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Kindergarten Rules and Regulations

The following is our class pledge: All school Rules Apply

We raise our hands to speak.

We work quietly at our seats.

We use voices soft and sweet.

We keep our places tidy and neat.

We are helpful, friendly, and fair.

We take turns and willingly share.

We review this pledge each day talking about expectations.
Students will be expected to follow all school rules at all times. This
includes times the student is at the following activities: recess,
breakfast, and lunch time, walking in the hallway, restroom times, on the
morning walking track, special area classes, and the school bus.

Every student will begin the day with 3 Good Behavior Tickets. These
tickets will be used as our Kindergarten discipline. As students exhibit
poor behavior he or she will be asked to give one of the tickets to the
teacher. At the end of the day the number of tickets the student has
left in his or her possession will be recorded. At the end of the week
students will be rewarded for having kept at least one ticket per day.

Students who repeatedly misbehave, are disrespectful to others students

and adults, or fail to follow school rules will miss recess. Parents will be
notified of problems either by a note in the daily folder or a phone call.

I have read and understand this policy:

Students Name (Print):________________________ Signature:______________

Parent/Guardian full name (Print):________________ Signature:_____________

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