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Logan Frey

3rd Summary Response: The Last Lecture

Professor Andrew Brown

UWRT 1104-19

April 7th, 2017

3nd Summary Response: The Last Lecture

As I continued reading the most recent section of The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch, I gained insight into

what made Pausch such an enjoyable individual to be around and displayed the characteristics that simply

define who Randy Pausch truly was. After reading the first one hundred pages, I noticed that Pauschs

main point was to achieve his lifelong dreams and chase the things that made him happy, but as the book

continues, it seems as though Pausch began to change his outlook on dream chasing. In the most recent

section I read, it seems as though Randy Pausch begins realizing that although it is extremely rewarding

to fulfill your own childhood dreams, it is also just as rewarding to help others succeed and learn as well.

Therefore, as I began taking on this new outlook that Pausch quickly adopted, I began realizing how

influential Pausch can be not only while he is chasing his own dreams, but as well as when he is assisting

other individuals in chasing their dreams too.

For example, Randy Pausch met a young individual named Tommy Burnett while teaching at the

University of Virginia, and Tommy was extremely motivated to work on the next Star Wars Film, but in

1993 the Star Wars films were finished being created. With that being said, Randy Pausch stated, I

figured Tommys big dream would never happen, but it might serve him well somehow. I could use a

dreamer like that. I knew from my NFL desires that even if he didnt achieve his, they could serve him

well, so I asked him to join our research team, and just like that Tommy Burnett became part of Pauschs

research team. Although Pausch didnt think that Tommys dream was achievable, it turns out that through

the help of Pausch, Tommy Burnett was later hired by produce/director George Lucass company,

Industrial Light & Magic. As the story continues and Tommy Burnetts dream continues to fall into place,
three new Star Wars films were to be made in 1999, 2002, and 2005, and Tommy ended up working on all

three of the them.

Reflecting on the most recent section I read, I find it extremely related and believable that

through Randy Pauschs assistance big things were able to come true for Tommy Burnett. I can relate to

this section due to the fact that I have had someone that has been extremely influential in my life, just like

Randy Pausch playing a crucial role in Tommys life, and through my influential contact I have been able

to acquire opportunities that I could have never dreamed of. In terms of Randy Pausch realizing that he

not only found desire through chasing and achieving his own dreams, but finding desire and joy through

helping others achieve their dreams, I find it very admirable for the actions that Pausch put forth in terms

of bringing along Tommy and other students as part of his research team to work at Disney. For Tommy,

Pausch was able to recognize that same inner child that Pausch experiences in Tommy, and with that

simple comparable trait Pausch knew that he wanted to help out, and through Pauschs influential and

impactful role, Tommy Burnett has been able to achieve even his wildest dreams and work on three of the

Star Wars Films. As I continue reading, I believe Pausch will not only have the same effect on other

individuals as he had on Tommy, but I believe Randy Pausch will find an abundance of other ways to

inspire individuals to find joys in their own lives while assisting in providing that same joy in others lives

as well.

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