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504 plan and GIEP document review

504 plans
- Food allergy action plan input from outside doctor
- OT needs direct service, access to adaptive paper, access to word processor
for typing
- Notifying parents of special events/parties with snacks so they can send in a
snack that is safe for their child to eat
- Detailed directions about what a student can have (water bottle in classes),
when they can visit the nurse (coughing, tightness in chest), and how/why a
decision will be made if the child needs to go home (air conditioner not
functioning in classroom)
o Doctors notes are also provided as documentation
- Steps for keeping food away from allergens sending in a disposable
placemat to limit contact with the lunch table, placing a lunchbox in a plastic
bag that only the student may carry, notifying classroom parents about
allergies in the classroom and posting a sign outside the classroom door,
training for cafeteria staff about cross contamination
- Following doctors orders about monitoring and maintaining blood sugar,
schedule for checking blood sugar
- Organizational needs (graphic organizers, agenda book that a teacher initials
to ensure assignments are written correctly, use of specific bags or materials,
checking that binders/folders are organized correctly)
- Focus supports (seat close to instruction, nonverbal prompts to gain
- Extended time for tests and assignments (in some cases parents notify school
when this is needed)
- Some behavioral accommodations (use of immediate consequences such as
lunch detention, access to stress management tools)
o Verbal encouragement, access to an adult for problem solving, prompts
to use strategies
- Separate setting for testing
- Support for peer interactions by talking with the school counselor
- Scheduling classes with teacher and peer compatibility in mind
- Access to snacks throughout the day to balance metabolism and regulate
energy levels
High School
- Requesting pre-printed notes
- 150% extended time for assessments, homework and assignment completion
- Rest periods (medical condition)
- Access to nurse or guidance office during class time
- Giving a specified number of days to turn an M assignment grade (missing)
to an L (late)
- Using a personal cell phone to record assignments/add things to a calendar
will be considered acceptable phone use

Overall observations about format, process and purpose

- Accommodations are added in one box or multiple boxes but then responsible
parties are identified, most always the student and classroom teacher, but
then sometimes the parent as well. In medical cases the nurse is responsible
and in allergy plans cafeteria staff can also be listed.
- Occupational therapy can be given as part of a 504, not a stand alone
diagnosis for an IEP, as is speech and language therapy.
- Place to record who gave written input
- Plans outline aids, services or accommodations
o Services would be supported by the nurse (blood glucose checking, OT)
while accommodations would be access to materials, preferred
seating, extended time, etc.
- More specific accommodations (such as access to snacks to regulate energy
levels) seem to be team created and individualized for the student
Conditions that led to 504 plans
ADHD, Lymes disease, Food allergy, Asthma, OT needs/ Fine Motor Delays,
Diabetes, Aspergers, History of disability but had been exited from needing special
- Present levels included cognitive and academic achievement testing as well
as scores from standardized tests
- Most goals are completion of the RELA and Math Plus classes which are the
accelerated classes offered to all students that qualify, not just those that are
identified as being gifted
- References using Webbs Depth of Knowledge guides in order to promote and
score higher level thinking skills and to respond to texts
- Participate in accelerated curriculum and earn As
- Timeline is by the end of the ____ school year
- SDIs: homogenous grouping based upon her intellectual ability, emphasis on
developing and using higher order thinking skills, emphasis on enrichment
- Complete requirements of accelerated, honors and AP classes 80% mastery
of all required coursework
- Timeline is quarterly
- Goal: earning a 4 or better on an AP exam
- Support service: school counselor offering guidance through high school and
post-secondary planning
- In section D, included information from the student interview perhaps?

Overall observations about format, process and purpose

- First page basic demographic information as well as meeting date and
implementation date. GIEPs do not have an expiration date listed as IEPs do
(but expire 1 year minus 1 day from the implementation)
- Then signature page - required members are: the student's parent(s), the
student (if appropriate), one or more of the student's current teachers, a
school district representative (LEA), teacher of the gifted and other
individuals at the discretion of either the parents or district
- Section 1: Present Levels
o A.: Academic and cognitive strengths included testing results as well
as strengths from performance in the curriculum
o B: Achievement results which are aligned to grade/course level
o C: Progress on goals
o D: Aptitudes, interests, specialized skills, products and evidence of
effectiveness in other academic areas input from regular education
teacher as well as teacher of the gifted
o E: Grades/Classroom Performance as Indicated by Subject Area
Teachers more input from reg. ed. teacher, grades from report card
- Section 2: Goals and Outcomes
o Annual goal as would be written for an IEP but then the short-term
learning outcome which has the criteria, assessment procedure and
o SDIs are listed by goal rather than in one section as in an IEP listed
gifted support, classroom differentiation, placement in groups of the
same instructional level
- Section 3: Support Services
o Collaboration between gifted teacher and reg. ed. teacher, accelerated
- Students 14 and older invited to their GIEP meetings as with IEPs

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