Megan Observation

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Observation 4/18/17
Monday, March 13, 2017 8:41 AM

Classroom observation focus:

Best Effectiv Evidence Feedback
Practice e
Principles Yes/No
Clear Yes You have goals every single day!! I never see your
content board blank. Thank you.
objective They could be more explicit BUT I can look at your
Written/ex board and SEE all that you are doing in a day: math,
plained literacy, spelling, vocab, writing, science. There is so
much there. Your science objectives are really clear.
Your voice expectations are clear. If kids don't know
what to do, they can look right up there and know
what you are doing and what comes next. This is

Clear Yes Think about how you are listening. You Woah. Chatty! And engaged!! :)
Classroom might be quiet, but what is your body
Managem doing? Halle dominated all the comments. It is easiest to go to
ent her because she calls out and is so engaged with what
is happening, but I see other kids "turning off" because
they don't have to think. Maybe let her know that she
gets three comments a day. Haha. OR have kids turn to
their partner and share one idea they have about
_____ for 10 seconds so everyone gets to talk??
Strategy Yes Vocabulary, comprehension, Love how you have been using this vocabulary chart
Instruction strategies: ABK and Connections. these past few weeks!! It is really making kids aware of
Compare and contrast. Genre: realistic words and how familiar they are to them.
fiction. Fluency-- listen to my voice
and listen for EXPRESSION. Whisper Love how you read with them so expressively, helped
read with me. Dallin focus, drew their attention to the pictures on the
page and predicted before they read.
I like that some of the girls were comfortable they
could read on their own. Safe classroom.

Interesting Yes Just like Josh Gibson You made this story come to life. The way you had
Texts? them compare and contrast women in baseball then
Sail: HOW does that ball LOOK when it and now. (The skirts. Haha) You made a story in the
is flying in the air? 1940s so relatable to them. You taught the vocabulary
Soar: how high and far the ball goes in words and then really revisited those words as you
the air. read, which made them make so much sense. I love
how you had them really VISUALIZE what they were
reading. The instruction was just excellent.
Engageme Yes Strategy instruction. Engaging text. Interesting texts, teacher involvement, strategy
nt Fun topic. instruction, building concepts. So much engagement.
Writing-- N/A N/A N/A
t to direct
and guide
Relevant Yes Teaching them how expert readers You layered this lesson so beautifully! You had so much
student read. going on at the same time. ABK, Connections,
activities Inference, vocabulary!! Excellent.
Evidence Yes Your pre-reading discussion prepared Loved the discussion! There is evidence of student
of Student them for reading the story. Your learning all over your walls, on your boards, in the
Learning evidence was their discussion and halls, and it all you are doing.Thank you!
comments about what was happening
in the story and their predictions.

You seem to have several engagement principles happening no matter when I walk into your room. You truly
understand student engagement and I see you teaching deep concepts in layers all the time. Today was no exception.
You have clear classroom management and clear expectations. You make the stories come alive the way you prepare
students upfront for the book. Then, when you read, you are always pointing out what you had just taught-- which
reinforces the concepts. Your classroom is a safe place for learning. Kids feel free to comment and share their ideas.
You also do a beautiful job of reinforcing and noticing the tiniest behavior that is positive and commenting on that so it
encourages the rest of the class to follow suit. You are always lifting your kids, always pointing out what they are doing
well and how they are acting appropriately or are making good choices. It's empowering to watch you. You have all

Maybe add a 10 second think-pair-share now and then to get others talking. For example, when you ask how they
would feel if. Or what do they think will happen next and why?.... Or why do they think x happened?.....

I appreciate you so much. You are a wonderful, competent, quality teacher and you use Jill's strengths in so many ways
to empower your students. Thank you for all the hard work you put into your teaching. It shows all over your walls, in
the halls, and in your teaching and students' learning. So much learning is evident!

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