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Name: __________________

Date: ___________________
Class: __________________
Period: _________________
Closely Reading for Word Choice and Applying Patterns/Insights into Narrative Writing

Purpose: An authors word choice has a large impact on many elements of narrative writing. These include
tone, imagery, and theme. Everyone, especially writers, should have a strong voice that distinguishes them and
makes their story unique. By studying an authors word choice and brainstorming word choice for your short
story, you will have the tools necessary to create a voice.

Instructions: Using the table below as a guide, closely read Sakis The Interlopers imagery, tone, and theme.
Highlight each different category in a different color or use symbol to indicate the category. For example, you
might highlight words that contribute to imagery blue and words that contribute to tone pink. Make a labeling
key at the top of your page so it is clear which categories the words fall into. Remember to write notes in the
margins and dont be afraid to mark up the text!

Then, you will fill in the sections below. Simply write the words in each category and then follow the
instructions provided for the next section.

See Rubric Below! (35 pts.)

Read Closely: Word Choice

1. Read Through Lenses. Look for words that evoke strong emotions, strong images, and a
clear idea.

2. Use lenses to find patterns. Which words fit together?

How do they fit together?

3. Use patterns to develop a new Think about the authors: Tone, purpose, relationship to the
understanding of the text. subject, and central idea.
(This table was borrowed from Christopher Lehman and Kate Roberts Falling in Love with Close Reading)
(Lehman 35).

Close Reading Gatherings:





















New Understanding: (Based on the patterns of word choice) Use the box below to make a word web or other

graphic organizer. Draw connections between imagery, tone, and theme. Do some of the words fall into more
than one category? How do they relate and differ? How does this contribute to the story? After pondering these

questions, write a paragraph below the box about the new understanding(s) youve gained from reading through

the word choice lense.













Applying Reading to Writing

Think about the story you are about to write. What theme, imagery, and tone do you want to convey? Your story

should have a central theme of coming of age, but can also have other themes included that are important to

you. Ive provided an example below for an adventurous coming of age story with an optimistic central theme

of Humankind can overcome anything with the help of friendship and perseverance. Fill in the table below

using as many rich words you can. You will be using these in your short story assignment.



Images Tone Theme


Images Tone Theme

Vast, ocean, thunder, Adventure, overcome, risk, Innovative, pursue,

lightning, crashing waves, life-saving, friend, love, loss, perseverance, crazy idea,
dark, light, blue, depths, gone, lost, away, drifting, stubborn, warmth of land,
terrible, horizon. hope, shore. journey, no turning back.
Grading Rubric:

A+ / A- B+ / B- C+ / C- D/F
100-90 89-80 79-70 60 or Below
All 3 categories are Mostly organized in Annotations are Little to no
highlighted. annotations present, but not annotations are
organized. present
Key written on text.
Word Choice
Recordings and Most of the Some annotations Little to no
New annotations are are recorded on the annotations are
Understandings recorded on the worksheet. recorded on the
Annotations are worksheet and new worksheet.
recorded on the understandings use
understandings use New
worksheet and new textual evidence to
some textual understandings use
understandings use organize ideas.
evidence to no textual evidence
textual evidence to organize ideas. to organize ideas.
organize ideas.
Not present
Word Choice Chart Theme(s) and a Theme(s) and a Theme(s) and a
variety of words are variety of words are variety of words are
Theme(s) and a chosen that are chosen that are chosen that are not
variety of words are mostly connected somewhat connected or not
chosen that are connected provided at all
Final Score ___/35

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