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Christianity- Baptism

What is it?
Admits candidate into Christian Church Community
Brings new life door way to other sacraments
Frees us from all original and future sin reborn as a son of God

Baptism is a Christian rite in which new members are initiated into the Christian
community. Baptism has been used since the beginning of Christianity when it was
used to initiate adults only, only becoming open to children in more recent centuries.
Baptism involves profession of the faith by the immersion of the forehead. It is
common to all Christian faiths, although there are some minor variations.

Baptise them in the name of the F, S, HS and teach them to observe all the
commands I gave you (Mt 28:19-20)

What happens during Baptism?

Welcome right
Questioning of parents responsibilities
Signing to Priest with sign of cross
Celebration of liturgy of the word
Exorcism, then child is anointed
Blessing of Baptismal water
Parents profess faith
In the name of the F, S, HS, child anointed with oil
Clothing and candles
Conclude with lords prayer

What symbols are used during Baptism?

Water- represents cleansing of all sin for new beginning
Oil- represents strength for lifes struggles
White clothing- represents purity and new life
Candle- represents light of Christ. Jesus represented as light of the world

How does it demonstrate key Christian key beliefs?

Welcome: demonstrates a community event for significance for individual
and community
Readings from Bible: demonstrate central role of faith in Jesus
Exorcism: demonstrates deliverance from evil
Profession of faith: demonstrates key segments of Nicene Creed
Baptism: water demonstrates cleansing sin, new beginning, faith in triune
Candle / White garment: demonstrates light of Christ and new beginning
free of sin
Anointment: demonstrates strengthening of individual for future challenges
Eucharist: demonstrates full membership and participation in church
Why is it significant for individuals and communities?
Individual, Baptism signifies:
Personal orientation to dedicate on life to believing in Christian faith
Experience of being forgiven of all past faults, now to live according to
Invitation to participate in worshipping life of Christian Church
Accepting responsibility to live as a Christian through Jesus values and be
a member of the Church community
Access to other and further Christian rites

Community, Baptism signifies:

Fidelity to Jesus command to extent his message to all people
Baptise all nations, teach them all my commandments (Mt 28:19-20)
Vitality within the Church, inclusion of new members
Opportunity to learn from new members, newer ways to spread Jesus
Reminder of Church identity- community called to existence by God,
reliant on Gods Holy Spirit
Allow participants to play active part in Church activities
Parents and God Parents guide the baptised in future life

What are the variants of Baptism within Christianity?

Orthodox Church:
Initiation as infant
Triple immersion
Anointment of forehead AND eyes, nose, mouth, ears, chest, hands, feet
Bread and wine for Eucharist

Protestant Church:
Initiation as adult
Full body immersion
Only a person who repents can be born again
Infants who do not understand enough to hold faith in Jesus cannot be

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