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Coins and Pouches: In-Class Activity

In a far-away kingdom, they use pouches and dollar gold coins. However, nobody except for the
king knows the value of the pouches. It is your job to help the citizens discover how many coins
are in each pouch.

Each pouch contains the same number of gold coins in each problem
The number of coins on each side of the equal sign is the same, but some are hidden in
the pouches

For each problem, find how many coins are in each pouch. Show your work!

1. 10 coins = 3 pouches and 4 coins

2. 3 pouches and 3 coins = 30 coins

3. 3 pouches = 2 pouches and 12 coins

4. 2 pouches and 21 coins = 5 pouches and 3 coins

5. 2 pouches and 4 coins = 12 coins

6. 3 pouches and 3 coins = 2 pouches and 12 coins


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