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- Allied Powers (Great Britain, France, United States, Soviet Union,

- Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, Japan)
- Adolf Hitler/Nazi Party
- Fascism
- Causes of WWII (German anger over Treaty of Versailles,
reparations, appeasement policy)
- 1939 Invasion of Poland
- Anti-Semitism/Holocaust (how did it start, which groups
were targeted, etc.)
- Concentration Camps, Final Solution
- Pearl Harbor
- Japanese Internment Camps (Executive Order 9066)
- D-Day Invasion
- Atomic Bomb (Pros/Cons)
- Nuremberg Trials/War Crimes
- Yalta Conference
- United Nations
- Truman Doctrine
- Marshall Plan

***Review PowerPoints and other materials

from class under Unit Resources on Unit 5

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