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Word Legal Meaning Translation

Apostille Apostilla

Certificate Certificado, partida, acta

Commonwealth The public; the people; a Estado de, la Comunidad

(Commonwealth of government which de, la Mancomunidad de
Kentucky) concerns itself with the
rights of the people
rather than the rulers.
From common weal,
term for the public good.
Four of the 50 States
Pennsylvania and
Virginia) use
Commonwealth of
rather than State of

Convey / Conveyance In real property law: Transmisin de bienes

to transfer property from inmuebles
one to another, by
means of a written
instrument and other

Entry entrada, registro

Record registro, acta,

expediente, documento,

Registry registro (s)

land registry : catastro
registro de bienes races
registro catastral
registry office: registro
oficina de registro
civil registry: registro

Registry Of Deeds An officially maintained Registro de Propiedad

book that provides a Inmueble
place and mechanism
for registering evidences
of conveyances of
interests in real property
so that notice may be
available to all third
parties that there has
been a change in the
ownership of property
effected by a
conveyance of the

Register (n) Registro, lista,

inscripcin, matrcula

Register (v) To record formally and registrarse, inscribirse,

exactly; to enroll; to registrar algo
enter precisely in a list.
Corporations: to enter
the name of stock and
bond holders on the
books of the company.
REGISTRAR: may be an
agent, such as a bank,
or it may be the
corporation. The
registrar is responsible
for preventing
unauthorized issuance of
stock by a company.

Vital statistics Office/ Bureau of V.S. Estadsticas Vitales

Vital Records Vital records are records Registro Civil

of life events kept under
governmental authority,
including birth
certificates, marriage
licenses, and death

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