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City Improvement and

Abstract.......................................................................................................... 2
Introduction................................................................................................... 3
Urban Planning............................................................................................. 3
What Is The Ideal Plan?................................................................................. 4
Methodology.................................................................................................. 4
uRban planning Examples.............................................................................4
Art and Culture.............................................................................................. 5
Results............................................................................................................. 5
Urban Planing examples............................................................................... 5
Art and culture.............................................................................................. 6
Analysis............................................................................................................ 6
Recommendation............................................................................................. 7
Conclusion........................................................................................................ 8
References....................................................................................................... 9


This report will provide suggestions on city improvement and a course
of action to implement a city tradition for the purpose of increasing
tourism. The city of Gravity Falls has not been updated in over 30
years. In terms of city improvement, the plan will be to simply renovate
the city to make it more aesthetically pleasing. In this course of action,
key areas and/or building will take priority in renovation, for placing
with higher traffic will benefit most from such upgrades. For the
implementation of a city tradition, some sort of Festival would be the
primary option. Statistics from other cities with great amount of
tourism will be researched. Successes and failures will be taken from
past projects, and applied into the process of developing a festive
event that is unique to the city. The last point of emphasis, would be
gauging how the citizens of Gravity Falls would feel about the finalized
recommendation plan. This may be accomplished by several means
but simply conducting extensive survey and voting polls may prove to
be most effective and ethically considerate.

This report will present to you the various opportunities and courses of
action available for city improvement and renovation. This

recommendations overall aim is to increase tourism of Gravity Falls
and retain the happiness of its current citizens simultaneously

Urban Planning
The proper and more familiar terms for City Improvement are Urban
Development or Urban Planning. In figure 1, one can see the basic
breakdown of what urban planners evaluate when they create plans.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the duties of urban planners
include the following:

Meet with public officials, developers, and the community

regarding plans of development and how to utilize the areas

Administer government
plans or policies affecting
land use, the
environment, zoning,
historic buildings, public
utilities, community
facilities, housing,
community design, and

Gather and analyze

market research data,
censuses, and economic
Figure 1: Urban environmental
Conduct field Map investigations to
analyze factors affecting community development and decline,
including land use

Review site plans submitted by developers

Assess the feasibility of proposals and identify needed changes

Recommend whether proposals should be approved or denied

Present projects to communities, planning officials, and planning


Stay current on zoning or building codes, environmental
regulations, and other legal issues (Bureau of Labor Statistics


As one can see, the duties fall in line with the best interest of the
people. There is a process to every sort of plan or proposal and the
opinions and preferences of a cities citizens is taken into consideration.
This is to ensure that a towns citizens do not feel ulterior motives such
as money are the driving factor in the decisions made by city officials,
such as Mayors.

Dr. Boyd Cohen, an urban

strategist and successful
author of Climate Capitalism:
Capitalism in the Age of
Climate Change, created a
model he calls the Smarter
Cities Wheel. This model can
be seen in Figure 2. As one can
observe, it is believed by
successful urban planners and
strategist that the
implementation of proper
infrastructure, thoughtful
social programs and ample city Figure
management are key 2
components to the formula of
maintaining a prosperous city. When considering revamping an entire
city and increasing its levels of tourism, these components must
remain intact to keep the people [Grab your readers attention with a great
quote from the document or use this space to emphasize a key point. To
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who already live their content.

When it came down to evaluating the course of action for research, the
best idea was to study past endeavors of urban development for the
purpose of figuring out the ideal process to revitalize the town. In
terms of increasing tourism, events such as music festivals and county

fairs will be analyzed to get an idea of what is necessary to run them


For this portion of my research, I analyzed projects that dealt mainly
with city innovation and city conservation. It was vitally important to
analyze what the project would offer to a specific area and what it
would take to accomplish its defined goal. Finally, many plans
displayed levels of priority for certain tasks oriented in either
development or conservation projects.


This portion of the research would deal specifically with boosting
tourism. I will be exploring opportunities to create a large annual music
and art festival and a summer time county fair. A great focus in this
research is to analyze what types of events can be held within a city without
stripping it of its dignity or present culture. The events chosen to improve
Gravity Falls in this case are wholesome and will give the city a good name.

The most thorough example I observed was a plan composed by
the South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative (South
Atlantic LCC). This plan was observed from the official website for
the American Planning Association. The overall issue the South
Atlantic LCC planned to combat here was the issue of energy
connectivity from large cities and urban areas. The plan
considered not tarnishing too much land and proposed ideas
related to Green Infrastructure. This plan was in tune with the
idea of balance presented in Dr. Cohens Smarter Cities wheel. As
shown in Figure 3, the project showed great focus of prioritizing
its plan in regards to which area they could reform first.


According to the blueprint found on the American Planning
Associations website, the plans main goals include:

Improved ability to
depict areas and
actions of shared
interest near and
within cities;

Improved corridor
routing through
and around
Figure 4:
Example of an
municipalities; and
Development 3D
Improved relationships between urban planners and other Graphical Mock
conservation professionals. (APA 2017)


The results regarding art and culture also came from American
Planning Associations official website. A great emphasis in this case is
on economic vitality and how art, culture and creativity can accomplish
the following:

improve a community's competitive edge;

create a foundation for defining a sense of place;

attract new and visiting populations;

integrate the visions of community and business leaders; and

contribute to the development of a skilled workforce. (APA 2017)

The information taken from the research is most definitely unique to
their own individual situations. However, as stated on the American
Planning Association website and the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the
models for urban development plans are applicable to most other
urban planning endeavors since they follow similar principles in
maintaining balance of the city and looking out for its well-being. In the
case of the South Atlantic LCCs city connectivity plan, they are
addressing an issue and solving it by prioritizing areas where energy
and communication failure would be most detrimental.

The information extracted from art and culture, is in direct correlation

with tourism. The idea is that a city either utilizes or exploits unique
parts of itself for economic and reputation gain. The model from the
American Planning Association suggests utilizing music, food and
present standing cultural entities to increase economic vitality, which
is synonymous with tourism in several ways.

In the case of the city of Gravity Falls, the final verdict is that the town
attempt to increase its tourism and financial status before renovating
the city. Since it is stated in many sources, mainly in the American
Planning Associations guide for artistic and cultural implementation,
things such as art museums and music festivals are quite sure-fire
when it comes to bringing in a new crowd and bolstering economic

The plan will be to start the tradition of a weekend long music festival
that will utilize the open land of Gravity Falls. This ensures balance will
remain between. First, you will not be going out of your way requesting
more infrastructure for the event. Festivals as such take place outside.

Also, since large musical festivals like such are a commodity at this
point in time, they generate a great profit within just a few days. It is
reported that, Music festivals on average generate a total economic
impact of $100 million. EDC Las Vegas generated over $322 million in
2014. (EDM Staff 2015) Its evident that great revenue can be earned
in this venue

Secondly, an annual county fair would be a wholesome event to

implement into your city. Its recommended that this fair take place in
the summer when many more people are on vacation. In the
beginning, marketing will be the greatest feat, but in time this will
become a great additive to tourism.

Finally, since the city has not been renovated in some time, it is
recommended that you start by revitalizing the city hall and the center
of the town first. It was suggested that the town seek out and start
holding its tourism generating events first as to not put the city in a
financial hole before having a chance to recover from its outward
appearance. Under the assumption that the festivals and fairs are
successful, people will now continue to come back a couple times a
year for those annual events. In turn, reoccurring tourist will notice the
cities attempts to improve itself and Gravity Falls will gain a positive

In the end, there are countless ways to better a city. However, there are
several key components that must be kept in check to ensure the cities
officials are not overstepping boundaries and the well-being of the loyal
citizens is not being disregarded. If you focus on the balancing economic
growth, the happiness of your citizens and city management, there is no
doubt that Gravity Falls will see success in its bright, newly realized future.

Association, A. P. (2017). Arts, Culture & Creativity. Retrieved March 27, 2017,

Association, A. P. (2017). Urban Conservation: Thinking Megaregionally.

Retrieved March 27, 2017, from

Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook

Handbook, 2016-17 Edition, Urban and Regional Planners,
on the Internet at
science/urban-and-regional-planners.htm (visited March 28, 2017).

Cohen, B., Dr. (2016, May 11). What Makes A Thriving And Interesting City?
Something Called Collision Density. Retrieved March 28, 2017, from

Staff, E. (2015, May 08). See What Music Festivals Cost The Most And Make
The Most Profit [VIDEO]. Retrieved March 30, 2017, from


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