplest shortest and least expensive way so that you can start earning from AdSense as fast
as possible. Thanks! (Geez, Im sounding like a broken record.) 36
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

Finally: 8 Reliable Google AdSense

If Google banned you from AdSense or youre simply looking for ways to diversify your
income portfolio, the following 8 Google AdSense alternatives will provide you with a
reliable and profitable income stream.

Before you finalize which ones to keep and which ones to drop, I suggest you do some
testing and see how your conversion rates change (also, see how implementing the
following ideas affects your AdSense earnings).

Every site is different so you have to figure out on your own which
alternative contextual advertising model will generate you the highest
Here they are without any particular order of importance:

1. is one of the best Google AdSense alternatives. It will let you monetize your U.S.
based audience.

Recently they partnered with Yahoo! to bring on board even more advertisers from all sorts of
topics, so regardless your niche you can display pretty targeted and high-paying ads on
your site.

They have a variety of ads you can display:

Search Sensitive Ads: your visitors will see ads related to the keyword search they
performed at the search engine that sent them to your site (if they didnt come for an
SE they wont see any ads)
Mobile Ads: your visitors who read your site from their mobiles will see targeted
advertisements if you install the appropriate code on your site
Web Bar Advertisements: there will be a scrolling ad bar at the top or bottom of
your visitors browser when theyre surfing your site (i.e.: the ads wont appear
directly in your pages content, but on people's screen)
2 Click Content Ads: these type of ads are like the link units provided by Google
AdSense (at the first click, your visitors will be taken to a page that displays related
advertisements, and if they click one of these ads youll get paid per click) 37
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

Theres an application process, and once you get approved, will give you a
dedicated account manager who will help you get the most out of your partnership and make
the most money.

There are a few cons, however: doesnt automatically approve every site. You have to request an invite to
be a member and one of their representatives will manually review your site. Also,
whenever you want to place ads on other sites, first theyll have to be reviewed, too.
You need to have decent traffic to be approved. Sites with virtually no or very low
traffic cant apply.
Your sites primary language must be English. Unlike AdSense, doesnt
provide non-English advertisements at the moment.
Youll have more limited control over how your ads look like.
Youll have to give at least 1-2 weeks for to start showing highly
relevant ads on your site. In the beginning even unrelated ads may appear.

Click here if youd like to apply to

2. AdBrite
AdBrite is another huge contextual advertisement network with hundreds of high-profile
advertisers and bidders. It's another perfect Google AdSense alternatives.

It serves ads on more than 15.000 sites worldwide reaching over 300 million unique visitors
monthly, so its pretty well established.

Registration as a publisher is free and you can choose from a variety of ad types. You can also
control how your ads look like, which is always a plus for any Google AdSense alternative.

Click here to apply to AdBrite.

3. Chitika
Chitika is probably the second most popular online advertising opportunity after
AdSense. They have thousands of advertisers for every niche you can imagine. However, 38
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

Chitikas ads are more product-focused, so if you have a tips & ideas type of site you may
not be able to monetize so well.

You can display advertisements on your website, application or mobile site and you can
choose from search-targeted, local and mobile ads.

The payment threshold is $10 for PayPal and $50 for check (you have to earn at least this
much to get a payment).

By the way, Chitika doesnt limit the number of ads you can display per page like
AdSense. You can make your content as ad-heavy as you want to.

Based on others experience it takes a few days to be approved, but its definitely worth it.

You can apply for Chitika here.

4. InfoLinks - Google AdSense Alternatives

InfoLinks is different from other contextual advertising models and Google AdSense
alternatives since it doesnt display ad blocks. Instead, it turns some of your contents
words into double-underlined advertisements.

If your visitors hover their mouse over a link like this, an ad-bubble will pop up and youll get
paid on a pay-per-click basis if your visitors click on these ads.

Heres an example screenshot:

The good news is that you

can customize InfoLinks
to match your websites
design (like the color of
your links).

Also, theres no
minimum requirement
to join InfoLinks. You
dont have to have a
certain level of traffic to
be approved, unlike at
other Google AdSense alternatives. 39
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

Another good thing about them is that they have excellent customer support. Should you
have any problems, a live person will come to help you pronto.

One thing Id like to mention here is that some of these double-underlined links may distract
your visitors from clicking your AdSense ads. So do some testing to see whether InfoLinks
actually adds to your bottom line or only takes away from it.

You can get your own InfoLinks account and start making money here.

5. Kontera
Kontera works the same way as InfoLinks: it uses double-underlined words in your text
and displays related ads if someone clicks on them.

Comparing InfoLinks and Kontera: Ive talked to hundreds of webmasters who ran
Kontera and InfoLinks simultaneously on their sites, and about 90% of them reported that
InfoLinks produced far better results (more ads, higher click-through rates and 3-4 times
more income).

So feel free to test it on your own, but be prepared that InfoLinks will probably yield better
results as a Google AdSense alternative.

Also, note that whether you use InfoLinks or Kontera, your page-loading speed will
probably slow down a little bit. It takes time to draw the necessary data from these ad
networks, so if you think that a little more income isn't worth lowering you site-speed, ditch

And finally, be patient when trying to monetize with Kontera: it can take up to 3-4 weeks
for relevant ads to start appearing on your site. Before that period, be prepared that
Kontera will take lots of time to figure out what your site is really about and what kind of ads
to display.

You can sign up for Kontera at this link.

6. Clicksor
Clicksor is another respected contextual ad network and Google AdSense alternative. 40
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

You can choose here from different sizes and types of ad formats, too.
Theres a minimum threshold of $50 you have to reach before being eligible for
Clicksor has an excellent customer support based on the experience of several
webmasters, so if you have any problems theyll help you out quickly.
However, the application process is not automatic. Someone will manually review
your site in order to get accepted.

You can start the application to Clicksor now at this page.

7. Partner Program - Popular Google AdSense

Most people know as one of the biggest online shopping malls. Its a little
known fact that they also provide great partnership (affiliate) opportunities to online business

They have a pay-per-click advertisement model: you send targeted traffic to their reputable
merchants products and they pay you for every single click.

They can provide you with widgets that will automatically display content-
related products on your site.

Thanks to the high relevancy of their ads and the great reputation of their merchants, you can
achieve a higher click-through rate and earn much more income than with other alternatives.

You can also control what kind of ads will appear on your site. If you dont like one,
simply ban it from appearing.

They have so many advertisers (so many products) that you can display relevant ads for a
wide range of audience. On the other hand, if you have a tips & ideas type of website, you
may have difficulties selling anything (i.e.: generating any clicks).

If youd like to apply and reap the lucrative benefits of being the partner of one of the biggest
online shopping centers, you can visit this link.

Note: Id like to encourage you not to give up if you dont get accepted at first. It happened
to me on one of my first websites and after re-applying I got accepted immediately. So dont
lose hope if you dont get approved right away. You will succeed at the next try (if you have a
high-quality website of course). 41
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

8. Bidvertiser
Finally, Id like to show you Bidvertiser. Its a perfect Google AdSense alternative, although
it has fewer advertisers than AdSense.

There are many good things about Bidvertisers network:

Theres no minimum requirement to join: simply fill out the form here and click apply.
Bidvertisers content-related ad spots are reserved for the highest bidders real-time.
This means that youll always maximize your earnings automatically by getting the
highest pay per click values.
Bidvertiser will give you full customization over your ads appearance. You can
make them blend in with your website perfectly well, without alienating your visitors.
You can track the progress and performance of your ads, so if you spot a low-
paying unit you can block it right away. This is another great way of maximizing your

And luckily, getting accepted as a publisher is quite easy. Although its not fully automatic,
you can fill out a form here and start earning within a few days.

Anyway, I hope some of these Google AdSense alternatives will help you replace your lost
AdSense income should tragedy strike. I know how disappointing it feels when you get
banned, but I also know that giving up is not the solution.

If you still have the traffic, many of these ad networks would love to have you on board.
And most of the time, people can climb back to their previous AdSense earning levels, or
even higher.

So dont worry and panic even if you do get banned sometime in the future: its only a
matter of time until you get your revenge on Google. ;-) 42
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

Your Next Step to Success: Your Ticket to

Freedom and Other Free Resources
So as I promised, I just shared with you the 80-20 strategy to making money with Google

This process will help you make 80% of the money by putting in only 20%
of the efforts most people invest.

On that note, dont forget that knowledge isnt power: its merely the potential to have power.
Its only the actions that count.

So I suggest you dont waste any more time on researching something that you doNt really
need or procrastinating when youre ready to take action. Instead, use the proven formula I
shared with you just now:

Step 1, Choose a topic for your website

Step 2, Start creating content for it

Step 3, Start marketing your site so that you received lots of targeted traffic

Step 4, Use this guide to earn your first few thousand dollars online from AdSense

Step 5, Branch out to other monetization models to diversify your income sources using the
information in Your AZ Guide to Building an eBusiness

And dont ever forget: if you need ANY help with making money online
and building a successful website (or blog), you can find ALL the
information in my FREE GUIDES over here.

Whats more, if youd like to have access to additional free resources or get some other
discounts on the most useful internet marketing tools, you can find them here.

Oh and one last thing before you go. In case you liked this booklet and would love to be
notified whenever I create another free eBook or course on a related topic to help you make 43
The Complete Guide to Google AdSense [Steven Fabian]

money online the quickest, simplest and least expensive way, check out my newsletter at this

Not only will I share with you some amazing tips on building and running a profitable online
business, but youll also get a chance to win a bunch of really cool stuff for your website or
blog, worth more than $10,000 combined!

So check out the Your Ticket to Freedom Newsletter over here and

Also, let me know if theres anything I can help you with. You can always contact me at this
address and Ill reply within 48 hours, I promise.

Im wishing you success beyond your expectations regarding AdSense,

Steven Fabian 44

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