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DREA Firstly, my pdream school will be build in a natural

place. It should have young , friendly and well-
trained teachers. The school will contain three big

M floors.
The first floor will be called:The Sport Floor. On
the first floor there will be a big gym, a big pool, a

SCHO laboratory and a big

canteen where students will have lunch. In the corridor also
there will be 2 automat machines,one for drinks like

coffee,tea,coca cola etc. and one for snacks like
chocolates,chips etc.
The second will be called : The foreign language floor. On
the second floor there will be English classes, French classes,
Italian classes , and Albanian classes . Every class will
contain boards and desks , and on teachers desk there will be a computer and a big TV.
And the third floor will be called : The scientific subjects. On the third floor there will be
also Maths classes, Biology classes, History classes, chemistry classes etc. In general , the
school will contain 30 classes with all the needed accessories , like- computers ,TV , Internet
etc. Also e very lesson will take 35 minutes and breaks will
be 10 minutes.
There will be no bullying or violence. There will be cameras
in every corner of the school , so we make sure that there is
no violence at school. The school is white with blue
windows . Its a very big school with a lot of trees and
flowers around it. There will be a big yellow school bus
which will be free for all students. Also the school cinema
will be free for all students. The school will contain also different kind of fields , such as
football field , tennis field , basketball , volleyball etc. Twice a month there will be 1
excursions in places where the students will decide. School will contain a rich library and 2
big computer centers. In front of the school there will be a park with fountain and a big
coffee shop.

This is my ideal school

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