Autoevaluación Tema 6

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Autoevaluacin del Tema 6

1. Completa los huecos con la wh-word que corresponda:

- _____________ is her name? Her name is Alex
- ______________ is your birthday? October the 2nd
- _____________ is my pencil? Your pencil is on the table
- ____________ is Maria? Maria is my sister
- _____________ is this bag? Its mine
- ______________ do you live? I live in Madrid
- _____________ is the weather like? Its raining
- _____________ much Money have you got?
- ____________ are you late?
- ____________ movie do you prefer, Matrix or Blade runner?

2. Completa los siguientes huecos con who / whose /what

/when /where
- _______________ is it? Its a monkey
- ________________ are you going? To the park
- _________________ is your birthday? May the 1

- ______________ is your pen? Here it is

- _______________ are they? Theyre Jane and Pam
- _____________ is your school? Its near here
- ______________ are those shoes? Theyre mine
- _____________ is your father? Hes in the garden
- ______________ do you get up? At 7 o clock
- _____________ are you? Im George

3. Indica si en las siguientes oraciones el genitivo sajn se

usa correctamente o no:
- Hearts paul
- Marias brother
- Charlescar
- My brothers cars
- My sistersbook
- The mens bathroom
- Andrew, John and kellys flat
- Marco and Marys flats
4. Escribe el significado:
- Kitchen-
- Living room-
- Door-
- Bedroom-
- Roof-
- Garden-
- Window-
- Balcony-
- Stairs-
- Basement-
5. Enlaza cada dibujo con la palabra correspondiente:

- Dibujo 1
- Dibujo 2
- Dibujo 3
- Dibujo 4
- Dibujo 5

Soluciones Autoevaluacin del Tema 6

- (What) is her name? Her name is Alex
- (When) is your birthday? October the 2nd
- (Where) is my pencil? Your pencil is on the table
- (Who) is Maria? Maria is my sister
- (Whose) is this bag? Its mine
- (Where) do you live? I live in Madrid
- (What) is the weather like? Its raining
- (How) much Money have you got?
- (Why) are you late?
- (Which) movie do you prefer, Matrix or Blade runner?

- (What) is it? Its a monkey
- (Where) are you going? To the park
- (When) is your birthday? May the 1st
- (Where) is your pen? Here it is
- (Who) are they? Theyre Jane and Pam
- (Where) is your school? Its near here
- (Whose) are those shoes? Theyre mine
- (Where) is your father? Hes in the garden
- (When) do you get up? At 7 oclock
- (Who) are you? Im George

- Hearts paul
- Marias brother
- Charlescar
- My brothers cars
- My sistersbook
- The mens bathroom
- Andrew, John and kellys flat
- Marco and Marys flats

- Kitchen Cocina
- Living room Sala de estar
- Door Puerta
- Bedroom Dormitorio
- Roof Techo
- Garden Jardn
- Window Ventana
- Balcony Balcn
- Stairs Escaleras
- Basement Stano

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