Formato Palabras

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Word Definition Examples

I am arrival at the airport.

(llegada) the act of someone or
There was a car waiting for him on his
1. arrival something coming to a place.
When do you arrival.
(deletrear) to write or tell someone
How do you spell that?
the letters that are used to make a
2. spell She spelled my name wrong.
I cant spell.
Shes dancing with Ali.
(Bailar) to move your feet and body
3. dance to the rhythm of music.
I had a dance with my dad.
Wherere dance class.
4. intellectual: (Intelectual) Relating to your ability I like detective stories intellectual.
. to think and to understand things, I dont like nothing too intellectual.
especially complicated ideas. Who is intellectual in your family
(alrededor de) on all sides of
They sat around the table.
5. around (en crculo) a circular movement
This switch makes the wheels turn around.
Is there a supermarket around here?
(por (aqu)) or near this place.
She is really stressed about her exams.
(Estresado) worried and not able to
6. stressed Im stressed in the class of metodos.
Which is the stressed syllable in this word?
He made a lot of mistakes in his test.
(equivocacin, fallo) something that
7. mistakes you do or think that is wrong.
I picked up someone elses book by mistake.
I think you mistook what I said.
(Adivinar) to give an answer or Guess how old he is.
8. guess opinion about something without How did you guess I was here?
knowing all the facts. Were going to Hawaii!
But has one syllable.
(slaba) a word or part of a word that
9. syllable has one vowel sound.
apple has two syllables.
Cheese has one syllable.
Its nice to get out into the country on
(pas ) countries an area of land that weekends.
10. country has its own government, army, etc. This whole area is bear country.
Where is the contry cite.
(opuesto) in a position facing We live on opposite sides of the city.
11. opposities someone or something but on the The couple sat down opposite her.
other side. Is there a bakery opposite your house?
Im amazed you managed to move those.
(te, se) used to show that it is you boxes all by yourself.
12. yourself who is affected by an action. Dont cut yourself with that sharp knife.
Did you make the dress yourself?
That sounds like a really good idea.
13. sound (Sonido) something that you hear. It sounds like youve got a sore throat.
Why are, not created a sound.
Each of the teams has four players.
14. each (cada uno, -a) everyone in a group. Each student received a new pen.
Why the bill comes to $9
I changed jobs to make more money.
(cambiar de) to stop having or doing
Ive changed my doctor.
15. changes one thing, and start having or doing
Is there somewhere I can get changed?

Word Definition Examples

Hes a really nice person.
Pleasant (bonito, Bueno)
1. nice (Agradable) kind and friendly.
It was nice to meet you.
Are you always been very nice to me.
My parents living in Pelileo.
2. parents (madre, padre) your mother or father Her parents live in Spain
His adoptive parents.
I have a test without any problems
(sin) not having, using, or doing I cant see without my glasses.
3. without something. I don't speak for 60 seconds without
We were just talking about Simons new
(hablar, conversar ) to say things to girlfriend.
4. talking someone I was just talking to Adam.
Haw many people talking English
I make some coffee?
5. making (hacer, producir) to create something Theyve made a movie about her life.
Butter is made from milk.
(investigacin,estudio) the study of a She does research into language
6. research subject in order to discover new development.
I had a strange feeling in my fingers.
(emocin, sentimiento ) something that
Sitting by the lake gives me a nice,
7. feelings you feel in your mind when you are
peaceful feeling.
happy, sad, afraid, etc.
He tries to hide his feelings.
Taty is really stressed about her exams.
(estresado ) worried and not able to
8. stressed relax
Is this the stressed syllable in this
Cold causes contraction of the metal.
The contraction of this muscle raises
(contraccin ) the fact of something
9. contractions becoming smaller or shorter
the lower arm.
She was having regular strong
contractions every four minutes.
I cant spell!
(Deletrear)to write or tell someone the
10. spell letters that are used to make a word
How do you spell that?
She spelled my name wrong.
We had a great time.
11. great (genial) very good He has great difficulty walking.
He has a great big house.
Its $24.99, including postage and
(incluido) used to show that someone
12. including or something is part of something
I have
Im going to look for another job.
(otro, otra) one more, a different thing Theyre having another baby.
13. another or person. Are they disease spreads easily from
one person to another?
Her daughter went missing a week ago.
(desaparecido, que falta) lost, or not in
There are a couple of things missing
14. missing the usual place, not included in
from the list.
Are they in mission impossible
15. understand (Entender) to know why or how I dont understand Tatiana sometimes.
something happens or works. They are don't fully understand how the
brain works.
She didn't understand so I explained it

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