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MGE Lesson Plan Template - Mathematics

Complete this lesson plan in enough detail so that another teacher or substitute can replicate it. It must
represent your content and pedagogical knowledge.
Be sure to consider your learner as you plan this lesson: You are teaching young adolescents, so recall
information from EDUC 2130 and EDMG 3300.
Be mindful of your document presentation. Attend to the formatting. Save your document as YOUR NAME
Lesson Plan.

Name Torre Mortimer .

Grade & Subject 6th Grade / Mathematics ..
Time & Duration of Class 90 Minutes / 1 class periods .

I. Brief Description of Student Population

Describe the skills and previous knowledge your students possess that relate to the Central Focus.
Describe any community and/or cultural assets that relate to the Central Focus. Describe any special
features of the school and/or classroom setting, e.g., charter, co-teaching, themed magnet, remedial
course, honors course, school improvement plan. Describe the age range and number of students,
languages spoken, SES, male-female ratio, cultures, ability levels. List any accommodations,
modifications for students that affect instruction. Note any English language learners, gifted
students, students with IEPs or 504 plans, struggling readers, and underperforming students or those
with gaps in academic knowledge.
The classroom has a 1:2 ratio between girls to boys in the classroom. There is a total of 30
students and one teacher in the classroom. 27 of the students have been tested and
qualify as gifted, while the other three students, 2 girls and one guy, are accelerated in at
least two subject areas. The students range from 9 to 10 years of age. There are no IEPs
or 504 plans, ELL students, or underperforming students in the classroom.

II. Central Focus

Describe important (enduring) understandings and core concepts that you want students to
comprehend for the unit in which this lesson is included. Address the purpose for the content you are
introducing and describe what you want students to know once they have completed the unit. Make
sure to demonstrate scaffolding and connect standards and objectives to your learning tasks. Include
at least one interdisciplinary connection.
The students will learn integers. They will apply understanding with how they relate to
zero, absolute value, and inequalities. The distance between positive and negative
numbers will serve as the foundation to introducing operations of positive and negative

III. State Standards

List each standard and specific elements as applicable to this lesson only.
o MGSE6.NS.5 Understand that positive and negative numbers are used together to
describe quantities having opposite directions or values (e.g., temperature
above/below zero, elevation above/below sea level, debits/credits,

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Mathematics 1 rev. 10 jan 2017
positive/negative electric charge); use positive and negative numbers to represent
quantities in real-world contexts, explaining the meaning of 0 in each situation.
o MGSE6.NS.6 Understand a rational number as a point on the number line. Extend
number line diagrams and coordinate axes familiar from previous grades to
represent points on the line and in the plane with negative number coordinates.
o MGSE6.NS.6a Recognize opposite signs of numbers as indicating locations on
opposite sides of 0 on the number line; recognize that the opposite of the opposite
of a number is the number itself, e.g., (3) = 3, and that 0 is its own opposite.
o Use Appropriate Tools Strategically

IV. Objectives
A. Lesson Objectives
Each objective should include a measurable verb (often a language function), a content/skill stem,
and support.
Students will create problems using integers.
Students will analyze positive and negative numbers with their relation to zero using
visual representations.
Students will seek structures to model with mathematics to justify their responses.

B. Interdisciplinary/Integrated Objectives
List standard(s) and create objectives from another content area that connect to your lesson.
Provide a brief description of what this cross-curricular lesson would involve.
Science/history lesson on the functions that a hot-air balloon entails.

V. Academic Language
A. Language Function
Solve/Create Problems- Define and represent a problem; determine solution
Receptive Skill- Students will read word problems and apply critical thinking
skills to solve problems.
Productive Skill- Students will write their own word problem in the
summative assessment portion that will require application of vocabulary
terms and utilize language skills.
Analyze- Separate whole into parts; identify relationships and patterns
Receptive Skill- Students will participate in partner reading and the three-
read strategy during the explore task.
Productive Skill- Students will demonstrate proper sentence structure when
solving problems; i.e. I know _____ because ______.

B. Vocabulary
List vocabulary in the lesson that has different meanings across subject areas.
o Opposite- Two integers are opposites if they are each the same distance
away from zero, but on opposite sides of the number line.

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Mathematics 2 rev. 10 jan 2017
o Credit- Credit is the trust that lets people give things (like goods, services
or money) to other people, in the hope they will repay at a future date.
o Debt- Something owed, usually money.
o Positive- Greater than zero.
o Negative- Less than zero.

When these terms appear in the content, the students will turn to their elbow
partner, and through discourse, will determine the applied meaning of the term.

List subject-specific vocabulary for your lesson here.

o Number line- A line with numbers placed in their correct position.
o Integers- A number with no fractional part. Includes: the counting
numbers {1, 2, 3, ...}, zero {0}, and the negative of the counting numbers
{-1, -2, -3, ...}
o Coordinate plane- The plane containing the "x" axis and "y" axis.
o Quantities- How much there is of something.
o Absolute value- How far a number is from zero.

When these terms appear in the content, the students will turn to their elbow
partner, and through discourse, will determine the applied meaning of the term.
The teacher will provide guiding questions when the students are unclear.

C. Discourse
Describe how you will use or facilitate discourse/discussion in which your students participate in
reading, writing, listening, and/or speaking tasks that serve to demonstrate or increase an
understanding of content including the academic language you are teaching. Your description
should include reading, writing, listening, and/or speaking tasks that serve to demonstrate an
understanding of the academic language you are teaching.
By providing students with script questions, it can enhance the discussion between
students in the classroom. Open ended questions are positioned for optimum
discussion between group members, inferring for a conclusion. These questions either
have multiple answers or require an elaboration to answer. These questions ask the
student what they wonder, or what they notice. Students will respond to presented
script questions in a think-pair-share format. This will enhance the students
comprehension and ability to represent themselves to speak with a purpose. It is
important to facilitate discipline specific discourse. During the explore task, students
will complete the three-read strategy and discuss with their partner.

D. Syntax
Describe how you plan to teach the rules, special forms, conventions, and/or grammar associated
with (academic) writing or speaking in the content area.
The students will be introduced to the terms associated with the lesson activities as
they occur. When a vocabulary term appears, the students will discuss the possible

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meaning behind the term in relation to the context. Once a discussion on the
application of the word is complete, the students will share their justification to the
class. Any notes associated with the terms will be documented in the students
interactive math notebooks and applied to the classroom word wall. Students will be
responsible for writing math sentences when responding to questions using sentence
framing. I know _______ because ________. Once the incidental instruction of vocabulary
necessary for this lesson, the students will create a Frayer Model for the assigned

VI. Assessments
A. Pre-assessment/Assessment of Prior Knowledge
Describe potential misconceptions, partial understandings, or misunderstandings about the
lessons central focus that students may bring to the learning experience. Describe a pre-
assessment activity that will help you determine what skills need to be taught for this lesson. This
will be your pre-assessment and should not be included in sections B or C.
Pre-Assessment questionnaire Ticket out the Door given at the end of class.
Tell me three things you know or wonder about negative numbers?
Data collected assessed for prior knowledge of the class individually.

B. Formative Assessments
1. Informal Formative
During or at the conclusion of an activity or lesson, students respond individually or as a
group to a question or demonstrate a task. In your description, be specific in terms of what
you want students to demonstrate (must be measurable and connected to your listed
objectives) and how you will obtain the information you are seeking (oral, written response,
etc.). Informal assessments can be used to obtain individual or group results.
Think Pair Share and discussions from the three-read strategy; desired goals-
o Students correlate that the distance from start to finish represents
movement from 0 to x on a number line.
o That the equivalent movement in distance in two directions is equivalent
to |-x|=x.
o That -y < x.
Group discussions during small group task work observed by the teacher.
2. Formal Formative
Students respond individually verbally or in writing to a question or task. Typically, these
responses are graded. The key to a formal assessment is that the teacher is able to obtain
individual assessments results.
Formative assessment using online response tool (Kahoot!) or iResponders.
The teacher can use the individual data to collect on the classs understanding of
rational numbers.

C. Summative Assessments
Evaluates student learning at the end of an instructional unit by comparing it against some
standard or benchmark (performance standard or objective). The purpose is to demonstrate

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mastery of the skill being taught. Summative assessments are always individual and must be
created in a way that eliminates the possibility for students to receive assistance that might
misrepresent their true abilities.
Summative Assessment (due 3 days after lesson completion)- Application of
knowledge using technology tools in the classroom. Students will each create a real-
world example of rational numbers. The students will then create an online
presentation of their example and its application in daily mathematics. It will be a
group assessment. The launch video from the lesson will serve as a model for the
students final products. The instructional video the students create will serve as a
review tool for all the students. It will be graded using a rubric provided. The
categories will be; engaging topic knowledge, connection to positive and negative
numbers, a problem representative of the topic chosen, and the final product

VII. Preparation
A. Materials Needed
List all materials needed by the teacher and the students for the lesson. You may assume that
students have writing paper and utensils.
Multiple color markers
Smart Board
Technology access

B. Preparation
Describe all preparation that must occur before the lesson.
Create Number lines

C. Resources
List all resources used in the development of this lesson. Cite all sources appropriately, including
books, websites, and other teachers.
SMART notebook,, Kahoot!, Video Movie Maker, Discovery
Education, and

D. Safety Considerations (as appropriate)

Not applicable

VIII. Preparation Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks

A. Anticipatory Set
An introductory learning task that motivates students and effectively engages their attention,
activates their background knowledge, builds background when needed, and focuses their
thoughts on the learning objective. Should be directly related to the instructional objective. Make

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Mathematics 5 rev. 10 jan 2017
sure that the AS demonstrates evidence of learning. For example, simply showing a video clip to
students does not demonstrate any evidence of learning. A short activity following the video that
engages students in a focused discussion can accomplish this.
The students will watch a launch activity video created by the instructor. It will
discuss the history and science behind the development of hot-air balloons. The video
includes original photos captured from a fellow teacher candidate from the
Albuquerque hot-air balloon festival. Finally, the students will complete a video task
question assessing the positive and negative movement of the hot-air balloon with the
use of hot gases and sandbags being released. The balloons will be released from a
general middle location with two balloons moving in opposite directions. The
students will answer what they notice and what they wonder about the hot-air
balloon scenario as an open task. The class will complete a think pair share discourse
about the problem with their group members. Launch Video

B. Additional Learning Tasks

Descriptions of learning tasks must provide evidence that learning is occurring and that this
learning is directly related to the listed standards and objectives. Write these in a way that would
allow another teacher to read and carry out the activity.
This will be a tiered lesson process that will be engaging the students in learning
hands on. The students will be given guiding questions to solve using reasoning
related to temperature, city travel (absolute value), and opposites attract (relating to
opposite plotted numbers in relationship to zero). The students will have a variety of
methods available for solving. There will be a number line taped on the classroom
floor, smartboard number line, number line worksheets, Abacus, and a technology
connected number line. Students will complete multiple comprehensive word
problems to create a problem analysis for each problem in small groups. The students
are free to use any tool they choose. The teacher will observe and provide
mathematical connections. The teacher will listen closely, managing the students
discourse. The problems will be personally relatable to the students. Students will
have the freedom of grouping or working independently if desired. Students working
independently will be encouraged to discuss with the other groups at the learning
The topics of these problems will include:
Temperature Comparing temperatures to graph them on a number line using
blue for colder temperatures and red for warmer temperatures. This is an
introduction to solving inequalities using rational numbers.
City Travel (Absolute Value) Determining a location in terms of zero on a
number line using visual representations. Serves as an introduction to absolute
Opposites Attract The students will identify the opposite of a plotted number to
enhance comprehension of absolute value and its relationship to zero.
The students will then participate in a student-led interactive SMART Notebook
presentation, applying their comprehension of the content. This will be a final review
of the vocabulary involved.

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Online Smart Notebook
Finally, the students will complete a fun and engaging game as the formal formative
assessment of the general applications.

C. Closure
An activity that helps students contextualize what they have learned. A student-centered
summary that engages students in discussion is an effective way to do this.
The students will participate in a rich, high-ceiling, assignment focusing on the big
ideas rather than the narrow details. Students will select a group or go rouge and
select a topic to research. Each group will create a video providing the basic
knowledge needed about the topic, an informative video clip, and an original problem
that relates/requires integers, absolute value, and inequalities. Students will be
applying their knowledge to the point of having the ability to creatively teach it to the

IX. Support for Varied Student Learning Needs

A. Responses to misconceptions, partial understandings, misunderstandings, etc.
Describe how you have provided supports in your learning tasks that respond to the potential
misconceptions, partial understandings, and misunderstandings described in the assessment
Comparison between absolute value of equivalent numbers and their relation to zero
on the number line. Absolute value in relation to distance traveled. Negative numbers
in temperature.

B. Responses to learning needs of the whole class

Identify the instructional strategies that address different learning styles and multiple
intelligences, giving learners choices in process and product.
During the explore, students have access to multiple tools to solve the problems,
benefiting multiple learning styles. The problems are created based on the students
individual interests. Students have the option to work independently if they choose a
topic different from others to enhance creativity in the final assignment. This lesson
plan allows differentiation of the process by providing a variety of solving methods
for the students to choose from. The content is differentiated by modifying the task
problems to meet the interests of the students. The final assignment differentiates the
product by supporting the creativity of the students in the problem video project. The
analysis supports developing literacy skills with the three-read strategy. The lesson
plan provides flexible learning groups, freedom of choice, respectful tasks, and shared
responsibility for learning.
Launch- Open Ended Task
Explore- Interest Centers
Summarize- Video; Rich Tiered Task

C. Responses to learning needs of individuals and groups with similar needs

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Mathematics 7 rev. 10 jan 2017
How you will support the needs of the individuals and groups with similar needs including ELs,
students with IEP's etc. that you identified in your Context for Learning.
Gifted class; freedom to choose process and solving method. Student led instruction
with open-ended discussion questions.

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Mathematics 8 rev. 10 jan 2017

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