301 Cover Letter

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Leslie Bruce,

University Hall room 435

800 N. State College Boulevard

Fullerton, CA 92831

Dear Dr. Bruce,

Over the course of the semester, I have been introduced to a number of academic readings and
distinct writing strategies that synthesize adequate writing structure. Through the use of my
resources in this course, the quality of my writing has progressed in multiple aspects that
effectively incorporate the six student learning outcomes. In order to exhibit my progression as a
writer, I have compiled a portfolio that consists of peer reviews, a fully revised annotated
bibliography, and a lesson activity to showcase my advancement in these six objectives.

I decided to integrate my annotated bibliography into this portfolio, as it comprises several of the
student learning objectives. In regards to Academic Language and Design (SLO 5), my annotated
bibliography illustrates my proficiency through my ability to construct compelling sentence
structures with professional use of diction and syntax. I articulate my improvement by
approaching a sensitive topic about gender differences in the most appropriate manner to appease
everyone with as little offense as possible. While discussing gender, I also incorporate Persuasive
Arguments (SLO 3). I competently argue the significance of the inclusion of all genders in
professional and Olympic sports by expressing positive outcomes such as teammate chemistry.
To further exemplify this assertion, I also include an article by Robert J. Lake which analyzes the
history and statistics on mixed-doubles tennis and how women are undermined. I successfully
communicate to opposing positions by providing concrete evidence, amplifying my overall

I have learned that the availability of multiple sources does not always constitute satisfactory
work, but rather the quality of the sources does. I reiterate this claim and the Ethical Research
objective (SLO 2) in my annotative bibliography by incorporating various discipline-appropriate
sources such as the scholarly peer-reviewed article Against Sexual Discrimination in Sports and
the 2nd edition of the textbook Philosophic Inquiry in Sport. In doing so, I display diversity into
my work, knowledge to my readers, and validation to my arguments.

In my week 4 Ocean Acidification peer review, I attend to the Rhetorical Focus Student Learning
Objective (SLO 1) and Collaboration (SLO 6) by formally addressing my classmates struggles
in SLOs. I constructively criticize their work by generating claims such as, With the utilization
of parenthesis to define more complex terms or ideas, it helps to better understand and identify
the issue at hand. Furthermore, I formally express what I believe my peer needs to refine in
order to make their argument more coherent, persuasive, and overall better. You will also note
that I informally glorify what my peer did well on by stating, This definition had a little bit of
both informing and educating in it. With subheadings like History you get an educational feel,
whereas the Causes and Effects of Ocean Acidification subheadings were very informal and
explained in detail. I formally and informally articulate what my peer lacked and excelled in
with the intent to strengthen their work, depending on my intended purpose behind the critique.
My ability to communicate formally and informally enables me to better communicate with
varying audiences and for different purposes, thus allowing my work to be understandable to

In the Lesson Activity 14, you will see I demonstrate my mastered understanding of Organization
and Focus (SLO 4) by addressing constructive criticism to my peers. I make statements such as,
I would state what SLOs I have improved on in the first sentence, the assignment that explains
why that is in the second, and continually reason out why I improved on it in the following
sentences. This example illustrates how I rationalize better organizational techniques to enhance
my peers structure to sway their readers opinion in a more effective manner.

This course has taught me how to improve my writing abilities, particularly with Academic
Language and Design (SLO 5). Being exposed to assignments that promote ethical research has
directed me to various fields and works, allowing me to further support and expand on my
academic language and design. As a result, my rhetorical skills, arguments, and academic
language have all allowed me to support my theses more efficiently, overall magnifying my skills
as a writer. I plan on utilizing all that Ive learned to further expand my writing throughout my
academic and professional career. I present the following documents in hopes to further
demonstrate my enhanced writing competencies.


Peter Habib

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