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Student: H.S. Age: 9 Grade: 3 Date: 4/10/17

Parent: School: West Salem Elementary
D.O.B.: West Salem Elementary Teacher: Julie Quackenbush
Telephone: XXX-XXX-XXXX Support Staff:


Main problem to focus on is noncompliance toward teachers, staff, and peers.

Student is oppositional and defiant toward peers, teachers, adults, and authority
Student often argues with teachers.
Student is often disrespectful toward peers and teachers/adults.
Student does not care about disciplinary actions and measures.
When told not to do something, student will do just what he was asked not to do.
Student tries to be first always during PE, becomes defiant and aggressive when
not first
When asked to take a break, student argues or lingers in the hall


Verbal Aggression (VA): - Verbal Aggression is defined by threats of harm toward self,
others, or major property. Examples of verbal aggression may include statements such
as I am going to throw this desk at you. Or I am going to break the window. Verbal
aggression is also defined by any yelling, swearing, or name-calling.

Verbal Noncompliance (VN) Verbal noncompliance is defined by oppositional verbal

behavior such as saying No to requests.

Noncompliance and Off-Task Behavior - Richards noncompliance and off-task

behaviors may consist of refusing to follow school and classroom rules and/or engaging
in challenging behaviors such as VA or VN. Examples of noncompliance and off-task
behaviors may include refusing to adhere to classroom expectations, requesting passes
for locker, bathroom, office, etc to get out of the classroom, shutting down in the
classroom and having an I dont care attitude about everything, and the use of
inappropriate and aggressive language.

Large group participation, primarily during PE
Unstructured activities during specials, when students are asked to work on their
own or in groups with peers
Activities that are competitive
Work that is to be completed with a partner
During large group activities, HS wants attention/praise for his accomplishments.


Maintain safety of the environment and students
Increase students cooperation and compromise with peers and adults.
Reduce incidents of power struggles, arguing, and oppositional and defiant
Increase student compliance with school and class rules, routines, and procedures
Improve the students problem solving, conflict resolution, and coping skills
Student will follow teacher and adult directives/directions without arguing
Student will recognize and assume responsibility for their part in incidents

Develop procedures for staff to safely respond to challenging behaviors
Teachers will speak and interact with the student in a neutral and emotionally flat
manner using a calm tone
Teachers will state expectations and directions in a clear manner and then walk
away from the student to avoid being drawn into a power struggle
Teachers will listen to the students concerns without interrupting and validate
their feelings
Teachers will avoid addressing the student in front of others
Teacher will provide student with a highly-structured routine, schedule, and
classroom environment
Teacher will send the student for a break or on an errand when they see the
student escalating (get a drink, drop off attendance to office)
Paraprofessional will offer positive praise, so that HS does not disrupt class.
If HS tries to vacate room, remain calm.
If HS attempts to leave room or activity, paraprofessional will remind him of clip
chart and rewards, offer a break, give positive praise.
If HS follows directions during Specials HS can earn positive rating on clip chart.
After Specials block HS will bring clip chart to resource room. Positive marks on
clip chart will result in rewards such as iPad playing, or bringing a friend to lunch
in resource room. The behavior clip chart will show his success. A copy will be
sent home to illustrate success.


Involve the student in developing plans to deal with their behavior
The student will be given a classroom duty
Student will go into a class of younger students to teach them (through role
playing) how to get along. (just one time trial) *uncertain about this
Teacher and student will develop a behavior contract *hasnt worked with this
student in the past
Teacher will teach, model, and role play small lessons on getting along with
others, compromise, coping, conflict resolution, cooperation, friendship, anger
management, cause and effect, respect, and the consequences of actions
Teacher will off the student an out when possible discuss plan

The primary focus of HSs behavior plan will be to increase compliance behaviors by
changing antecedent conditions for his special blocks (music, technology, PE, art, &
LMC; primarily during PE class).

PE teacher will provide frequent positive praise when HS follows class
instructions (participating in PE tasks, listening to teacher). Positive remarks will
be displayed on behavior chart.
Teachers will give HS frequent positive feedback, like a pat on the back, high
five, thumbs up, wink, etc
Student will utilize a sticker or other similar chart for effort and work, receiving
rewards for reaching goals
When helping the student, the teacher will approach the student and interact with
HS as though they are a team and in it together
Teacher will praise and encourage student for good effort, attempting tasks or
completing work


When HS is off-task paraprofessional with him during specials will use a calm
voice to offer support and redirect HS. A sensory break in hall for a drink for a
few minutes can be tried to regain focus. Extreme modification would be a break
in the resource room until HS is ready to return to class.
HS will be subject to school and class discipline policies and procedures
Try to distract behavior with a task or job, have HS take letter to office, or
perform a task in the classroom
HS will take a break in the classroom (timeout, break, or cooldown as needed).
If behavior escalates, HS may take a break in the hall with a paraprofessional.
Should HS need further support he may take a break in the resource room.
If HS is noncompliant and is disturbing others around him or threatening to leave
the PE area, then offer to him a chance to take a break in the EBD room. (Radio
Mrs. Q to let her know to come and walk with HS to room. Allow HS to attempt
to walk to EBD room on own first. This will be take a break time, not a
Mrs. Q will then redirect his behavior and if possible, have HS
return to PE class and try the task again.
A phone call to mom will be made should HSs behavior escalate (Mom has
agreed to come in and speak with HS, when he has multiple warnings and breaks
in a day)
HS will complete a self-reflection sheet after engaging in target behavior (the
following day once behavior is under control)
If behavior becomes a pattern HS will try a role play social group to practice
desired outcomes in resource room prior to recess with Mrs. Q.

Positive social intervention with peers will be reinforced with verbal acknowledgement,
as well as the opportunity to earn special privileges to be determined by teachers, parents,
and school administration (lunch with Mrs. Q & a friend in the resource room, etc)

Helpful Hints
Trust needs to be established and earned
HS tends to react without the thought of consequence
Threats escalate HSs behavior

Mom will maintain regular communication with teachers, administration and school
Mom can be called to speak with HS during the day
Mom said she is willing to come in for a visit if need be
When/if HS is sent home for the remainder of the day, mom will pick him up within
30 minutes
Mom will discuss the behavior with HS at home to review rules and expectations


The Behavior team will meet to review, assess, and revise the BIP (if needed on): 5/10/17


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