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Frauenheim 1

Dane Frauenheim


English 9 H

12 January 2017

Scout Becoming an Adult

Throughout To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee many of the characters identities

change a lot as it takes place over three years. But the most changed character would likely be

the main character Scout Finch.

One of the main themes in this novel is losing innocence and like the other main

characters scout loses hers. She sees a lot of traumatic things for a kid such as houses burning

down, her father killing a dog, and an innocent man being put in jail ad then being killed. The

biggest event though is when she was assaulted by Mr. Ewell and then saw him killed. Jem!,

Jem!, help me, Jem! Something crushed the chicken wire around me. (Lee 351).

Later in the book scout becomes more mature and a wise view of things unlike most

children. She no longer gets into fights when she is mad, she does not want to quit school, and is

no longer afraid of the Radley house, all thing an adult would do. She is becoming more and

more like Atticus just like Jem. Atticus is right. One time he said you never really knaw a man

until you stand in his shoes and walk around in them. Just standing on the Radley porch was

enough.(Lee 374).

Scout also loses her stubbornness and becomes a better person. In the beginning of the

novel the kids used to always make fun of Boo, but later Scout sees Boo as a human and they

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become friends. She loosens up to the idea of becoming more ladylike because she knows it will

make Aunt Alexandra happy. With my best company manners I asked her if she would have

some. After all if aunty Could be a lady in a time like this then so could I. (Lee 318).

Throughout the three years this takes place Scouts identity changes for the better. She is

growing up faster than most and becoming more like her father.

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Works Cited
Lee, Harper. To Kill a Mockingbird. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1960. Print.

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